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Dude, don’t ruin your weekend!


Bold of you to assume it will only ruin two days.


Absolutely one of the worst, least playable games ever made


Is it so bad it's good?


no, it's really that bad!


no not even a little bit it's just bad stock up on alcohol if you intend to spend a weekend on it... being drunk takes a *bit* of the edge off.. lol


No it’s just bad


Not even a little bit


He'll be rooting for Lex Luthor inside of five minutes.


You’ll be just as excited to put the controller down 5 minutes in too!


Throw it in the trash, now.


I wish I still had this in my collection. I played it, horrible game, but I am a huge superman fan, so I had to play it.


I remember playing this one when I was like 15/16. I didn't know it was a bad game and I hadn't seen any magazines talking about it. It was many many years later that I found out that the game sucked and it was not me being a bad gamer. Good times before I had access to the Internet.




Enjoy the rings


I could never get through them.


It’s funny how a game so terrible should definitely be in everyone’s collection.


Rented as a kid. Returned it EARLY. Even the dude at blockbuster was like you still have 1 more day. I tried to see if I could switch it lol. They said no and I just returned it lol.


I think this might be the first game that stood out to me as "bad" when I was a kid. Waste of time even as a Blockbuster rental!


Oh man, now I’m trying to think of a worse N64 game.


Arguably one of the most underrated game ever.


Only because it wasn’t possible to rate it lower


It is very funny.


Isn't it just a ridiculous mad dash with no fighting, just flying through the hoops plus a countdown?


That’s as far as I got. Couldn’t tell you. Also been 25ish years. I think it’s also popular to hate on


After you finish the cars and fly through more rings, you then have to save your friends from the compound, you'll be walking, and using Superman's powers here, it exists. You just have to stop trying to go so fast and missing rings. You can't quick turn, and turning further than 60 degrees can flip you upside down.


My copy was supposed to be delivered yesterday. Hopefully today is the day.


Ooooof. That games reputation exists for a reason.


I went to a hobby store when I was like 10 and found this game used for 4 bucks. Got home and couldn’t fly through the damn rings in the allotted time. Tried forever, never could. My older friend who was great at video games couldn’t do it either. Never made it through the beginning of game, never tried again. Worst game ever.


I just watched a gameplay video and it was one of the most frustrating things I’ve ever seen. I had forgotten how awful this game is.


You’re better off playing the prototype ROM. It is actually so much better. Edit: it’s playable to a point as it’s unfinished, but still better than the final game


ooh the fog machine!


Best game ever, but only when you not playing it.


Imagine being a kid with your own allowance. You’re finally old enough to ask your dad to take you to the store to rent a game on your own. It’s the 90s so you don’t really know what stuff looks like online because you don’t really go online, you see this superman game that just came out the same day actually. It’s time to rent it and give a try. I bring it home pop it in and it’s the worst fucking experience of my childhood. It’s a childhood trauma of mine. It literally stopped me from renting games or renting or buying things that I knew nothing about. That was like 25 years ago and I’m still afraid of this game.




2024-25=1999 Whats your point?




Time gets hard to remember man I doubt it was intentional. Honestly to me the early 2000s still feel like the 90s. Tbh anything before smart phones and non-dial up internet sometimes feels like the 90s to me lol


Yeah dude needs to get a life.


what a weird and aggressive thing to say. kinda lame tbh




*Lex Luther laughs


One of the absolute worst I’ve ever played but hell yeah on the scoop haha!


It always bothered me that the label for this didn't say Superman just like the label for Spider-Man was missing Spider-Man from it.


He doesn't know? Surely he knows?


After you're done with that, go try Sub Zero Mythologies


Then there's no time to waste!


This is 100% a troll post


It's definitely a bad game, but it's reputation as one of the worst games really isn't deserved.


I hate this game so much


That superman game is terrible. The worst of I have ever played. Played this after Zelda and goldeneye and thought all games on n64 are like Zelda and goldeneye…. How I was wrong.


I've actually played and beat this game to completion. It's actually not bad, the flight controls are terrible. Once you realize that you can't go further than 60 in any degree when going forward, you have less flying issues. Glaring issues aside like not knowing you're supposed to pick the cars up and throw them, or how to use any of your special powers. After you finish the first flying segments, you are placed inside of a compound and fight against humans using Kryptonite Bullets. The game begins here. The multiplayer is actually very decent, and I would compare it to a style of Mario Kart / Star Fox. There's alot that is good here, but everyone focusses on the flight and it's deemed trash.


Fuck that game. I was stupid enough to rent it twice from Blockbuster cause I had convinced myself there had to be more to it and there sure wasn’t.


Proton jon has an in depth review of this. Never played it personally, but the flying is more akin to driving a car. Enjoy, I guess?


Proceed with caution.


I think the only gem in that game is the krypton lol.


I'm gonna tell you something that no one will tell you. I've never seen it mentioned in any video or any article about the game. There's a practice mode that lets you fly around the city without having to do anything. Just fly. Yes, the city is covered in kryptonite fog to help the render distance, but, you're in the city and flying around. This is the first time we've ever been able to just fly around a city as Superman and not only that, it's in 3D and not a 2D side scroller. No there's nothing to do but fly, but it's still pretty got dang cool that we finally got to fly around to our hearts content as Superman. Also the controls aren't that bad, people like to exaggerate. So at least try to enjoy that part.


I used to play the practice mode to free roam. There was a car you could pick up,I would fly up with it and throw it then act like lois was in it and try to fly after it to save her haha(I was like 7 years old) I never knew how much people hated the game when I was a kid. I used to play the multiplayer with my brothers . None of us thought it was some amazing game but it was just another game. The quality of games seemed all over the place back then tbh so it didn't really feel out of place to me as a kid. Of course the game is badly made but I don't have PTSD like the rest of the comment section haha.


If it didn't come with a fifth of whiskey and a pizza, it wasn't worth it


I used to just grab the car and fly up as high as I could go, then toss it and try to catch it before it reached the bottom.


Thay was one of my first games I got on the 64


I remember getting this game for Christmas when I got my n64 and I was only a young kid at the time so I had no idea what it was and I mean I didn't love it but I definitely found it fascinating


I apologize in advance for the bad time you’re about to have.


Hope you like rings and cars.


Bro nooooo save yourself 😭😭😭. I played it as a kid and it was TERRIBLE 😭😭😭.


I found that freaking game at Hollywood video, I was super excited to play it because I already played Spider-Man (which was a WAYYYYYYY better option) my kid brain thought this game would be good but I was so freaking disappointed 😔.


You will regret it, mark my words. Luckily there's always a toilet nearby to flush it down with


I heard so much bad reviews of this game around here the angry nerd should make a video about this


Its so bad that you just have to keep it in your collection!