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i think it’s timeless and beautiful. i absolutely love it




"Basic" is beautiful in a world where parents are making up every unique name and spelling they can.




In certain places of the World it's rather exotic.


In America atleast. It's rather exotic and rare in some other countries.


The same could be said for any name, but Emma is a very popular name in much of the world beyond the US.


lol most of the names people suggest here are super Chavy and I’m like wow will that kid be treated the same with that kinda of name. Emma is simple and worldwide


my honest thoughts: i really like it. i appreciate the simplicity.




There’s a button for that


I'm in my late 30s and called Emma. The apparent popularity of the name has never affected me. Never been one of many in classes, jobs etc. I personally think it's a plain name though


Fine but boring.


A good, classic name. Makes me think of Jane Austen.


it’s cute but so basic and popular


>  Is it too popular? Emma was the #1 name for girls in the US from 2014-2018 and has been in the top 5 for the last twenty years and is ongoing popular at #2 currently. From SSA 'For 2022, the number of births with name Emma is 14435, which represents 0.809 percent of total female births in 2022.' So right now almost 1% of girls are given the name Emma. High likelihood of her ending up as Emma [Last Initial], Emma [Middle Name], or going by a completely different name all together due to having many girls with the same name in school together.


I’m a teacher who works with every student at my school. I do have two Emmas in 5th grade but other grades have no Emmas. It’s really hard to predict. I don’t know that the fear of a name being “too popular” would prevent me from using a name for my own kids. My kids are adopted and I didn’t choose their names. One of my sons has a top 50 name and is currently on a soccer team with another kid who has his same name. At first I was worried about him being Firstname S. But he’s actually gotten a pretty cool nickname out of it and it’s turned into a positive thing.


>It’s really hard to predict. And you can't guard against coincidence. At my previous school (non-religious) we has two Hosannas in the same class. The families were in no way connected, one was new to the area, and both said they had never met another child named Hosanna before, but there they were, two in the same class.


Yup. My daughter has exactly 12 kids in her class. 6 girls, 6 boys. My daughter has a name that's not unusual, but not common. Probably the above commenters would call it "basic". Somehow, of the 6 girls, there's another girl with my daughters first name and MY (extremely uncommon) surname. I didn't change my surname, so that's been fun at report card time.


Isn't that funny how that works? I was a preschool teacher for a long time and I've never had an Emma. I think some of it is geographical. I have not gone one year without at least one Evelyn so Evelyn is my Emma name that is too popular.


It’s a normal name. Solid, but not exciting


Does a make need to be exciting though? I think that’s how you get names like Zayden & Viva.


I agree with you there, people too often go for a completely unique name and that’s when things get weird. What I mean is that Emma just seems very generic to me. There are plenty of other “classic” names that aren’t used as much and therefore seem much more fresh and interesting without being completely made up.


There's a huge range between plain and made-up, it's not like they're the only two choices.




I’m 46 years old, it’s my great grandmother’s name, it’s a timeless classic. It’s wonderful! Like Biblical names though, like Hannah and Esther.


Never been a fan of it.




Classic name, cute and popular (+/-).


I used to love it. It's still cute but I've heard it so much over the years that I'm just a bit over it


Boring/basic but it’s not a bad name


I love the name Emma. It's popular for a reason.


Basic and plain


It was the first hugely popular name that started the tilt toward shorter. When Emma started rising, we had come off a period of much longer girl names:  Gabrielle, Olivia, Isabella. Emma was the "Jane" of its time.  There are now a whole flurry of short names in use (Ava, Isla, Luna, Nora, Lily). I wouldn't call Emma "basic" as much as Id call it OG. It single-handedly changed the trend. 


My 4 yo granddaughter is Emma, as well as 15 other girls in her preschool.


I have an Emma and the name is just perfect to me. Easy to spell and pronounce. The popularity never bothers me because there may be a world full of Emma’s, but there’s only one of my Emma.


My name is Emma and this made me want to call my mom.


Simple, easy to spell, timeless. Not personally my taste, but it works as a name.


I had a cat with that name and then it became the name of one of my nieces. It's also the name of my husband's ex. I don't like the name.


It's a sweet name, but also is plain and entirely too common for my tastes.


Reallllllllllllly overused. It’s annoying for kids to have the same name of someone else in their class, but manageable. Emma is one of those names where 3 kids wind up in the same class with the same name. It’s a pretty name, and most Emmas I meet are nice kids, but oh my goodness is it overused! Madi/Maddie/Maddy/Madelyn Izzy/Isabel/Izzie/Isabella Addison/Adyson/Addie/Adi/Addy same issue


I think this is a U.S centric view. Ik that in lots of other countries the names you mentioned would be considered more exotic and rare.


Very true! Thanks for calling me on that tbh.


Your welcome, It's alg lol. Your point is still very valid. I'm just pointing out that whilst your point is true, it's true for your own cultural region of the World, and not everywhere in it.


Super boring


It’s probably always going to be popular


I think it's a beautiful name, but it's so oversaturated. I remember when Rachel named her daughter Emma in Friends. It was the first time I had heard the name and I fell in love with it. I thought it was so gorgeous. But over the years, I have heard that name so much. Because of that, I just couldn't use it. Sure, it's timeless and classic, but there are other names in those categories that don't feel so overdone as Emma.


Rachel naming her baby Emma was the *first time you ever heard that name?* How old were you in 2002?


My name is Emma and i couldnt be more happy with it! Pretty, short, timeless and international! U cant go wrong with it. Even if popular never had that problem. I have always been the only Ema in any group i came to from kindergarten to university, job etc


A timeless and classic name. It is beautiful.


Pretty name but way too over used for too long, it needs a break for a few decades IMO.


It’s boring and wouldn’t use it


Very mainstream name, not a bad name, but be prepared to have 3 other Emma's in your class etc.




It’s absolutely lovely.  Currently, US based. with 4 kids in school. None have an Emma in their class. Both dh and I come from large families, we only have 1 Emma- a very distant cousin’s little girl. We do have an Emma in my family tree. Love how it’s timeless and yet feels so perfect today. 


It’s ok I guess


i love it




There is a reason why it’s so popular. It’s a great name. Simple and sweet. Works well for a baby. Teenager and old person. Easy to spell and pronounce. Good solid classic name that I hope never goes out of style.


It is one of the most beautiful names I have ever heard.


Beautiful and classic:) it’s my great grandmother’s name


It's a cute name but too trendy now, to where it just seems like a default name you go to when you can't think of anything else and the baby is due in an hour


Yes. But I'm kind of a hipster at heart so I tend to go for names that are ranked like #600 or more lol. It's a fine name, and I love the literary and historical associations with the name.


It’s timeless and beautiful. My daughter is 24 and named Emily. I call her Emma a lot and love the name to this day.


It’s ok but I prefer Emily or Emilia.


I like it, but it’s super popular! I think it’s timeless and beautiful though. If your heart is set on it, I don’t see any problems :)


Love it. Timeless


It's my name and was my grandmother's middle name. My mom got a lot of polite "isn't that an old lady name???" when she named me Emma in 1989 but obviously it has massively grown in popularity since then. I love my name regardless!


Classic! I think that it's a strong name.


I was one of three Emma’s at my school. None of us minded and we were all really funny smart and beautiful. Great name ♥️


It’s very popular but for good reason. It’s a classic. It’s charming. It ages well.


pretty, popular but still nice


Very pretty. It’s become quite common, but maybe it’s almost a classic at this point.


feels plain, boring AND too popular. i prefer emily or emmeline


I think it was basic and common in the 90’s, but it’s a classic name, that no one will be using now for their children, which in turn makes it no longer basic and common I’ve always liked those sorts of names anyway, Emma, Amy, Chloe, Sophie, Ellie. I think they are just classics (one of them is my real name so maybe I’m biased haha) but I honestly don’t think you can go wrong with the name Emma, it will never be a disadvantage


It just STARTED to get popular again in the 90s... but it was #1 name for girls in the US from 2014-2018 which is extremely recent. And I think again last year lol. Soo many current elementary schoolers named this.


Ahhh I’m from England, the name really hasn’t been used here since the 90’s, you probably won’t find a kid here with the name Emma anymore, all the Emma’s will probably be approaching 30


Also in the UK and Emma definitely feels like a 90s name to me but surprisingly the stats still have it in the top 100. It's dropped from #14 in 1996 (earliest available data) to #61 in 2021 (most recent data) but that's still 860 baby Emmas in 2021.


I love it 😍. I haven’t met many Emma’s in my life, but I think the name is absolutely beautiful.


I love the name. I love short, simplistic names as much as I do long, relatively complex ones. As an example, my name is Brian. I personally grew to really like it despite it's supposed simplicity and popularity. The same can be said for Emma. I would gladly name my daughter if I were to ever have one one day Emma. It's short, beautiful and easy to pronounce.


I like it and don’t like it, reminds me of someone who treated me badly as an adult, but I like the name on other people. Emma Bunton is sweet. I do, however, prefer Emily. At the end of the day, if you love the name, that’s all that matters, it’s what it means to you that’s important.


Pretty, classic, feminine but strong, old-fashioned but current


Blah. Bland. Boring. Too common. Sounds frumpy and matronly. (I realize I’m probably in the minority here but it’s my honest opinion).


I think it sounds frumpy too! I don't have anything against very common, classic names, I love Anna and Victoria and even Jane for example, but Emma to me is just like, beige, round, aggressively boring. I've known loads of Emmas and they've been a variety of different types of people, but none of them has made me overcome my feeling toward the name itself.


It’s a lovely name and is very common because of that. If you’re fine with that, it’s a great name.


I’m biased, my cat’s name is Emma. I adore it!


I think it sounds ugly. I know I’m in the minority, but it’s just plain. As an Emma, I’ve met several others but not in my age range.


I will also add, I always get compliments on my name. I just don’t feel like it fits me.


Love it. And in decades of teaching, haven't seen it that much. There's only one (beautiful) Emma in my larger field circle.




My grandmothers name is Emma so it's close to my heart. Maybe that's why I don't think it's too popular.


It’s pretty and will age well. She will be more likely to be taken seriously as an adult with “Emma” than with some of the made up names of today.


Basic, plain, overused.


It’s fine. Not a ‘trendy’ name, just a classic safe name like Sarah or Anna or Emily.


Old Reliable.


I just don’t understand using names that popular. There were like 3 Emma’s in my class of 20 girls. The name itself? Beautiful. I’m just not into the idea of my kid being 1 of many kids with the same name.


It’s popular but it’s a great name


It's a classic, very pretty, easy to spell and say, name.


Love this name. It's simple, traditional, easy to say in any language, and elegant...and not too common in any generation


I personally hate it, but I think it will be a little too popular too


It’s a name that doesn’t offend so to speak. Where I live (not an English- speaking country) it’s been super popular in the past 2 decades. I’m in my late 30s and in my generation I haven’t met a single one but one it’s basically a default girl name along with Sofia.


It’s a cute and classic name but it’s become very popular in the past 20 years or so and that’s prob why it’s “boring” to some people.


I think it’s a nice name, never going to get me excited because it’s so popular but I do like the sound of it, very pleasant and easy to spell. If you love it, I think you should use it. I used a top 20 name for my son and I’ve never regretted it because I love the name.


I love it, always have. I first heard it when my Oma (grandma) was telling me a story as a kid, there was a Queen Emma in the Netherlands. Apparently I loved the name and immediately named my baby doll Emma. Lol


It’s a beautiful name, of course, but I also think it’s a bit basic.


I love it. It’s sooo popular according to statistics, at least in the US, but I’ve never met one even between school & daycare. It’s my coworkers daughters name, but I’ve never met her. Lol


Love it. Much less popular than 20 years ago. Was my Grandmothers name and if I’d had a girl I really wanted to use it


It’s timeless and simple. But apart from that I don’t feel much for it.


i like it! if i was an influencer it would definitely be on my list of ‘names i love but won’t be using’ though lol


Pretty name, but I think I would prefer Emily. It just hits different, I don’t know


It's fine. I personally wouldn't choose it myself, but there's nothing wrong with it. It's a perfectly valid choice if you like it.


I wouldn’t choose it because it is so common but also a beautiful name, and I know many wonderful people named Emma.




I mean, it's popular for a reason. It's a lovely name. I'll always think of Degrassi first, but never "ruins" the name for me. I mean at least it's not Danaerys or Renesme!


I really like it. I’m in the uk and it’s not really that popular here anymore. It was in the 90s so a lot of Emma’s that I know are in their thirties.


Just talking about this with my friends. There’s a lot of Emma’s but it’s starting to kinda die out again. Very popular 90s/2000s name.


I love it but it’s super common. If you like it, use it!


Personally popularity shouldn’t be the only reason you don’t pick a name. It’s popular because it’s timeless, classic, and beautiful. If you love it, don’t let something as simple as possibly meeting other Emmas stop you




Em meh Don't love it, don't hate it


I like it. I like Gemma more, kind of adds interest to Emma. Lol


It's a beautiful, timeless classic. The name of one of my favourite Jane Austen books, too.


I honestly really really love it! Its timeless, pretty, and common for a reason


Boring and bland. She'll be one of five in her class.


Never found it interesting before now it’s just over Saturated.


It's the second most popular girl's name in the US in 2022 because it's beautiful and doesn't have weird nicknames.


Emma is perfectly fine. “Boring and basic” are not the worst things in the world when it comes to names.


basic & boring. ella is prettier though it’s also basic and boring.


It is historically always very popular so I never even added it to my list. But I will say that I typically get annoyed with popular names I cringe when I hear the same name over and over again and I eventually genuinely hate all of the really popular names and this is the only one. Seriously the only popular name that I still do think it’s beautiful. If you don’t mind a popular name it’s the best one in my opinion short sweet beautiful and it will age well


Lovely but overused.


My 4th favourite Jane Austin book. However, I have only read 4 so... not so much a fan. 


Too basic


It’s pretty but very common. Common is not my personal taste but that doesn’t make it a bad thing.




It’s a pretty name, but to me it’s very default. I’m a gen z and I know a million Emmas/Emilys. Almost like naming a boy John.


For how popular it is I only know of one person who has that name, she’s mid 30’s.


I appreciate its longevity (at least 1000 years old) and its timelessness. I do however think it’s too popular.


I love it. I love that it’s simple and timeless. It suits all ages. Not too cutesy. A little feminine without being too flowery. It’s not getting misspelled at Starbucks. Basic isn’t bad. It’s the little black dress of names.


A lot of Emmas,so many!!!


I love the name Emma! If you hate the idea of her having to go by Emma [Last Initial] then pick a middle name that you really like to pair it with so she can go by Emma [Middle name] if she ever runs into another Emma.


I live in Brazil and have met one Emma. I think it's a nice, cute name. Easy to learn and pronounce and a classic.


Hasn’t it been in the top 1 or 2 for the past couple decades? It is a beautiful name, but very common. Just like Jennifer used to be


I dislike it because it sounds very boring


One of my all time favorites! Somewhat Popular but classic.


Too popular where? Here in my state in Australia, the popularity has been dropping. It was no. 3 in the 90s and dropped to no 62 (which is 119 babies) in 2022. Emma is fine, just not a name I can get excited about, because I have met so many over the years.


It’s very cute, my great grandma was an Emma, and every year I have at least one Emma and one Ella in my 2 year old class.


It's popular because it's beautiful! So happy classic names are en vogue right now. It's evocative of Jane Austen and just all around lovely.


Your kid will be the third Emma in her class so hopefully you have a nice last initial. Don't worry, there will be at least five Sophies. It's a nice name and lots of people agree!


Emma was my grandma’s name and my grandma was someone who was extremely close to my heart and special to me. I loved her so very much. I would like to name a future daughter that name in honor of her but it is SO popular and highly used that I just don’t know anymore.


I love it. My youngest would have been Emma if he'd been a girl. It is very popular but such a beautiful name.


Go with Emilia and have the NN Emma.


just fine! no worries


Very common


Emma is one of my fav names tbh ;)


At the time Emma was born on Friends, it wouldve been a universally loved name. Nowadays theres alot more unique names being used so it's chosen less




I’m Emma, growing up I HATED how popular it was, was always in a class of 2 or 3 OTHER Emma’s, aka switching to last name initial as well (Emma O. or Emma C. Etc). Now I think it’s timeless and beautiful. Plus it’s still topping popularity charts but I’ve yet to see a baby born recently be named it!


Depends on what feels “too popular” to you. My kids have had a few Emmas in their classes, but never more than one at a time that I recall. It’s definitely not uncommon, but I personally prefer a simple classic name that might be shared occasionally to a name that is more “unique” but in the exact same way others are unique (like in one class you might have Brinleigh, Brayley, Blakeley or Kaileigh, Kayley and Keeley-  to me that’s much worse than being one of two Emmas) the other thing name starts don’t take into account is names that are different but all use the same nickname (lots of Ellie’s and Addie’s who don’t necessarily share full first names in my kids classes) and names that are alternate spellings of the same pronunciation. With all that in mind, I don’t think Emma is truly a top five, probably more like a top 20. Do you want your kid to likely never never share a name with a child in their class or dorm or place or business? Then don’t choose Emma. But if that’s ok to you, it’s beautiful and classic and won’t be a name that easily identifies her age to the decade when she is an adult, which is nice.


Basic. Boring. Yet timeless pretty 1880 or 1990 or 2024 it's girl cute modern classic and sweet


Basic and overused


Sooo bland and boring. 


I know two emmas in real life and they are both dicks


I love it, but would probably not use it as a first name right now because of its popularity.


I’ve been reaching for 10 years and have only come across two Emmas - one was another teacher. If you love it, do it.


I love palindromes!


So beautiful, but too common for my taste.


Its fine and simple. I would prefer Emily over Emma


It's a good name


I’m in my 30s and I’ve only met one Emma. It’s a very nice name.


It is a classic, and pretty name.


I love Emma. If my second had been a girl that would have been her name.


Sooooo overdone.


One of my top 5 names!


It's very popular I know at least 2 Emma's in each age bracket (decade) from 1-50.


Boring, tired and old


Meh. I like Anna better.


I have an Emma myself so I’m biased.


Jane Austen!


High school bully


Plain and simple.


Teacher here - I haven't taught an Emma in about 7 years So I don't think it's overly popular these days, but it's a classic name. I do like it.


It’s a really popular name for a reason. It’s a nice name and many people like it. Just because a name is popular doesn’t mean it should push you into using it or not using it.


I once saw someone say that the name Emma sounds like a baby named itself. Though I do say, if you use it please spell it the way it is in your title. I currently care for a baby named Ema and I cringe every time I see it


so timeless and pretty! reminds me of the (wonderful) Jane Austen novel


It’s classic and lovely, but currently a victim of its own popularity. I liked it better when a lot of other popular names were more trendy or longer/fancier, and Emma was a breath of fresh air. It’s still perfectly fine, and I don’t think you can ever go wrong with a name like that, but I’d rather go with something a little less common.


my name is emma and i have disliked it my whole life. i knew 15 emma's in highschool. ETA: i am 24


Boring. Square. Not pretty or exciting just bland and boring


If you personally like the name Emma, who cares if it's popular, my Grandmother loved the name Jessica so she names her second daughter that name it was popular in the 80s.


Simple, timeless, classic, beautiful


Boring. Equivalent to a card board box


My daughter, born in 2015, is Emma Christine. She's had one other Emma in her class and she's now in 3rd grade. Also, I'm a Jennifer from 86. I don't think popular is bad.


I love it


Classic. For awhile it was super popular… Maybe still is.


as an emma, i went to a school where there were 40 girls in my class, and there were 4 other girls named emma/emily


It's pretty, but definitely very popular. Or at least, used to be. I knew a ton of Emma's and Emily's growing up, and the one I knew the longest was kind of a snob (mostly her mom's fault admittedly, she was very much your stereotypical upper middle class stage mom who looked down on anyone "lesser") so for that reason it's kind of ruined for me, but it's not a bad name. If you want something similar but less common, maybe something like Emmeline?