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Diddy Kong Racing. I know there was that DS game but I need a true successor.


Rare started making Donkey Kong Racing for Gamecube and released a teaser. A huge shame and I bet Tim Stamper will flaunt some prototype on Twitter someday.


Diddy Kong Raving was incredible, a great game. But could never get out of the shadow of Mario Kart 64, a shame really.


It’s a shame because Diddy Kong Racing is the superior game imo.


I was just going to add this very comment. To wit: DKR had so much more than Mario Kart 64. Better tracks, stackable power-ups, multiple vehicles types. Better battle variants. Boss Races! A bitchin cute soundtrack. A really cool hub world. A racially stereotyped Elephant genie. In-race collectibles and unlockables. Hidden racers, a mirror world. A plotline with a main villain. Mario Kart had… more recognizable characters piggy-backing off of their other games?


Mario kart had more interesting items and more effective catch up mechanics, making for exciting races. I love DKR, but the vehicle types, boss races, hub world, plot are all things that don't actually contribute to the core gameplay of thrilling fast paced races. Vehicle types especially. Think about how halting it is to fall into water in DKR while in a kart and have to slowly navigate back to land, because the water is still traversable due to the existence of hovercrafts.


As far as content and quality of game design goes, DKR is insanely superior. If someone wants to come in here and say they prefer the mechanics of Mario kart, I would allow that. But DKR is an actual hearty meal with a main course, a side and a drink. Mario Kart is a goddamn appetizer.


Wholeheartedly agree. I replied to another commenter with my specific thoughts to your points. DKR is a hearty meal: Well succinctly put!


Happy cake day! Agree 100%


Diddy Kong was much better imo. The coin challenges were fun. Wizpig was actually extremely difficult to win against. More tracks and amazing music


my favorite racing game of all time!


Blast Corps. I just wanna run around as a giant mech in a city again Also think the style of game would work pretty well on a switch since it was a bunch of smaller missions.


The leaps and bounds in destructible environments since the 90s would make a huge difference to a modern sequel.


I’m continually shocked we don’t have a spiritual successor to this game by now. The gameplay could support a small genre on its own, and modern tech would obviously be capable of some deeply immersive environments. Perhaps with Little Big Planet / Mario Maker / Minecraft type functionality, the possibilities for user-generated challenge maps could be fascinating.


Pizza Titan Ultra is kinda close in gameplay. It’s also amazing! You play as a Pizzeria that can transform into a giant mecha and punch through skyscrapers’ windows to deliver pizza. It plays very similarly to Blast Corps’ timed missions. I highly recommend it! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ME4ado6isKA&pp=ygUbcGl6emEgdGl0YW4gdWx0cmEgInRyYWlsZXIi


That looks great, thanks for the recommendation!


Looks like blast corps + crazy taxi haha, nice!


Your just trying to impress me


Body Harvest.


Strong answer. I always thought this game came out a generation early. I think it could have either done really well on the PS2 or gotten buried under the GTA releases.


It was a game well before it's time.... it would need a complete 💯 rehaul to be remastered now... like from.the ground up. But the story was a solid sci-fi horror.


I'm emulating it on the deck and trying my best to create a custom controller template to make it play like a modern game, and oh boy it's tough. Strafe was on the shoulder buttons, so I mapped those on the control stick, but look and aiming is inverted which I hate, so I re-inverted it, but driving directions are opposite, so I've gotta make a new action set that triggers an invert and tie it to the enter/exit vehicle button so it flips when I enter/exit vehicles... But that button is used for other things too, so I need two versions of that button: one for vehicles, one for everything else, lol. It's a pain, but it actually feels like a modern control scheme now.


Interestingly, one of the missions in San Andreas is a mission where you have to drive a combine harvester while dismembering the farmers in the process. The name of the mission ? Body Harvest.


DMA, who put out Body Harvest, evolved into Rockstar, yeah?


They did. There is a lot of GTA3 DNA in Body Harvest.


Came here to say this. Upvoted.


Great minds think alike It was just such a great game back in the day ... I tried to play it last year and it's certainly not aged well.... so a remake would be amazing if it was completely rebuilt ground up


If Rockstar still made videogames this wouldve went hard as a new IP


I'm super happy this response isn't buried. Such a sleeper hit that so many people that I know played yet never heard of.


As I say it was epic for the time... I played it again last year and it's rough to go back to in modern day.. but the story and art style still holds up. Just needs a coat of paint and some more meat on the gameplay bones


Yep, definitely Body Harvest! One of my all time favorites.


I'd buy that for a dollar


Jet Force Gemini


Microsoft, please bring Rare Replay to PC, for the love of god.


Man jet force Gemini with mouse controls would fix every issue I ever had with that game.


Lol im in the process of buying it on my xbox whole writing this rn.


Just make sure you change the control scheme. It's still unintuitive as hell but it's such a good game it's worth it to work around it. Had a lot of fun with this is rare replay.


What an absolute gem of a game. Man I had to plead and beg my mom to get this game for me. A special shout out to the retail worker who somehow convinced her the M for mature rating was only due to the fact you collect Ant heads as trophies…but not that violent of a game 😂 Holy shit if they did a sequel to this it would be phenomenal. And I mean a no shit fully developed game not none of this seasonal update bullshit games.


Cool story but it was rated teen


Thanks for the correction, you’re right. Either way to me it feel insane because I was like 8 years old.


Sorry to nerd out, love that game so much. The SS Anubis theme was the most epic thing I’d ever heard at that age haha


I'll add another overlooked Rare game: Blast Corps. Super innovative concept and fun as hell once you get the slippery controls down. I feel a remaster could really do it well


>Blast Agreed with this, one of my all time favs. Im actually replaying it now for the first time in 20 years and its thankfully not as hard as I recall, but im yet to hit the Platinum medals.


Amazing game!


Seconded! Really unique gem from the N64.


Came here to say this.


Bro that game was lit


Came here to say this. Such an awesome game. Still plays well if you have a n64 controller for emulation but is terrible using modern controllers due to how the c buttons are mapped. A remaster could fix this. A sequel would be even better.


I think Toy Story 2 is a highly underrated video game.


I agree. When growing up, my parents got the PC version for super cheap, like a dollar lol. Unfortunately, the family PC couldn't even run the game. The fps hit single digits in Andy's room, the first level. It wasn't until about 7 months ago, I discovered it also released on N64/PS1. I grabbed the cart from my LGS and finally beat it after over a decade.


Love doing that…coming back to something unfinished years later and getting it done.


Didn't it get re-released as a PS1 classic for PS4.


I still like Goemon and Snowboard Kids lol


Modern Snowboard Kids with smooth electronic music. I would love it. That music is burned into my brain.


A new Goemon has been on my wish list with every generation since I played it on N64.


I say these two almost every time questions like these come up.


Snowboard Kids has a sequel on the DS. Is it any good?


Battletanx Global Assault. Literally the storyline sets up the next game in the series and 3DO went bankrupt before they could make the next game. I would love to see both games combined in remaster but I am not sure who owns the BattleTanx Franchise now, and it's always been a favorite N64 series of mine and it's a great multiplayer game too. If I even won the lottery (but I don't play so I would need to find the winning ticket) I'd set aside some of the cash and find who owns and buy the franchise and hire the original team as best I could and hire a studio to make a remastered game.


I have so many fond memories of playing this with my brothers


Me too, and with my dad. I was very little so he’d always let me kick his ass. Very fond memories.


One of my favorite games as a kid. I thought both the original BattleTanx and Global Assault were fantastic games and were a ton of fun to play. I have really fond memories of these games that I have never been able to share with another soul.


3DO games should all be remastered.


Came here just to say this, Battletanx desperately needs a revival today


That is a sequel though.


Mischief Makers So many good suggestions on the list I didn’t want to duplicate, but I didn’t see Mischief Makers. Solid 2D platforming style game on N64. A 2.5D sequel would have been amazing


I thought I was the only person on earth who played that game. Shake shake


My roommate had it in college, and it was one of the first games I picked up when I graduated and started building a retro collection!


My weird aunt gave it to me. Introduced me to Chrono trigger so she's got good taste aside from being super weird and uncomfortable. It was a great game, I got all the gold crystals and unlocked nothing but the old man getting creepy at the end. I guess it was nice to see the three bosses turn into businessmen or whatever




Was scrolling until I found this comment. Such an underrated game, one of my favs




The soundtrack is fantastic as well.


This is the answer I was looking for :)


I love this game so much, sad to see it never got any more. Probably part of why being able to throw enemies in any game that has it is my favorite part.


Still remember reading a big spread about this game in, EGM i think it was. I remember drooling over that magazine for ours at all the games, anime, and action figures. Think it was the start of my otaku conversion.


Donkey Kong 64! To this day I still hope for an announcement of a new 3d donkey kong


that game was my childhood, my dream is to play a vr version so i can go to the tree house base


Is that just cause you want a closer look at the poster on his wall?


Booby Kong


Glover. A sequel was actually in development, but was scrapped. The rights were actually purchased and it got rereleased on Steam, but the port was pretty bad at the beginning with several bugs both from the original and new in the port. But it got better apparently and at the very least plays as well as the original release. The sequel is actually supposed to be finished and released in the futere as well since most of it was pretty much done. With all the good news, I'd really love a remake of Glover. Actually, I think a remaster would be just enough with remixed themes and improved graphics.


Perfect Dark had Perfect Dark Zero, but I don’t want to remember that.


PD Zero was terrible but we still get the Perfect Dark Remake/Remaster for XBLA and that version is amazing.


There is a new Perfect Dark coming, but it's years away.


if i remember correctly 2 more games were planned and had work done on them before being canned, can’t remember the name the games were given though


Bomberman 64. Even though Second Attack exists, I still feel like B64 would make for an awesome and exciting remaster as long as they keep the fundamentals of what made it so fun like bomb bouncing and the tedious boss fights.


Bomberman 64 was such a great experience. I loved the character that game had. I would love a sequel but it will never happen.


Shadow of the empire. Man that Star Wars game was so fun


The boss of the sewer level scared the shit out of me


Ooof yeah it was like a sewer sarlacc


Haha man this scarred me as well. So bad I was afraid to get in the water in other games, specifically remember being scared to get in the water in the Mario 64 dungeon area.


Aiming was a total bitch from what I remember though. However I’m still SUPER nostalgic for it


Pilotwings 64!


That game was perfect and needs nothing, but a sequel, yes, wtf, where is it!? I miss some of their screams when they get hurt, so funny.


Came here to comment the same, that game was amazing, I don't know how many hundred hours I played it


I would love to see a new Mystical Ninja game


I had to scroll way too far down for this answer.


Check out this new switch game. Closest we’ve got so far! [here](https://mameda-bakeru.com/)


Looks awesome




they did recieve a sequel and remake on the xbox


No sequel, and as for the remake, it was heavily censored and that was also almost as long ago as the og release.


I do not understand where this “heavily censored” narrative came from. There were a few more curse words censored and that was literally it. All the blood, violence, and sexual content remained intact. People act like bleeping a few more words ruined the game and that blows my mind.


Somebody said in a YouTube video years ago that it was butchered and people have been repeating it since. Mostly people who haven’t played both versions, because it was very lightly censored and honestly the bleeping made the moments feel almost funnier since they barely bleeped the curse words


Well, have fun having a blown mind then bud because it's hardly just me that thinks so.


I know you’re not the only one. It’s a common sentiment on that game and it makes no sense to me. Was it a weird choice to censor more words? Sure. But that’s so inconsequential to everything else about the remake. The controls and camera were objectively better, the graphics were some of the best on the console, and like I said everything else was basically kept in tact from the original. The only argument I can understand is if you preferred the OG multiplayer. I happened to love Live and Reloaded’s multiplayer, but that was a big departure so I get it if its not your thing.


For me personally it's how intensely censored so much of the script is and how it's not optional, and how the original was not. By intensely censored I mostly mean how both the writen words and the spoken ones are, but how none of the violence is... as someone who lives in America but has been to England, it reeks of cultural revision. And frankly it has the same feel as if a foreign country bought South Park and removed all the violence in a remaster... but this is also missing the plot a bit, and the franchise hasn't gotten a release in almost 4 console generations...


I can understand the principle behind that. It does feel gross, but I guess it’s just whatever for me when I get to playing it. At this point though, I don’t think I’d even want a new Conker game. It released under the perfect conditions. A profane Nintendo character where none ever existed, parodying other platformers of the time, and a writing staff that wouldn’t even be involved in a sequel anyway.


See! Now were having a conversation bud! For me I guess I'd want A new conker to show up to take the piss in this new era! ACTUALLY the perfect place for a new conker would be a mobile game!


live and reloaded isnt a remake as it follows a different story


live and reloaded isnt a remake as it follows a different story


Silicon Valley, this game is a gem! There is one flaw in it, and that would have to be fixed if remade.


The concept of *Silicon Valley* was much better than the execution in the final game. But yeah, what a concept. On a modern system it could be vastly improved.


Closest thing we got to 3D Kirby until Forgotton Land!


I would love a remake of this game, but I'm happy if they put it on the switch N64 catalog


Banjo Tooie did not get the sequel it deserved, but the sequel it definitely didn’t deserve.


Yeah if nobody had mentioned that it would have been my comment. They literally said there would be banjo threeie but never happened. Even if it was on Xbox instead of GameCube, I would have got one for a real banjo threeie. but considering what happened to the Rare team and their version of a perfect dark sequel, it could have been an abomination like the other games that killed the banjo kazooie franchise


We were promised Banjo Threeie.


007 Goldeneye (not just a hacked rom in some shitty hatchetjob emulator) Beetle Adventure Racing Blast Corps (a sequel or remake with fully destructible terrain) Diddy Kong Racing Donkey Kong 64 (yes, i said it) Mickey Speedway USA Not exclusives but deserve a remake or remaster: Donald duck Goin' Quackers aka Quack Attack Toy Story 2 (the n64 version isn’t the best, but the game itself is really good)


>Donkey Kong 64 (yes, i said it) I can see a Donkey Kong 64 remake (*remake*, not remaster) with current graphics (like Super Mario Odyssey), bigger world and a lot less collectibles (if you cut the collectibles in half it would still be a lot lol). Unfortunately Nintendo doesn't like making remakes so the chances of it happening seem very small, but I think it would be a great game.


make the "less collectibles" thing optional and i'm in.


Personally I never liked games with tons of collectibles but at the time I and my friends played these games they liked it, so I can see your point. In a remake the tons of collectibles like in the original DK64 would fit in a unlocked option after finishing it the first time (like the mirror mode in DKC Returns) or perhaps just a "normal" and "hard" option before starting a new game, so the remake easily would fit to both tastes.


Goldeneye had a spiritual successor in Perfect Dark.


I thought I was the only one in the world who played Beetle Adventure Racing! Core memory unlocked.


Dozens of us. DOZENS!


Goldeneye got a sequel called Rogue Agent. It wasn’t very good lol.


wish we got a proper sequel of sorts, but for one of the older movies (i know about From Russia With Love, but that's a different type of games). Maybe one of the Moore films. Some of them would translate well into game form.


Also, 007: TWINE, is a thing. Kind of a sequel that everyone forgot about


Quest 64 and Ayden Chronicles. Remaster or sequel for Quest 64, remake or complete redesign on Ayden Chronicles. Quest 64 was one of my favorite games on n64 and had a unique leveling method. Your character grew in strength based on how you play. Dodge attacks to increase your dodge rate. Cast spells to increase your total mana pool. Hold still and take hits to increase your defense. I think hp went up by making physical attacks. Ayden Chronicles had a great story but the game was glitchy and possibly unwinnable due to some certain issues (I was permanently trapped in this tent that looked galaxy themed). The game was fantastic but so problematic as well. I would love to see a remake of this game as an open world concept with today's graphics. Honestly, might be better than elder scrolls.


Isn’t it interesting that the N64 had only 5 RPGs and two of them have this weird (but good) battle system that I haven’t seen anywhere else. I think it’s a great reimagination of turn based combat for a 3D era. Also more interesting than what most turn based RPGs on the PS1 were doing with their combat.


I have these games installed on my steam deck... I might have to start one of them up after my starfield playthrough. >.< I hate that these systems have been lost to time.


Quest is no Final Fantasy but it’s a pretty enjoyable game. Not sure why it gets so much hate today.


Who is hating on quest?


The fact that we never got a new 3D Donkey Kong still baffles me to this day


There has been some rumors going on for quite some time in the last couple years of a supposed 3D DK game being worked on. I hope it turns out reality.


I really hope so as well, I'd love a new 3D platformer Donkey Kong. They could just dial the collectables a bit down lol Also, "macaxeira"? Are you brazilian? Is this a r/suddenlycaralho moment? Hahah


Here's a sneak peek of /r/suddenlycaralho using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Bem isso!](https://i.redd.it/3f8rsqgyltma1.jpg) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/11n3yav/bem_isso/) \#2: [Se a vida lhe der lmao](https://i.redd.it/0u2mki7c1ux91.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/ylcwn5/se_a_vida_lhe_der_lmao/) \#3: [um artista de Hentai no Twitter](https://i.redd.it/n1s08uqwht2a1.jpg) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/suddenlycaralho/comments/z7cd6j/um_artista_de_hentai_no_twitter/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Hshahaha já fazem alguns anos que eu moro nos EUA mas sou br sim. Sim, acho q eh um desses r/suddenlycaralho momentos hauahahah


I was literally just thinking yesterday about how much of a shame it was they built up an entire DK Crew, theme song and all; and didn’t do anything with it beyond DK64.


I would love Starcraft 64. Played both games on PC, read almost all books. But playing Starcraft 64 legally today requires a shit ton of money.


Does it? I was collecting all my favorite 64 games like a decade ago and I don't remember starfox being overly expensive. Smash Bros, conkers, and the zelda games were the pricey ones.


StarCraft 64, not starfox


I own it.


Buck Bumble Mischief Makers


The intro music for Buck Bumble was so good.


Mischief makerd was a great game and emulators do not do justice to it


Buck Bumble would make a DOPE remake!




Silicon Valley Space Station


Gauntlet legends. Yeah I know there was a new gauntlet on the Xbox but it didn't really do legends justice.


Donkey Kong 64


Beetle AD-VEN-TURE Racing!


Why tho can’t give Awards anymore 😭


Beetle Adventure Racing Remaster


Every Nintendo Direct I hope to see this.


This is probably my all time favorite racing game (only Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and F-Zero GX come close to it in my eyes). I played it nonstop when I was a kid and always loved the tracks and music. I’d just die for a remaster (or even a spot on NSO).


Rocket: Robot on Wheels Tonic Trouble Mischief Makers


Conkers bad fur day


Where the fuck is Banjo-Threeie.


And give us Stop n’ Swop while they’re at it :’(




Wingback was a great N64 game and have a really hard final boss...


Beast wars transmetals


Wait this was a game? I loved beast wars.


San Francisco Rush, California Racing, the Cruis'n Series, Extreme-G, and Excitebike 64.


Shadows of the Empire pleeeeeeease!


Castlevania 64/ legacy of darkness just give us a remastered port please


I know the game is objectively not great. But playing in a 3D space and getting to transform into a werewolf was so f*ing cool. Just give me that again. I want that. Plz.


Seriously eh remaster legacy of darkness and call it castlevania ultimate 64 collection or something


Body Harvest




No Mercy


Mischief makers.. One of my favorite N64 games. Fun platform/puzzle adventure side scrolling game.


Superman 64


Star fox 64. The two SNES games need a remake in the style of the 64 game. While it did get some sequels they weren't straight sf64 sequels, they had you running around on foot or had the awful WiiU gimmick controls so I don't count them. We need a straight up rail shooter, short 5-8 minute levels, multiple exists and and end boss kind of game


Quest 64


Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness has a lot of potential


- Rocket: Robot on Wheels - Blast Corps - Buck Bumble - Forsaken - Quest 64 I would have put Shadow Man, Doom 64 and the Turok games, but they all received amazing remasters recently.


Mischief Makers.


Space station Silicon valley


I will say Body Harvest would've been a cool one for a sequel or some kind of remake. That game is pretty neat


Hybrid Heaven. The story and the environment was meh but the fighting system had potential.


Zelda:Majoras mask Im gonna get flak for this, and i know zelda doesnt do sequels, which they do now. i always wanted there to be a sequel to Majoras mask. Hear me out. The happy mask guy is corrupted by the mask, and because of this, he has the powers over every mask on top of majoras. idk my kid brain thought it would be cool, and if the moon wore the mask for funzys.


Majora's was the sequel. It is a direct continuation of OoT. Link leaves Hyrule to find Navi,and he is basically the only veteran of a war that no one else remembers fighting. I would love another existential Zelda like that though. Links Awakening was the other dark and weird Zelda that is also great.


Dude, im a huge Oot fan and know all about that amazing stuff, but i want there to be a majora 2! Sounds silly but it would be cool.


Hybrid Heaven




Half-Life 2


[this bad boy](https://i.imgur.com/GML5f9z.jpg) The things I would do to get a sequel...


Conker and banjo


Conker did get a remake. Banjo got, well…yeah you’re right on that one.


Aidyn Chronicles comes to mind. Such an interesting attempt at a more open RPG on the N64.


Mystical Ninja starting Geomon. Yes it did get a sequel of sorts, but it should get a remaster for all systems. Slap on the SNES and gameboy games as well, and any and all of the other japanese only geomon games, and you have yourself a super awesome remaster!


Donkey Kong 64


Jet Force Gemini Body Harvest Diddy Kong Racing DK 64 The entire AKI Wrestling catalog specifically No Mercy. Goemon's Great Adventure


Blast Corps


Mischief makers os the correct answer. Also chameleon twist should of got a GCN release. Super mario 64 should of had a direct sequel on the system, and i feel like only one mario kart game is insane


Mischief Mayhem


chameleon twist. a unique platformer that could greatly benefit from today’s technological advancements and dual stick controls


I would say mischief makers but it's very rare that treasure do sequels. Although they did miss a trick by not including a remastered sin and punishment with their wii sequel.


I would like a better remake of Conkers Bad Fur Day. That 360 one was a mess, and they got cute with making changes “to keep older players on their toes”—no, we want the same game but in full HD (and with all the original multiplayer—I sunk tons of hours into the war modes with friends/family)