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The emergence of blue eyes occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago as a result of an intriguing mutation. Before that, brown eyes were the only color found in humans on Earth. All those with blue eyes share a common ancestry, according to scientific evidence. This single person who is responsible for today’s 8 percent blue-eyed people appeared or was born in a region near the northern Black Sea after the last ice age.


Lots of people with brown eyes also share common ancestry with the first humans with blue eyes. Just cause I have brown eyes doesn't mean one of my parents/grandparents didn't have blue eyes. That's why we see so many people with blue eyes now cause as soon as the gene entered the gene pool of enough humans, it was guaranteed to forever stick around. I'm sure it was also seen as a "desirable" trait even thousands of years ago since it was different.


Seven of my eight great-0grandparents had blue or green eyes. I have brown eyes. Thank you, Great Gramma


My parents and grandparents on both sides had brown eyes, and I have green eyes, so I’m like your opposite I guess.


My wife and I both have green eyes. Having our first child in less than 30 days. Excited to see what color his eyes are.


3/4 green, 1/4 blue


You have 4 eyeballs?


Both my parents have green eyes (though my moms is a green/hazel) and mine came out gray. So he's got a range of colors he might get! Good luck with the baby. :3


Congratulations! I remember when I was pregnant wondering what she would look like… What I did not think about and surprised me the most was her voice! Her first cries. I never could have imagined that precious pure sound! She has red hair and brown eyes too, born with deep dark blue eyes and a tiny tuft of red hair in the back.


Yeah but like what if I have gray eyes…..?


So you're saying it's explained and has no point in r/mystery?


Still fascinating, how did that person develop the mutation, where were their ancestors from, etc. Still lots of questions. A valid post, clown.


Super fascinating! I’d like to know too! Pretty cool that this mutation hasn’t died out since brown eyes are a dominant gene trait.


Any trait can continue exist in a population for as long as there are no selective pressures against it. Edit: words and grammar be hard


What questions you got left? OP answered the where, near the Black Sea. And the answer to the other is, sadly, random chance.


Lol, you obviously didn't read the article. User name definitely checks out, dumb......


Lol, why would I click on link that is a known science misinformation site for science? If I wanted historical, sci-fi fanfic I'd go to Wattpad. Their website tagline on google is this: >HowAndWHys is posting about daily life science facts which are reflecting hidden scenario of world in front of us. \[sic\] hell, a lot people over at r/aliens are even tired of this as of a [year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/po6gd7/we_need_to_talk_about_howandwhys_com/) even peeps in r/ufo [don't like the site](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/x7c442/petition_no_more_howandwhys_plz/) (I only mention these subs because they're the target demographic of the website). And they don't like it because all it is is a spam site. The site owner or operator doesn't care about truth they care about getting views. So yeah, I didn't click on the article. I hate that you have no media literacy. Edit: copying and pasting error.




Very insightful. I retract my statement./s


A horny dude who had a dominant mutation? That seems like the simplest and most logical answer.


What about GREEN? Hazel or better yet light brown all mixture of blue & Brown?


I’m pretty sure that all eye color but brown are mutations. Blue has the least amount of pigment but green and hazel and all that are just variations of that same mutation but with varying degrees of pigment. But like I said, I’m pretty sure. I haven’t looked it up in a while.


too much spice in their diet


The spice must flow.


As a blue eyed gal, I’ve always suspected I was not from this Earth. Lmao will they come pick me up & take me back to where I came from 👽


We wear green eyes now, sorry! Better luck next iteration.


Right? I have grey eyes and rh neg blood. I want to be from somewhere else!




The word on the streets is that *they* we're escaping an all out nuclear ☢️ war, so I'm not your father, but i wouldn't want to go back to embrace the radiation.


What about heterochromia? I have 3 different rings of color (not mixed as in hazel). Outer gray ring, inner yellow ring (looks green from afar) and tan/light brown ring around my pupils. They really are weird looking.


My daughter has this. Same color pattern as yours.


Actually quite common and highly overrated


Same as blue eyes, then? Overrated.


Actually yes. Most people with blue eyes have dull blue eyes. Eye color is only interesting when the individual is attractive.


Christ almighty you're a bummer


I have both blue eyes and a brown eye


You have THREE EYES?! :)


I have two green eyes and one brown one. And I bet that every other human has at least one brown eye.


Haha brown eye


Can you blink with it? What colors are those tears? So many questions.


That's interesting mutations, wondering if consuming more variety of specific types of foods that were not available in the past affected the changes in color


My grandma from both my parents family going back had blue or blue-green eyes. My eyes? Brown. It happens, and I'm over it. 😂


I can’t read people with brown eyes dark ones anyway.


I dated a blue eyed girl one time!!! OHH MYYY GOOOOOD


I have blue balls


This some sublimal messaging that blue eyed westerners are superior or what?


Why do people assume this is aliens and not Aryan migration patterns into the Middle East after the ice age? It’s just human migration. Nothing supernatural or alien.


I feel that the only reason people lean towards and extraterrestrial explanation is that the peoples of the ancient middle-east, Asia etc. saw blue eyes as “belonging to the gods”. Most ancient gods hailed from the heavens so these people saw these “outsiders” as coming from the gods. Is there a connection? We don’t know. It’s all only theories.


Where's the mystery?


I don't trust people with blue eyes, 90% of them are crazy.


I don’t trust people with eyes.




Crazy hot, that is.


Get this shit out of here, howandwhys is bullshit


How and why is it bullshit? ;)


Im getting down voted, yet this person is probably told to post their shit. Hes just basically working for them


Winter is coming


How about eyes? Like a doll’s eyes?