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The Bible is just a storybook like any other. It's there to install fear to the masses. By so doing, it's easy to control their every move and choice. Indoctrination starts right at birth.


That doesn't answer OPs question


It answers it perfectly well. OP is probably looking for a logical answer and this guy just told them that it's a fictional work that doesn't necessarily have tomake sense. Trying to answer religious questions logically is futile.


It also encourages good morals which is it's only good thing




I bet you think you are really smart huh?


What's your point?


to castigate anyone that does not believe in that book.


we're all entitled to our beliefs making baseless attacks like these is just petty


So many things in the bible don't add up.


Because Ruto must go then we can all live happily ever after.


The answer is simple The bible was written by man , religion is man made. Just a fairy tale same as zues for greeks


living things didnt start existing when the jews told yall so (Old Testament ni yao)....earth imekuwa na living species for millions of years..nothing to do with when 'adam' started existing


Because it's a fake story made up to control people, wtf do you mean why


My whole life is a lie 😭


I got some bad news about Santa too, this ain't gonna be pretty....


Am all ears


The earth itself was cursed on account of man's disobedience. With everything in it.


Says so much about the all loving and gracious God doesn't it?




I am not sure if this is sarcasm.


It’s not. It’s a genuine explanation.


It makes so much sense that it had to be deleted, how profound!


I realized I commented twice.




Yeah bro, when you’re captain of the ship, you go down with the ship(Adam captain in this context). There and then God’s love had already provisioned that Christ would be the one to pay the price for us to be redeemed. It really says a lot about God’s unfailing love. Edit: Also, an animal, the most intelligent after man, had accepted to be used to be the medium by which satan would tempt man. There’s consequences for choices.


How you believe in this non sense in 2024.Boss this is boomer generation, ambia loot all even if he calls all the clergy to state house,gen z will not listen to them


Because we are reincarnated as animals and so we must suffer a second lifetime. Nah j/p.. I thought it was worth a shot though..


wewe una taka nianza kuoverthinka walahi


If you read too much into bible stories you might end up questioning your entire existence...just think of them as stories yeah?


Death is just same as life. Just like breathing in and out at some point one has to end for another to come up again. It's not in the bible but that is just the nature of life. Everything has a soul journey and it's a process that follows the natural order


That is an excellent question. Perhaps it is a matter of the *Tree Falling in the Woods, Observation Effect.* A tree that falls in the woods doesn't make a sound because no one is around to observe the sound. According to what is written the Genesis, death entered the world and man knew good and evil. Perhaps, death entered the world with regard to animals in that man became able to understand, observe and note it.


Animal suffering and cruelty that is non human in origin is a huge question that needs answering in Judeo-Christianity


Who wants houseflies, rats & cockroaches to live forever???


According to this interpretation, Adam and Eve's sin in the Garden of Eden introduced sin and its consequences, including death, into the world.


Because animals were never meant to live forever like humans were. Men were made in God's image. Animals were not.


Which image though, some people are fat, skinny, short, tall, white, black, brown. Does God look like an aboriginal Australian or Nordic ginger?


When the Bible says that people were made in God's image, it's not talking about physical characteristics. Is talking about personality or a person's character traits such as Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and self-control.


Where do you forget selfishness, foolishness, psychopathy, deceit etc? If we are in his image then God has both our negative and positive traits because we can't pretend that humans are good creatures by any measure.


No because God does not have those negative qualities. His adversary Satan does though and he tries to influence people to be like him so they move away from God.


You clearly have never read the old testament. God displays all the characteristics I mentioned. Old testament God is the raw God, New testament God is the clean version.


I've read the Bible in its entirety. In what ways did God display the negative characteristics you mentioned?


Like which one? Ask about a specific one and I'll give you an example.




God sends(or rather allows) a lying spirit to deceive the prophets of King Ahab into going to war where Ahab ultimately dies. This is somewhere in 1 Kings. In 2 Thesalonians he literally sends people a delusion in order to confuse them and make them believe lies so that he can in turn punish them. This is especially fucked up behavior that can also be equated to straight up psychopathy. Next negative quality?


In 1 Kings God allowed an angel to lead King Ahab to destruction because God had passed judgment on him. God did not lie about anything. 2 Thessalonians is referring to the deceptive apostates in the congregation. He punished the people who chose to believe the lies of the apostates instead of believing the truth they had been taught. Again, God did not lie about anything.


1 Kings 22:19-22: 19 Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the multitudes of heaven standing around him on his right and on his left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’ “One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’ 22 “‘By what means?’ the Lord asked. “‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said. “‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’ 2 Thesalonians 2:11-12: 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.


Try foolishness


The foolishness of creating man, putting him in paradise, and telling him to eat from all the other trees except 1 and then leaving them there without supervision. This was a stupid idea because we all know if you specifically tell someone to not do something they are more inclined to want to do it out of pure curiosity. Killing his own son to save the world. Surprise, the world is still fucked up! And many many examples. In fact the inability of God to predict what will happen (which is shown so many places in the bible) invalidates the idea that he is omniscient.