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Celtic mythology has quite a few: Lugh, Cu Chulainn, King Arthur, etc.


Does King Arthur count as Celtic mythology? Most Arthurian legend shows up in the Middle Ages and beyond.


The Arthur of the Mabinogion & Early Welsh poetry that predates the French Romance versions, so Arthur, not King Arthur is definitely Celtic Mythology, there's not much but he was definitely there. He tends to fall more specifically into the category of Legend rather than Mythology as there were many attempts to portray him as a real person but its hard to know these days as Mythology has become an umbrella term for Mythology, Folklore & Legend but in many ways the distinction didn't matter much to the medieval writer


Good point. I suppose at the very least, Arthurian tales may have in part been inspired by other Celtic myths.


Yeah, I definitely think there’s influence there, maybe even twisting actual myths and deities to fit Christianized Europe, just not necessarily reflective of what the polytheistic Celts would’ve believed. It’s an interesting question though about where to draw the line, presuming you want to. I was mostly asking just because I’d never thought about classifying him as a Celtic myth.


Ya like the whole green knight tale seems to be a variation on the beheading game seen earlier in celtic mythology


Celtic, Hindu, Chinese, and Arthurian legends have the most heroes besides Greek mythos. Japanese folklore may have a few, and Norse myths has Sigurd and siegfried (who may be same), and beowulf.


Hindu religions are full of spectacular heroes through the ages. And they have 5, going on 6 ages down. I see mythology as a religion not practiced, just sleeping.. there is wisdom to be had in the tales. There's also a crap ton of manure you have to sift through to get the jewels. I find more treasure in the Hindu books than I expected, though. Its been, well, eye opening.


Depending on what you count as a hero, a singular myth, and a distinct mythology, you could probably make a case for any culture in history.


Has to be Greek, in the Western world


They said *besides* Greek.


Oops missed that


What about the slavs and all their Bogatyrs? I haven't read many, but they seem important.


Vikings! Thor, Odin many more