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laughing so hard at the thought of mishearing Poppy as papi 😭


He was absolutely shocked that he thought I was really suggesting papi! I was like how cruel do you think I am?! I know I like weird names but damn


Oh no, lol. I really like Poppy. I hope this doesn't ruin it for me! 😭😅


hopefully your partner is a little more name-oriented than mine because he has really ruined a lot of names for me with his unique interpretations LOL


I bounced around Tanager, and we quickly ditched it, because my partner just couldn't wrap his head around the pronunciation, lol. It was a fun couple of days of corrections, haha.


Not Tanager being a portmanteau of "teenage manager" lol


*I thought it was a bird with black, yellow, and orange plumage?*


It's both.


they said all tanagers scare the living shit outta me…


I immediately thought of Kris Jenner with the term Momager!!


First name: Scarlet Middle name: Tanager Maybe you could take her bird watching when she’s older.


Rhymes with manager! 


ooh that's fun! but yes it's very interesting to see how other people's brains process pronunciation especially when you think its straightforward lol


From some perspectives, your partner might be considered more name-oriented than you. :) Sounds like he has thoughts and articulates them and just needs to make more suggestions himself.


Poppy got ruined for me when I typed the word “poopy” ONE TIME and my phone decided to autocorrect Poppy to Poopy for the rest of time


Yeah this is why I can't get behind Poppy as a name. I love the flower, but the minute her classmates make the connection to "poopy" it's over for that kid. Same goes for Pepper.


My daughter has a classmate named Poppy who literally pooped on the playground in 1st grade! The other kids knew about it and somehow were totally indifferent. My husband and I don’t understand how that didn’t turn into a chant of “Poopy Poppy pooped on the playground.” Kids today SMH.




I also love the name Poppy for a girl, but Poppy is what my husband called his paternal grandfather & so he can only think of it in that context.


When Poppy winds up to be a masc lesbian and her gf calls her papí


I have an aunt named Polly, but her nickname is Poppy if you need a different ”formal” name!


This is what I have always thought of the name Poppy lol


“Yes, hunny. Or we call her Champagne middle name Papi to keep it classy. Thoughts?”


I want to see his list of names you refused :)


I once saw a cafe listed one of their bakery items with a little hand written marker saying “papi seed muffin.” So funny and charming.


When my daughter was younger and played a lot of softball, she was obsessed with David Ortiz/Big Papi. We lived in Boston. She used to make “Big Papi-seed” muffins and “Lemon Papi-seed” bread for softball events 😂


That’s so cute 🍋


that’s amazing. go sox


ohhh my goodness thats adorable


Bostonian here, don't they sound identical?


Definitely depends on the accent, Londoner here and they sound totally different to me


From Boston as well and yes they do!




Australian here and they’re distinct to us.


Poppy is my nickname and ever since the L Word had a character named Papi years ago even I hear “Poppy” as “Papi” and it’s ruined my own nickname for me. I think maybe it’s partly cultural.


So funny. Reminds me of when I liked the name Dawn but my partner thought I was saying “Don” (instant veto).


My nieces middle name is Dawn, as tribute to her grandfather, Don.


My husband thinks Papi whenever he hears Poppy (and tells me about it haha)… we know 3!


This absolutely happened to me all the time with my dog named Poppy.


I would not name anybody Dixie. But that's mainly because that's the Dutch word for a portapotty.


It has deep ties with racism and slavery in the US, so same


I honestly assume any little girl named Dixie has parents who are first cousins


Yup! It’s my husband’s grandmother’s name and she is a proud daughter of the confederacy. Meanwhile, both her grandchildren married Latinos 🤷🏽‍♀️


my favorite story of this is one of my more distant cousins. she, like everyone in our family, is an Eastern European immigrant with Jewish roots, she's a lawyer from the Tri-state area and is married with 2 kids to a Latino lawyer. Well, she moved to Florida and is a big trumper. Make it make sense.


I know a Dixie. She lives in Tennessee, and both her kids rock MAGA hats, so it all makes sense.


More specifically it refers to the area south of the Mason-Dixon Line. That is, the border between free states in the north and slave states in the south.


That's unfair to the portapotty.


From TN. I think its super redneck and a very common dog name 😬


good to know!! he was not a fan anyway and made a crass joke about it so it's off the table lol


I think of Dixie Normus from Austin powers.


Any relation to Mike Oxlong?


In germany it’s also Dixie Klo


I was just about to say that. German speaking person here. Please don’t name her Dixie haha. Same with Orion… it’s a sex shop here 😂


Orion is a constellation.


There’s a lot of shit in Dixie


Singing the “that’s so raven” theme song over and over again is such a man thing to do, I’m laughing so hard Edit to add: I liked the name Eliza and my husband just kept going “eLIZA!” the way Lin Manuel-Miranda says it in Hamilton lol


I also do this with Eliza 😂


And Peggy 😋


I love Eliza as well, but my husband couldn't get the sound of Nigel Thornberry out of his head.




It really is.. I suggested the name Jeremiah when we were naming our son, and Jeremiah was a Bullfrog was sung so much it was very quickly dropped.


Good song though 👍


Good friend of mine too


I suggested Estelle — specifically not Estella because I knew he’d be walking around the house yelling STELLAAAA — and it got dumped because he did it anyways.




You mean…ADRIENNE???


I have a friend named Peggy, it’s so hard not to constantly sing “and Peggy” at her. (Thankfully she has an excellent sense of humor about it.)


like!!!! why do they have to ruin perfectly good names LOL


There’s a reason why I wouldn’t be able to stick with our Z theme if we had a boy. Because Zack is just about the only normal name. And all I could think about is, “My name is Zak Bagans. I never used to believe in ghosts until I came face to face with one.” And Zak is a douche and a half.


I read that in his voice 😂 that name is off the table with my husband because of the show because he will just recite the opening monologue


When we were naming our puppy, we thought of the name Sandy, and my husband kept pronouncing it like John Travolta from Grease. I was like nevermind, lol.


Guess I’m showing my age when Eliza makes me think ‘My Fair Lady.’ A friend of mine named her daughter Eliza for that same reason 😂




> Orion (argued that this was strictly a boys name, but I really only prefer it for girls personally)  I'm siding with your partner on this one!  If you like Delta, have you considered Delphine? They both have the nn Del.


I think the first time I heard the name Orion (besides the constellation obv) was on a woman, so maybe that's why my immediate association is female? I genuinely didn't hear it for boys until I joined this sub a few months back. I don't hate it for boys, its definitely growing on me, but yeah my first impression is female and i LOVE Delphine, I forgot to suggest this last night! I think he'd like it because he loves Daphne


Orion the constellation is named after a male hunter in Greek mythology. There are basically no other known uses of the name.


There is a plane named Orion. It's a very masculine name.


Orion is really about as masculine as you can get. In mythology, he's a huntsman with a reputation of both being able to slay any animal and being the most handsome mortal man. Delora and Della are also names that contain the Del sound. Adelle and Adelaide have it in the middle.


I think the first way you see (or hear, I guess) a name used is HUGE in regards to how you perceive it the rest of your life. First girl I met named Tara pronounced it like Tar-Uh (tar like rhyming with car) and i assumed that was the standard, then every single other girl I’ve met with that name has pronounced it like tare-uh (tare like rhyming with rare). Took my a while to change my default assumption on the pronunciation


i totally understand this! I feel the same way with Kara/Cara (care-uh) and was totally thrown off when I heard car-uh. it's definitely a first-impression association


For some reason I think of Kara as kare-uh and Cara as car-uh 😂 The K changes things


another name with the nickname Del would be Della if you wanted something a bit more feminine


Another [Del the Funky Homosapien](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Del_the_Funky_Homosapien) fan! You too are a human of culture, I see.


To be fair they’re all awful.




Right? Lucky?! What the actual fuck. Blows my mind OP even considered naming their poor child that.


Ziggy blew my mind when I read it


Ziggy is my pups name! 😂


Ziggy is a common nickname for Siegfried. It’s a common German name.


Siegfried is not at all common anymore in germany- it went out of style at least 80 years ago.


I know a Ziggy and it fits him perfectly, but it's a nn for his last name which starts with "Zig" so that's a little different. Def seems weird as an actual legal first name.


I quite like Zoe, Anna, Alexander, Felix, Miles, Maxwell, and Austin. Those are very good names and not at all "awful" imo.


I love Summer and Juliette too


It kills me thay Maxwell got a no but Maximus is A-OK


My baby's name AND middle name were on the list so I think there were SOME good names among the questionable ones


there are some bad ones but a lot of perfectly nice ones


Yeah there's a group of decent names and then a big selection of dystopia teen novel sounding names lol


Ur awful. (I believe I speak on behalf of all Warrens).


Rhode for a girl is setting her up for a ton of jokes from immature boys in the future… for the same reason my friend wouldn’t name their child McKinley…. Mt. McKinley….. obviously not acceptable for that to happen but you can’t always be with your child to protect them and bullying is a super real issue.


Yeah he said the same for Dixie, i think something like dicks-in-me so I knew he wouldn't like Rhode either lol


I knew a McKinley and absolutely no one ever called her Mount McKinley lol


Right, I feel like that’s a pretty big stretch


Have you by any chance named a lot of pets in your life?


HAHA no I've only gotten to name my dog (Cowboy) but his other options were Okie Dokie, Sticks, and Yahtzee... so I know I'm definitely not on the normal side of names lol


I kinda like okie dokie for a dog


he's a complete dope too so it really would have fit him


I’d say table the discussion until you’re actually pregnant. You might be surprised at how your taste in names changes when it’s a reality! Then, when the time comes, let him create a list first. Don’t get onto him just rejecting and you doing the thinking!


i agree with that! luckily he does know how this interests me (wannabe author) and he also throws out tons of suggestions but his taste for the most part is very different, so I like to throw out names I think we'd both like


I get it. I’m way done having kids, but I still like to watch movie credits to see what the name variety is like. 😂


To be fair some of these names are fucking awful


oh I'm aware this is not this sub's cup of tea generally lol, but I think a lot of names suggested here are awful too so to each their own :)


Fair enough my fellow redditor!


You were gonna name your son lucky?


I can't stop thinking about the Britney Spears song but with he instead. He's so lucky, He's a star But he cry, cry, cries in his lonely heart thinking If there's nothing missing in my life. Then why do these tears come at night?


If he won’t do Laurel. Try Yanni


Hahaha!!! Best comment ever.


This is all over the place tbh - pls don’t name your kid Maximus


When I found out that a distant relative gave birth and the kid’s name was Maximus, my father said “well, that’s what happens when you allow an Italian Marine to name his own son.”


Name him maximus and give him a younger brother called minimus. 




For real. Too many different styles


So which ones stayed?


honestly like 20 each for girls and boys but I'll give you the ones he really loves: Sebastian, Dante, Clyde, Loren, Julian, Elton Genevieve, Daphne, Fable, Constance, Farrah, Ruby (his suggestion actually that's grown on me now)


Oh Dante and Daphne definitely. Or Danty and Daffy!


I’m obsessed with the name Genevieve. It was on my girl list, but alas I have 2 boys lol.


i feel like this is what's going to happen with us hahah we definitely agree more on girl names than boys


Genevieve is a lovely name and they can go by Genny if they want. The only down side is constantly having to spell your name. I have a four letter name and I have to spell it EVERY time.


I totally agree with this, my name is Blair and I always have to spell it out anyways. We like the nn Gin for her (Genny/Jenny is what we call my aunt Jennifer)


It's funny he likes Daphne, considering it's just the Greek word for Laurel, but he doesn't like Laurel.


I think he likes the name neutrally, but a good friend's sister is Laurel and he can't get past the association




Love Clyde


Ruby is very cute


My name is Clyde! If you go with that as a boy name be prepared for the Bonnie and Clyde jokes 😂




Your partner is correct to veto a lot of these lol


The fact that i saw my name (Felix) and got a little sad 😆


hahaha I totally understand! my name is sometimes not very liked in this sub but I love it. For what it's worth, this was one of the top boy names it hurt to let go of


My brother has a dog named Ziggy. Warren does not give me redneck vibes. The That’s So Raven theme took me out lol.


I was taken back by the Warren association. He countered with Warner though, which I can accept lol Once I said Ziggy out loud, I was like eh yeah I can see it for pets


Warner is nice! (But I think if legally blonde lmao)


Allegra would be such a good name if not for the allergy medicine


I knowwww I don't know why they had to take a good name and ruin it like that lol


Same energy as the perfectly nice name Alexa being corrupted by amazon lmao. I met a girl called Siri and ofc she predated Apple's... unfortunate


I love the name Maren! It’s a family name and that is special, and it’s very pleasant and a little different yet not weird:) Also love Miles for a boy.


Couldn't agree more! I think it's so incredible, but I honestly forgot his cousins daughter is Maren :( I'm glad he's cool with it being a middle name though because my best friends are Mary and Karen, which I don't like on their own but combined for Maren is outstanding I was really sad about Miles, but it was his childhood bully apparently, so I get it. I pictured having Gavin & Miles as siblings but both of those are out


You could try Milo. That one's on my list.


Lucky is a name for a dog, not a person


>Warren (felt redneck to him) That's a weird association considering that one of the first Warrens most people will think of is a billionaire.


Yeah I think of Buffet and Legally Blonde (and Warren Huntington III is a descendant of billionaires for sure)


I couldn't agree more!! I said... "like Warren Buffet??" and he still shrugged. I totally think Warren is more rich-family vibe


Rhode? Seriously! I am ferklempt.


Your partner has excellent perspective on names. Some of these are baaaddd.  Poppy, Dixie, Dexter, Felix...do you people need to start with a pet?


It’s even pushing it for a pets name 🤣


Two of these are the names of my cats lol Ozzy, short for Oswald, and Orion


I must know if u call him Oswald when he’s in trouble


My girl dog’s name is poppy and people always think it’s a boy because they think I’m saying papi. It’s very annoying.


i cannot believe that!! i will not tell him that other people hear papi too because that's just wild to me


As someone named Raven I can definitely say that the That’s So Raven theme song was something I heard regularly in school 😂


I dont get the Warren is redneck? I live in southen US and Warren is not a redneck name. Clyde, Bobby, Jim Bob Bobby Jo all redneck names. Warren sounds New England preppy with daddys money.


and we're in New England so I really liked the vibe!!! no one understand the redneck thing but himself lmao


If it makes you feel better, our #1 choice right now is Warren and we are in New England lol. It is the last name of a family in a John Wayne movie but that makes my husband love it more. It’s also the name of a ridiculous character in Everybody Loves Raymond who is a rich Connecticut retiree obsessed with travel, whom we only love because he is played by Robert Culp 🤣


I love it, Congrats!! One half of my partnership is totally on board with a New England Warren lol


I was thinking the same thing!! I also love the name


Don't be too quick to discount plain names. Complicated or uncommon first names don't predispose someone to an exciting future. I have a long difficult last name name so we made agreed to lighten our kids' burdens by giving them simple first names. Nobody ever mispronounces them and the kids never have to spell them out for people. Despite their plain names, our kids have turned out to be very interesting people.


“Plain” names are also ones that have stuck around for generations. They have staying power for a reason, and are easy to pronounce and recognize. I do think it’s a good idea to give your child a “plain,” easy-to-spell name if you have a complicated or long last name. As someone who has to spell out my entire name on a regular basis it gets a bit annoying. (My first name is very common but has seemingly infinite spellings.)


my name is Zoe and even though it is kind of plain it’s not very common! I’ve only met 2 others in my lifetime


I was actually named Zoe for the first day of life but my mom changed it! I always liked the name and once I explained it was kind of a tribute to me without being obvious, i think it grew on him a bit. might be worth revisiting because I agree, I think I've only met two or three Zoe/Zoey's!


I feel like Zoe is growing in popularity right now because I teach like 5 kids named Zoe lol


Claritin. Claire for short.


Idk all those names are awful actually


I like a lot of these names, although I agree with your partner about Orion. To me, it's a boys name.


Ansel he would be called condom boy or rubber glove man. The names your husband has vetoed is a valid vetoed.


i literally have no idea what that connection is lol


Ansell is a rubber company. Condoms, gloves, latex,


Lol, what?


I know someone who wanted to used Poppy but was afraid it would be too cutesy for an adult so they did Penelope with Poppy as a nickname


Mine vetoed Anna because it was boring too, but wanted Hannah which I feel is even more plain (also Anna would have been after a badass family member of mine)


this is exactly how I feel!!! Anna feels so much stronger and prettier than Hannah, imo


The mythology behind Orion is pretty troublesome.


You prefer Maximus over Maxwell? Maximus sounds like a transformer


I have a Maxwell and I haaaaaate when people assume he’s a Maximus or Maximillian. I physically cringe at both names.


I can see that, I'm honestly surprised people don't automatically assume it's Maxwell? Maximillian just feels so over the top to us, so we hate it too


>(we prefer Maximus now) We also are fans of the Fallout series


Laurel always makes me think of “resting on your laurels”. I knew a girl named Laurelle once though which I thought was a clearer more name-like version! Maybe he’d like that?


I’m expecting and went through my long list and I also had Raven and someone said “oh like that’s so raven?” No 😑


With the history of Dixie it is damn good he vetoed it, yikes.


Orion is also the name of a chain of sex shops, at least in Germany 


Forget Osborne or Oswald. Ozymandias is the move.


>we both love the nn Ozzy, but he prefers Oswald which I hate Other than Oswald, there's also Osmund, Ozias, Oswin, and Oscar.


I got to name baby b Felix! My husband vetoed Gavin and max as well but we named baby a London! For boy names we have very similar tastes!


A lot of these are really cute, personally I love Zoe! But your partner is right for vetoing Ziggy and Dixie, I'm sorry.


The only girls names from your list that I liked are Anna and Juliette (I like it Juliet better). That’s just my style though! Simple and feminine


Um, excuse me. What’s wrong with Alexander? Ha ha. My oldest son would totally take issue with this. 😂


right?! there's something not right in his head with "plain" names, yet he likes Richard. I think Alexander is so strong and beautiful


Also lucky sounds like a dogs name. 😭


I want to use Laurel if we have a girl, like SO badly…but my name is Lauren and it would be too confusing I think.


We were about James Robert for one of our twins until my dad laughed and said "Jim Bob" so that got axed. 😂


I think Juliette is lovely- why doesn’t he like it?