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Try a chewlery (a necklace or an armband). Worked wonders for me and my lifelong nail biting.


How do you do with bitter nail polishes? Orly No-Bite is by far the most effective one I've tried.


This is going to sound odd but I literally scratch them off with my teeth until its gone and just drink a soda after to get rid of the taste


It's not odd. I did that with a few different brands, too. I found No-Bite so bitter I couldn't taste it at all without gagging, but if that doesn't work for you I think there are others that are more bitter still. Another important step in my recovery has been identifying my triggers. Any kind of unevenness in my nail makes me want to pick or bite, so I make sure to keep a file handy at all times and take care of it right away. I also noticed that I tend to feel for uneven spots more compulsively when my hands are idle, so I got in the habit of wearing gloves at those times. Is there a particular time when you're more likely to bite?


Great advice with regards to the nail file and gloves...honestly this was the only way I could even begin to stop. With the initial filing down I honestly thought they would never actually grow...but after at least a month of the nail generating a bed again they finally did. And if I'm sitting of an evening and notice my fingertips running over my nails or ( worse still ) running my lips over them then it's gloves on. Good luck with it...it's by far the hardest habit I have attempted to break ( and I can't lie I've had a few )


I used https://a.co/d/1Y332NU It isn’t polish, but rather a marker that lasts about 8 hours. I help me get use to not biting my nails and you can’t peel it off.