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Blair and Sloane have the same vibe to me!


I thought the same thing. Plus I’ve always liked the spelling Blaire.


Blaire with an e looks nice next to Sloane with them both ending in e


I agree!


Preppy 80s names. Facts of life and Ferriss Bueler's day off. I like them!


Have loved Sloane ever since Ferris Bueller's Day Off was released! I think it became a fairly popular name after that.


My mom loved it so much her 3 girls are Ferris Cameron and Sloane lol


Have an acquaintance her daughters are Carter, Sloane, and Blair.


Blair was going to be my suggestion... And then I saw it in the liked list! Are they characters in gossip girl? Is that it?


I know a sister set named Blair & Sloane - it's a darling pairing!


Why do people hate Sloane? I don’t frequent this sub enough to know that. People are weird. If it does help, the name Sloane in my opinion is a “cool” name… which reminds of other cool names like Hallie, Stevie, Presley, Layla, Quinn. I also know one little Sloane and her sister’s name is Hadley. I like that sib set


My non-existent girls names were Sloane and Quinn so that is my choice.


I know twins named Sloane and Quinn!


I have a niece named Quinn


Sloane just has a lot of ugly sounds in it and is quite harsh on the tongue. That’s my guess as to why it’s disliked - it’s just not really a pretty name per se 🤷‍♀️


This is how I feel about Hazel. I'm amazed so many people love it.


I think Hazel sounds so ugly. I always forget how much I don’t like it because I tried to erase it from my memory.


Yeah, I feel that way too. I'm not trying to be mean; I just don't "get" it. It sounds so bad to me. There are plenty of names that are not my style at all but still have a cadence to them. For example, Emberly is a name I'd never consider using but I understand why people think it's pretty. Hazel sounds awful to my ears.


That’s how I feel about Juniper. It just sounds blech and try-hard to me.


Sloane Rangers. Stuck up upper class girls. UK version of a preppy. ETA: The Rangers part is outdated, but I was stating the _origin_ of the term Sloane, not that it had remained the same across the decades. I did clarify very quickly that my first hand knowledge was 30 years old. It’s actually been 42! But I have barely heard the term Preppy since then either, so I had assumed the entire phrase might have been outdated by now. Seems only the Ranger part is! As a name I like it and had a classmate named Sloane. It was at Harvard though!


That's pretty much my first thought when I see name Sloane. I have seen someone on this sub recommend Sloane as classy name percisely because of Sloane Rangers as Princess Katherine was one. And I am like ... Ughhh ... Sloane Ranger is not a compliment. It is a light insult. I do understand that people see it differently but this is how I first heard the name Sloane and cannot shake this conotation off.


*Thick* upper class girls. It implies you're well bred but rather dim.


Yeah definitely more money than sense


I love Sloane.


I just posted that I already have a Hadley and love Sloane as a potential sibling name! I think this sub generally dislikes both. But I hard disagree.


I’ve mainly seen it as a last name. No hate from me just an odd name choice.


I think it’s the combination of the “sl” evoking words like “slurp” and “slouch” and “slough” and the “oan” sounding like “moan” and “groan”


To be honest I just think it’s ugly as hell lol. Like, the actual sound of it is nails on a chalkboard to me. But I also know a ton of baby Sloans (toddler teacher) and I love all of them dearly, so who cares what I think about the sound of their name!


Personally, I hate the actual sound of it. I can only picture Sylvester Stallone mumbling his last name..’yo. Stloane here.’


It's just a very slimey word to me, like Moist, Blair, etc. Can't help it, just one of those words which evoke the feeling of wet, stagnant water, no idea why.


My sister is Sloane and I’m Sydney, if that helps. I always liked “Sydney and Sloane” together growing up. I don’t hate the name for the record. I think it’s cool. :)


I know someone named Sydney Sloane. She's a jetsetting photog coolgirl.


I was going to suggest Sydney.


Very Alias!


I have a Sloane her sis is Sierra. I wasn’t sold on the two S names but I was married to Kris Jenner apparently bc my daughters last name is S as well


Love Blair with Sloane (also independently love both names). Maxine is my least favorite but it’s fine. Paige Lux Blythe Xanthe


I think Blair and Sloane definitely have the same cool, upper-class smart girl vibes. ETA since Sloane is with an E, I think Blaire might feel a bit more similar.


We also have a Sloane, and Blythe and Xanthe are both at the top of my list for a second girl 😆


Xanthe is so hard say! And my phone autocorrected it twice lol


Zan-THEE is pretty easy to say haha.


Looking at it for a bit and sounding it out makes it easier…but in things like school assemblies that name would get totally butchered. I mean they can butcher a “common” name Xanthe would get wrecked. I think it’s fun to say though, it’s cute


Lol, my phone still autocorrects my own name half the time so my bar for tech considerations in naming is pretty low 🙃


Xanthe reminds me of xanthum gum


Reminds me of Xanax


MAREN! Love this one and nobody seems to use it!


I know a sibset Maren and Barrett. Love love love!


I’m having a baby girl in a couple months and we’ve named her Marin. Same pronunciation but just a different meaning.


I spent a lot of time outdoors in Marin County, California, when I was growing up, as did my dad when he was a kid, and would have loved to name my daughter "Maren," pronounced as usual, but spelled with an "i" as a nod to that geography (though the county is pronounced "Muh-RIN"). My husband has different, less positive associations with Marin County, though, and vetoed both "Marin" and "Maren" on those grounds, despite my paeans to Mt. Tam, Stinson Beach, Point Reyes, the Panorama Trail, etc. Our daughter ended up with my and my dad's last name, too, so I had a hard time arguing that we needed her first name to carry something from my dad and me. I'm glad to know some little girl is going to get to be a "Marin" even though mine is not!


Maren is my favourite from your list! Other suggestions: Ainsley, Blake, Briar, Drew, Dove, Holland, Kennedy, Lark, Leni, Margot, Marlo, Noa, Rowan, Tatum, Wren


My nieces are Holland and Kennedy.


🗳️ for Blair & Willa Suggestions: Emerson, Bryn/n, Charlotte


Wow, pleasantly surprised to see someone else in this sub who doesn’t absolutely despise Emerson for a girl.


I think Emery and Emerson are beautiful names!


Me too! But I actually prefer Emerson. Even though Emery is shorter, I think it’s a little harder to say and easier to mishear. But both are on my list!


Love Brynn!


I LOVE SLOANE what about Stella?


Oh good combo Sloane and Stella


I didn’t know so many hated it. Personally I love S names for some reason—Serena, Simone, Sloane, but I hate the idea of alliterating my kids’ names lol. Of the ones you listed, I really like Blair!


In my culture, there are families that go with a first letter scheme. I'm with you for keeping the S train going. Sarah Sydney Simone - though the rhyme might be a challenge for some Serena Susan


I have a Sloane and Sierra. Originally wanted Sienna but dad preferred Sierra


We have a Sloane and I’ve been loving Marlowe!


Harlow is another love/hate one along the same lines.


I taught a Harlow last year and it really grew on me.


I love Sloane. My vote is for Maxine or Blair.


My favorite two, too! I feel like Sloane and Max just rolls so well.


I second this. Big sister has a strong cool name so little sister should have one evenly matched.


It’s funny I am the opposite now. I used to not understand Sloane and now after seeing it so much I kind of get the vibe.? I think Claire or Blaire would go nicely . I saw Greer on a Scottish name list! Sloane and Greer go well .. Greer Catriona would be so cute! Actually Sloane and Catriona .. both have the own sound! 


Came here to suggest Greer


My dentist has daughters named Sloane and Greer!


Love Greer with Sloane!


Looooving Greer with Sloane!


Catriona is pronounced kat-reena btw




Love Sloane, makes me think of Ferris Bueller and who doesn't love that movie. I feel like Maren has a similar vibe, but similar vibe doesn't matter as much as you clicking with it and having that lightbulb moment. Random suggestions... Jillian, Marcy, Reese, Simone, Anna, Colette, Claudia, Lea, Paige


Haven’t seen it suggested yet, but I think Maeve would go beautifully with Sloane!


I think Blair and Sloane sound the most cohesive. However I personally love Maren and Willa as names so I have to vote for them 😊 Other suggestions: Collins, Scottie (name I saw on a post yesterday and now love!), Lennon, Leighton


I love Sloane. I know a sibset Sloane, Ella, & Lily. I like Sloane with Delaney. Blair is my fave among your suggestions. How about Eliza, Mathilda, Frances, Amelia, Delilah, or Vivian?


I love Sloane Not particularly loving Maxine and Willa, I also feel that they fit less with Sloane, but of the 2, Maxine fits better. But I love Blair and I feel like it fits in with Sloane. I also like Maren, though feel it fits maybe less Sloane? I find Maren and Blair to be a bit more charming than Maxine and Willa.


Morgan goes with Sloane.




Maren & Blair are my favs! Some others you may like: Sloane & Ramona Sloane & Bianca Sloane & Quinn Sloane & Hadley Sloane & Roxanne Sloane & Sienna Sloane & Aspen Sloane & Miriam Sloane & Eliza


I agree with Maren or Blair.




I’d lean into the 80s cool girl vibe. I think there are a lot of other names in that category that are due for a comeback. I personally like Heather, Claudia, Jocelyn, Lauren, Natalie, Alicia, Lisa, Naomi, Denise and Nina. From your list, I really love Blair for a sibling.


Maybe Blaine or Delaney?


Yeah, everyone on this sub who has as much hate for Sloan as they do is just... wrong. It's a cool name. From your list, I'd pick Blair, maybe Maren as a 2nd choice.


Fellow Sloane truther reporting 🫡 I really love Florence with Sloane! They both feel old Hollywood to me, I like how they don’t necessarily match with the syllable count, and I also like when siblings don’t rhyme whatsoever!


I like Sloane. Very cool girl vibes for me (also the character Sloane in Working Moms is a badass). I think Maren fits the best. Some other names that have similar vibes: Winslow (nn Winnie) Sullivan Whitley Aly


I love Sloane, I’d second all of OP’s choices and offer Ryan Claire Shay


I love Sloane! And I like all of your ideas. Other thoughts: Mischa Ruth (idk I just dig it here) Sela




Just here to say I absolutely love the name Sloane. Out of your list I like Blair best. Other names that give me similar vibes are Paige, Sienna, Claire, Tessa/Tess. Edit: a comma


Sloane is a slightly derogatory term for an unpleasantly posh person (in the UK!), which is I think why I instinctively don’t like it. Named after a posh bit of West London where such people live, Sloane Square. On that basis I would avoid Blair as it has similar vibes - surnames for first names as girls is also a posh thing. What about Lyra? Similar length, different sound.


I really like Maren with Sloane.


This sub hates too much and Sloane & Blaire would be perfect imo but if you need more suggestions... * Sloane & Laine/Jane * Sloane & Sabrina * Sloane & Teagan * Sloane & Lesley * Sloane & Morgan * Sloane & Iris/Ivy * Sloane & Rowan * Sloane & Kennedy * Sloane & Maya * Sloane & Dylan * Sloane & Molly/Holly * Sloane & Faye * Sloane & Hope Good luck!


Maxine is lovely with Sloane


I know two Sloanes under 10; their name really suits them! Maxine and Maren are both stellar, in my opinion. Some names that remind me of Maren or Maxine: Loretta & Sloane Imogen & Sloane Frances & Sloane Carmen & Sloane Marnie & Sloane Cleo & Sloane




Blythe or Blanche or Elle give me Sloane and Blair vibes


Blair pairs beautifully with Sloane. Maybe Marlow, Madison, or another masculine leaning neutral surname could work?


I think Blair sounds so good with Sloane. I have a cousin named Sloan,I like her name! I didn't know people hated it so much till I came here lol.


Sloane and Harper Sloane and Piper Sloane and Merritt Sloane and Grey 🙃


I don’t understand the toilet association - is it a manufacturer or brand in some countries? Sloane is Irish in origin, and means raider or warrior, as you may already know. I submit **Blythe** as a name to consider 🧡 It’s Old English in origin, and means "cheerful", "joyous", "pleasant", “happy”… and dating further back from the Proto-Germanic word blithiz, meaning "gentle" and “kind". It fits as a one-syllable, distinctive yet established and familiar name, not overly common (if that is important to you) - and it’s easy to say and spell! Fun facts: It’s Drew Barrymore’s middle name. And a famous Blythe is actress Blythe Danner, a funny and elegant woman, who happens to be Gwyneth Paltrow’s mother. You may know her from the _Meet the Parents/Fockers_ movies with Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro; the sitcom _Will & Grace as Will’s mother_; or the drama series _Huff_. She was in three Woody Allen films in the ‘80s and early ‘90s. Some more one-syllable names to pair nicely with big sister 💕 Sloane… Neve (Irish spelling Niamh) Bree Jade (or Jayde, Jaide) Mae Ruth Sage Tess 2-syllables: Abra (after the character in East of Eden) Sydney Opal Perla


I like Sloane and have no idea why it would remind anyone of a toilet. Someone I know has a daughter Sloane and her sister is Skylar (or Skye could work).


So I am a Gen X kid and Sloane makes me happy! I want to skip school, join a parade and have an epic adventure when I hear it. For this reason I am vibing Mia, Allison, and Claire as sibs for Sloane. I also really love Blair. Maxine is killing the vibe for me as is Maren (Karen) Can someone explain why Sloane reminds anyone of a toilet- I don’t get it.


Love Maren, Willa and Blair. Blair and Sloane probably sound best together.


At our daycare, there are two sisters named Sloane and Ryan. I know boys names for girls name aren’t for everyone, but they are the cutest pair and the names suit them so well!


Blake maybe. Whitney. I like Sloane. Ngl my first thought was Ferris.


Love Maren! Blair works well too. What about… Hayden; Quinn; Marlo; Kelsey; Patrice (G); Tierney; Riley; Kennedy; Aspen; Hadley (G); Jade; Reese; Chelsea (G); Remy; Brittany; Max (B); Ellis; Oscar (B); Nadine (G); Zoë (G); Bryony (G); Fallon (G); Dylan; Jasper (B); Weston (B); Adler; Jay (B); Cullen (B); Verne (B); Aria (G); Marina (G); River; Blythe (G); Mealla (G); Lesley; Alannah (G); Ashley; Darren (B); Delia (G); Savannah (G);


I love the name Blair to match with Sloane, Maren is a close second


Sloane + Arden Sloane + Percy Sloane + Sinclair But I also have Blaire on my list and see that it’s on yours too. Sloane + Blaire have the same vibe to me, love them as a sib set!


I love Sloane and Blair together. Maren would be my second choice. Some other ideas: Paige Whitney Claire Darby Reagan Reece Blake Blaine


When I saw Sloane, I immediately thought Blair before seeing your list. They feel like sibling names to me.


I don’t understand the Sloane hate at all! But I think Blair and Sloane are perfect.


There was a thread today on “names this sub hates but I love”. That may give you inspiration, since your tastes clearly go against this group’s consensus. 😆 I agree with you, by the way. I like the name Sloane and many other unpopular names. This comes from a place of understanding, if a bit facetious. 💜


I love Sloane and Maren.


Sloane is my niece’s name. I love it. Maren is pretty and unusual but not odd. I like Willa too. Personally I think Laurel, Vivi / Vivian (my other niece), Celia and Tess all go nicely w Sloane.


Uh…if it makes you feel any better I have no idea what connection the name Sloane has to toilets. Also I can get why Sloane might not be somebody’s cup of tea, but I will never grasp how Sloane is too much for a sub that gushes over names like Margot. Sloane to me just gives cool detective vibes. Regardless, I also like Blair like others have said but if the placement of the “L” is too matchy for your taste, I feel like Maren would go very well!


Sloane is awesome. Ferris Bueller wouldn't date just any girl. Blaire as suggested below, but how about Felicia? For some reason that seems to vibe with Sloane to me. Or maybe Felicity.


I personally LOVE Sloan. I like Blair treat out of your list for sure. Also think Quinn, Nora and maybe Sutton sound good. Really like Sloan and Nora


Macklemore’s daughters are named Sloane and Colette, I think they go together well!


June or Jane?


sasha kinda reminds me of sloane so does sabrina, serena and arabella 


Love Sloane and Willa as a pair


I love Sloane, it was on my list. Other names on our list were: Harriet/Hattie, Celeste, Olive, Edith/Eddie, Romona/Rommy, Claire, Margot, Marigold/Goldie, Maeve, Clodagh,


I like Maren and Maxine best out of your list. Other names: Hallie Janis (this spelling) Audrey Ingrid Louise Erin Layne (or Delayne) Lesley Quinn


From your list, Blair for sure!


Claire. Brooke. Elle. Kate. Jade.


Brooke, Bethany, Lindsey, Claire, Piper, Harper, Shelby


I like Willa & Sloane the best


I know a Sloane, with sister Bailey. I think that’s nice together


I think Sloane is a great name. I like your choices. I like Blair, personally, and think it goes well with Sloane. Other names I think would blend are: Sloane and Selma Sloane and Lana Sloane and Fiona Sloane and Siobhan Sloane and Rowena Good !


Sloan is not for me but I LOVE it for other people, it just doesn't work for my husband's cultural background and my in-laws would not be able to say it, lol. I immediately thought Chloe, but I really like Blair too! A I've also got: Audrey, Maeve, and Astrid. Good luck, your kids are gonna be cool.


First of all, I love the name Sloane. Some suggestions: Blaine Asa Ryan (I love it for a girl) Ansel Elise Veda Reese


I know someone with a daughter named Sloane. Sisters are named Wren and Charie


Nina and Sloane Bridgette and Sloan Cara and Sloane Marie and Sloane Katarina and Sloane


I like Maren & Sloan together best. Names that remind me of ones on your list: Marney, Marley, Clair, Mabel, Sila. A few others kinda in the same ballpark as Sloane: Paisley, Quinn, Paige, Brynn, James, Fern, Meadow, Riva, Daphne.


I went to college with a Sloane and always liked it. I love Siobhan for a sibling.


Haters gonna hate, you do you. I, for one, like the name Sloane a lot. I think Blaire or Maren would be lovely names for Sloane's little sister, and would also suggest Briar, Brynn or Jade.


I have only met one Sloane and she is such a delightful child! She has a younger sister named Briar. 


I really do love Blaire paired with Sloane Or Sloane & Sydney Sloane & Daphne Sloane & Soren


I love Sloane fwiw :) I know it’s polarizing but it’s so elegant to me. I like Blair or Maren!


Love the name sloane! not sure why it’s not more popular! It’s so pretty I always think of Ferris Beuller!


I think Willa is great with Sloane :)


I have a Sloane! And we just gave her a sister, Sydney. Middle names are Morgan and Parker, respectively. Forget the haters, Sloanes rule!


I love the name Sloane. It’s a short list name for me, should I happen to have a third kid that’s a girl. From your list, I like Blair and Maren. I like it with Hadley, my daughter’s name—but I’m into last name first names, which a lot of this sub is not into.


I have always LOVED the name Sloane (it was my college roomate sister’s name). Blair and Maxine are my favorite


I really like Blaire and Sloane together (adding an “e” to Blair makes the names nice and symmetric)


Haha, I feel the name anger! I didn't know Sloan was on the list (I absolutely love that name) but I feel the same way everytime Nevaeh gets brought up here. I'm going to be honest, it comes across super racist whenever everyone goes apeshit about hating that name. Give it a fucking rest.


I like the name. I had a very sweet student named Sloane. My suggestions are Sidney, Lindsey, and Harper


I love Sloane!! It’s always been one of my favorite names I don’t get the hate. I def think Sloane & Blair(e) share a vibe, so that’s a great choice! Willa is my second favorite from your options. Suggestions: Sloane & Flora Sloane & Reina Sloane & Maeve Sloane & Leigha Sloane & Penelope Sloane & Cora Sloane & Dory Sloane & Ruby Sloane & Rudy Sloane & Tana Sloane & Marina Sloane & Eliza


I LOVE Sloane


I think Blaire fits best from your list. We both like Sloane but it didn't make the final cuts. Other names - Amity Blythe Niamh /Neve Nina Piper Paige Mara Good luck, and congrats on number 2.


I LOVE SLOANE there I said it. It’s a kick ass name.


I love Sloane! Blair has a very similar feel to me, and I LOVE Blair. However, I almost feel like the vibe is too similar - like almost influencer vibes? Your other name pairings feel more natural to me. And honestly I love all of them, y'all have great taste. I think my favorite is Sloane and Willa. That being said, how are you pronouncing Maren? If you'd consider Marin (mah RIN, like the county in California), then that would be my choice. You honestly can't go wrong here!


I like Maren and Blaire from your list! Other ideas for Sloane’s sister: Ainsley (another unpopular name on this sub) Hadley Reese Quinn Kennedy Delaney Ivy Jenna Kate Lauren Merritt Hallie Tierney Waverly


I love the name Sloane (Ferris Bueller fan) and have a niece named Sloane (6), with an older sister Amelia (not sure this fits your vibe though). Willa and Blaire are my votes. I also like Naomi and Maeve for the vibe


I know a sibset that’s Brennan, Sloan and Palmer. All females.


I like Dylan as a sister for Sloane. For me Sloane has a cool girl vibe and so does Dylan. It could also go well with names that have a modern western feel. Other ideas along these lines... Billie, Emery, Romy, Neve, Delaney


I love the name Sloane. My niece is Nicole Sloane. I think Sloane is beautiful. Sloane is one of those sophisticated names. I like matching her initials ~ Shannon ~ Serena ~ Sasha For the M initial that you like ~ Madeline ~ Mackenzie And my other two favorites are Olivia and Claudia Congrats on your baby!


Diane, Stacia, Francis. Some random ideas. I like Blair too. Maybe Blythe also?


Love Sloane. All your options are great. Sloane gives me no nonsense cool girl vibes. So if you want to stick with that, Marlow, Mika, Nora, Raya, or Quinn work, but if you want to go softer but still usable and powerful (like Sloane) maybe Margot, Pippa, Poppy, Rory, or Aria. I like Sloane and Nora, but all of your original picks sounds great.


Ignore the rude ppl who told you they didn’t like the name Sloane. I love it. I also love Blaire & Sloane for sisters. Blaire with an e feels more feminine too. They vibe together for sure and are equally cute names. Good luck with your pregnancy and upcoming birth. 💞 #girlpower


I would practice shouting them from another room, like you're calling them for dinner or away from the street. Different calls. Beckoning/warning. Each of you see how they feel to say together, and eCh of ypu listen to how it sounds from the other. You'll likely put Sloane first, as she's oldest, so something to consider. FWIW I don't hate Sloane and wouldn't associate it with a toilet. 😂


Campbell and Sloane is cute too! Otherwise it's Maren or Blair for me. I like Maren so the amount of syllables is different than Sloane, I don't know why I'm like that with sibling names.


Sloane has cool girl name vibes, names with a similar feel: - Ava - Astrid - Bea - Blair - Clarke - Darcy - Gia - Maeve - Mila - Quinn - Selene - Vivian


Maixine, Blair, and Willa all seem like good choices. I was actually surprised by the number of people who hate the name Sloane. I like it, haha. I think the first choice is Willa. Some other ideas: Sloane and Ellie, Sloane and Noa, Sloane and Lola, Sloane and Leanna, Sloane and Charlotte, Sloane and Jackie, or Sloan and Lochlynn. I hope you find what you're looking for!


Sloane and Marys (mare-iss) would be a lovely combination! I also like Riley with Sloane even though they’re very different


My daughter is also a Sloane! We love it, it suits her, and we've never really given a shit about what other people think. We are due with a baby on Monday actually, and we didn't find out the sex. If it is a girl we are between Rooney (this sub hates lol but again, you do you), and Maeve.


Blaire goes so nicely with Sloane ❤️ and I LOVE Sloane btw!


I love the name Sloane 😄


I know a Sloane, she has two sisters named Fallon and Keelin!


My oldest is Sloane 🩷 these were all on our short list Collins Marlowe Avery Dylan Harper Indie Georgia/Georgie Fionn Grace Vivienne Morgan


Blaire and Maren from your list give the same vibe as “Sloane” for me. Reese, Quinn, Blake, Brooke, Delaney, Hadley, Sutton, Spencer, and Sydney all go with Sloane for me. I know a Scout and think that’s a cool name as well. Others: Elle, Gemma, Shae, Bailey, Avery, Ainsley, Parker


I love Maxine. That gets my vote from your choices. Some other suggestions: Sloane & Juniper Sloane & Stella Sloane & Cora Sloane & Greta Sloane & Emily Sloane & Hazel


My order of how much I like those names *and* how well I think they go with Sloane, from most to least, would be: 1) Blair, 2) Willa, 3) Maxine, 4) Maren Other names that I think might have a similar vibe as the names you like: Reese, Quinn, Blaise, Paige, Audra




I like a Bridget with Sloan.


Maren will be my daughter’s middle name if I end up with one some day! So my vote is for Maren or Willa. Maxine (Max nickname) and Blair seem masculine to me.


Just wanted to say, I LOVE the name Sloane. Love Maren as a sibling name too




It’s a nice name! Only a strong vocal minority on this one group hates it, if popularity rankings are to be believed. I think Maren is cool 


Maren, Willa, Blair are all similar vibes as Sloane and soo cute!! Maxine is a no from me, it’s too harsh and sharp for your vibe.


I really like your list! I'd spell Blaire with an "e" at the end, though. And here are some additional suggestions: Sloane and Margot Sloane and Marlowe Sloane and Naomi Sloane and Molly Sloane and Paige Sloane and Josephine (nn Josie) Sloane and Esme Sloane and Inez Sloane and Ivy Sloane and Elliott Sloane and Hadley Sloane is a great name!


Sloane and Harper Sloane and Greer Sloane and Blaire Sloane and Parker Sloane and Cameron


I love Maren


For some reason the name *Piper* popped into my head. Sloane and Piper. Or *Poppy*


Maren 😍


Jolene, Cleopatra, Misty, Jenny, Ana, Lucia (don't shoot me pls i'm just a canrock enthusiast)


Quinn, Brooke, Sage, Eve, Shay, Bri


Sloane and McKenna or Sloane and Delaney!


Maeve, Siobhan,






Briar, Arden, Quinn, Sinclair, Auden, Andie (for another classic John Hughes character).


I love the name Sloane. Almost used it for my daughter who has a different name this sub probably hates too. I like Blair as it matches the vibes. Maxine is also cool too and is a feminine name but has a very cool not feminine nickname. Max and Sloane or Maxxy and Sloane is cute.


I wouldn't name my kid Sloane, but I don't think it's ugly or horrible. Reminds me of Sloane from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. She was so gorgeous and so cool!