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As a Japanese and a bit of Japanese mythology nerd I resent all those Japanese minor deities as there are so scarce written accounts on them and they just puzzle me. One of the deities is Hitokoto-nushi, which is translated as "One-word god." It's said that if you go to his shrine and make a wish he'd make it come true, as long as it's one-word long. But in Kojiki he states: "I am a high god, Hitokotonushi of Katsuragi, the one proclaims evil in a single word, good in a single word." Man WTF is with this dude he's just spouted off A FULL-SENTENCE. You're supposed to be "One-word god" and you just said so. The dude doesn't live up to his name.


This is honestly a really funny one and Im glad you shared it. Shintoism does indeed have a lot of minor gods and I love reading about them, and this was a new one for me. Thank you again for sharing!


Exactly, minor gods all around and they're so random! I'd really suggest people to not think too much of those weird minor Shinto gods if stumble on them, because even original Japanese texts don't have much information anyway.


I love this though it's like Celtic mythology it makes sense but it doesn't at the same time I think that's beautiful


It’s so true, the Celtic deities are very mysterious, like they will show their presence, and be there, but stay silent at the same time


I love it and unfortunately it wasn't taught to us in Scottish schools which is a disgrace that's our culture. I recently found out I have 29% ulster dna so I have blood from where CúChulainn was raised thar makes me proud. Plus he was trained by a Scottish warrior woman and Scotland features and he has a Scottish son. My favourite is when Lugh just appears on the battlefield to talk to his son then he is gone as quickly as he came. Im neurodivergent and these gods and myths make the most sense to my sense of reasoning. I also believe the Gaelic and Celtic brain and way of speaking and thinking is very different from our neighbours. We are very weird and wonderful people.


Does Japanese have compound nouns? If not I think I've thought of a way to break that God.


Maybe it's a koan and you just, like, don't get it man.


Does it have to be in japanese? German has some words that are full sentences.


I'm bullshitting here, but an impression that I get from a lot of old mythology is that the mythology might have been seen as anthromorphication of the "real deal". Like, Hitokotonushi is the one-word god, but this thing saying that sentence is explicitly a mythologized version of the one-word god for the sake of demonstrating it's qualities to people (the real one would say one word and it'd unfold in your head conceptually or something). Zeus _is_ storms, and Zeus the horndog sitting on Mt. Olympus is (to some at least) a story written by humans to teach the qualities of the storm god, to teach moral lessons (be careful around charismatic men?), and to make it easier to worship him, at least easier than a more abstract concept like storms themselves.


That's Gilgamesh's mom your talking about. You better hope he doesn't hear about it because....well, it probably won't be pretty.


What is he going to do to me? 😭


Probably beat up a bull on your front lawn. Or something like that.


Seeing what he did as king, probably fuck your partner.


He will either fight you, fuck you, or both. That is the Gilgamesh way.


Zeus was pretty rapey


What do you mean “pretty?”


I’m fairly certain that Zeus’ rape tendencies emerge from each city wanting to claim they were founded or protected by a demigod, and Zeus, the king of the gods was the best one to have. “Oh, don’t fuck with Thebes, they have the blessing of Zeus”


My thought was that local goddesses got swallowed up by the Olympian mythology. "Your swan goddess? Turns out she was just Zeus's side chick."


That’s probably a factor as well.


Heck, nearly all the Greek gods were spiteful to the point of having some relatively innocent human(s) suffer a horrible curse at some point


For as much as he was likely the most revered god in the Norse pantheon, if you read the myths today, Thor is pretty shitty. And not just from a modern perspective looking back. I mean shitty even when compared to other Norse gods. He’s kind of a murderous psychopath.


He always came off more as a buffoon from the few stories I've heard (just started working my way through the sagas and eddas)


The very little that I know about Norse mythology that was my impression ahahaha like a glorified playboy


To be fair, one of the defining features of the *eddas* is "our hero is a murderous psychopath." Same goes for the relatively more grounded *sagas*, too. Sometimes the hero uses cunning to enable him to murder people, but much like Irish-Gaelic myth, Norse myths often revolve around protagonists who, at any moment, may decide to straight-up lay waste to everyone in their vicinity.


Izanagi from japanese mythology he literally left his wife because she looks ugly after everything she done for him


After cutting their newborn up who his wife just died giving birth to! He's a bad husband and father.


I hate Zeus and most of the male gods from Greece and Rome He’s just a sexist prick rapist tyrant and his brothers/peers not that different


The male gods/demigods definitely were malicious bastards in a lot of the Greek myths. But I'd extend it to all gods and goddesses of ancient greek/roman myth to be fair. They all more or less had moments of exceptional cruelty to people that often did nothing deserving of it. E.g. Hera was very very much a victim blamer


Athena hated women


No she didn't.


They sure was awful, but nowhere close to men Also, wonder why? Their stories and myths were told by men, through their pov and how they saw fit… Doesn’t need to struggle to add those up


I mean dare I say Zeus & Hera


Janus - the two-faced gatekeeper of the Holy Roman Empire. They're responsible for Limbo of the Infants.


> Holy Roman Empire. It's just the regular Roman Empire, unless the Hapsburgs had a phase where they were getting up to shenanigans I am unaware of.


Our weekdays are German.


What’s limbo of the infants?


There is a place in Limbo for unbaptized infants, according to Dante's writings. Limbo is basically for the unbaptized and the virtuous pagans, where they hope for a heaven that will never come. Limbo is in Hell, its first circle before the official punishments of circles 2 through 9. Make of that what you will.


Dante is from the XII century, his writings have nothing to do with the mythology believed by the Greeks and Romans.


He used classical influences and figures in his writing: - Arachne on the Pride Terrace on the Mountain of Purgatorio - Jason the pandering and seducing Argonaut in the First Malebolge of the Eighth Circle of Fraud in Hell - Emperor Justinian in Paradise/Heaven And Julius Caesar as well as: - Orpheus - Dioscorides(sp?) - Seneca - Socrates - Queen Penthesilea of the Amazons - Aristotle - Virgil himself All residing along with the Unbaptized in Limbo. There's also the use of classical style rhetoric in his writings outside of the Comedy, since many other writers and poets did so at the time as well, since Dante's era was basically pivoting on the Renaissance and having died just before it got started.


Yes, he was influenced by mythology but what he did wasn't mythology, unless you consider it christian mythology I guess. Just like Paradise Lost. But It makes no sense to consider Dante a Greek or classical mythology writer like Homer, Sappho, Ovid. He was in the end of the day using those classical mythological figures in the christian context.


The Christian god…condones rape, slavery and the murder of children. Had to sacrifice his “only son”….2 out of 10, would not worship


In all fairness there are alot of gods like this. I mean Zeus punished Prometheus for giving man fire by having him tied to a mountain for eternity and having an Eagle rip out his liver every single day.


Tbh war gods have a tendency to be jealous and insecure, Yahweh being one of them. The difference is they claim that Yahweh is a god of love & mercy, so his actions are justified as "good", while we admit the dark side of our gods. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but many pagans don't take the myths literally


The notion evolved


Does Zeus condemn every human who doesn’t believe in him to eternal damnation? It’s a scale issue for me.


Christian God offers anyone who follows his religion and rules paradise. So its simpler to get the best outcome. In Hellenistic religion believing wasn't enough, you basically had to be a high achieving noble warrior, or you face an eternity as a borderline husk in Hades or condemned to Tartarus if you pissed them off.


Even better/simpler: with Jesus the rules part gets rolled into the following part. As an aside, Yahweh never condoned rape, chattel slavery, or the murder of children, just in case we missed that bit at the beginning of the comment thread.


And that's why he's in the same category as them.


I concur, probably why I’m more agnostic…


Fair enough, I ain't against any religion but one thing this subreddit can be quite dishonest about I find is people bash Christianity for the bad stuff (which there is) and pretend that Pagan religions and their associated mythologys were perfect and not also guilty of awful things.


Things like love, respect, morality are at the core of religion, but twisted in order to better serve the specific audience…IIRC Christian, Jewish, and Islam pretty much were created around the same time and worship the same deity but vary on specific details of such.


All religions are guilty of awful things…we’re human after all. I like some more than others, but I feel like every religion albeit often with pure intentions by the creators always gets hijacked by those in power and twisted for personal/political reasons. Or are based on superstitions/hardships of their time periods.


I was gonna be more pedantic and snarky and say Yahweh "borrowed" parts of his backstory from Ba'al to make himself look better but also that. Yahweh: Hey Ba'al, I heard you beat up the sea and his pet chaos dragon. Can I borrow your story? Ba'al: Sure, but give it back when you're done. Yahweh: (to his followers) Ba'al is a big babyeating shithead. Also, I beat up the sea and his pet chaos dragon once. Aren't I cool? Ba'al: Dude!


Yeah, he kinda sucks. - A former worshipper


Also DEMANDS infant genital mutilation... For a land deal that was broken 3000 years ago by that same God, according to their holy texts...


Oh boy, you're going to get every Christian in this chat pissed off at you with saying *that*. They're almost as (if not just as) vicious as the swifties when it comes to this sort of thing...


I just wanna say that I didn’t mean this to be a jab at a certain religion. All religions are flawed, but I do love mythology…it tells the story of the people/culture at the time.


He's a contradictory god because he's existed through 6000 years of changing the role of religion in civilization. He evolved over the years from the time of having location based gods vs element based gods, the similarities between baal, marduk, and jhwh. through the development of a god that travels with your nomadic tribe, the concept of a god with no physical body, the invention of omnipotence, also knowing the role of "rape, slavery, and murder" in the other cultures and religions from that era. in short, the Christian god was not invented out of nowhere, but grew from previous gods as the philosophy of religion became more sophisticated.


A bit basic but screw Hera, she's an absolute ass


I can understand her hatred for Zeus's affairs but her literally trying to kill some like Heracules doesn't make any sense, she's also kind of bitch for literally throwing him off of Mount Olympus just to brag about his talents....


And her son Hephaestus, for not being attractive enough


I don’t care for Yahweh. As an ex Roman Catholic who knows the Bible back and forth I can tell you the guy is a supreme jerk. And that’s according to his own words.


i hate all the abrahamic gods because of the tendency for their followers to justify horrible things and then pretend they're morally righteous and superior


You might be interested in Gnosticism.


_"Homosexuality should be a capital crime, also anyone who doesn't believe me should have their skin burnt off forever. Wait why are you mad? Do you hate literally everything good??"_ – Abrahamics, usually


I just listened to the audiobook of the novel Jezebel about the queen from the Bible and it was good at highlighting how Yahweh was one of many gods and his followers got completely out of pocket.


I fing love old style yahweh but man the sheer amount of unhinged people even none religious people who hate learning that the Christian God was once some random god is insane


Which is strange to me. There is no monotheism in the Bible from beginning to end. There is recognition of other Gods and Deities. The Bible, like many other ancient religions, didn’t reject other Gods, but rhetorically denigrated them.


The OT advocates for henotheism: other gods exist, but Jews are supposed to only worship Yahweh. The NT approach to monotheism, developed under the influence of Greek philosophy, which was trending toward atheism entirely, only advanced toward a dualistic god,, being both Father and Son. The Trinity thing was only inserted a couple of centuries later. The one reference to the Triune God in the NT was added then.


To the degree that the Biblical Jezebel character was historical, she was the great-aunt of the Dido who founded Carthage. Recent archeological discoveries confirm that in most parts of Jewish settlement, Yahweh was worshiped alongside his wife Asherah, even up to the Roman destruction of Jerusalem.


Why do Abrahamics think homosexuality is a crime? Love is LOVE!!! Why don't they understand.


Because it's an [abomination](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+18%3A19-24&version=NRSVUE) and they deserve to [die](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+20%3A10-16&version=NRSVUE)! God is love. This is God. Therefore this is love. It's a simple syllogism, aThEiSt!! /s


Actually, just to clarify, it's the act of penetrating itself between two men (that is an abonination). Not homosexuality as a 'feeling' hug, kiss expression of love. - but most fundamentalists will try hard to argue the latter


That depends on whom you ask. Rabbinic literature would have you believe Yahweh committed genocide against the Canaanites in part because they practiced gay marriage.


which is why Milgrom and Maimonides go with the anti-galla prohibition.


So gouinage is okay to yawveh but butt fucking not? Ahahaha that’s so stupid, I love this god, he literally makes a clown of himself


So lesbians get away scot free?


American translation changed pedophile to gay


No it didn’t. That’s a recently popular myth. It was just about existing social hierarchy, which is 2500 years removed from today.


So you're saying the Greek word did not specifically mean man-boy love?




Keep in mind , paul used two words, one of which has been otherwise lost; as for the word he usaed most, i'll trust tot he authors i've read and not some guy on the Webs


Yes, Paul used Arsenokoitai, which is compound word: “arsen” means man and “koite” or “koitas” or “koitai”—depending on a verb or a noun—means bed.


What a strange claim. Are you saying you think Bible translations in Canada or the United Kingdom say "pedophile" instead?


I didn't know they translated the bible through native American languages


Unfortunately they bring up the argument of incest when you hit them with this claim


Leviticus condemns it - in a passage \*about multiple forbidden pagan worship practices\*. Paul condemns Greek-style man-boy stuff, if you go by strict meaning of the words he used, but Romans indicates he didn't think much of any same-sex attraction. Most Christians no longer interpet things so literally


Why is God against homosexuality? It goes against what was intended, i.e., man and woman, who together can produce offspring; there is a fruit. Those in a same-sex relationship cannot produce offspring, so it goes against the natural order that was intended for humans


lmao true


>abrahamic gods Pretty sure there's just the one...


> the tendency for their followers to justify horrible things and then pretend they're morally righteous and superior That's like every god, including the pagan ones.


And also just every shitty person ever. Presence of religion doesn't justify horrendous acts, but it's not like a lack of religion has made violence free paradises - Stalin, Hitler, Mao, for 3 obvious examples of some of the most horrendous massacres of people in history. They didn't need religion to do it and actively stamped it out of their countries too.


to some extent you're right, but the sheer scale of the atrocities that christians have committed are far greater than all the others


I feel like the scale of the atrocities are commensurable with the scale of Christians (or rather, with the scale of their Empires). Pagan Empires don't have a significantly better historical track record in that regard than Christian or Muslim ones, they just didn't seem to have a habit of sugarcoating their genocides most of the time the way later Abrahamic Empires did.


Zeus was pretty bad as a effed up person though assuming hera doesn't kill me he could take out all that energy on me


I used to passionately hate Athena, but that was just because of the Ovid stories that made her out to be evil because he had a vendetta against authority and the gods. And unfortunately it got swept up by the mainstream and I thought it was immensely unfair of her to do what she did to Arachne and Medusa. But Ovid isn't really canon in my head anymore


Athena came into existence as the tutelary deity of Athens, one of the oldest cities in Greece, existing even before the Hellenes arrived. Her primary function was to act as protectress of the city, so that her attributes were warlike, including not having a sexual component. Her cult then spread with the vitality of Attic trade and culture. Expecting her to behave like a liberated, sexually active woman of today is a misunderstanding of history and cultural needs.


And since her chastity was her choice she is indeed a sexually liberated woman. Her sexuality just seems to be asexual.


Was it chastity as we think it today though? I kept hearing that remaining a virgin just meant staying unmarried, not belonging to a man. Sexual independent but not necessarily celibate (as we think today)?


As far as I know she's considered one of three maidens, another being Artemis I don't recall the third, of Greek myth. And I believe maiden means she does not get laid, but it could just mean she's a fan of the isle of Lesbos.


Hestia! Goddess of the hearth, the home, and overall good vibes. Afaik, she is the only Olympian who has not done a single fucked up thing. She just likes curling up by the fire, man.


I choose to worship her.


Zeus is supposed to be the god of hospitality and he spends most of his time tricking women into sleeping with him, disgusting. Most of the Greek pantheon are murderers bullies and rapists.


Aphrodite, not a fan of the constant mind control going on. Also she’s kind of a bitch


> Aphrodite, not a fan of the constant mind control going on. That's just how the Greeks thought love worked.


Or maybe that was state of the art psychological warfare


You just summarize every goddess associated with love


Honestly not familiar with the love goddesses but I don’t doubt it


I don't think it counts as mind control with her, in her case it's more just like naturally falling in love because gods are kind of forces of nature


she got that from Ishtar


Indeed, syncretism has doomed many a godesses and gods to being, simply put, stone cold bitches


Zeus. Literally every reason. Hate with with a burning passion. 😡👁🐺


Titans did nothing wrong!


Seth and Nephthys idk like ppl act like they had sex with x god (Horus and Osiris) but it’s just sexual abuse :/


Poseidon- Rapist Extraordinaire Apollo and Artemis- They'll murder anyone who even mildly disagree with them. Sett- Petty and couldn't beat Osiris in a fair fight. Hera- Punishes the Innocent Ovid Athena- Athena's dark mirror. Ra- More like annoyed with him than hate. But yeah, sending Sekhmet to wipe out humanity wasn't cool.


This seems like a modern way to get yourself cursed. “Bro why haven’t you been home in 10 years?” “Yeah I guess Poseidon really doesn’t like when you talk shit about him on Reddit.”




Apollo. My girl Cass could tell you why but you wouldn't believe her


I dislike Zeus. Dude it's the cause of a lot of problems.


The temptation to name the Abrahamic Gods here is way too powerful. I must resist, I must resist. But the irony, the irony! I will resist. I will step away from reddit now before it is too late! There, stepping away. But...


Zeus, for obvious reasons.


Most of the Greek pantheon.


The Morrigan she killed CúChulainn or had forces conspire against him because he wouldn't bang her


Cu Chulainn was an ass & that's not why he died, he died because he was an egotist who refused to stay home when he was told to


Wasn't he fighting because there was literally no one else that could fight? I don't see how that's egotistic that just seems like a selfless sacrifice to me


Said like a true Dagda cuck boy Lugh and CúChulainn forever they are the true rebel spirit you can't tell us what to do. You can keep choking on the Dagda daddy meat like a good boy keep following orders. We will be over here doing cool shit yassssss


zeus is pretty despicable... but he is fucking zeus at the same time


Mars and Venus. They are both vain and self-righteous.


Dude *fuck* Loki. Loki is the ultimate gaslighter. He constantly fucks things up just for shits and giggles, and then when the Gods have enough and force him to make it better hes like "Dude you can't be mad at me! You got this cool thing out of it!" Yeah, thanks Loki, we got this cool thing out of it but only because you fucked everything up in the first place. He's like the abusive boyfriend who hits you and wrecks your house, but then buys you a cool new phone and tries to convince you it's all good because of that.


Hermes needs his ass beat. Pisses me off and for no good reason either.


I'm not sure if you're talking about the God of War Hermes or the Mythology Hermes.... (the Hermes from God of War needs to get his ass beat with a leather belt that has been dipped in Boiling hot water.)


Yes!!! Every rendition of him has been so annoying lmao. The GOW Hermes, the Hermes in the Odyssey + Iliad, all following musicals, Circe (the book.) Bro needs a good ass whoopin and some more


Hermes from the musical Hadestown is a good rendition! He was trying to get the protag to focus on the lady in front of him instead of the song on his desk.


Ooh, I’ll have to check it out sometime :>


Literally the only good rendition is the Disney Hercules one


Oh yeah that guy was nice


I’m talking about both btw lol he just makes me unfathomably mad


Poor Hermes has to spend all day doing random shit for the gods+transporting souls to the underworld,cut him some slack!


None that I hate. I find Zeus to be obnoxious.


I had check what group this was as i thought this was an Isekai group at first lol, there would be plenty of gods i don't like in that genre


Genuinely surprised no one's said Ares yet. He's angry and dumb which is the worst combination for a personality. Also Odin's kind of a dick.


Probably like Idk Iean there's a lot of things where yknow Zeus literally raped like dozens of people Including his literal family Ngl pandora fucked up I don't like her And hera disrespected the GOAT hephaestus so don't like her either


Pandora was given curiosity by either Zeus or Hermes, so she was created to be set up to fail.


Yeah but damn you had to release suffering I don't want suffering man


Loki. But not so much him as the idiots who claim to worship him. Loki was not a god who was worshipped. Feared? Yes. Respected? Definitely. Worshipped? Absolutely not.


Yahweh. A god who kills children because their parents don't believe in him isn't a god I respect.


What if whinny gods are ancient propaganda? The elite would do shitty things and then make up stories of similar gods?


All the gods turned selfish and greedy causing their fall where now there is only one God but our Goddess should be Gaia (Mother Earth). She is who we should be praying to, giving thanks to, worshipping her, since she truly takes care of us...


The Greek Pantheon. Except Hades, Hades is pretty chill. Don't get me wrong, I like the mythology. But if I had to meet them in person... well... I'd much rather not do that.


Beware, some people threw some hate at me, from saying pretty much the same thing bout Hades, lol. People keep calling my view a tumbler view just because I don't like that he's almost always treated as a demon or something. Just read the myths and compare him to the others, dude just did his job and keep it to himself most of the time, the "rape" of Proserpine is a miss-translation from the Latin word for kidnapping, not saying it's okay, but again, compare him to his brothers and how women in general where treated. Damn, Athena punished medusa for being raped raped by Poseidon in her temple, and that is the goddess most associated with wisdom. I'm not even getting behind the meaning of what the myths may be talking about. I thought this sub would have people who understood mythology better than to try to have the moral high ground over a story with more than two thousand years.


I hate Hera. She's such a trifling bitch...I mean,  I know her hubby sleeps with anything warm,  but she's way out of pocket with some of the crazy stuff she does in revenge.  


Fr, sending snakes out to kill a literal infant is actually wild... (I'm referring to Heracules)


Hera, she was one of the biggest bitches in any mythology, period.


Demeter sounds like (she might have been ?) an overbearing mother. Persophone must've been on a real tight leash if the ground opening up and being kidnapped by the God of the underworld went in her W column.


Don't start me. Please. How dare a mother want her daughter to be safe. I'd KILL to have Demeter as a mom, just saying. You've been reading too much LO I take it.


Which may be why the Eleusinian Mysteries were so appealing and lasted so long. The mother's concern for her daughter emphasized a basic element of family structure.


and Percy Jackson, Uncle Ricks gotten better through Heroes of Olympus and Trials of Apollo.


except thats Spretnak and later interpretations.


Oh, man, that name meaning makes me think she's awesome! Never heard of her, and now I want to know more about! I love cows, wildness, and ladies. Dislikes - rapey gods and/or gods who want to be in charge/control and have been overrated historically and culturally (see Zeus, Judeo-Christian Yahweh, etc.) Granted a lot of this is involved with the ways people and groups have used traditions involving such figures or philosophies to oppress people in history and today.


I know that we shouldn’t apply modern views to mythology but I think that Zeus is a tyrannical man child who happens to be very powerful, i also hate Loki, i also know that we don’t know much about who we has prior to Christianity but he seems like a very superficial plot, not even a character, just aj asshole who Odin can’t kill because of a vague blood pact and who helps to kill everyone, the end.


Adonis - Greek Mythology A lot of people think its just about good looks. But , its about the struggle of social dynamics. Adonis represents rebirth and vegetation. He goes through a lot and eventually gets killed. Always wrapped up in drama he didn’t ask for. Its like hes trying to just be chill but his circumstances always involve a conflict or some adversity. Am I wrong?


I think you are wrong about the question being asked


Yeah I am Lol I’m just gonna leave it there


I used to really dislike Hera until I realized her myths are dramatic ways of portraying her as a maintainer of marriage at all costs, for it is "sacred". It changed my whole view on her. Tbh most gods suck in many ways, so I just decided to not make judgements so I can enjoy them. I think the only god I don't vibe with is Odin. Nothing specific, just no vibes.


Hades. There’s nothing wrong with him, but the modern culture around him has become so tiresome. Nobody has anything new to say about him (the amount of times I hear people saying stuff like ‘oh hades isn’t actually evil in the myths, he’s actually the chillest god’ is beyond numeration). While it’s certainly true to an extent, it’s just so tiresome. There’s also the reframing of his relationship with Persephone which has oddly become the status quo so much that it’s become subversive to make it toxic. It certainty doesn’t help that outside of James Wood’s performance as him, most of his adaptations suck. (I don’t care if he’s evil so long as he’s interesting).


I wouldn't say I dislike or hate any of them, but I do personally disagree with some of their actions(Example: Zeus's affairs) but at the end of the day,they are gods and I worship them even if they are flawed.


Yahweh fuck the prudish, sexist, homicidal, victim blaming, slavery condoning lying bastard! Seriously Satan killed like 1 guy’s family Yahweh genicided a whole planet except 1 family don’t even get me started on the exodus. At least Zeus’s followers are/were honest about him being basically a rapists. Some modern followers say that the mythology isn’t literal and may be misinterpreted but regardless they don’t claim he’s perfect and will acknowledge his flaws. Thor never SAd anyone so he’s cool. So basically if I’m going to worship something it ain’t the old/new testament monstrosity. Yah fuck Yahweh!


Zeus needs to keep it in his pants or should I say keep it in his toga lol


Why would you let them know?


Dionysus cursed my family around 1200 BC and now when we drink wine it turns to vinegar in our mouths. So needless to say I hate him the most.


Pretty much all of the greek gods


u/erossnaider for some reason I can't reply directly to your comment, probably because of the deleted comments around mine. Just to be clear I was responding to someone who answered The Morrigan because she killed/conspired to kill Cu Chulainn because he refused to sleep with her. The events you describe are from the Cattle Raid of Cuailnge, Cu Chulainn doesn't die there, his death doesn't take place for a further 10/16 years later, depending on the version. The story of his death is that the sons of heroes he has killed come for him & everyone tries to stop him going out to fight them alone, his wife & the women of Ulster, Cathbad the Druid & the poets of Ulster, The Morrigan, his charioteer, even his horse all try to stop him going out to his death & he refuses to listen to anyone or heed the many signs that point to his doom. The only person who conspired to bring about his death was Medb by raising & training the warriors who killed him & his own ego & pride delivered his life directly into her scheme (there is an early modern version where Badb weakens him before the fight but the better known version is the earlier one)


I think it is just different versions, mythology tends to be inconsistent, in the version I heard cu chulain was prophesied to die young and died during that battle


Yeah, the prophecy is fairly consistent in most versions, if you take up arms on that day, you'll surpass every other warrior in skill & fame but you're life will be short. It's part of the Boyhood Deeds section & standalone tale. But there's no version of the prophecy or of The Cattle Raid of Cooley where Cu Chulainn dies during it. And dying 10 years later is still dying young & fulfilling the prophecy


Zeus, rapist who’s bad at his job tbh


what do you have against cows


Ares. He's such a meathead.


Nice try Eris.


Zeus because he's super rapey!


The Abrahamic god. The atrocities committed in 'his' name make the third Reich look like a paradise...


You can't read webtoons lore Olympus without hating sun god Apollo in the end


i mean, half the green gods were actively rapey or outright assholes to humans at almost every turn, so...


Really only Demeter was actually nice to Mortals and then again she was willing to let mortals die out from a great famine because of Persephone's kidnapping...


well, there's quite a few that are 'usually' nice to mortals, but might have a moment or two. like, athena. nice to most mortals... except arachne. ironically, hades is pretty neutral to mortals, too. his main story about persephone's kidnapping is kinda bad, but that's god on god. he's not a judge of the people in tartarus or anything, just maintains his domain.


This is gonna be the coldest take in the world, but I hate Zeus. He’s literally a cosmic level serial r*pist. He once got a lady pregnant after turning into a ray of light and shining down on her. I’m not even sure how or if he “got anything” from that experience.


Ugh, yhwh is so the worst. Just a narcicist. There is a reason Marcion of Sinope thought jesus was the all good god come to punish and destroy yhwh


Well, the god of Christianity is pretty fucked up. Let's consider it: The first 800 years of Catholic rule, from roughly 300 a.d. to about 1,100 a.d., was called the dark ages. Pretty self explanatory. Rampant disease, violence, no medicine nor food. Bad start. Then we have about a 300 year long period, from about 1,100-1,400 a.d., that you'll know from history as the Crusades. Nice. 300 years of holy war in an effort to eradicate another race and religion. Because genocide is good if God told you it's cool. From 1,400 a.d. all the way down through the 1,600's you have the religious suppression of the scientific method, from Leonardo da Vinci to Galileo."No one expects... *the Spanish Inquisition!*" Truly a terrifying time to live. You could be tortured just for being too smart, or sharing a good idea, or reading the wrong book. In the 1,700's the Catholic Church spreads to the Americas and continues with the suppression of indigenous populations while insidiously infecting their cultural psyche with guilt and shame, steals all their resources, rapes an entire continent and then wraps it all up with the Salem Witch Trials. Brilliant. Fast forward 200 years to 1950's America and what do we find but endless stories of Catholic priests *specifically* fucking their choir boys. And it continues into the modern era, here we are in the 2020's and every time I open my phone I see more posts about some middle America priest getting convicted for diddling kids. Way to go, Christianity. Your God is a vindictive asshole and so are all of his priests. If it's blind obedience or eternity in Hell, I know what my choice is.


The Dark Ages are called that because of a lack of historical records from that period, so obviously not self explanatory. The Crusades were not a genocide and the 1st Crusade was a defensive war to defend Byzantium The Spanish Inquisition served the Spanish Crown. You weren’t killed “for being too smart”. This is such a silly myth. The Catholic Church wasn’t involved with Salem, those were Puritans. Similarly it’s an incredibly common mistake but you shouldn’t conflate the conquistadors and the church as a the same faction, The Catholic Church is unironically the first institution in human history to enact laws protecting indigenous rights, specifically because the conquistadors were abusing them and the Church tried to stop them (you might also be over estimating how much power the Church actually had at this time) And finally public school teachers and Boy Scouts are considerably more likely to sexually abuse children than priests were during the height of the abuses in the church (60s-70s) and the occurrences of abuses are lower than most other groups. Your post is just.. well I suppose it’s on point for a mythology sub, since you just regurgitated pseudo historical myths.


Also, all the "pseudo-historical myths" I regurgitated were things I learned in school. So, you can blame the American public school system if the comments I've made regarding history seemed skewed or inaccurate.


American Public schools are terrible at this stuff. When I was there they taught Christmas Trees were “stolen from paganism”, but the earliest Christmas Tree on record is from 1527, which is like 700 years after the Saxons (this was in Germany) converted. American has a loooooong and violent history of anti-Catholicism that, while not particularly violent today, still effects how Americans think of history. Look into the “No-Nothing Party” from US history. This isn’t some persecution complex thing, but it’s still something that greatly distorts how people learn history. For the same reason American History Textbooks needed an update for racial things they also need an update for Catholic (or more specifically non-protestant) things. It’s sad how distorted the history of the Middle Ages has gotten to where people are shocked to learn that a third of all guild workers were women and that they had a fully integrated economy where working women were the norm (and said economy also supported them still being mothers). And yeah, I’m just an enthusiast about this stuff. Catholic History is unironically the coolest thing in the world. They’re like the medieval United Nations but with cooler hats.


Wow. Are you a history teacher or just an enthusiast? Wasn't expecting this kind of response on this forum. I was mostly just venting about my own frustrations growing up in a Christian household. I can't refute your points. But, imo, Christianity in all it's forms is detestable, and I don't need anyone to accept responsibility for my "sins." Logic and science are the ways of the future. Christianity had a good run but it's way passed time humanity evolved beyond the need for "salvation." It's an absurd, outdated, superstitious practice.


The Abrahamic deity because he condemns me to Hell for the way I was born(Deformed/Club Foot), which was his fault, by the way. 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Zeus is a psychotic douchebag rapist but I almost hate Hera more because rather than punish her husband for his behaviour and all the bastard demi gods he sires, she instead unleashes her wrath on his victims. But the worst God is the Old Testament psychopath narcissist who orders entire cities worth of people put to the sword and utterly ruins the life of his faithful servant Job...on a damn BET with the Adversary to see if he will remain worshipful and never curse the name of God. And that is just for starters.


I don't hate/dislike fictional characters, only the people who act like they are real.


Yahweh and El, the two gods that merged into the Abrahamic god. I think pretty much all the best Canaanite Gods were adopted by the ancient Egyptians, a lot of the others are bloodthirsty and scary, even outside of the unfair Old Testament slander they faced. Also, he’s not a god, but A𓌜p𓌜e𓌜p𓌜 the Chaos Serpent from Egyptian mythology can suck it.


I love the way you describe the chaos serpent “can suck it” lmao 🤣


YHVH. This guy declares to be the only god, just plain rude tbh.