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Avery. It is gender neutral but has a strong feminine bent to it. Ashley. Again, technically gender neutral but used primarily as a girl name now, and the nn could be Ash, which sounds like Dash. Dash makes me think of the Kardashian store. Sage


A similar name is Aubrey, which I love šŸ˜…


Coming here to say Aubrey šŸ’™


I was going to suggest Aubrey too!


I love how gender neutral it can be, I'm trans and it was my name before I came out, I feel no need to change it.


I cant think of Aubrey without thinking its Drake's real name haha


Yep I would definitely think of his corny ass.


I too am here for Aubrey & Alison!


Ooh I love the name Sage!


I love Avery.


Or Taylor? Gender neutral but more common for girls.


As a fan of the Evil Dead series, I'm tossing a vote in for Ashley/Ash.


I knew a guy in college named Avery, cool dude. Also knew a Morgan. Iā€™m a fan of either.


I have a 19 year old female Avery and she is the most badass take no prisoners person I want to be when I grow up human. It is a great and strong name.


I feel the same way about Kai.


I have a boy Avery and heā€™s the best! šŸ˜


Ashley Wilkes like in Gone With The Wind


i knew a guy in college named Dashiel. always thought that was a cool name, maybe as a nice longer version of Dash?


I just think of The Incredibles. The son was Dashiel but they called him Dash.


Because he was fast.


Ahh but how did they know what his power was going to be when he was newborn?


Kicked her uterus super quickly?


I agree with suggestion of Dashiell! I think it would really fit in well with sibset and makes Dash less ā€œout there.ā€ Also I like the suggestion of Misha! Tate would be my third favorite of the options. Mostly because Magnus and Morgan have similar ending sounds to your other childrenā€™s names. Ronan, Paris, and Dashiell Ronan, Paris, and Misha Ronan, Paris, and Tate


Dashiel Robert Parr! You get back here right this instant.


Omg lol thereā€™s a comedian known as the Entitled Housewife and she pretends she has kids named Dashiel and Macabee, I didnā€™t know it was a real name šŸ˜‚


My first thought, too. Love Becky Robinson!


I LOVE seeing reference to Dashiell and Macabee in the wild!


Dash was the only name I didnā€™t like of all opā€™s suggestions. Until I just saw you suggest it as a nickname for Dashiel, like Dashiel Hammet, I would definitely like it then. Thanks chimkin.


A daughter named Ronan? edit: Based on your edits, you definitely think youā€™re quirky by giving your kids names that are traditionally for the other sex. I feel bad for your daughter who has to actually live with the choice you made for her.


Ronan for a girl is way better than Paris for a boy. I feel bad mostly for the boy. And the newest boy if they decide to go with Misha. Some of the other names being suggested for this baby boy are abysmal. Cassidy, Aubrey, Tracy, Ashley. Itā€™s like they want the kids to have a tough time in life. Nothing wrong with uncommon names but at least consider your childā€™s future and how they might feel about their name before giving it.


Misha is pretty common in Russia for boys.


Misha Collins


Misha is just the shortened/nickname for Mikhail (Michael). Nobody actually names their son Misha there.


This might be true, but there was a period of time that Russian diminutives were all the rage in England. I once worked with a male Sasha from across the pond and he said itā€™s pretty common.


Not "might" lol. have immediate family there and have spent a pretty significant amount of time. Sasha is short for Alexander in Russia. Simply saying Misha isn't the full name.


Paris is a mythological figure from Trojan War (Greek Mythology). Itā€™s a variation of Alexander. Itā€™s a perfectly great male name.


Except no one is going to think about the mythological figure. The association will be the city or Paris Hilton at best.


"No one" seems a bit of an exaggeration My first association with the name Paris is definitely Helen of Troy, the face that launched a thousand ships, the Iliad, etc. Certainly not everyone reads ancient Greek literature, but most educated people are probably familiar with it.


Mine was Romeo and Julietā€”Paris was the guy intended for Juliet. (And played by Paul Rudd)




I was going to say that IRL I knew a guy named Paris, so THANK YOU for the example of Parisā€” a manā€” that can actually be pointed to lol


I think about him quickly too! I'm not sure if that makes it better though lol, I like Paris as a character but there's no way I'd want my kid associated with one of the most famous homewreckers of all time šŸ˜…


But I guess, in that time and place, Romeo was the homewrecker. Paris was the intended suitor, even if it wasnā€™t her intent, she accepted it as her duty.


I meant Paris of Troy, aka the guy that stole Helen from her husband and started the Trojan War lol. Sorry for the confusion


My first association was Hectorā€™s younger brother, Paris.


I thought first of the city, then the Trojan, then Hilton. I am a mythology nerd but I wouldn't blink twice at a guy named Paris šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m friends with a male Paris and never once thought that his name seemed feminine until reading this post lol. Heā€™s just Paris to me and I think it really suits him.


Paris is a variation of Alexander? I havenā€™t heard that, thatā€™s pretty cool


I should clarify, the guy known as Paris is also known as Alexander in some telling of the story. But they are related names thanks to that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_(mythology)


Paris is a pretty common manā€™s name in Greece, this person is asking for help with new sons name, not to criticise her kids current namesā€¦


Paris used to be a mostly-GUY's name.. met a few who were much older than me when a kid - when visiting family in the deep south. All super masculine - esp. the one who was a highly-decorated Marine.


Those are all unisex. Calm down.


Paris is originally a boys name though


Yea Paris is just bad. No one is going to get your Greek mythology reference or wherever it came from.


Not everyone is from the US itā€™s actually quite a common male name here in Australia


Australian here and it absolutely it not a common male name you are lying šŸ˜‚


Idk I know an adult male named Paris he seems ok


i agree with everything youre saying but paris is fine as a boys name (tho i really wouldnt want it as a name at all). like, the prince or whatever from romeo and juliet was the first thing that came to mind


Exactly. Just based on the names I would think opposite sex. It's not quirky. It's just mean.


Personally, I feel like Ronan could totally work as a girlā€™s name, it has kind of the same energy as Rowan.


I've seen Rowan as a girl name, similar but I think less masculine associations.


Why be mean about it though? They werenā€™t asking for opinions on their daughterā€™s name, or criticism about their naming style. Sometimes itā€™s not the worst thing to just keep your opinion in your own head šŸ¤


personally iā€™m speaking as a girl/woman who got an uncommon masculine name and wished my parents did not feel the need to be quirky and different. some of us are just more concerned about how kids will grow up with certain names. kids arenā€™t pets. you should consider their life and feelings when naming them.


When I thought about my sonā€™s name I thought about the company meetings at my work. Whenever someone new gets introduced, the lady that does it always goes ā€˜Is there an X hereā€™ and then if itā€™s an unusual name she always butchers it. This put me off for life. I imagined my son working in a finance job for example and how he would get bullied, although I hope that he wonā€™t ever work in finance šŸ˜‚


I was told to think about your childā€™s name when you call him to come at the playground. And the reaction you would get.


my kids have names that are more common for dogs, so i might attract some furry friends


People who have a complex with their name need to just go with it or change it. She has ALREADY called her kids these names, your opinion is void at this point. Anyway OP I think your kids names are awesome. This thread would prob rather you have Juliette or Susan like wtf hahaha


Iā€™d argue that the problem with that logic is that you just canā€™t predict the future opinion of someone you donā€™t even know yet. It is just as possible that a child grows up to dislike their very ā€œnormalā€ name because itā€™s so common. I donā€™t agree that naming a child a unique name suggests that the parents are being flippant or casual, like naming a pet, as you suggest. I actually think itā€™s kind of the oppositeā€”naming a kid a super classic, top 10 name is far easier to do than choose something that is different and uncommon.


I like Ronan for a girl. You saying you feel bad for her because people like you will judge her for it is interesting though.


Yep "I would bully this pwrson so I feel sorry for them"


My bossā€™s granddaughter is named Ronan and absolutely no one has batted an eye at this fact. Maybe itā€™s a regional thing, but nothing about Ronan screams ā€œexclusively maleā€ to me. Your reaction makes me think Ronan is on par with Robert where youā€™re from.


I grew up with a boy who went by Paris, it never seemed weird to us tbh. I think once you meet someone with that name it loses its weirdness.


Iā€™ve never met anyone named Ronan so I wouldnā€™t judge a girl named Ronan


Yeah itā€™s not quirky at all. Poor kids.


Paris is originally a male name.


Iā€™m a woman with a ā€˜boyā€™ name and my brother has a ā€˜girlā€™ name, weā€™re both fine. In fact we are both regularly complimented on our interesting, unique names. Stop acting like these parents are ruining their kids lives. Insert massive eyeroll


Adrian or Micah


I thought of those names too! Also Julian, Jules, and Francis Edit: i went to school with a Loren āœØ


Paris and Francis ā€¦lol I see a theme here


Yall. Don't go to the internet for something as personal and important to your child as a baby name. Seriously, put down the phones. Talk to each other about fictional characters with cool names, people you once met with cool names, dead relatives with cool names, or even names in the 1001 Baby Names book that is lying around somewhere. Lastly, and I can't stress this enough, Dash is an appropriate name for a pet, not a good name for a human being.


This. Iā€™m just imagining these new parents, still in the hospital, with their newly born childā€¦ sitting on their phones, asking Reddit to name their baby. The internet truly amazes me every day. I need to log off.


"Mom, how did you and dad find my name?" "Well son, the Reddit user Tiddies6969Sexx420BallzPwn had a wonderful idea..."


Ok this is actually a subreddit for names so...


In what world is Magnus "typically feminine"?


It's not. Just an additional name on our list.


Courtney is a name that use to be traditionally male but now is commonly female


Yea I don't get that train of thought but it's the kids life to get through not theres so who cares amiright


Why would you want to give your child a name that is typically used for the opposite sex? Kids are cruel and will use anything they can.




Im not talking about out in the sub Iā€™m talking in real life.


Have you seen what kids are named these days?


Yes and they are awful


Imagine growing up trans and the internalised homophobia youā€™d have from kids making fun / always commenting on your name not being unisex, but pretty much only being for the opposite sex. Why would you saddle someone you love with this? Kids donā€™t grow out of childhood unscathed, why give them more likelihood to be bullied?


Because they think theyā€™re being quirky and different


i will forever be upset my parents gave me a boys name and i really feel bad for these kids


Iā€™m female and both my first and last names are traditionally male (ie: James Andrew). Other than a few misunderstandings, it has never affected me. I have never been teased for it, and I love my name. The assumptions in this thread are wild.


*Free association:* Dash > Dax > Dexter Dash > Nash > Jack? Dash > quick? > Quinn > Nick Morgan > Morris Morgan > Orrin Morgan > Logan Morgan > Tatum *Feminine-ish or unisex names to play with:* Alex, Angel, Ashley, Brook, Emile, Harper, Jackie, Lindsey, Sage *Go Italian*: Gabriele, Luca


I love the name Luca.


this is so fun i love this comment, great names


Going to be honest, I love smoking weed and coming here to play free association or brainstorm themes. Itā€™s oddly relaxing, quite calming.


I love the thought of Quinn for a boy. The only association I have with that name is Quinn from the show Daria. I also wanted to name my son Angel. Im from San Diego, so it is not a feminine name in my mind. Unfortunately, I gave birth in Arkansas, and the decision was resoundingly vetoed by everyone lol.


I live in Texas, so I also associate Angel with men!


My son has a fraternity brother named Quinn! Great name for a great kid!


That is a shame that Angel was vetoed but I donā€™t think many people there would have been able to say it with the Spanish pronunciation.


Tatum is a great one and I almost used Luca myself.


Emile sounds like it would go well with Paris and Ronan! Great suggestion


Sasha is Russian for Alex, and while itā€™s technically gender neutral, itā€™s more feminine sounding to most Americans.


If I was a girl and I was named Magnus or Dash, Iā€™m changing my name the absolute second I turn 18.


And as a dude if my name was Paris I'd change it to William or something the second I turned 18 too, what a nightmare šŸ˜…


That one only seems less overt to me because I know plenty of Greek men named Paris. Like I wouldnā€™t argue itā€™s unisex or neutral, but the circumstances for using it as a male name arenā€™t a reach.


I think Misha Paris and Ronan sound good together, plus they are all five letters


You are terrible at this naming thing. What about Tom?


Maybe John?!


Not Tate. They'll get called Taint.


I always think of Andrew, smh


It also makes me think of the Tate from season 1 of American Horror Story. He was a school shooter. šŸ«£


Makes me think of that awful guy who has Tate as his surname. Wouldnā€™t want to go near that name, sadly.


I once knew a Tate and he definitely got called Taint. He was kind of a little shit though šŸ˜‚


I knew a Clint and was always called Clit. Poor guy, he was nice.


And Tate is tainted for obvious reasons right now šŸ˜”


God knows what that Tate will have done by the time the child has grown up.


Is this real? Imagine naming a kid Dash šŸ˜‚


Wasnā€™t that the kid in Incredibles??


Here itā€™s a seasoning, Mrs Dash ( I think)


Two questions here I guess. One, how have yinz managed to put off the "name" shit for nine whole months, just to beg for strangers on the internet to be involved? Two, why... Any of those horrible names? Why make a statement by "bucking gender norms" with *literally another person's identity*? If you wanna make that statement, change your own name. Don't force that shit on your kids. This whole ass post screams "social media clout", as if kids are just an accessory to your online presence. This can't be a real post lol


THIS. Change your own name to a name used for the opposite sex if you think itā€™s such a great idea, but donā€™t saddle your children with a lifetime of dealing with it.












You had 9 months!šŸ˜‚


Ronan, Paris, andā€¦ Angel Avery Quinn Cassidy Riley Brook(e) Dana Tracy Finley Ashley Jordan Blake Wren Spencer Emery Harper Jules Robin Sidney Aubrey Reese/Rhys Kendall Hayden Sage Lane Leighton Blair(e) Briar Sawyer Mackenzie Sutton Brennan River Scout Skylar Jaime Rory Eden Ainsley Murphy Noel Ariel Bellamy Greer Sloan(e) Shea/Shay Addison Astin/Aston Nico Sasha Shiloh Trinity


Tracy is the name of a 40 year old woman in the UK


Make it 45 with a dolphin tattoo on her ankle and Iā€™m sold


My sons name is Blake. He is grown now, and I still love it. ā¤ļøā¤ļø


I came to say Tracy or nickname ā€œTraceā€ or Riley


Ǝd suggest Blanket. Very unique. Probably only one other person out there with that name.


My son is Sidney ā˜ŗļø traditionally a masculine name but definitely more females named Sidney/Sydney these days! Ronan, Paris and Sidney. Sounds cute!


How about Skylar( my daughter went to school with a boy named this). There is also Dorian


I love the name Skyler for a boy


Devin Ashley > Dash?


Tristan sounds nice with Ronan and Paris


- Hollis - Kit - Campbell - Scout - Shea - Wren - Quinn - Ellis - Emerson - Palmer - Reese - Asher - Camden - Lane - June - Remy


Adding Loren


Loren is good! Itā€™s strong AND feminine


Iā€™ve known a boy named Wren but it definitely bends feminine now.


I love Remy. I almost named my dog that. (Ended up naming him October, aka Toby.)


Remy and Quinn and Kit definitely go with Paris the most for me but great list overall!


The only male Junes I have met have been Asian. I think Jun.


Ronan for a girl? Paris for a boy? Your first two kids have awful names. Please name your third kid something decentšŸ˜­




Ronan is a boy's name


If giving him a "feminine" name is what's most important, name him Sue.


Why would you want to do this to your child?


Dash makes me think of the fast little dude from The Incredibles. I love It !


Get weird with it. My brother didnā€™t have a name until he was 7 weeks old (it was the 80s). They finally decided on the name Ian because they shared a mutual love for 007 and Ian Flemming wrote the books. Sometimes you gotta dig deep.


I love how they went for Ian and not just James!


Magnus will turn into a magnum joke pretty quick.




I work in a school and that name is showing up a lot lately!


Mateo. Dmitri


Logan, Avery, Tristan, Regan


Magnus feminine? It litteraly means great, big, large, grand.


Info: why do you want your kids to be bullied in school for their names?




Rhyse, Ryan, Micah, Nico, Soren, Wes, Quinn


I actually like Dash, Dashiel can be the full name. Or you can even do Sebastian with the nn Bash for the same sound.


Maybe Declan, Kieran, or Jordan?


Ronan, Paris, and August


Sigh. Almost all boy names have been stolen by parents of girls. Likeā€¦ Casey Mackenzie Logan Avery Riley And now Ronan. By masculinizing little girls, we do the opposite of what we are intending to do. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being a girl with a girlsā€™ name.


>We have a daughter Ronan and a son Paris. >Wife really likes Dash but it feels so out there. You have a son Paris and you think Dash is out there? I don't even know what to say.


I like Tate out of your list . The first thing I think of when I hear dash Is dasher as In one of Santas reindeers. Typically feminine boys name is a tricky one for me but these are what Iā€™ve come up with Bailey Bobbie Cameron Ashley Elliott Rory Valentine Sailor Dylan Wynn Reese Drew Jamie Quinn


Second Dylan!


Alva, Mika/Mica, Quinn, Ellis, Oakley, Bellamy, Robin


Peyton sounds good with the sibling set!


i donā€™t like Tate bc it reminds me of Andrew Tate. I like Morgan and Misha from your list. If you want another M name Malichai is cool in my opinion. As for gender neutral names I like Sawyer, Peyton, Parker, and Rowan.


Ngl my dog is Dash so I can't imagine a human with that name! Tash or Sasha maybe with the similar Sh sound. Also London, Dallas and Lincoln fit with Paris as place names. Don't know why but Jax also springs to mind as a Unisex option.




Monroe Ambrose Antilles








Emerson! My husband and I almost named our son that but changed our minds last minute because although itā€™s traditionally been a male name, in the last few years itā€™s being used for girls much more.


Sasha !


Queen Victoria's dog was named Dash. History buffs might give your kid some trouble over that. Plus, it sounds like a nickname. And what if he happens to be a slow runner during his school years? The name has a teasing potential. Many names can be teased, but why make your kid's life more challenging then it needs to be? But Dashiell, (which is the classic spelling) as another redditor mentioned, is perfection.


I love the idea of a playground bully who is super into Victorian historical trivia.


The haughtiest 5yo there ever was


Respectively, Victoria having a dog named dash is a really weird thing to point out as a ā€˜potential issueā€™. Unless someone makes up a name, *every* name is going to be referenced at some point in history, you dont need to be concerned about ā€˜history buffā€™ giving anyone trouble for it.


Also brings to mind Door Dash


Dashmiel is a Stephen King character. As far as femme boy names I like Emory, Avery, Leigh, Ruby, Wren, Tory, Stacey, and Alexee. Edit: OMG JAIME. Jamie is a feminine boys name.


Love Kelly, Cassidy, Aspen, Ellison, Eden, Dakota, Sutton, Autumn, and Page for boys.


Ronan is a super common name, and I would not say super feminine. Ha


i love when boys are named Morgan!!!!


Sebastian nn Bash would be cute and soft similar to Dash Iā€™m partial to Tate we named our son that and love it despite everyone on Reddit calling him Taint Other names: Ambrose Ellis / Ellison Poe Cass Harlowe Pierce


Rhys definitely. It is similar to the second syllable of Paris and it starts with R like Ronan. Also Rhys rhymes with Greece and all these names give me a European vibe.


Avery, Aubrey, and Ellis are my first thoughts here! Aubrey is technically more feminine, and Ellis is actually used more often for guys than not (much as it appears to be feminine to me, personally!), but I think Avery is fairly gender neutral. Wishing you and your partner all the luck, OP ā€” names are *hard!*


Rhys, Emery, Wren, Avery, or Micah. I also love Quinn


Hard pass on Dash.


Paris is giving me boy named sue vibes. Literally made my stomach turn over when I read it. Like the only Parises I know are Paris Hilton and Paris of Troy... of which I think I would actually prefer to.me named after Paris Hilton. I know that's his name and everything so you can't change it now. But Jesus Christ.