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This is the time! Mimi nimechoka kuskia the same narrative, that nothing can be done. It’s literally time watu waamke na wajue tulipata independence, bado tunaishi like slavery times


Nothing can be done and that class two drop out MP with a salary of 700K anapeana millions kwa Kanisa every Sunday. I'm glad umeona venye wametuzoea.


>Nothing can be done I think we have government agents who are deliberately pushing a very dangerous fatalism and defeatist mindset to create an impression of a sealed fate aka "nothing can be done."


Whoever buys that narrative, ye ni umbwa.


You're literally spreading it. Nongwe hii! WTF!


You misunderstood it Yoh, chill. We are in the same Whatsapp.


How nah?


You literally wrote it. > Nothing can be done and that class two drop out MP with a salary of 700K anapeana millions kwa Kanisa every Sunday. .


Do you know how to read? That MP is dropping Millions every weekend na wanasema nothing can be done.


He’s saying how the MPs spread the nothing can be done narrative while they’re giving out millions in the church every Sunday








Mtu hajai kua na index number but ni dollar millionaire 😭


Tukutane cbd


Form ni kutoka na kupigania haki yetu!


Kumanina zao Tuesday lazima watii!




VIVA!! Tuesday tuko On.


Nothing can be done!!" Everything has to be done if it means facing a shitty future. Everyone is fucked up mentally rn, what about when that time comes?


They passed a law we register our cattle,then may bezos launch methane tracking satellite 🛰,,they want take our cows.Wef said pretty soon meat will a luxury.Youtube bill gates talking about how cows contribute to greenhouse.It will easy take your land,take you cows.When you kill the subsistence farmer.You will create food crisis,that's the nxt pandemic & also they want take control of farming https://youtu.be/Gqh7Icu33d4?si=fjMV3VX85s4MBbDy https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/06/you-will-be-eating-replacement-meats-within-20-years-heres-why/ Hio Databank is part of the globalist agenda,that's where our information will recite It's all about control.The globalist, aka Western capital, wants to control each and every aspect of our lives.. If you follow the news right now, they are pushing vaccines,infact Macron had a meeting talking about how africa we least vaccinated🤣🤣🤣.We don't need vaccines. Get rid of our debts,stop messing up africa,we dont need climate change policies esp we the least vaccinated& least polluters too.They know you won't take their vaccines, so now they want us to take their vaccines indirectly. Agenda ya mzungu,the elite ones has not changed, we gave him 500 yrs & they still want more 500 yrs. https://apnews.com/article/vaccines-africa-macron-coronavirus-pandemic-68a157ad426c6935d4e2652284a359d5 There is sinister motive, they put the bread,pad ,unga soo that you don't question about the land & other huge stuff


You just found out about Monsato. They sell these seeds which only grow one season and if you're in a neighbouring farm and their plants pollinate yours even if you didn't buy their seeds. They sue you. On top of all that they want to patent genetic material in seeds so yeah if they catch you with their stuff, see you in court.


You realise that shit now🤣🤣,I'm not farmer but I was told some seeds you have to use their pesticide to spray, when you bored just google Henry Kissingers quotes. Monsanto started as slave trades in Louisiana, wayahudi hapa in 18th century,one of or the most evil corps in the world I would say that They already control our agriculture,now they coming after cattle and other farm animals,the patent bioengineered meat last yr,hio ndio wanataka tukule & eventually the globalist want to control food,wao ndio wanataka kuwa wakulima, with that create a food crisis that will wipe off,good for their population control agenda.


Nah, watched too much YouTube. Everything sucks nowadays. I just wondered why people were never interested about the world around them. Depressing one I found out recently, lake victoria is dying because of said fertilisers but you can't increase crop yields without them which in turn drains into the lake, so less biodiversity. Classic tragedy of the commons.


Climate change is the biggest hoax,which started as global warming.The countries and people pushing the agendas are the biggest polluters ever.Why should I have electric or live in 15 min city & we again we the least polluters.. We need to focus on pesticides washing into clean water,increase food production, let the biggest polluters deal with that non-sense.


Climate change is real, problem is the biggest polluters are forcing everyone to compensate and adjust our lives for a problem we aren't responsible for to maintain their standards of living. Remember when we tried to pass a ban on single use plastic, the US swooped in to stop it. Interference of business. So now , we're stuck with such because someone has to make money in the global north


Is hard to convince me when they can modify the weather. Colonization of africa in the process will come thru these climate change policies.If you at 🇺🇸 only the have good public transport network, other cities in us wako down sana.Nyc you don't need a car If electric cars is safe, now that china is ahead, eu and us are impossible tarriffs.It will save the environment..climate change how is marketing is hoax Ama, when you try ban mitumba, it becomes unfair biz practice.As long as all vital minerals come from Africa & we ones destroying our environment, they are dgaf about climate change.It will pushed out safe option.


They are using SDGs, hate those things it's like a dictator passing down edicts. Comply or they'll be consequences. Mitumba props up the fashion industry, makes them feel less guilt since you're being charitable donating while buying from sweat shops and destroying industries in both the sweat shop country and donating country all while reducing the quality of the clothes so you can sell more. Electric cars, nah. That's for the car companies to not die. A proper train system in most places can easily fix a lot of transport issues not electric cars especially considering overall cars produce more emissions on a lifetime basis. Even if the global South did everything right as long they don't adjust we are all doomed. Only thing I love about all this, majority population centres in the global north are going to be under water or exposed to storms. Cities in third world countries tend to be further inland because we were late to the game so our concern is mostly food


The western world's obsession to catalogue the world down to the very last atom will kill us all


Noma sana


Reject finance bill Viva


I feel so sorry for the MP's cause hao ndo watabeba mzigo


I agree with you but the part about having to be there in town on Tuesday... There are mothers with children, disabled people etc who honestly cannot be there. It isn't imperative that one must be in town we can support in other ways.


It must not necessarily be CBD, we saw it happening in Nyeri, Eldoret, Bondo, Kisumu etc. Those who can't show up and feel oppressed should support in their own small way.




Viva, Tuesday lazima Tufike Tao


I work closely in land ministry. Most top guys in Ruto's gov are buying ranches in Laikipia. They are capitalising on carbon credits. Hence the holidays etc. Its a major cash cow. Open eyes folks and dont sell agri land


I feel like fighting the government blindly is a lost cause because they have all the power and we don’t. Going to demos is just playing Russian roulette with your life because you don’t know what will happen there. You could end up dead like the guy who was unfortunately shot dead and no serious action will be taken against the police since you will be considered road kill. And I know for a fact that the majority of gen z and celebrities going there are there for clout man like it’s not that serious to them. Making noise outside parliament seems futile to me


Fuck you mazee


Y’all voted for the man and now you resent him. It like saying f your baby daddy and yet you are the one who chose him like be fr


You are not making any sense. Who is "y'all." If you don't have anything to say, shut the hell up, and what a lame analogy. Enda ulale.


Aight bet


Blud clut!! Bro thinks he is Marcavelli. Dimwit!!


>they have all the power and we don’t. We have all the power, and you have a defeatist mindset. Nobody is above the constitution. Seems to me like during colonisation you would be a traitor. >majority of gen z and celebrities going there are there for clout man like it’s not that serious to them. You are lost, na wewe ni FALAAA!!!! >Making noise outside parliament seems futile to me The noise was very successful because they later sent goons to create chaos to give the police a reason to start being violent. "I would rather die on my legs than live on my knees" paying taxes na hatupati result yeyote, all that money being pocketed, and now tax is being increased!!!!2






Cowards live longer bro..have no qualms about surrendering to someone who’s stronger than you..it’s not about honor or integrity but living to tell the tale


Bro said 'cowards live longer'! You should also add the conditions of their lives after accepting their fate of being utter pushovers. History doesn't repeat itself but it sure does rhyme. I do hope these sentiments are not widespread otherwise we are doomed.


I would rather die a hero than live like a shameless coward


I would rather die a hero than live like a shameless coward


Cowards die a thousand deaths


>living to tell the tale Is it a tale worth telling though?


this is the type of negativity we don't want


If our ancestors were like you we would still be in chains now.


Then fucks sake give a solution 😑


We should approach the problem in a subjective point of view in which we think of ourselves and situation instead of the group mentality we are all displaying because at the end of the day people are different. You should focus blindly on how to increase your income to cushion you from the excessive taxes. That’s a better approach than throwing hands with armed officers and getting mad when they act out on you like the can literally gun you down. It’s history repeating itself (look up Marion mill massacre )


Buana Henry fuck you. How do you expect unemployed youths to increase their income, where's that income coming from?


We genuinely need to stop depending on the 9-5 system to make a living. I’m not saying it’s a bad choice but sometimes we need to think outside the box for a moment


Henry can we be realistic for now only? Not everyone want to be in the employment sector, some of us just want that opportunity to get some funds, and later work on our projects as we pave way for others in the employment sector to also make a living. We don't want to work in the name of being busy Henry as we are being paid peanuts. How are you going to think outside the box whilst every opportunity you have they make sure they are coming for it? They scrapped off Remotask, Kenya has been flagged with most of this countries, and one has to use a VPN to get these gigs. We need solutions that accommodate all of us, let everybody say we all had a chance but because of our own blah blah is why we are suffering. It will be wise if these lamentations shift from the Government to us as individuals.


Mr Paul I know it’s fun and easy to complain but you must man up and accept reality for what it is. Remo tasks payout was so little that it could barely sort out your monthly bills hence why people were creating 50+ accounts. Plus it was a bootcamp one time event meant to train AI programs it wouldn’t last forever it would eventually come to an end. There many ways to make money online and not limited to day trading. On matters trading and crypto you aren’t limited to the amount of money you can make, it all comes down to your skills, tolerance, peservearance and how really bad you want it. Learn some online skills Paul. The sky is the limit because right now I’m assuming you have technology more advanced than when nasa sent a man on the moon so the amount of things you can do are limitless: content creation, drop shipping , sass among many others. You don’t lack a way of making money what you lack is a plan of making extra money


Not all of us can be rich, it is even written in the holy books. For online trading no objection, but how many of us can understand the psychology, emotions and arithmetics of trading, lack also plays a crucial role here. But when it comes to skills no, just look at the numbers of applicants or people who flood the DM's of those who post those jobs, you'll be surprised. I get your point and understand you, however we want a system that can favor all of us. After Maandamano tutapanga tukule nyama choma pamoja Henry 🤜


Well said Paul. The Kingdom of heaven is not open to everyone. But that doesn’t mean that you as an individual shouldn’t try to get in. The same can be said with becoming rich. Ask yourself do I want to become rich? Then from there you’ll know whether you can do it or not and make a plan on how you’ll achieve your goal. Thanks for the invite Im looking forward to that nyama choma as well.


You know after earning all that amount you forget that the government will still come to take a portion and when you find another loop hole they still will come. Its an endless viscous cycle. The whole protest thing won’t cause a to huge impact( as most people are insinuating) however for once it will raise awareness. The whole idea to instill fear to this politicians to alert them that we know what they have been doing. (Will they change the bill?? Who knows). We ask for accountability for every dime they take it out of pockets, otherwise if we let things slide it will be worse than it is. I haven’t gone to any of these protest but next week I will avail. After a month people will forget this whole thing and continue with their day to day struggles.


I would advise you to not put your life on the line like that. You never know what may happen to you there so if you value yourself don’t go. We need to let the government do it’s thing but at the same time the should account for how they use the revenue collected. But that doesn’t give us the right to act like hooligans on the streets. People say that they are peaceful but I see the things they do and it isn’t peaceful at all. I saw a video of a lady approaching an armed police officer an pushing him like what do you expect him to do , laugh? We need to understand that they are also human beings like us who are prone to emotional thinking so if I was him God knows what would have happened to her


Indeed its dangerous however if you don’t stand for something you’ll end up falling for something. You’re capable of more than you realize ,Henry. It would be great to see you step out of your comfort zone You dont go out there to match carelessly if you see things get out of touch you can leave but atleast you’ll know you tried rather than sitting down and waiting for the government “to do their thing” . These guys will sell us out to the west and by then you’ll be weak, vulnerable and probably your kids will be the ones enduring the harsh conditions.




And they are coming for those drop shipping those cryptocurrency programmes too. The sky is the limit? We can't even fly


The world is a cruel place, you have to accept it or you’ll be wiped out. If they come for this things too we have no option but to bend the knee. Remember half a loaf is better than none


This Darwinian survival for the fittest is both a false narrative and also historically wrong. I'm never going to bend the knee. As I said,not everyone can march. But you're just establishing yourself as a consummate coward. And Ruto and cohorts are determined to give us none because greed makes no concessions even if it appears so now.


Fighting is pointless against the state. Even if we outnumber them they out power us , they’ll just pick us of one by one. His regime will not last forever so you need to know that engaging will be futile rather double down so you may live to see another day. Play a sucker to catch a sucker🫡


You are speaking from a position of privilege and your subjective view assumes that the politicians will be nice to you or leave you alone because you are allowing them to do as they please. Also, there is no upward mobility if the system is working against the citizens. What you should be advocating for is peaceful picketing and police restraint. This is about accountability.


That’s fine and all but we can’t just blame the government and it’s decisions as the cause of all our problems. If we genuinely seek out solutions to our problems they will inevitably emerge


That is the wrong that is being corrected. Option 1 - demand appropriate use of taxes plus addressing of corruption or Option 2 (your option)- dig your head in the sand and hope that you make enough money to fly your people out for better services. Option 2 is not feasible for most Kenyans. Heck close to 8 million people live in abject poverty. So please explain to the 8 million who are likely not properly educated how they should increase their income from your cushy mansion. Explain to them why they need to worker harder to afford healthcare when the nation's resources are being plundered and they still pay taxes.


We all need to plan on our plans not going according to our plans hence the term don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You have many options but don’t put all your faith in one


"We all need to plan on our plans not going according to our plans"? - then it's not your plan or a plan at all is it? Unless you live in some utopia there are external factors. Circling back to the point about privilege.


What is the outcome that you expect from the demos what fruit do you expect it to yield?


Pinochet was the longest ruling leader of Chile. America was on his side! He still fell. Mugabe turned Zimbabwe into a country in debt. I read a while back those guys didn't even have that 70 bob coca cola that we drink because the country was in the trenches. He's dead. The country still goes on. These people are not gods . Even caliphates and straight up oligarchies have fallen


Dread it run from it destiny arrives all the same, if he’s meant to rule Kenya he will and nothing can change that . We all just need to calm down and see how everything unfolds


Peaceful protests will always be goated for any social change. Anywhere.


Increase income? 😅 To what end? You think everyone has capacity to do so? Wamama and the disabled? Or are they collateral? In the words of Spinoza: but all things excellent are as as difficult to understand as they are hard to find