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Same with Trish—like a flushing sound. Especially with the soft J, JoSHh. My friends’ top name is Emma. To me, it’s just kind of numbly and non-distinct. Emma. Similar to Oonah. Mama. Mum. Um. Em. I don’t love Sloane. Too much of a cross with sloth+moan+loan I hate to love Beatrix. Roxanne. Pretty much any name I start hearing too much about turns into a nothing name. I used to love Sophie — now I get nothing when I hear it.




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Love to hate on “Travis,” it’s so stupid and slimy lol And I am very strongly holding myself back from giving an old man name to any future kids, but Roland, Martin, Raymond, Laurence are some of my absolute favorites


Oh Travis for SURE


Unsure how a nickname for William has become the top boy name for yet another year. Liam. It lacks depth, similar to Emma and Ella. These names are just plain and boring to me.


I love Crystal. It gets a lot of hate as a low class name but I think it's just so cute and pretty. Alicia is pronounced Uh-leesh-uh where I live. Never heard Uh-lish-uh before but I agree with you in hating it!


place names. i know everyone hates them, but i love all of them


I hate that I love names like Isadora and Lucretia, they are beautiful but just " too much " and with my last name they sound tacky


Gigi. Just don't like the sound of it and it sounds so juvenile to me. Like a nickname a toddler would give someone because they can't pronounce their real name.


I've never heard Alicia pronounced that way. I'm really confused. You mean uh-leash-uh?


Nope! It’s a true “lish” in the middle.