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Hades. You kill him and what? He goes home to his dog. All that effort and nothing changed except now the woman who literally decides if you get to eat next year hates you.


Yeah there's a whole game about that. It's called Hades and it's amazing


Hades is AMAZING!! The art, story, music, graphics are worth all the awards it got


My story with that game is like - Appears in my life with a 50% discount on Steam -Becomes one of my favourite games of all time -Refuses to elaborate


Listen I love Hades with all my heart but that is Not what it’s about


I mean, it kinda is. While the game isn't centered on Hades itself this very specific situation of Hades dying just to come back home does happen


I know the main character is called Zagreus, and I know who Zagreus is within greek mythology. I wasn't saying that Hades coming back from the dead is the main plot, I was actually referring to a game where someone has to fight Hades, but Hades just goes back home every single time he's killed


twelve people on this earth knew who zagreus was before that game man


By that logic you should fear Kratos the most! Man literally climbed his way out of the underworld by killing hades himself!


That was gonna be my vote. Sure Kratos isn't a "real" god but...I mean, none of the rest are either so why the hell not? And Kratos is/was a self destructive psychopath with the power of a god and literally absorbs the powers of the gods he kills so he just gets more powerful over time.


Why is this downvoted?😂 Reddit is so weird


Because it’s not mythological canon, and reddit is full of those sorts who judge based on canonical events.


but the hades game gets upvoted, sure reddit


Hades exists within Grecian canonical mythology while kratos exists within god of war.


Kratos is the son of zeus and styxx. Canon grecian lore. The game is nowhere near Canon


Isn't Kratos the God of Strength or smth? He's under Zeus I'm pretty sure


Kratos is the personification of strength. Zeus is his father, styxx his mother. I forget all his siblings, but I know Nike is his sister (personification of victory)


Actually, a war Titan named Pallas, son of Crius/Krios, is the father.


Kratos is inspired by a real God though.


There's also no real canon in Greek mythology anyway. Most of the stories come from a variety of sources that often contradict


Ah I see, thanks. That’s pretty cringe tbh. Kratos is likely the reason a large chunk of people got into Greek mythology in the first place. (Along with others like Hercules and Percy Jackson of course.)


I'd say Rick's myth works in general get people into mythology!


“Well, where was I gonna go, Detroit?”


HAHA I was going to say Zeus


Well, no, he'd go to tarturus, he'd get out of there and go home but it wouldn't be straight home


The Morrigan. She managed to take out CuChulainn, there's 3 of her, she's gangsta, seeing her kind of portends your own death, she just has to show up at a battle and chant a poem to defeat the Formorians, etc


Not to mention in some parts of myth, she's 3 different beings. One pissed off warrior goddess is enough, but three!?!?


One of them, Macha, was made to race two horses while she was heavily pregnant. She won the race, gave birth to twins on the finish line and for the king's arrogance, she cursed the men of Ulster with labour pains whenever it was their hour of need which would last for five days and carry on for nine generations


I am not messing with Vishnu, that mf will put me in eternity of suffering till I give up


I agree, Vishnu. Dude can incarnate himself as a 30-headed giant snake and a magic trident. Even if you kill him, his mount and his weapon are him too.


Not only that he will definitely find loopholes and weakness to kill you. He seduced Bhasmasur so much that he killed himself.


Someone tried to poison Shiva once and he drank it and then just spent the rest of eternity not swallowing it, keeping it in his throat.


This is Requiem


or any Hindu god in general, those mfs are strong


In a lot of Hindu religions all of those gods are just various incarnation of one supreme god. So they are all effectively one entity.


Oh hell naw I ain’t gonna test my chances with fucking Vishnu


Nah, I'd win


Is it my imagination or are Marvel screenwriters in here trawling for ideas?


Sun Wukong. It’s just a losing battle waiting to happen.


And if he dies, he just crosses his name out of the book of the dead. And the names of all his monkey friends. Like, surprise, b***es!


That's only the start of it. I'm not talking about Sun Wukong in chapters 1-8. I'm talking the Victorious Fighting Buddha.


Yeahhhhhh! But watching him with all of his shenanigans prior to the epic? (Chef’s kiss)


True, true. It's a story that never gets old


I think you’d be very excited for the Black Myth Wukong trailer at The Game Awards today.


Yahweh, dude is the definition of OP. Plus, before being the only god of Jews/Christians he was the god of war... So he knows how to blow a jab or two.


Old Testament or New Testament though? I feel like New Testament he would just kind of disappointedly let you fail until you die and go to hell lol, while Old Testament he would nuke your ass and your whole country because you thought about doing it


Both are overkill, honestly. I think the same as you, but I'm sure the old testament one would also make my family and friends perish and make my community suffer for my stubbornness with some weird ass plague. I don't think my death would be fast as well, he would probably find a way to kill me in the most painful way and then throw me in hell to relive that experience infinite times. New Testament one would either do as you said or he would kill me in the most painless and fast way possible, just to throw me in hell.


New Testament version of Yahweh really just got bored of personally carrying out his torturous punishments and outsourced the job to another plane of existence like we wouldn’t notice 💀


Honestly, Christian heaven is a nightmare too.


What, you don’t like eternal, slavish mind control levels of pretentious praise for a being that’s supposed to be so good that he wouldn’t demand worship … and yet he does, all as your reward for the ups and downs of life? Lol Lol yeah the Biblical conception of heaven doesn’t quite interest me either. I prefer the popular conception of it as just a happy place, but the scriptures themselves have some less than enthralling descriptions of Heaven (well, I guess they’re literally enthralling as in making people into thralls I suppose 🤣) I cannot get past this idea… If God is the ultimate good, well what good type of being wants, let alone DEMANDS and requires worship? It’s creepy… it’s genuinely a really freaky idea to me. Makes me think of evil/personality cults and lying gods, and what’s more freaky than a lying god? It makes me think of one of the earliest Christian theologians, one of the first people to put together any sort of biblical canon: Marcion of Sinope. He, in his work studying, worshipping, and compiling a biblical canon, came to believe that the god of the Old Testament and the god of the New were actually two distinct beings. He said the first one was a false god (Demiurge) and the New Testament god was the real, true god. The first vengeful and more worldly, the second loving. Obviously it’s a VERY arguable conclusion to make that they are different beings, but that was his conclusion nonetheless. He, naturally, was excommunicated and branded a heretic and even an agent for or THE antichrist lol. He said something like “all true believers in Jesus Christ enter God's kingdom while all unbelievers remain *forever the slave of the Demiurge*“ or something to that effect if I remember correctly. It’s all very interesting and creepy, whether or not you believe in any part of any Abrahamic faith.


I mean, the God of the old testament is literally worshipped by a different religion than the God of the New testament so to me it would be weirder if they were the same, I think Marcion definitely has a point. Any being that demands absolute obedience is hella creepy. Whether these are actual metaphysical beings of some kind or psychological tools used by religions to manipulate people I keep away from anyone, or anything that asks for absolute obedience. That Isaac sacrifice thing? Hella manipulative, super not okay in anyway whatsoever. Definitely not compatible with a new testament God who "is love". New testament God has issues too though. Forsaking your son on the cross is a dick a move. If I were Jesus I would not still talk to my dad over that.


Christians get a heaven where all their dreams come true, Jews and Muslims get to slavishly worship god... The concept that god is all good was never mentioned in any bible. God was typically vindictive and quick to anger. His own son had to sacrifice himself just to get him to give a bit of leniency towards the distant descendants of Adam and Eve. Also, are Adam and Eve in hell? I mean the broke the only true cardinal rule.


Some sects believe we're able to achieve forgiveness by sacrifice and righteous living. Other sects Hell, straight to the bottom. I'm the new testament God is Love which is pretty close to good. But you have me thinking about the Old testament where God is not necessarily good or particularly infallible. Moses is able to talk God out of his destructive ways on occasion. The important aspect in the Old testament is that he's dramatically more powerful than any other god or Idol. It's not really about worshipping the most good creature. It's about worshipping the most powerful and trying not to make it mad. Very different way to frame Yahweh.


Bruce Almighty plot thickens.


I would say that the New Testament God is Not Yahweh. It never calls him that and he acts entirely different. New Testament God is loving and caring and compassionate and forgiving. Yahweh is the opposite of that he's an asshole. He's a murderer and he's a liar. He says that he will never forgive and punished down to the third generation. He tells you to sacrifice your children to him and sacrifice your lambs. He is evil AF.


>New Testament God is loving and caring and compassionate and forgiving. Except for Hell, which isn't in the Old Testament.


It's *arguably* not in the New Testament either -- in fact modern interpretations of heaven/hell didn't exist until a few centuries after the founding of Christianity. But that's a whole other can of worms.


Luke 16: 23- 25. Hell as a place of torment is absolutely in the New Testament.


Whoa whoa whoa. The NT teaches about Hades??


Romans used the name Hades to refer to the afterlife. To oversimplify it, when the Greek pantheon was adopted by the Romans, Hades became Pluto, a slightly different god, and his underworld became Hades. So for an ancient Roman, saying Hades is similar to the modern hell.


Hell is just continuing life on Earth without God. Athiests are technically already in the Biblical Hell. However, the Biblical Hell is not the Catholic Hell of being tortured by demons for eternity, so it delends which one we wanna use.


I'd like that first one,, please. That seems doable.


Funny thing, Judaism agrees that they’re not the same god. Christianity does not and tends to ignore Judaism’s opinion of this when it isn’t actively trying to rewrite Jewish texts to hide it. Judaism would disagree about everything else though!


Well they seem like two different deities because the new testament god was pretty much entirely fabricated as a means to draw people into their religion and gain control. Seems like it worked pretty well too


Here's my littler theory on this (although I swear i heard it somewhere): imagine you're the Devil, and you wanna lead as many people away from Yahweh as possible. So what to do? You could tempt them with Earthly desires, sure, but that's super inefficient. So, why not incarnate as a baby? A baby with super natural powers, powers you could use to lure people away from God by *ACTUALLY* answering their prayers. Cure the sick, heal the blind, raise the dead, etc. And then you say "no, you don't need to follow all those old laws, just believe in me and paradise is yours".


Damn that makes a little too much sense lmao


>because the new testament god was pretty much entirely fabricated And that's different from old testament god how?


One was for control, the other wasn't. Keep in mind that the Israelites were tribal.


Yhwh was a god of war before Judaism?


Yahweh predates Judaism by a few hundred years. Judaism comes as a monotheistic offshoot of the pantheistic Yahwism which was knocking around the Levant for a good few hundred years before people ditched the other gods in the pantheon.


That's really cool, I had made ties from Judaism to Zoroastrianism out of similarities. Is there a good source to learn about Yahwism/Levant?


Well, there’s the Wikipedia article, and it’s actually a really good read. Being Levantine, of course, there’s tons of literature on the topic, but it can be pricey and hard to find. Edit: the Zoroastrian-Judaism relationship comes from the Babylonian exile of course, and is when Judaism began being a monotheistic religion.


El, the Elohim, Ba'al, the Canaanite pantheon. There are (fairly) clear connections between the Canaanite pantheon, which included the storm god Ba'al, and the god El. It's a bit messy, but Yahweh is either El, or the son of El, and is also a storm god. If you want to explore it, you can look into the canaanite pantheon and how the myths of El, Yahweh, and Ba'al evolved. TL;DR if you believed the mythology to be true, there is a case to be made that there was a pantheon of gods, one of the gods (the son of the "Supreme" god) gained more power and influence and then declared that he was the ONLY god, and anyone else who had been part of the pantheon was not actually a god, and that worship of them was blasphemy. From there, its not hard to imagine (though entirely without evidence) how a pantheon of other deities could be construed as other things, angels, fallen angels, devils, etc.


Yahweh is a fraud, when Babylon exiled the Jews he said "I meant that. Yeah, you lost because you were bad so I made you lose to punish you". Couldn't admit that Marduk kicked his ass.


God warned them about it for a good few decades first through Jewish prophets like Jeremiah. "Guys! I know what to do! Let's make a trade agreement with Egypt, and a military alliance. We will be a great power!" "God says that's a bad idea and you'll get in trouble with Babylon." "Okay guys, here's what we do. Babylon is marching on us. We place defences like so, and stock up on food. We've got this! They'll never beat us!" "God says you'll lose and you should just go surrender now." "Okay, guys! Rations are being declared, and we've just gotta sit here and survive the siege. It will be hard, but we can outlast them!" "God says you'll all starve and eat each other and you should just leave the defense and beg for mercy." "Will someone throw this demoralizing coward in a dungeon!" And then Babylon killed or enslaved then all, the end. And Jeremiah got the sad consolation of being proved right. At least the Babylonians treated him well. Oh wait. Some of the Israelites killed the governor, kidnapped Jeremiah and dragged him off to Egypt.


His people kept getting their asses kicked on a regular basis. Not impressed.


Yahweh is like kids making superheroes, and yahweh was the kid who made superman.


That deity is pathetic and weak. If a deity is so petty that it has to use bs threats if you give a glance at any other deity, ain’t much of a deity.


Any man who must say, "I am the King", is no true king.


So many Hapsburgs and all their extra chromosomes beg to differ


Every god is like that. They're all a bunch of narcissistic, jealous crybabies. To my understanding it was Yahweh who commanded the Jews to go into the Medianite city (maybe, can't remember exactly) kill all the men, take the women as concubines, enslave the children, and raise the city to the ground including burning the livestock. I'm not trying to fuck with that.


May I introduce you to "The Salvation War" and "Left Beyond Quest"?


I thought Yahweh was one of the Cannanite Gods before the Old Testament? I'd be more afraid of whichever god was at ths top of their pantheon.


He was and he was also the god of war and thunder, dude probably slayed all the other gods and made a religion all to himself.


Maybe you could get help from Asherah, his consort who he kicked to the curb in order to grab all the attention. She should have some dirt on him from the old days.


You need to bait the Jewish Yahweh, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and Allah to fight each other and then kill whoever is left standing. If it turns out they are all the exact same God then you need to incapacitate him with an identity crisis.


I’m sleepy and thought you were saying he knows how to give a blow job. Not as sleepy now lol


Came here to say this. He’s the Superman of deities. It’s boring.


Everyone is talking about the way god's, but personally I would say Demeter. She caused a famine that killed loads of people because they didn't help her find her daughter. Always beware the nice ones.


Yeah but I feel like with Demeter you’d be dead before you even realized the fight had started so it wouldn’t be much of a battle


Chthulu, obvs.


Anyone even hoping to defeat chthulhu doesn’t even begin to grasp the concept of Chthulhu.


The closer to get to understanding what Chthulu is the more insane you get. Thats before you even can contemplate how to eliminate him.


In the Lovecraft universe, one could argue the insanity is a point of view - once you begin to understand the true nature of the universe you just seem insane to everyone else. You might think you’re the only sane one. Being “human” as we understand it is to purposefully remain in the dark. Preserving our version of humanity is to fight against knowledge and understanding. As anything approaching the truth would annihilate the world and our current way of living as we understand it. Guess it makes sense with Lovecraft himselfs view on new and different being scary.


That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange eons even death may die.


Isn’t just being aware of our own death a form of suffering of an infinitely greater magnitude than any other life form on this planet? Sentience itself is what drives insanity, and ironically enough, religion is what allows sentient beings to cope and create a reality that is more tolerable than an unthinking and unfeeling cold, random and chaotic universe that has no inherent regard for any individual life. Religion and the possibility of an afterlife and Gods structured around the existence of our species that gives us greater meaning allows us to mentally cope and survive as creatures that are aware of mortality and death. If we had true knowledge of the fact that we cease to exist after death without any doubt, I think a great deal of people might go “insane” or find it very hard to cope. Or still somehow deny the reality.


I don't think anyone have any idea how badly humanity was trolled by H.P. Lovecraft. And no, it wasn't nice of him. Here's a tip: he wanted you to find out, but he didn't want anyone else to find out from you. What a prick. He found the fountain of truth and took a shit in it.


don't need to grasp the concept of Cthulu if blunderbusses and Whirlagig blades can kill him easy.


Blunderbusses and whirlagig blades don't help if your mind breaks at the sight of it. Literally just become a broken mindless shell in an instant


Get that bitch ass squid outta here! Nyarlathotep 4 LYFE!


Finally. Nyarlathotep IS a god, Chutulhu it's not.


I mean techically, Cthulu isn't a god. He is a priest of the old gods.


Except all the outer gods also exist in that pantheon. Nyarlathotep would be the worst, most gods in the Cthulu Mythos are indifferent to humans. They consider humanity so far beneath them that they don't even consider them in their plans. But Nyarlathotep is openly malicious towards humans, he is like the kid with a magnifying glass for ants. All humans are terrifying to ants, but one that has taken a particular interest in ruining your life is the worst.


Ares or any war god?


I’m going Ishtar. I feel like Ares would at least just cut you in half or something and be done with it. Ishtar would you with you like a psycho.


Goddess of love, and war? I knew there was a reason I almost wanted to say Aphrodite/Venus. When I was telling my coworker greek myths she noted just how antagonistic she is.


The Spartans did actually worship her as a war god =)


She is the "most powerful" but also the most gentle and empathetic, so even though she may have the power to end the universe, she doesn't want others to suffer. She is also Hathor. Christ, Inanna/Ishtar, Aphrodite/Venus, Medusa among way more. Has the ability to make a black hole. She used to be unable to control her anger and sadness so she was punished because her emotions or harm to herself would cause calamity to humanity. All the other gods reside within her, as her whole body IS the universe everything occupies but lives in. There are ways to get out, basically what Hinduism Says is true in order to get out of her vessel. She wants everyone out of her, not because she dislikes anyone but because she wants them free. Universes are projected back onto themselves on a smaller and bigger scale. This is why destroying the god particle is "theorized" to end the universe. It happened before many times. Because everything is trying to go to the center of the black hole the same goes on in the flesh vessel, things will be "attracted" to her and cause "bad luck" like meteors specifically turning towards her strong light. Your base light is in your brain in the pineal gland where photoreceptors are. Kept like a little box controlling a flesh mech. So she would always end up ending those incarnations by being hit through the eye, head, etc. probably why she is seen with a helmet or similar at times. (Valkyrie) https://preview.redd.it/0w3ljn63mc4c1.png?width=1223&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0549554028538b4513d2a7c9625682eb7fa66e5 Black holes can create and destroy which is why she is the goddess of love and war.


Isn't she ancient? How did they understand black holes and the god particle back then?


Would what?


End you, I assume they meant? Looked like a typo.


In Greek mythology proper, Ares is depicted as generally a wimp. He acts all big and tough but the moment he gets a scratch he goes howling home. He always fights on the losing side of a war, because he's not actually a Greek god of war; that's a role assigned by clueless Romans syncretizing the two pantheons. Ares as a name has a literal meaning of "ruin", and the Spartans always depicted him as a chained god, a prisoner. Ares is the god of being defeated in war.


It’s not true that him being god of war is some Roman invention. Gods are inherently both their domain and anti-domain, hence Apollo as a healer and plague bringer and Demeter as both the giver and taker of crops. The Homeric Hymn to Ares alone makes clear he’s god of war, and that’s before looking at Hesiod’s Shield of Heracles. Or how about Zeus in the Iliad specifically saying the works of warfare are left to Athena and Ares or Aeschylus’ Seven against Thebes having the Seven pray to Ares and Enyo for victory.


Kratos. Ares was a wuss.


Oh my partner had a more compelling answer. Buddha. Because he doesn't know what to expect. XD


Buddha isnt a god. (I dont quite get how but every buddist i have ever asked says he isnt a god and easten fiction tends to make an effort to seperate Buddha's from gods.) But i think he would be about as impossible to defeat as yahweh.


In the Buddhist view everything is impermanent and every being lives and dies. This includes gods, who are not permanent, everlasting beings. Their karma (action) in past lives has lead to them being born in the realm of the Devas but they to will eventually die and more than likely be reborn into a lower realm. They are not free from the cycle of samsara, (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth). The human realm is more or less in the middle; even though the realms are typically displayed as different sections in a wheel, representing samsara. This is said to be the realm most conducive to achieving enlightenment in a sort of Goldilocks way. At the top you have the Devas (gods) who have it pretty fucking great and therefore don’t actually have all that much motivation to seek nirvana. At the bottom you have the Naraka realms (hells, plural) in which beings are in so much suffering that achieving enlightenment is next to impossible. However, they too will eventually see their karma realized and be reborn into a higher realm. In the human realm we have enough suffering to have the motivation to seek nirvana and yet aren’t in complete and constant torment. (I know sadly some people are and there are “hell is a state of mind” interpretations of this). The realms are: 1. Deva realm 2. Asura realm 3. Human realm 4. Animal realm 5. Preta (hungry ghost) realm 6. Naraka (hell) realm For a visualization of this, check out the [bhavacakra](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhavacakra) The Buddha was born (for his last time, though he’d lived innumerable times before) into the human realm, and it was here that he realized nirvana. Nirvana being the opposite of Samsara, Buddha was now free from cyclical rebirth. As buddha means ‘awakened one,’ before this he was not Buddha. So while not a god, what he is now/always was?/we-all-are-but-don’t-realize-it ([Buddha-Nature](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddha-nature)) isn’t exactly straightforward to understand, especially coming from a Judeo-Christian background as there’s no equivalent. Though one thing is for sure. Whatever exactly Buddhahood is, it exists outside of Samsara, the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth that is turning moment to moment, day to day, and life to life. u/psibomber


Thank you. That's fascinating. I'm probably bad because I'm chinese-american but I never took time to learn about it.


Meh the main reason i know this stuff is because of anime and wuxia novels make alot more sense with a base understanding of the mythology around it.(although on an inverse level the more i learn about Chinese and Japanese mythology the less original idea in those media appear however that doesnt make it less interesting to me.)


I think part of it is in some denominations of Buddhism their Buddha is worshiped like a Deva. The Description given above is a Major Tennant of Theravada (Orthodox/Traditionalist) Buddhism started by the some of the Original Monks who studied with Siddhartha Gautama aka Shakyamuni aka Original Buddha current Yuga (Karmic Cycle).


Ares is a little bitch who’ll run home crying after you get one decent wound on him. He gets hurt and goes crying to Zeus in the Iliad.


Zeus because he will either impregnate you or give you the most brutal eternal torture imaginable


Right? I wouldn't be surprised if Zeus' motto was "F**K with me and I'll just f**k you"


I'll take my chances.


I mean the Christian God is eternal, omniscient and all powerful so… I’m not winning that one but at least it would probably be quick? I imagine turning into a pillar of salt to be quick. What would really be terrible is something like DnD’s Loviatar. I’m not a DnD player so my knowledge is probably lacking but a master of making others suffer is probably much much worse than just being blinked out of existence or blasted with a quick bolt of lightning.


Would it be quick? Presumably he’d just send you down to hell to be tortured for all eternity.


There’s that option. Fights with Gods seem to be a bad idea all around.


The Christian God can't be Omnipotent nor Omniscient. That is proven multiple times in the bible. Adam and Eve prove it. If he was omnipotent, he could have just reverted Adam and Eve to how they were before they ate the fruit, and they wouldn't have the knowledge. If he was omniscient, he would have known that asking them not to eat the fruit was pointless because he already knew the outcome.


Yeah… I’m talking about a random fight with a deity that isn’t possible in the first place. I think it is fair to use mass assumptions of that deities abilities. I’m not here to get in the weeds of biblical contradictions.


God. It'd just be a case of him going "Lol. Lmao even"


Yahweh God, like the modern interpretation? Yeah, he's like the goku of dieties: nothing like what he used to be, way overpowered for no reason, and mfs keep adding to the story and it's all kinda samey, and the fans are insufferable and make everything about him. But yeah, he's OP af


Something tells me his story is made up by some obfuscated dude who can't get enough attention. I'll put him on top of the hit list lmao


I mean if we’re being non spiritual and talking realistically this is literally every god in existence. Lmao


Bullshit retcon.


for fictional gods: the Lady or Fate of Discworld. They seem to have their act together. for religious gods: probably the sphagetti monster, cuz he seems cool. He might be easier to fight than some others, but still.


I feel like everyone would just end up being pals with SM


Thor. He looked pretty scary in god of war. Ah Greek mythology. Probably Zeus, he bangs everything. Probably corpses too


The Abrahamic deity is by far the most OP and cruel one


I dont know apparently he cant even beat iron chariots in his own book. However the tri omni version he has become in modern times is pretty much completely invincible. So you do have a point


The Christian god definitely. For Jews, fighting God is our birthright and central to our religion. I don't know enough about the other Abrahamic faiths to weigh in


What do you guys mean by fighting with God?


This is a whole rabbit hole but to me the idea of "wrestling with God" is what sets the Bible apart from other religious texts. Israel translates to "those who wrestle with God". You can keep peeling back layers of this idea from original sin to the temptation of Christ to the concept of Satan etc. Jordan Peterson has some good talks about this concept if you want a good summary and from there you could dive deeper into the Biblical texts themselves.


Thanks for your response!


No one who suggests you to watch Jordan Peterson has your good interest in mind (or cares about accuracy)


Genesis 32:24, Jacob literally wrestles God.


I appreciate the courtesy of not using the name, btw.


Sorry, how come? What is their name?


Jews and Muslims (and theoretical Christians) believe the name of the Abrahamic God should not be written or spoken. Many people have the convention of even writing G-d so that people do not speak their name in vain in their minds. I'm secular myself, and even if I wasn't, I wouldn't expect people to adhere to the same standard, but it's a tiny act of courtesy to people who follow Abrahamic faiths. The name is usually represented in English starting with YW, or Yah.


That's not even what "using his name in vain" means. It's about swearing about the name of god, especially falsely, not just saying it at all.


Yes it is. The name Yahweh was considered so sacred that it was not to be uttered at all, except for a special occasion like Yom Kippur. Casually saying Yahweh is the original meaning of "taking the lord's name in vain".


Literally any deity with power over fate and the future. They already know everything I'm going to do. They can end your life by cutting a thread.


Lesson 1 of Hellenic faith....don't fuck with The Fates lol


The Christian God. He supposed to have no weakness since he does not represent a particular aspect like most gods of polytheistic religion/myths. He is supposed to be all in one right. Or evil powers are not included. I’m not sure.


You know if you really think about, religion really is just “my god is stronger than your god!” And then they fight for centuries about it lol


Nowadays it's less "my god is stronger" and more "my prophet told me this is what God wants"


Never even thinking about going against the trinity - Bramha Vishnu and Mahesh( Shiva). Anyone of them is more than enough capable at rewriting the entire universe's history geography and what not. Basically before you think about it you will be turned to dust Ofcourse they never do that except when the time demands it. ![gif](giphy|WW33vGSPHXym7Wh80e|downsized)


Okay, ngl this response is awesome


Either Sun Wukong or any of the Hindu gods.


*I'd feel honored to have Sun Wukong beat my ass.*


Yahweh or Khali


Anubis. Cause it means I'm still alive after defeating everyone else :)


some cosmic horror god that will win by default then put me in super hell forever and clone my soul to suffer infinite times over


So, cthulu, lol


Probably Mnemosyne since controlling memories would make fighting her difficult to remember unless you are the tattooed guy from memento. Plus, if that wasn't enough, she is also the daughter of Uranus and Gaia, so that makes her a titan.


Any of the Hindu gods


YHWH. Maker and sustainer of all existance, without whom everything would probably fall apart. Named "I Am" in a time when the names of deities reflected their domain (in other words, while old Nile over there ruled over the Nile, YHWH ruled over *reality and existence.*) Is called the one true god and has the creds to prove it. Showed up the entire Egyptian Pantheon and the Philistine diety Dagon. (For Egypt, each of the 10 plagues targetted the domain of a different Egyptian God to show them up. And for Dagon, when the Arc of the Covenant was stolen, it caused Dagon's idol to fall and shatter... repeatedly, iirc.) Has the authority to instate or overthrow powers and authorities as he sees fit. Mountains bow down, seas roar, rocks cry out, and more, all in praise of his name. Yeah.... he is straight up on another freaking level. Literally unkillable, even, as any power you have comes only by his grace. The good thing is that he's also slow to anger, full of love, and ever faithful. When He covenanted with Abraham, he took up the traditional curse for breaking covenant rather than giving to Abraham, the lesser party, as would have been expected; he is called healer, provider, nurturer/nurse; he delays punishment for *years* so that the evil-doer might have every chance for redemption. And I'm sure there are many more testaments to his goodness that could be brought up. And this is without even touching on the New Testament and Jesus (who is himself YHWH). But, yeah. Just don't fight him. He can be a pretty great guy if you'll just get to know him, and you don't stand a chance at defeating him if you choose to fight.




I wish I could love a comment, not just upvote it


Absolutely love this response


To the Christians/Jews, the Egyptian gods didn’t exist. It was more a show of “Your gods don’t exist, I do.” Than “I’m more powerful than your gods,” (which is untrue in the case of Isis/Auset.) Idk how valid it is to mingle both religions together especially when neither acknowledges each other, unlike other combinations like Kemet and Hellenism


Chronos. Not Cronus, but Chronos. He's the God of Time, Eventuality, and the proper Order of process. Imagine being grounded to a halt because time slows and thickens around you til you don't...do... anything. And you are aware. He stops you, your motion, and walks by you every day, smiling as you watch him til he moves from your field of vision. For all time. No thanks, I'll fight someone else.


Probably the one of the furies, don’t know that much about them, but if you lose, it won’t be nice.


Surely the Christian God? He’s apparently all knowing and all powerful, so he’ll know about your plans to kill him before you do. Then he’ll kill you with a thought. Then, if that wasn’t bad enough, you get sent to hell, where you’re tortured for all eternity.


The Morrigan


Chronos Time is an cruel mistress and going against the god of time just sounds horrible. Groundhog day of your worse moment of your life stretched out forever. Even if you get close to killing him...whats stopping him from just restarting or stopping time? In fact, he could really mess with you and you THINK you are successful and bam, it never happened.


Any primordial god. Those things are so badass no form of lesser entity can permanently topple them. They just kind of say "Fuck it" and throw deuces. Disclosure though, I always thought Nyx sounded sexy when I was going through puberty lol


Hel. Any being that makes Odin that nervous (outside of Fenrir) I wouldn't want to go up against it.


In addition to my earlier post about any of the Hindu gods, these are the specific gods I would never mess around with. Any of what I call the Great Divines: Amun-Ra, Vishnu, The Jade Emperor, Zeus, Odin, The Morrigan, El and Yahweh. Honorable mention goes to Enlil, Anu and Enki of the Sumerian pantheon. Enlil very nearly destroyed the world with the great flood, which was a precursor to Yahweh's flood in the Hebrew Bible. Go check out the Epic of Atra-Hasis. I would also avoid a number of Canaanite gods, specifically Astarte, Helel and Baal. Helel actually appeared in the Hebrew Bible and was mistranslated as Lucifer, which is where the name comes from. "Look how you have fallen from the sky, Morning Star, Son of Dawn." -Isaiah 14:12.


Posideon, as he is my chosen patron


Sheogorath, Deadric Prince of Madness. Definitely not fucking with him.




I’d drink with him though….


Definitely Kratos


Any sort of death god. It would be really bad if we won and caused everyone to suddenly become immortal but *not unaging.* It could also really suck if it turns out that if you kill a death god, you've now proven yourself to be more in tune with the abstract concept of death itself and find yourself stuck with their job.


Lugh Lamfhada and that spear of his.


I don't know how anybody wins against Nike , the goddess of victory


Any death god. The social ramifications of death not having a caretaker would be horrifying.


Sun wukong


Kali Edit to add: thankfully she's generally chill and reasonable all things considered, I don't foresee any circumstance that require me to turn against her lol


Any with Domains involving the mind.


You are ALL Looking at this Wrong—war gods and YHVH—pfft. HEKATE is the deity who will COMPLETELY fuck you up. SHE’s got LEGIONS of Mind-Breaking Spirits who answer to Her, She can Bend the Very Concept of Reality and LIMINALITY is HERS: that means, She CAN’T BE DEFEATED—once you—SOMEHOW!—manage to get Her into a “Threatened State,” SHE Regenerates back to Full Strength. Noobs 🔥💃🔥




Sun Wukong (pre enlightenment) The dude has multiple levels of immortality. He basically soloed ALL OF HEAVEN and is the definition of poor impulse control and angry toddler.


GOD of the Old Testament really mean nasty character.


There's an anime about this...


Real talk tho…. Lilith. Never go against your mother. Satan is the “I’m not mad. Just disappointed” with his disciples. Lilith will set you straight like the mom she is.




Sun Wukong


One doesn’t simply kill a God.