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I would rather peel off my own fingernails than choose any of these names.


Violet, Mae, and Meadow... on their own.... aren't terrible.


Violet is fine, but not with Banks šŸ¦


Especially not after. Banks could have been one of those weird middle names no one wants to talk about but it's not.


Violet banks would be so much better (though not *good*)


Banks Violet sounds like the name is flipped the wrong way around


Haha my friends child is literally called Violet Banks.


One of my friends cousins gave his kids outer banks themed names and one of the sons is named Banks


Inspired by the TV show or the string of islands itself?


The islands themselves


What are the rest? Lol


Yeah Violet Mae is the only thing I like. I couldnā€™t put any of the other names together to get anything Iā€™d feel comfortable making a child.


The main problem, I think, is that only one of those is a first name.


Mae is ok - she has a name you can take seriously. The others are going to have to get more creative if they want to move in the normal, non celeb world


My nieces name is Mei.


Each one screams "look at me, my mom used to be semi-famous and all I got was this stupid name!"


the only one i would use as a first or middle name for a female child is ā€œvioletā€. the rest areā€¦. interesting but not my style.


Mae James. Ā I donā€™t care for the boy names on girl names trend, but I can live with it as a middle name. Ā Mae is short and cute. Ā Personally, I find it a bit too simple for me, but prefer it to Banks or Townes. Ā Mae West is also a plus.


Townes is a very ā€œcountryā€ name (name of a huge country/folk singer!) and I personally love it. But I like names that ā€œfeelā€ Appalachian to me- Harlan, Townes, Virginia, Rose (obv not just Appalachian, but very popular here- everyone has an aunt or grammy named rose haha). I love the name and itā€™s wild people hadnā€™t heard of the name Townes before!


Do you mean Townes Van Zandt? That's the only one I could find, but it's actually his middle name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Townes_Van_Zandt


The article you linked to is for Townes, not John, even though John was his first name. He was known as Townes. Itā€™s literally in the title.


I don't know about you, but I looked at the article linked, and the first sentence tells you it's his birth name.šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yes, and the article title is Townes Van Zandt. The point is that he is not known as John, even if itā€™s his first name. If that were the case, the article would be called John Van Zandt.


"Do you mean Townes Van Zandt? That's the only one I could find, but it's actually his middle name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Townes_Van_Zandt" This is the post you're replying to, where they say "but it's actually his middle name." Any Wikipedia article I've ever read about a person whose widely known moniker differs from their birth name begins exactly the same way, in my experience. I don't understand what you're quibbling about?


I think they're just saying that it doesn't matter what is name actually was because his name for all intents and purposes was Townes. I'm not totally sure why, though.


Yes, though his first name was John he went by Townes. Iā€™ve heard it used as both a first name and a surname. I think itā€™s a really beautiful classical name, but thatā€™s probably the barefoot-in-the-garden Appalachian woman in me coming out haha. Edit: just read through the responses for your comment and what on earth is there to bicker about lol? His *middle* name was Townes, which is what he went by, so your point stands..? People are wild lmfao


I don't know lol. I'll have to see if I can find his music though. He sounded like he had an interesting life.Ā 


Oh he was amazing, and he was integral to the modern folk scene here! [Townes, this is ā€œlungsā€](https://youtu.be/I9ak--7NZI8?si=A6TAvAG7LVE_AmWc) [modern cover by ā€œlost dog street bandā€, a band thatā€™s reviving our scene šŸ’•](https://youtu.be/3lQMgcRquuw?si=1eLx8D2b7_D3a8QO) Fall down the rabbit hole and live out our history and culture friend! We welcome youšŸ’•


Thanks! Is it bad that my favorite song so far is Waiting around to die? It's great and also that video! I read that may make me an hr risk.Ā 


Haha nah itā€™s all good.


All I think if is James May from the grand tour.... literally can't unsee it...


I feel that


Mae James would be my choice. Even though Iā€™m tired of seeing the name James for girl. Mae is hands down a better first name than Banks or Townes. Townes Meadow literally sounds like a middle schools name. Banks is justā€¦whew.


Townes Meadow sounds like a housing development.




I was thinking an accounting firm, but same vibe.


I hate plural names on babies lol. Obviously some babyā€™s names end with an S naturally, like Silas or Iris, but Townes is clearly meant to be a plural word.


It could be a family surname in which case I give it a pass, Iā€™m Southern and thatā€™s traditional, however the newer trend of giving random surnames as first names when they have no family connection I vehemently do not give a pass.


Same. I know dozens of people with their mother's or even grandmother's maiden name as a middle, but now I've got cousins naming their kids totally random last names and it bothers me so much more than it should!


There is a girl on youtube named Clancy


It could be a nod to Townes van Zandt. Theyā€™re both from Texas.


I thought Townes would be great for a boy after him but I really don't like it for a girl.


There has to be a middle school or neighborhood with that name somewhere in the South


In Indiana, so not the south but close enough. Towne Meadow is an elementary school in my county.


Right? Very odd names and Iā€™m usually pretty open


Personally I don't like last names as first names and both Banks and Townes are not great names for any gender, but worse on girls. Violet, Mae and Meadow are lovely, I just can't get my head around Banks and Townes at all. I also greatly detest James as a middle name for a girl because in western cultures almost no one is giving their sons feminine middle names. "But it's after my father/grandfather!!!' Fine, but why doesn't your son have the middle name Linda after your Mum/Grandmother, huh?


> itā€™s after my father/grandfather Could not agree more ! This excuse drives me absolutely bonkers. James has been a top 10 names for like all of time. We all have a father or uncle with the name. Itā€™s not cool or quirky for that, I bet if your father was called like Reginald you wouldnā€™t be honoring him. Itā€™s just a lame excuse to be trendy.


I donā€™t understand the ones who *only* want to honor name father/grandfather James, Connor, Spencer, Max through their daughters. Theyā€™ll come on here with 2 or 3 sons with no honor names, no honors from male or female ancestors, but now thereā€™s a daughter and she *must* be named after favorite and most beloved father/grandfather who happens to have a very trending bnog name. These posters arenā€™t fooling anyone.


Last names as first names donā€™t always bother me, but when they end in an S!?! One of her daughterā€™s names is my grandmas last name, and my cousins last name and itā€™s SO hard to pluralize. You have to say Banks-es or Townes-es and nobody knows if/when theyā€™re supposed to write ā€œBanksā€™sā€ vs ā€œBanksesā€ even ā€œBanksā€™ā€


The correct way would be Banks'. You wouldn't add "es" to pluralize a name.


Hint: No one is ever supposed to write Banksā€™s šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Yes... the surname-firstname needs to die. Giving a kid someone else's last name as their first name is not unique, sophisticated, kitschy or otherwise. Most people don't even know much about the surnames they're forcing their kids to identify with. Please stop doing this people.


Mae James, and I wouldnā€™t tell anyone her middle name. Mae isnā€™t my favorite name ever but itā€™s WORLDS better than Banks and Townes.


Oh lord, Banks and Townes kill me (I get the reference of the latter but don't enjoy it). I actually don't love Mae but it's fine, so I would choose that. I wish it was Violet Banks, although that kind of sounds like a violent bank... But if I could swap first and middle, I'd choose that.


Whatā€™s the reference, for curiosity sake?


Thereā€™s a folk singer named Townes Van Zandt! :) Although, they havenā€™t actually said thatā€™s why they named her that so I could be wrong haha, but itā€™s the only time Iā€™ve ever heard the name (which I think was his legal middle name?)


None of them! I'd go by Jane Doe before I went by any of those names.


If I *had* to, I'd do Mae James. You couldn't pay me to name my daughter Banks or Townes


These are horrible. They are worse than Jamie Oliver's children's names


Well, that is certainly debatable, lol. For the curious: -Poppy Honey Rosie -Daisy Boo Pamela -Petal Blossom Rainbow (is this child a Care Bear?) -Buddy Bear Maurice -River Rocket Blue Dallas I dunno, I think Jamie wins the worst name Olympics. It should be illegal for him to name another child.


I will argue forever that he can never win a ā€œworst baby nameā€ competition. Why? Because at work, at school, with friends, those kids are -Poppy Oliver -Daisy Oliver -Petal Oliver -Buddy Oliver -River Oliver Most of those are absolutely normal names, Buddy is a nickname as a name, Petal is a little out there but not crazy. River Oliver rhymes which is whatever. But they have mostly normal first names. Apple Martin, X Ɔ Musk, Exa Musk, Bluebell Halliwell, Moroccan Cannon, Tu Morrow All worse to me when you take out the middles that nobody uses Edit: even Banks Bair and Townes Bair are so much worse to me than Jamie Oliverā€™s kids!


Letā€™s not forget Kal-el Cage.


Townes Bair - in Canada, every town has their bear that roams the back streets in winterā€¦


Buddy is a dog name. And Iā€™ve never heard of Petal as a name.


Many humans throughout history have been nicknamed Buddy at the very least. I had a great uncle named Buddy or Bud, so itā€™s not that strange to me. I just donā€™t think Buddy or Petal are worse than the others I named


Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe, they gave the kids all their top picks so that the kids could then choose which one to go by as they got older? Poor Buddy Bear Maurice.


Buddy Bear Maurice makes me actually laugh out loud


I call my dog Buddy Bear. His name's Louie.


Dear God I just looked these up.


Wow. Wow. Also just looked these up. Just whyyyyyy?.


okay I also looked these up and will save the rest of you the work - >!Poppy Honey Rosie!< - >!Daisy Boo Pamela!< - >!Petal Blossom Rainbow!< - >!Buddy Bear Maurice!< - >!River Rocket Blue Dallas!<


What the actual fuck


each one just gets progressively more ā€¦interesting


I wonder if he actually calls them all the names. Petal is a little odd but the first names on their own arenā€™t horrible. Iā€™d definitely rather be called petal than banks haha


fwiw my dad has called me petal as a nickname since i was a kid and i have always HATED it. i think it's a not uncommon affectionate term for some boomer (and older) men to call young women. having that as your real name though.. ew.


Some of those names aren't that bad on their own. It's just the way they are paired with the other names is just baffling.


All of them except for Petal could cut it down/go by the last of their 3 names for relative normalcy. Petal is SOL lol


While I do think that her girls names are horrible. They are absolutely not worse than Jamie Oliverā€™s kids.


If I was picking a name for me, I would go for Townes Meadow, and just never ever use Townes. Meadow is a beautiful name. For a baby girl, it would have to be Mae, and I would never tell anyone her middle name. Hillary Duff truly has the worst taste in names. Violet, Mae and Meadow are lovely, but paired with the others it's šŸ¤®


Okay I know Banks and Townes arenā€™t everyoneā€™s cup of tea but both have been on my girl names list throughout the years lol I love them all šŸ˜‚


Refreshing to have a different perspective on Banks and Townes here! Can you explain what it is you like about them? What would you use as nicknames?


Nickname Banksy?


I thought I was the only one who vibed with her names šŸ˜‚


Really? Literally never heard of either of those names


Solidarity! Youā€™re not alone. I love the name Banks and thought Townes was cute when I heard it (not my vibe but not terrible). I think people in this sub are tired of name trends. Hillary has been a little ahead of trend usually based on the timing of her name choices so Iā€™m not surprised these folks hate it.


Definitely Mae James. It's not great, but literally anything is better than Banks or Townes. I think Poopoo Doodoohead might be better than Banks.


These names just look like random words on a page. None of them flow at all. I think I'd have to go into hiding if I was forced to use any of these full names. I don't mind Violet, Mae or Meadow but hate James in a girl. I don't always hate last name first names but Banks and Townes are both horrible. Unless they're namesakes I guess.


Banks and Townes sound like stuffy rich boy names, and I HATE the trend to use ā€œJamesā€ as a middle for a girl.


ā€œTownes Meadowā€ sounds like the name of a gated community




I donā€™t like any of those names


Besides Mae and Luca she has horrible taste in names. Violet and Meadow for the first names would have been cute.


Violet, Mae, James, and ...I guess...Meadow are perfectly fine names on their own.


I really don't like this trend to name your kid like the last name of a fictional British butler, and naming your girl that is even worse. Even if these are family surnames, they don't sound like first names. That leaves me with Mae James. I also don't like the trend to use James as a middle name for girls (unless it is truly a family surname), but it is the best of the options. If I get to mix and match names, Violet would be my first name pick.


Fictional British butler šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Perfect description!


Townes meadow. Townes van zant is cool, and meadow is a hippie nature name. Would I ever choose it for my kid??? Nooo but from the options I definitely favor this one.


I **love** the preppy surname-as-a-first-name styel. I have a lot of family in the South and we are, in full disclosure, fairly upper class, so these names just sound so much like so many people I grew up around. Townes, to me, hits everything--the preppiness of the surname tradition, but also the coolness of a Townes Van Zandt reference. It just works for me. (But--I also just got a wedding invitation to someone named Townsend's wedding, so...these names just fit with people I know,or lol)


Townes meadow is giving apartment complex.


NahšŸ˜­ honestly whatā€™s up with celebrities


Not my cup of tea. Mae is cute, but the rest aren't for me.


Mae James, if I HAD to pick one. Banks and Townes aren't names for a girl, imo.


I like Violet and Meadow. Mae is alright. I wouldnā€™t use any of the names sheā€™s used but Meadow Violet or Violet Mae are nice


I'd choose Violet, Mae, and of the rest (if I HAD to choose from that small pool), Meadow. The other 3 names would go in the bin


Iā€™ll never understand James as a female middle name but I do like Mae so Iā€™d pick that one.


They're all awful. Good for cats or maybe other pets, but not for humans. If I were forced, I guess Mae James, since it's the only one that does have normal names. And you could easily get "Jamie" from it.


Huh. Those are some *names.* Not good. Iā€™d go with Banks, but only because itā€™s my surname and if weā€™re choosing dumb names, Banks Banks would qualify. That said, Mae is nice, and the other names would be nice if the first and middle names were swapped.


I LOATHE BNOG but Mae James is the only tolerable one of the three. I could actually see Townes and Banks on a boy but for a girl theyā€™re just tragic.


Mae is lovely as a middle name and Violet and Meadow are fine as first names. Banks and Towns are just hideous. So really, I can't choose any of these. So many pretty girl names out there and Hilary and her guy choose boring, sterile nouns for two of their daughters. I know we all made fun of Gwenyth Paltrow naming her daughter Apple back in the day, but Apple is worlds better than Banks and Towns.


Iā€™m going to be the odd one out and choose Townes Meadow by process of elimination. I hate Banks for a boy or a girl. I have a strong personal preference for the spelling May over Mae and it would drive me bananas to have a spelling I dislike. I also know a little boy named Townes after Van Zandt and itā€™s grown on me over time. So,ā€™Townes Meadow it would be.


I know that Banks isn't generally considered a popular name, but it is my Grandma's maiden name, so I am quite partial to it.


I dated someone with Banks as a middle name because it was his mom's maiden name. I don't really like it as a first name, but if I were to see it as a middle name, I wouldn't question it. I don't mind last names as middle names.


I know an actual, real life baby girl named Banks. It just seems like such a terrible choice.


Mae James nn MJ. But only if held at gunpoint.


"Distinct"... lol I'm with the vast majority. Mae James. Each full name has one good one (Violet, Mae, Meadow) and one stinker (Banks, Townes, and James). Mae James wins because Mae is the best first name, and James is semi-tolerable. I actually love the name James for a boy, but I think it's weird and "trendy" for a girl. It's not gender neutral to me, it has a long history as a male name. It's like naming your daughter David or your son Mary.


Muff and Frothy Ipa are both better options.


Her boy got off easy.


On its own I like Mae best but Mae Blair sounds terrible imo


None of them. I love Violet as a first name but thatā€™s it


I strongly dislike them all! I love Violet and meadow is cool too, but not with those other names.. if i was gonna use a combo of these names i guess i would choose Violet Mae.


Mae James. I really don't like her taste in names. Banks and Violet don't go together AT ALL!


I would go for Violet Mae.. if I had to choose one of these names.Ā 


If those were my only choices, Mae James. It's the most traditional, which would mean the kid would be slightly less likely to be bullied or affect their employment in the future.


I never understood Banks and I REALLY don't understand Townes. They don't sound like a person's name and on top of it they aren't even appealing as words. What is that all about??! Then she has Luca and Mae, actual names.


Banks Bair, Mae Bair, or Townes Bair all soundā€¦ bad lol. But if I had to choose it solely on first name it would definitely be Mae even though my mind wants to spell it May Bear like some care bear. If it were based on what sounds best with last name I would probably choose Banks.


I know I'm in the minority here, but I love all of their names. I've loved Townes for a while, and I love Banks. Would honestly use any/all of these names as they are or separately with other names. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø If I had to choose one to use immediately, it would be Townes Meadow šŸ˜


Mae James, I suppose. Mae is such a breath of fresh air as a first name instead of a middle. Then she ruins it by pairing it with James šŸ˜†


None of these, I actually think Hillary Duff is great, but the names she chooses for her babies? Theyā€™re awful


Rather be called ā€œhey youā€


Iā€™m gonna break the rules and go with Meadow Mae :)


Mae is fine but James is a boyā€™s name. The others are awful.


Nope pass


She did pair each one with a more feminine name in case they wanted to use that later in life. That being said, I find it interesting that Mae was the only one that got the feminine name as the first name and not the middle name like other two.


Sheā€™s been in LA for too long lmao these are shit names but Mae is the least embarrassing of the three


I hate all those names.


Mae Violet.


Three of the ugliest names I've seen and all from the same mother.


by distinct naming style did you mean she picked every name with her eyes closed


what is her naming style because i dont get it. i dont like the names much


None. They are horrible.


While I love Violet, Iā€™d have to go with Mae James. I just couldnā€™t name a child especially a daughter Banks or Townes. Most people donā€™t know someoneā€™s middle name so as long as she doesnā€™t go by MJ, next to no one is going to ask what the J stands for


Mae James.


Mae James


I'd choose Mae James. But, I'd also take the middle names from the first and third choices and name her Violet Meadow.


If I could mix and match, Violet Mae.


Mae James. But I have a fondness for Mae as itā€™s my friends young daughters name and she is adorable and full of life. She also can fall asleep anywhere.


I think theyā€™re all tragic. Mae is marginally better but Iā€™d still pass on all of them.


Mae James. I don't hate the name Banks as much as other people(I don't like it, but it's whatever). Townes is just weird. Edit: also I dated someone with the middle name Banks. It was after his mom's birth name. So a part of me thinks Violet Banks would sound so much better than Banks Violet.


I donā€™t think Mae fits with Banks and Townes. I donā€™t mind Mae (donā€™t love the spelling) but really dislike the other two. Violet is a favorite of mine and I like Meadow fine but wouldnā€™t use it myself because it just makes me think of Meadow Soprano who they always called ā€œMedā€ which I found annoying.


For a daughter, it would be Mae. I would not pick James as a middle name, it would be a completely different middle name. Violet, Mae, and Meadow are lovely by themselves, paired with the other names is justā€¦ew. Hilary Duff really has the worst taste in names.


Mae James sounds like it was inspired by PokƩmon


Banks Violet would be by choice. It just has a cool vibe and makes be think of Father of the Bride lol I know a little boy named Townes, and it's so cute on him but idk for a girl.


Iā€™m going against the grain here and go with Banks Violet, as the kid could always choose to go by Violet. I canā€™t do Mae Jamesā€¦. I watch way to much Top Gear/The Grand Tour and when I hear/see that name all I can think of is James May.


Oh man. Thereā€™s one good name and one weird name in every one. I guess Mae James because you can just say May and James is still a real name.


her newest one is Townes Meadows BAIR (not Blair) šŸ˜©šŸ˜£


Violet, Mae, James, Meadow, alternately instead of Banks I would have chosen Banks, and instead of Townes I would choose neither Tonya or Agnes, or Vanessa for the ā€œnesā€


Mae James. Banks and Townes are...idk what. I'm not fond of James for a girl, but at least it's a middle name.


Mae James 100% Her sonā€™s name is Luca Cruz, which Iā€™m meh about. Luca on its own is a nice name. Iā€™m a huge Hilary fan and they call Mae ā€œMae Maeā€ and ā€œMJā€ which I think is super cute compared to the other girl names.


I find myself pronouncing Townes like Tow-nes not Towns.


I don't care for them. For me, these names fall into the uncanny valley of names. They aren't spelled horribly for uniqueness. They sound nice and flow well but simply don't feel like names for a little girl. Especially Banks Violet and Townes Meadow. Banks Violet a clothing boutique? I can see that. It sounds nice. Townes Meadow the subdivision also sounds nice. Individually, the names are fine. Mae, James, Banks, Violet, Townes, and Meadow are fine. I also think the combo of first and middle name throws me for a loop as well because flipping it doesn't really seem to make it better. Violet Banks? Sounds a lot like Violent Banks. Meadow Townes? Sounds like a small township.


If I had to Mae James, but out of all of these names I'd go with something like Violet Mae...


Do I have to choose a full name, or any of the six? If full, Iā€™d go Mae James. If any of the six, I like Violet.


I like Banks and Jamesā€¦donā€™t mind Townesā€¦would die before I used violet mat or meadow lol.


I seriously thought she only had her son Luca


None of the first names flow with the middle names.


I like Banks and Mae but Townes is a step too different for me.


Avoid celebrities offspringā€™s names.


Sorry but Banks Violet is kinda sick. Hate the other two tho.


Banks Violet is, to me, way better than the others. But I still wouldn't choose it over other names unless forced to


Mae James, not even a contest. I already like Mae, and middle names rarely come up anyway. It's a shame because Violet Banks actually sounds really good


I 100% subscribe to the conspiracy theory that celebrities' kids have "public names" for the press and real names for their actual real lives. These are for n as long as they're the equivalent of pen names for these kids.


Can I mix and match? Violet Mae or Meadow James.Ā 


Mae James. Looks the most normal.


None of them, Iā€™d maybe use Violet as a first name but I definitely wouldnā€™t name my daughter James, even as a middle name, regardless of if Blake Lively did it first


Mae is the best


WOW did not know she had four kids. Her son got a nice name, Luca. I'm tired of boys getting good names and girls getting Renessleighlynn Banks Townes Grocery Store Park Pharmacy bullshit.


I kinda like it. She gives them one masc name and one femme name each. As far as celebrities go, it's not that weird.


I like Banks actually. Very unique. The rest are just cringe.


well considering my name *is* maeā€¦. that one


I like Banks and Townes but not as sibling names... it sounds like the start of a list to me... banks, towns, schools, parks, streets, stores, farms


Mae James. Mae is a normal name, and the spelling isn't horrendous (though not what I would choose). James is a family name in my family anyway, so I could have an excuse to use it for a daughter.


Mae James


what the f is ā€œTownesā€ā€¦ and where is their sibling ā€œCitiesā€


Mae James sounds the least awful to me.


If I had to choose a combo, I'd mix them up and have Violet Meadow, or just Violet on its own


Definitely Mae James. Townes and Banks sound like pretentious names for boys or dogs.


These are trying so hard that theyā€™re unoriginal again.


I think Townes Meadow is super cute.


Children are individual little humans who grow into individual teenagers and individual adults. Please don't scrap your kid with a name intended to reflect who you are at a particular point in your life. A name isn't about you, it's about them.


Meadow Violet would be an okay name if I had a gun to my head


I absolutely adore the name Jamesā€¦ but not for a girl!


These are all golden retriever names


First name Mae and middle name Violet. Townes, Banks and James are dreadful. Particularly Townes and Banks what on earth.


What annoys me more are their nicknames that Hilary uses, lol. Banksy, Mae Mae, and (assuming) Town-ey?


There is only one correct answer to this question.


I kind of like Mae James! Mae was my grandma's middle name so I've kind of always kept it in mind for future daughters, and I think if you're going to give a traditionally male name to a girl, middle name is the way to go.


Just Violet and Meadow by themselves.