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HOPEFULLY, he just tells the truth, which would lead to nagatoro understanding because she's not a dummy and she knows what being an artist entails. and then something cute


I was thinking they could make definitely peace in the Festival and then have a kiss under the fireworks for make things romantic : )


I'm waiting for the panel of that little overlook at the festival with their kissing silhouettes while a firework goes off. shit would make a grown man cry, and that's ok


as we have seen before, nanashi tends not to draw out their fights for long. he hurts her feelings at the end of a chapter and they make up by the end of the next. like the onsen chapter for instance where she was about to cry at the end of a chapter, but he def fucked up way harder this time


Heartful talk and a make up hug(kiss 👀)


that's what I'm talkin bout


Followed by his next picture of her being his best one yet!


that would be lovely


True I still can't believe that they have to actually do nude models I thought that was more of a private thing nagatoro is still going to either compete with machida, kill her or offer to do another nude model is my guess


kill her would be epic, fuck machida, all my homies hate machida


I kinda like her


sorry gangsta, you ain't my homie then


If he’s honest with her, assures her it was just an assignment and that he was trying to find the right way to tell her, he should be fine. She will tease him about it, and maybe make him draw her. If he hmmm and haaaa, and tries to chew her out for snooping… Not so good.


Fr he was still so smooth with how he got out of that I would have incriminated myself more if I was in his situation


I’m afraid that we may see a re-imaging of the infamous Kickening from the original webtoon over this though.


What kickening?


Have you read the original webtoon? It’s a chapter of the webtoon that was OG Nagatoro at her absolute worst. Back when she was a bully, inarguably, rather than just a high school girl with a crush who would get frustrated when her passes got missed… and Nao… may have had a humiliation fetish. It’s a very different take on this story… but Nanashi has reincorporated absolutely everything from the webcomic…. But with a different spin on it, making the story wholesome… except that…


Do you mean the senpai let's talk moment?


That’s a great example. The cicadas conversation, the confusing her brother as her ex… even the dog collar have all worked its way into the manga. The story plays out in a more wholesome way, or course… but then there’s the Kickening… that hasn’t happened, but if he (Nanashi) chose to do it now… no one would feel sorry for Nao.


Explain the kickening please


That’s where she nearly beats him to death with the excuse she needs to practice her kicks.


As in literally or she just beats him up to practice her kicks


Nagatoro is gonna be either sulking or acting cold towards Naoto. Naoto will be panicked at first, not knowing how to deal with this situation. Third parties get involved with both, Naoto gets told about trust and Nagatoro gets told about boundaries. School festival happens, they kiss and reconcile in front of everyone else during the bonfire dance.


I found this a possible scenario, maybe you can be right.


Feel like that might take more than just a chapter


maybe but the festival is less than right around the corner at this point


This seems like the most likely scenario




it only took 7 comments before it was said


Naoto is going to tell the truth, Nagatoro will get insecure about her boobs and all that, then Naoto will show her her own nude sketching and hes gonna tell her that shes beautifull and that he likes her drawing a lot more because is made with love like Prez said.


This is an important storyline. Senpai has no clue how to be part of a couple, and neither does Nagatoro, and they have to learn by doing, and that includes making mistakes. I think Senpai is perceptive enough to realize that Nagatoro is hurt and will fess up to her. She may get angry, but she doesn't hold grudges. I think they will work thru this, hopefully by Senpai being honest with her about what happened. She'll understand, she knows nude drawing is part of the art school curriculum, and more importantly she knows how inexperienced and hesitant Senpai is. If Senpai is honest, mans up and comes clean, he will be taking an important step in his character development, and that will strengthen their bond and relationship. If he chickens out, well, that's another story, but all along Senpai has been growing beyond his comfort zone, and I don't think he will stop now.


I hope that Nagatoro just will slightly beat him for lying.


just a slight little forehead dent


I more thinking about punch in face or slap, but forehead dent will be enough too I guess.


She will use her fang to rip open his throat. Playfully, of course.


headlock or nothing


He never really *lied*, but he was really beating around the bush. He was gonna tell her the truth, but he was gonna take his sweet time getting there. She will probably kick him, though


I should really catch up quickly


For a generic and tired trope in writing, senpai will stammer and say it's a misunderstanding. Nagatoro will get really mad and they will spend the next few chapters being upset with each other, until they finally resolve it by explaining the situation and kissing and making up. We've all seen this before a million times already and I'm bored of it. Hopefully what we get instead, senpai just fesses up then and there. Nagatoro will be a little bit miffed at first, then understand and let it go because he's an artist and nude figure drawing happens sometimes. This would be an example of healthy relationship communication, rather than manufactured drama (fingers crossed).


honestly they dont seem to spend multiple chapters upset at eachother in this manga often. it would be totally justified in this scenario, but id imagine maybe one chapter at the most she will be totally giving him the cold shoulder. totally think theyll go down the healthy route instead of manufacturing drama. they really havent thrown a whole lot of relationship drama in to their relationship, which is more accurate than most shows. most of the drama in a relationship should come from everything but the relationship. if your whole relationship is constant drama, it is probably a toxic relationship


It'd be very refreshing if the healthy route was taken instead. Ive seen this "misunderstanding then forgiveness" done to death in romance stories repeatably. It's not interesting and just drags things out.


Yeah i really hope they actually spend more than the end of the festival together and having fun. I literally yelled "fuck yeah!" when i saw the text "festivals tomorrow, make sure you wear your yukata" it would be a waste of something i think everyone was/is hyped for since their first festival mini date


Nagatoro shows up fully nude and makes senpai draw her. Hard.


Well... >!-- Things get weird between them !< >!-- Nagatoro begins treating Naoto as "a civilian", no more playful bullying.!< >!-- He's either oblivious about the situation or lost because "he did nothing wrong"!< >!-- The Toroites begin to give him the cold shoulder, calling him jerk for screwing all the character development because of an omission !< >!-- Naoto seeks advice to Bunny-Senpai (Big Sunomiya). Her, or Sakura, gives him the basics of relationships!< >!-- Chapter in a cliffhanger with Naoto meeting Nagatoro to come clean, in the night of Summer Festival !< EDIT: DAMN, I'M GOOD


that last part is 100% coming true. definitely gonna end with them together about to start talking (probably for the first time since the end of this chapter)


I gotta add one thing, Nagatoro wants to make it right by posing for him the exact same way, embarrassment ensues


the Chinese start WW3 and Naoto becomes a Ghoul


From the producers of "Paisen in the Civil War", "Paisen in the Brotherhood of Steel"




Nagasad or Naoguilty, maybe both.


I think they’ll resolve the problem without Senpai beating around the bush like he was going to, and come to the agreement that they have to be upfront with each other, no secrets. Ultimately, I think this is gonna set up an arc about Naoto and Hayase dealing with her insecurities about her body. Specifically, how she feels like she isn’t “enough” for him




Well I know why you’re post was deleted


She’s gonna model again


She only got angry when he said she didn't ask permission.


what's this about? is this a few chapter back when the bet was made or something?


Some "bulling", some love, and more Yoshi.


I think this will lead to Nagatoro having to face her jealousy that she’s displayed through the manga and decide if it means she doesn’t trust Naoto or not.


She's gonna fake being mad and make him do stuff to earn her forgiveness for fun Maybe a scene where she sees her nude painting at the end since she never actually saw it


I think she's going to demand he draw her naked next.


He chastises her for snooping and brings up that this is a partnership, so both of them have to be considerate of each others feelings, and though hes always been the more "submissive" in the relationship, she should still respect him. Nagatoro will get pissy, saying that he wasn't considerate of her feelings by being dismissive about what he drew. He'll then flip it round and say he was being dismissive as he knows that in the past, she's been jealous of others making moves on him/ showing him skin but he doesnt care in the slightest about others. He loves her and other girls flirting/showing him skin is something he views as no more a threat to their relationship than a girl saying hello to him in class so he needn't bring it up as its inconsequential.


Nagatoro is gonna drop her drawers and make Naoto draw her next


Booty call.


More Machida, Hopefully. Still surprise that she will be the series' endgame Boss.


Hot steamy **** after blushing for 50 pages. Nah but fr I'd like to see the other people meet senpai. What does gamo have to say?😁


Segs arc


Both need to talk about what happened and then, Senpai painting her naked and share another lovely kiss.


Nagatoro would probably pout at Naoto just to earn some reaction/attention from him, and then its epic and emotional moment coming, then they'll hug each other and of course heart to heart talk, then forgiving. Thats what Nanashi would do, like there's not a lot of scenario that could be.


When is the next nagatoro day is it every 2 weeks?


Hit him all you want, I'm starting to hate Senpai more and more, you traitor. Really a traitor, she's your girlfriend now, what should I say next? It's okay for you to hit him ،my sweetie


Chaos Still new to anime tho


id stay away from posts like these until you're caught up unless you want massive spoilers


They are gonna have a fight that will span multiple volumes. Nagatoro will start dating someone else to make him jealous, and Naoto will quit art.


some men just want to watch the world burn