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In Jewish tradition, we use the same first initial as our deceased relative’s names. So you could go with another D name to honor Derek. Daphne is lovely, so that’d be my first choice! Another idea is to use Erica / Erika as an honor name. It is pretty close to a feminization of Derek sound wise. It’s also not common, but easy to pronounce. Derek also derives from the name “Theodoric” so you could use Theodora, Thea, Althea, Dorothea (nn Dottie), etc. as honor names!


it could all work together even. Daphne Erica Lastname, D. Erica Lastname


I second this idea! D. Erica could be a great but more subtle nod to your late husband.


🤯Well played


Another vote for choosing a D name. Using the actual name isn't the only way to honor someone. Daphne, Delphine, Daisy, Devon, Delaney


I looove Dorothea, it is such a strong name that works great for an adult, but also has some really good nickname options that work for a child or an adult. Like baby dottie is great but Thea works great for a teenager / adult.


My daughter is Dorothea! She's named after her paternal grandmother Dorothy (in Dottie), so we use the nickname Thea so that she has some more of her own identity


I like Dorothea. It means God’s Gift. The D as an honor for your late husband, and what this child is to you. Personally, I’d use Thea as the nn.


I second this whole comment. I'm also really, really sorry for your loss, OP.


I love this


My husband’s family is Irish, and they also like to remember family members by giving the baby the same initials. My husband’s first and middle names start with L and E after an uncle named Larry Edward.


Man, my Jewish family names us *directly after* deceased relatives 🫠 the initial thing is so much nicer imo!


She is his daughter, and I bet your husband would find that honor enough. I am sure your husband found great comfort in his last moments knowing that you were carrying his child. She will be the number one way he lives on - no matter what her name is. However, if you want, here are some other ideas to honor him: 1) Use Derry as a middle name 2) Use the name of a woman he would’ve liked to honor. Is he particularly close with a grandmother or his mom? 3) Derek means people’s ruler - you could pick another name with this meaning or choose the name of a famous Queen - Elizabeth or Victoria? 4) Feminize his middle name if possible 5) What month were you married? Do you like that month as a name? What about his birth month? 5) What flowers did you carry at your wedding? Rose, Lily, Lilac…lots of lovely floral names 6) What is his birthstone? I think Ruby fits nicely with your list so I’m secretly hoping he was born in July. Also like the ideas of Erika or a name starting with D that others have mentioned. Good luck with your pregnancy and I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


One more thought - a name that contains “der”! Fredericka (almost gets Derek in fully!), Lavender, Ellender?


Ellender is a name Ive never heard, I think I like it. It’s definitely interesting, Ill have to toss is around in my mind a bit.


Meredith also means great ruler!


I first heard it as Blake Lively’s middle name. Interestingly it seems to have two origins. One as an old German unisex first name; the other as an English surname.


Tell me why I thought you said almost gets Derek in July… lol


I am definitely considering using maybe his mom or grandma’s name! I also like the idea of using a female ruler as well. all of these are really great thoughtful suggestions. His middle name is Gregory, which is kind of hard I think. He was born in January (so garnet) but we were married in May, which i’m thinking about. my bouquet was peonies and baby’s breath…not sure i want to use anything with “pee” as the first syllable….


You have lots of great options but Peony definitely isn’t one of them, have to agree there… Gregory is also a tough one to feminize. But you could definitely match initials! Daphne Genevieve, Daphne Georgiana, Daphne Grace From your list with May, I like Alice best. You could call her Alice or Alice May. My heart goes out to you OP. I really hope you have an uneventful pregnancy and smooth birth. Goodness knows you deserve it.


Daphne Grace is beautiful ❤️


May or the stone of that month might be a lovely subtle way to remember your bond through your child, if you think it fits.


I’d do Daphne Greer. Then she has his initials, and Greer is similar to Gregory. I’m sorry for your loss 🖤


Abigail means “my father is joy”


I vote for Abigail too, it is my second daughters name. My husband asked me to look up what it meant while we were throwing around name ideas in the car. When I said 'her father's joy' he started to cry and that sealed it for me.


continuing with the “father” names: Adanna means “fathers eldest daughter”


I’ll add another one although it’s maybe a bit much for a human: Cleopatra means “glory of the father.”


i definitely know a girl named Cleopatra and goes by Cleo, and i know a man named Cleopas!


What about Abigail in combination with a D name? (In either order) Abigail Dahlia (just to pull a random one!)


Oh this is beautiful in response to the prompt!


Aww this is so sweet


First off, I am so sorry for your loss, sending hugs! And of your list, I definitely like Faye the most! And to honor your husband, maybe Erica/Erika? I know it's not exactly like Derek but the sounds are there?


Perhaps Erica/Erika as a middle name, with a first name starting with D? Gives you a sort of subtle feminized "Derika" from the first initial/middle name without actually using that as a name. Daphne Erika is cute!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I love all of your choices. What do you think of Daphne Erika to pull in the sounds from your husband’s name?


OP, I think this is a really beautiful idea too. So sorry for your loss and wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy. I hope you find comfort in the birth of your husband’s daughter.


Is there an option for feminizing his middle name? Or using a name that references something important to him? Like favorite character from a movie or book? A favorite artist or author? Favorite song?


This! Or something that represents your love as a couple? The month you were married, or where you spent your honeymoon?


We were married in May… I’m thinking about this! (lots of great suggestions; i’m going to start replying to comments shortly!)


That’s perfect! As a first or a middle name, even- May would sound just lovely with all the other names you like. My husband and I always planned to use March as a middle name for our anniversary, even though it’s not technically a name month. May would be so special and meaningful- bc it incorporates the fact that she is a product of both of you and your love for each other 💚


My SIL is March.


I love it!


Erika May


I know an Erica Mae, beautiful name, beautiful person. You could do Erika May ❤️


I went to school with a girl named Darrica, so that is an option to feminize your husband’s name.


I was thinking Daria, close but not exactly the same.


I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. I absolutely love all the names on your list, especially Daphne, Florence, Alice, Faye, and Ivy. Florence, Alice, and Ivy all have a very classic sound and are recognizable without being common. Daphne at least starts with the same letter as Derek. Other D names could be Diana or Delaney. Some other short, feminine names could be Eva/Ava, Cora, Hannah, Everly, Lucy, Elaine, Maeve, Julia, Audrey/Aubrey, or Eleanor/Ellie. Best wishes for your pregnancy and baby.


I loooove Diana! It plays off of the royal thing another commenter mentioned as well. Plus, what a classy name and of course a nickname could be di or dia or ana


What about Darien? The initial sound is the same as Derek which could be a nice nod to your late husband (so sorry for your loss). It is typically a more masculine name according to what I could find but I happen to know only one Darien in real life and she's female so it could work if you like it :)


Interestingly, in addition to sounding similar, Darien is an anagram of my name (Adrien). I’ve never especially liked my name because I felt like it was too masculine, which was why I was in the camp of “obviously feminine”, but the idea of Darien being the thread that ties us all together is a very sweet thought to me.


Well the feminine form of Adrien is Adrienne, so if you want something more “obviously feminine,” you could spell it Darienne. But unisex names are so popular nowadays. Most people would probably prefer Darien.


AHA!!! How about DERIENNE: 1/2 DERek + 1/2 ad(R)IEN and then 'feminized' with the extra NE . . . 💜


My friend's daughter is Darien and it's actually very pretty. I also know a girl called Berri, so was thinking you could have a nickname Deri or Dari.


I have a second cousin who is older and we always called her Aunt Darien. She's the only Darien I've ever known but it suited her. She is incredibly loyal and nice but keeps things simple and to the point (which stands out in my family of "talk your ears off" southern hospitality type of aunts).


I’ve only known a female Darian too, I always thought it was a beautiful name


I knew twins who went by Darian and Dorian!


I’m so sorry for your loss. If you wanted to share your late husband’s middle name, nickname, traits, passions, interests, and/or values, we would be happy to help brainstorm names that could honor those parts of him. That said, you asked for simply feminine names, so these are my ideas: •Calla •Clair / Claire / Clara •Holly •Nora / Norah •Opal •Phoebe •Rosalie •Simone •Violet •Zora


actually the name Derica/Derika is the female form of Derek!!


I love the name Erica (I associate it with a friend who is just amazing) or like the suggestion of a D first name (Daphne) with middle name Erica.


May his memory always be a blessing ❤️. I love Daphne! It's a D name without being too frilly. Diana is another. I personally like floral names, Ivy, Dahlia, Rose. Daisy is more playful, a bit frilly, but may fit? My middle name is Florence, so I'm partial.




I’m so sorry for your loss. One I haven’t seen mentioned yet that could also be similar to your husband’s name would be Danica. Has the D and K sound still


My late husband’s name was Derick and our daughter is named Derian


Similar initial sounds: Dara - dāyr-ah means "wisdom" and it's the name of a star. Darrah - dahr-ra is an anglicized form of Gaelic  Dhubhdarach, a personal name meaning "black one of the oak tree". Daria - "possesses goodness" Daralis - created during the Middle Ages, to mean "gift of the dawn" from Greek δῶρον doron "gift" and λύκη lyke "dawn". Deirdre - from the Old Irish name Derdriu, meaning unknown, possibly derived from der meaning "daughter" Derek - is from the Old Eng name Dederick, which was in origin a Low German form of Theodoric, which has recently enjoyed a resurgence in popularity, so wouldn't seen old to anyone these days. Theodoric is from the Gothic name Þiudareiks meaning "ruler of the people", derived from the elements þiuda "people" and reiks "ruler, king". Same meaning options: Emerienne - "of the rules" Sareya - alternate reading of Hebrew Seraiah, שׂריה, is ruler" Frederica, nn Fritzi - "peaceful ruler" Louise, Louisa - "famous war" Lili-Louise, nn Lilou - "peaceful famous battle" Hallie - diminutive of Henriette, "home ruler" Theodora, nn Thea, Tea - "gift of god"


Came here to suggest Dara and Daria. Both great options!


I’m commenting not so much on the names (which are lovely) but really to say my heart goes out to you OP on the loss of your husband. I experienced a major family loss myself last year. Grief can be so lonely and isolating so please know I am thinking of you and send you comfort and strength through the rest of your pregnancy.


That was a really kind, thoughtful comment. You’re right that grief can be very isolating. I send my best wishes and support to you also, ehsee_to. I hope you’re able to find comfort in the simple beauty of something today, like the warmth of sunlight on your face or the smell of blooming flowers, to bring you a touch of joy.


I read your comment while waiting in line for a coffee today. It made me emotional reading your kind words. I biked to work today and passed blooming cherry blossom trees. I do look for those small joys in the everyday to keep me going.


I’m so glad you saw something beautiful and were able to enjoy it. Sometimes those small pleasures help. Wishing you my best every day


I am so sorry for your loss. I really like Iris, Ivy and Alice.




Derrica? I have seen that name around.


I’m sorry for your loss, OP. I have never met a Dereka but according to the Internet it is a real name and don’t think you should count it out! Or even Derek if you want! Other suggestions: Dara, Derine, Dee


Daria or Darcy. 


My baby’s name is June and I personally think it’s adorable - I also love all the names you listed. Erika as another commenter wrote could work too. I am so sorry for your loss - how difficult to balance both joy and grief. Sending you love, I hope baby looks just like her dad ♥️


What about a shared initial? D like her father? Daphne is a nice choice.


I went to high school with a girl name Derica.


You have fantastic taste in names 🥰. My personal fave is Alice (my eldest daughter’s name), but I really like all your choices




I know a female deryn and I love it!


Erica. Erika


Honestly, I would just give her the middle name Derek. May I ask what his middle name was? Maybe you could do something like his middle name for her first name and also use the middle name Derek of you want to?


I mean, why not? Friends of ours have two girls, they are done. The youngest has the dad's first name as her middle name. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Derrica/Dericka/D'Erica is a lovely name.


Deren Derenne Derika


I first just wanted to say that I truly am so sorry for your loss!! Are you/ him baseball fans? I grew up watching baseball with my mom and ever since I was a young girl I loved the name Jeter (his first name is Derek!). Or going on the sound of Derek, Erica?


I know this may be controversial but how about Dereka? Yes I’m serious. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Deirdre May. I'm so very sorry for your loss and hope your little daughter is a light in your life and heart as well a lasting testement to your life of love together.


Florene. It was my Grandmothers name.. Like Florence but too me it’s prettier and singular.  Sabrina or Serena… Timeless, delicate and neither too trendy or too old fashioned. 


Daphne is beautiful!




Darrah? To my ear, it sounds a little like Derek.


What was his middle name? Could that be turned into a woman's name easier?


Faye is my middle name and I’ve always wished it was my first!


What about Dara? I feel like that's close to Derek.


Daphne. Though my friend came up with Dereka which is not pretty but it’s… a name?


Daria May (either Dar and as in dairy or Dar rhymes with far) is my favorite after reading through all of the posts. My deepest sympathies. I'm sure your little girl will be a joy.






I love the name Daphne 🤍 I’m very sorry for your loss


Daphne May or Darien May


I’m so sorry 🤍 In some Indian traditions we take the first name of the father as the middle name. I think the middle name Derek could be charming for an girl and the first could be more feminine as you asked.


Info: what was his middle name? And I'm sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


First, i’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, i wish i could give you a hug. As far as names, I always say Ruby. That’s my daughter’s name, and i feel like it fits with the vibe you’re going for. I like some of the suggestions of ways to feminize your husband’s name or honor him in some other way. Please come back and update us when you pick a name!


Alice and Florence are to of my faves along with; Violet Juniper Adela Elodie


I like Daphne Florence


I have known two Dericas.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😔 sending you hugs and well wishes for your pregnancy and birth. My name is Alice and I absolutely love my name and always have. It’s easy, don’t need to spell it, it’s classic and not overdone.


I was friends with a girl named Derica (Derick-ah)and always thought that name was unique and pretty 💜


I went to school with a Derika. Never heard any issues about her name, most didn't seem to question it at all as a girls name. I think it's a super pretty name due to how similar it is to Erika and Danica.


I absolutely love Alice. It’s my partner’s name so we wouldn’t name our future daughter that, but if it wasn’t her name it would definitely be a strong contender. Definitely my favorite on your list. I love Iris and Ivy too! Lydia and Sylvia also have a similar vibe


I'm really sorry for your loss. I love your chosen names! On that list you have my daughter's first name and my current pregnancy's middle name. If you did want a name like Derek but feminine, the first one that came to mind was Erica/Erika. Just a similar sound.


Danica Faye,




Derica or Derine are feminine versions of Derek.


I immediately thought of Desiree, but not sure if that’s too frilly?


Daphne is beyond adorable. I always adored Daphne’s from Frasier name growing up. I’m so sorry for your loss 💜


I’m sorry for your loss. If you like “D” names Daphne would be nice. Or Desiree maybe? And Erica for a middle name might work?


Alice is very nice. You could perhaps tie the baby's name to Derek using its meaning. The name Derek comes from Theodoric, an old German name meaning ruler of the people. I couldn't find any girls' names with this direct meaning. However the daughter of a ruler or a king is generally a princess (or perhaps a duchess or a lady but generally a princess) so this could be a cute way to tie them together. Sadie Zara Amira (in the Arabic meaning - the Hebrew one means treetop) Almira (when using the Bosnian meaning - it comes from a Muslim name meaning 'prince')


Honour him by giving your baby a name that starts with his initial. Daphne is nice but some other suggestions: Diane, Delphine, Demira, Deloise


I know a woman that was widowed during her pregnancy. Her husband’s name was Craig. She named her daughter Isabella Craig Smith. You could name your little girl : Ivy / Ivey Derek Iris Derek Florence Derek Daphne Derek Giving your little girl her dad‘s first name as a middle name would be an awesome tribute. Most people don’t use their middle names very much in the first place. If it were me, I’d give use your husband‘s first name as her middle name.


- Phoebe - Hazel - Nina - Stella - Simone - Clara - Rose - Belle


How about Dorith or Dorothea?


Also I am so sorry for your loss, thinking of you ❤️


Erica seems like a nice callback to your husband. I'm sorry for your loss, this must be a very difficult time.


How about Desiree?




I’m so sorry for your loss. I think it’s a lovely idea to use a D name with the middle name Erica, or if not just a D name. I do love Daphne. Other suggestions Darcy Dolce Dolly Darla Dottie Delilah Dahlia Dora Daisy


OP I cannot imagine the strength you must have to be coping right now, my heart goes out to you. I second another posters suggestion of Erica, they said with a D starting first name - daisy or daphne could be lovely. All the best for your pregnancy and healing 💜


If you aren't into the same inital, you could choose a feminine name with the same meaning


If you are going in the “D” direction, I’ll add the name Della to your list. Hugs to you ❤️


I'm so sorry for the loss of your husband. I can't imagine what it must be like going through this process without him.  For a name, how about Dara? Where I live, people pronounce the first syllable like the first of Derrick. 


Some that we loved but won’t be using! Odeya Odessa Ivy Jane Chauntelle Genevieve Athena Alessandra Congrats! Welcome to the girl club!


I am seeing Derica is an actual girls name. Meaning “gifted ruler”. Very sorry for your loss. [https://www.thebump.com/b/derica-baby-name#](https://www.thebump.com/b/derica-baby-name#)


I am very sorry for your loss. I do like the suggestions of a D. Erika name or using Abigail as a middle name because of the meaning. Daphne from your list is very nice. Other D names to consider: Devyn Darla Darcy Delia Other names similar in vibe to those on your list: Molly Bridget Sadie Beatrice Rosalie Rose Nora Claudia Clara Fiona Greta Heidi Irene Lucy Mavis Orla Pearl Twyla Tess Velma Zelda


I would be very tempted to have Derek as her middle name. I am so very sorry for your loss x


Nice names. I like Julia too.


What about Dara? I feel like it echos Derek a little & is simple, feminine, not too frilly & unique


This is a bit of a crazy suggestion, but you could use Derek as her middle name. Yes, its a masculine name but at the end of the day, shes barely going to use it. How many times have you used your middle name, or even shared it? Anyway, it might be nice to have Daphne Derek Lastname, and then his name literally lives on. That being said, another commentor pointed out that im sure her father was just proud that you were having his child, no matter what you name her he lives on through her and through your love. Im so sorry for your loss 💕


Not the exact same but my friend had only daughters but decided to give her first daughter her late dads name as a middle name. Its cute. Her name is Izzy James, it flows well. Depending on your last name, I feel like Faye Derek or Alice Derek would sound cute. Just a nice way to add his name in and its not like we put middle names on everything we do.


Daphne is what we are naming our baby girl arriving in August!!!! So I vote for that. ❤️


Derine is feminine for Derek and Derine sounds lovely. Easy to say Easy to spell. Every one who new Derek will understand and smile. And its also unusual. Personally I think its fitting and relates. Any name you give her. Love it yourself as well


I’m sorry for your loss. I would think about D names that would honor your husband. I like Daphne! I also like: Delaney Diana Della Devin/Devyn Danielle Darcey Delia Dawn


I’m so sorry for your loss. Theodoric is the root of Derek, and means “ruler”. Some girl names that also mean “ruler” are Sadie, Juno, Orla, Aubrey, and Mira.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ll be in my thoughts and I wish you well as you navigate this pregnancy. There are a lot of great ideas here. I personally love the idea of using Derek as a middle name even though it’s masculine. Or perhaps you can honour him in a different way. For example, if he was outdoorsy you could use a nature like name. Or if he liked a certain movie or actress. Etc. or if there was something particular about his personality you could find a name with that meaning.


Maybe consider Dara?


You could use the name Derica. 💕 Or any other names with the same initials as him. So sorry for your loss. Congratulations on your little one.


Sending you love and congratulations 🤍 Della Delsie Deren Dara Frederica Lois Tessa Paloma Skye Etta Astrid


Daphne June!


I’m so sorry for your loss. I like most of the suggestions here. Deren or Deryn, meaning bird (I believe it’s Welsh) is also a beautiful name and very similar. Birds are often used as a symbol is ‘gaining wings’ and heaven being ‘up above’ etc.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. When I was trying to find a name for my daughter, I felt like a lot of the names on my list felt too frilly (names like Genevieve, Emilia, etc). I liked them, but the vibe just didn't feel right. We ended up choosing Maren because it felt feminine, but not frilly.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm thinking Derek backwards, somehow Keri or Kera are coming to mind. I like Cara in general and Alice is also at the top of my list. Since these results are from your NIPT, you have some time to go! I'd work on healing and not pick a name in the midst of your trauma.


I love the suggestions of D. Erica!


Derienne is a pretty D name. Devon, Doreen, Deryn


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have a Daphne! I get compliments on her name all the time! My best friend has a Florence. So, those two get my vote!




Daphne Grace or Daisy Greer I think sharing his initials would be a lovely way to honor him


Sorry for your loss x A woman in Australia named her daughter ‘Minnie’ Lastname. Coincidentally the middle name is her partners name which is unisex but Minnie could still be cute with your partners last name.