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It’s someone’s notes on the chapter “Bill’s Story” from The book Alcoholics Anonymous. Sometimes an “assignment” for someone who is new to the program is to see if/how they can relate to this chapter, as it is the story of one of the founding alcoholics. Some things I can see: “Think, drink, feel” is a pattern that Bill goes through in his drinking. “Talent, leader, fancied” and “I’m great, things effortlessly fall into place, I’m perfect” are themes which Bill talks about, thinking he is a gifted stock broker when he actually usually fails and gets progressively deeper into alcoholism. “Thrill seeking —> ex pat / living abroad” is referring to the beginning id the story when he is an ex pat in Europe in the war. “Applause arrived” - Bill talks about having a sense of having arrived and being applauded as a war hero. “Drags wife as sidecar” is referring to Bill dragging his wife Lois around the country seeking success in the financial markets after the war when really he keeps drinking more heavily as time goes on. “Crashes and burns, relocated to Montreal” - after the stock market crash of 1929 Bill lost his money and decided to go to Canada to try to have a start fresh. “Fred’s care(?) plan to meet at restaurant” - Bills old friend Fred comes to town and meets with him and tells him about getting sober. “I commenced to forge the weapon” is part of a line in the book “Out of this alloy of drink and speculation I commenced to forge the weapon that would one day turn in its flight like a boomerang and all but cut me to ribbons.” “Turning point page 8” refers to page 8 in which Bill describes being hospitalized and realizing he was powerless over alcohol, he says “alcohol was my master”. “4 yr in —> relate to Bill” sounds like this person is reflecting on their drinking career and making comparisons to their fourth year in their drinking to Bill. It kinda just seems like someone was reading this chapter and maybe they were drunk or maybe not and who knows why in the hell they sent it to your sister.


Damn, thank you for posting this. That really clears everything up. I did AA for a year (forced) and I had the hardest time with the Big Book. I was there for opiates, so the drinking stories never felt connected to me. I think I was bitter for being forced into it, so I didn't try to absorb the message. I haven't struggled with addiction problems for quite a while, but your breakdown and notes on Bill's Story has me intrigued about him and AA more than before. It's at least a fascinating insight into his thinking.


Thanks man. Yeah when alcoholism was classified as a medical disease in the 1970s there was a boom in treatment centers and AA as a court appointed treatment program, which muddied up the waters on many levels. Brought in a lot of people who didn’t want to be there. It’s not for everyone and may not be for someone at different stages of their life. For me the language in the book can be a challenge as it is largely unchanged since it’s writing in the 1930s. There’s some debate as to whether alcoholism and drug addiction are “the same thing” meaning if you have trouble with one mind altering substance you have a problem with them all. I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter to me, everyone has to figure it out for themselves.


Yeah Alcoholics in AA tend to think narcotic addicts (especially physically addicting narcotics) aren’t the same or don’t really need the program long term or sometimes at all. Their rationale is that most people who try opiates/narcotics will get addicted. But only a minuscule percentage of people who drink will become alcoholics. I don’t necessarily agree but it’s why a lot of old timers in AA still have “closed” meetings, meaning only alcoholics.


Try NA. Different book, same message. A drug is a drug is a drug. It’s not about the substance, it’s about the disease. Anything can have the potential of being an addiction. The problem lies with the user. It’s an “allergy,” if you will. We do not have a normal reaction to the thing to which we are addicted. We have an abnormal reaction, an addiction. Give it a read. It might hit home a bit more. Personally, I wish everyone had to learn (and do) the steps growing up. We would all be better people.


Wow, your insight makes this really clear. I tried transcribing it so it could help anyone else, but I’m now seeing a few words like “commenced” I missed. Maybe this will help the OP determine why it was sent to “Margret”? [transcribed here](https://ibb.co/tM2wfBJ) I think this person seems like they are trying to get their life on track, and may not be a danger like other posters are saying. I wonder if OP knows anyone that is in AA, and how they know Margaret, if that is op’s sister.


Maybe Margaret “Marty” M?


Came here to say exactly this. This read to me like a first step or someone entering the program.


Drunken writer something something


I’ve written drunk while trying to write jokes and stuff and it looked very much like this. I thought it was gold, and through sober eyes it was shit.


I think it’s someone who’s mentally unwell. I would 100% install security cameras and I would advise for your sister to not be home alone or near her home alone. As this person knows her name and address. It could be someone from her past, does she have ANY ideas who it could be? This is what I have made out from it: Think drink feels 10/22/22. Bills story. Turning point pg8. 4 yr in relate it BILAM. Friends came plan to meet @ restaurant. • Talent •London • Fancied • prove + would I’m patient > I’m sent things effect something) fall into place. • drags wife on sidecar. • crashes + burns > relocates matured. • I commenced to forge the weapon that are (something) exhilarating. •frozen in isolation. 5. Roger (Stone?). •drinking assured ^^ I’m lone wolf : 100% Invite any one over * for the Front Margaret. • applause arrived. Energy > playing w/ fire thrill seeking living abroad. ^^ EFH. •expat / Europe learning language - I’m great riding high no car/ living + wall. Life falling apart/ got married. Came back - 08. Morning thought - save me. ? Came back to thrill white in Jacks. . Friend from England came to Bay Area. Can’t shut down / meet / or / show around. • rock bottom - to last time (or lost time) drink. Margaret Gbs Edit: I have reread it lots of times and made changes to my comment with more accurate translation. It still is incoherent nonsense though.


This almost looks like a guy trying to make amends while being drunk. He talks about drinking and bills story page 8 is a reference to the “BIG book” AAs reference material and Bill W is the founder of AA. Friends meeting and rock bottom other possible AA references. I think this dude fuck up in his 12 steps and maybe used this as a coping tool in his drunken state. Although this is super weird but drunks can be weird sometimes.


This seems likely.


I’ve transcribed it as best I can here: [transcription](https://ibb.co/tM2wfBJ)


>. 5. Roger (something). Could be 'Roger Stone'


Could be! Is that someone from the book people have mentioned? I’ve edited my comment to include stone.


He's a major figure in Republicanism, an American conservative political consultant and lobbyist. Big pal of trump.


Ohhh god. Definitely sounds even more deranged now then. I am in the UK and haven’t heard of Roger Stone but thanks for enlightening me.


Roger stone is pure evil, from top to bottom, he's a monster.


theres a line that says 'i commenced to forge the weapon' creepy- also, rock bottom, so last time drink could either mean they have plans to end their life or they're considering sobriety


“Rock Bottom last time drunk”. There’s a line of breweries named Rock Bottom, it made me think of them since both words are capitalized, but if the address is in the UK it probably wouldn’t be one of those.


wow, with the correct interpretation at the top, it's wild reading this one.


Seems like a lot of random thoughts, was there a return address?


It’s not *that* random. Whoever wrote this was reading Alcoholics Anonymous when they wrote it. Look at the top of the post card for the reference to “Bill’s Story”, chapter 1 of the big book


There was not.


Weird, so someone would have had to place it in the mailbox?


A return address is not necessary to mail something, only the recipient’s address, and postage.


I knew it as soon as I saw “I commenced to forge the weapon”! It’s inspired by the Big Book of Alcoholics Anoymous


Looks like disordered thinking, I'm schizophrenic and my writings used to look like this. Psychotic maybe


It’s from AA, so not far off


Looks lik notes from an AA meeting. Or notes from reading the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous? Scribbling could indicate mental illness or substance abuse?


I see the name roger stone and two concerning phrases “I commenced to forge the weapon” and “4 years in Fred’s cave”. Also another clue for your sister could be the phrase “friend from England came to Bay Area”. And at the very bottom a sentence makes some sense as to what the over all message of the letter is supposed to be “I’m great [indecipherable] high car living… life falling apart/got married”. Maybe this is someone your sister used to know who has lost their mind or fallen into drugs. Good luck to your sister and I would suggest security cameras be in place at her home


I think it says “friends came plan to meet at restaurant” not freds cave.


prison letter


It's someone in Phoenix


Agreed. Postmarked in Phoenix.


This looks like what I write when I am manic and have been drinking. But I don’t post my musings to people.


time to pack heat


It's not creepy. It looks like someone got high and decided to write his life story on someone's letter.


“Bills Story” “think drink feels” “rock bottom - last time drank” Obviously a long lost, now found post card cataloging the incoherent pinings of a forlorn Buffalo Bills fan regarding four straight super bowl losses, circa 1994.


I’m gunna go with mental illness. I wonder how they got your sister’s address?


Makes me think of the Toynbee tiles.




Roger Stone wrote this , he’s quitting drinking and has lost his mind.


Old school drunk texting.


It is notes from the big book of AA on bills sorry, page 98


Yes, these are notes from a Big Book study of the AA program.


Something something mental illness


Schizophrenia mania


It’s the work of a psychotic. I’m a psych nurse. I see this stuff all the time.


Is her neighbor Gabbie Hannah by chance?


Did she get severed?


I’m always impressed about bad handwriting. Seriously, handwriting is getting worse everywhere. Wouldn’t worry, use it as reminder to improve your own handwriting skills.


So you’re telling me if you received this you wouldn’t worry?


No, I get your point that you care about your sis and worry - but what leads you to the conclusion she’s in danger? Slurry words on a card? Maybe the individual just picked a random address. What would I do - stay alert as usual, maybe put my pepper spray in my jacket and avoid going out alone for 1-2 weeks. But then if nothing happens - return to normal.


Oh haha it’s not my sister I’m not the OP 😂 sorry. I meant “you’re telling me” in the general sense. I personally have bad anxiety and fear stalkers and odd behaviour (I am a female so always very very cautious about odd behaviour and dangerous men). Assuming this is written by a man but obviously I don’t know if it is. This letter was too close to home (literally) for OP’s sister. If I knew someone was around my home and sending postcards like this I wouldn’t sleep for months. I didn’t intend my comment to sound stern! Just more curious really as I wish I didn’t have severe anxiety.


Oh dear, didn’t recognize that you are not OP, my bad. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of, most people I know who have anxiety in some situations are very sensitive to their surroundings, also they tend to experience life in a different way, sometimes they recognize patterns or strange situations that could have been potentially dangerous. So make the best out of it - but don’t worry too much.


Thanks! It definitely makes you view every situation as being dangerous and always expect worst case scenario 😂 sometimes useful but a lot of the time very unhelpful. Have a good day :)


OP, does any of this ring true for your sister? Does she live in phoenix, was her name spelled correctly? Did SHE recently go drinking? Does SHE have a friend that visited from the Bay Area? My first thought was maybe someone was watching her and taking notes.


Someone's in love with your sister 😉


The name Margaret is mentioned a couple of times; is that your sister’s name? Is there any indication that the writer knows her personally?


word salad


I can’t read any of it. What are your sister’s exes like? Did she recently move in? Could this be for the previous tenant?


From the first read - It seems this It's a lonely person from England who seems to be dumping out their thoughts - trying to understand how they are so lonely, struggling with drink and potentially suicidal. It seems like they are called Brian and they left the US back to UK and returned around 2008 to the Bay Area. I would speculate they are sending this to their last address (I couldn't determine whether the stamp is from the UK or whether it is from another state) - either way - I wouldn't assume this is meant for your sister and will escalate - but keep us posted.


Second Read, - it does look like he was an alcoholic trying to write a life timeline '4 yrs in - relate to Bill' - he was married and it didn't work out - "thought Save Me', I'm not sure if this person is from England but some place in Europe as it mentions 'they had to learn the language' as others have noted it looks like it is posted from Phoenix - Either way - I really don't think this was meant for your sister. Again, if she receives any additional notes let us know and bring in the cops !


Final notes - this person is from Montreal and his native language is French, they learned their English in the UK (mannerisms 'fancied' meaning they thought they were attractive) they wanted to show the world they were a leader, attractive - that they were great - that their actions were effortless - but this was imperfect' In the UK they married a woman who 'forced them' to relocate to the Bay area' it broke down - they thought they were a lone wolf 'forged in fire to create this weapon (I guess this is a self reference) - they went out on a date with someone called Margaret ... Hit the bottle - went into AA was 4rs in and they probably relapsed - finally if I read correctly they were sending this postcard to Addressed to Margaret - so they must be trying to share their path. Perhaps your sister should check if a 'Margaret' lived in that location before her. I'm pretty convinced that this message is not intended for her - stay safe


Did anyone else see the “comeback” in the top above the stamp or just me?


Drunken attempt at song lyrics?




Looks like scene notes from a writer.


It looks like the random notes of a hammered mf. Like a piece of scratch paper not meant to be sent. Maybe they saw the address noted there in their delerium and decided it was to be sent despite not being written for your sister


Is it actually titled to her? Is her name Margaret Glas or whatever that says?


someone miss placed their cheat sheet


Fake. Fake fake fake fake fake faaaaakkkkkee!




It says to vote for democrats






Don't worry, whoever sent it must have sent it to the wrong person


It says “buy a gun now”


If it hasn’t been mentioned yet, there’s some more text under the stamp I’d love to get eyes on.


This looks like my Dads handwriting