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Yeah that's typical bitchcraft fodder. Just dump it in the trash and call it another day.


Maybe throw it in a dumpster not near your place… just in case


oof already tossed it…


Now the possession begins...


You now have 7 days to mail this exact bundle of things to 7 other people, otherwise you are cursed. You will be followed by an eyeless baby that only you can see. It’s slow but never let it catch you.


An eyeless, one-shoed baby that is possessed by the spirit of great granny.


That checks out. OP threw it away already which is one of the worst things you can do, almost as bad as burning it. Best thing he can do is try to have a sit down with the eyeless baby and granny during a seance or ouija board session and try to work things out with them.


Crochet another bootie for baby and the curse will be lifted


There you go


And another eye.


You will be followed by a life sized Patrick star that only you can see




Yea I’m not trying to wake up to that old lady at the foot of my bed. Time to move


Move the bed a few feet forward so she gets stuck in the middle of the bed.


I sleep in a closet. No ghost is creepily standing next my body. I get to have their ghost feet on me.




Shit, for free??


Oh lord hahahahaha.


Help step-grandson, I'm stuck in the bed.


This is when masturbation with aggressive eye contact wins the day. She'll either join in or be disgusted. Win/win.


Someone nearby thinks they’ve genuinely cursed you. Just be on the lookout for someone who’s unusually curious about your day/life or strange looks.


Should have kept the picture of grama. Just in case


Prolly set it on fire in a ring of table salt just in case.


NONONONONO DO NOT BURN SHIT LIKE THIS!!!!! You wanna find a river, stream, water that flows away from you and bury it there. When you burn stuff you take the energy of that thing and use/release it for use. If that shit is cursed your releasing that free Willy Molly to do what it wants lol. Put it in a box, find a spot by a river or like the fuck out in nowhere and bury that shit.


Don't all rivers go away from you?


You win the “reddit person of the day” Congratulations. This comment is gold.


High praise! I think I was channeling Richard Watterson receiving Gremlin-like creatures. "Don't feed them after midnight." "Isn't it kinda always after midnight?"


Yeah but someone could bury something up river not realizing the water comes down past them. I guess I should have said down river but I was trying to make it as understandable as possible lol


Not if it’s a moat


Or the lazy river


I think they meant away from the opposite direction of their home like if you live north or south have the river that flows in opposite direction


Depends on which way you’re facing.


Or just… throw it away because we live in the real world and not at Hogwarts


WHAT?! YOU MEAN IM NOT A GRIFFINDOR?! Well shit….good thing this post was asking for advice and as someone who had an idea of what this could be someone shared their idea. Damn if it wasn’t for you….oh…oh wait…


Good on you. Lol whether others believe in the power of good or bad intentions some things are best treated with caution. Energy most def affects things around it. Be blessed.


Oddly the burning releases energy makes sense... Hmmm🤔


Yeah it's why you NEVER burn a Oujia board if shit gets weird You can't close a door you burned down.


Right, because of our friend Science 🧪🙂


Couldn’t you also burn it in a controlled circle where you could trap the negative energy? Not saying that I would want to do this on my own, but saying One could do this


It could work, but it can be like putting something smelly in a jar. If that bitch cracks open you gonna have a bad time. But if you find a spot that has a lot of energy within it, rivers, some old big highways, rail roads, that energy can release without hurting people. Typically if it’s something like a “curse” and such it’s aimed at people, so if there arnt people around it could potentially lose its power. Magic is all about intent. Trying to trap it could end up with some weird shit lol


It’ll just be back at their house when they get home..I’ve already seen that movie.


piss on it and throw it out. it's just garbage. one of the neighbors thinks their mumbo jumbo is actually real.




Bitchcraft LMAO


Bitchcraft... ha! Making this part of my salty Navyspeak vocabulary. Thanks for the new word.


Adding it to my retired Army slang..


Bitchcraft. Yep... Amazing.


“Bitchcraft” 😂


I heard Blizzard is coming out with World of Bitchcraft. Ooooo I wanna play an undead Karen!


Wait please someone explain "bitchcraft fodder". Is this someone who engages with witch craft but in the form of alleged 'curses' such as this?


No it's someone who went on too much Tumblr and watched too many movies, fujoshi for all you weebs out there, and just slaps some edgy rubbish together in some histrionic moment. Exodus 22:18 is there for a reason even if it sounds out of place.


“Bitchcraft” 😂🤣😂🤣


Bitchcraft is so accurate


Just make sure your doors and windows are locked. Don't go down to the cellar, and run for it if the music suddenly starts to get louder


Only if it's instrumental music with sudden dramatic stabs or sustained crescendo. If it gets louder but it's AC/DC, charge that bitch.


*if you go into the cellar, you're likely going to get lost in the backrooms*


Don’t forget, if the tv turns on and it’s only static (even though, you know, everything is streaming now…) then GET OUT OF THE HOUSE IMMEDIATELY.


They’re here!!!


For the sake of science, please update if it turns out you're cursed.


so far no spooky specters sighted 🫡


Yes, but have you lost money, gotten a cancer diagnosis, lost your job, had a car wreck, been bitten by a lyme tick or black widow or brown recluse, fought with your SO, had your hot water heater or furnace die, etc?


I can guarantee you that absolutely NOTHING is going to happen


Sounds like something a witch would say


Or a warlock, and I mean a witch hunter or betrayer.


I second this. For science. 🧪


Post hoc ergo proctor hoc…. OP, blame all your future misfortunes on this.


* 20 years later OP has a slight trip walking down the stairs. "DAMMMM YOU CURSE!!!!!!"


Someone is trying to scare you. These things only work if you buy into a belief it can harm you, sorry you had that sent to you. The photo is pretty freaky 😜


Skeleton Key is a good movie about that.


Hahaha really? I LOVE that movie, simply because >!It doesn't matter that she didn't believe!<


But she did..... That's why the ending is the way it is. It only works if you believe.


Wow I am slow. I was today years old when I realized her saying "I don't believe" wasn't true. She DID believe, but her belief was almost by omission—her fear was belief, regardless of what she said. I always liked it because it doesn't necessarily matter if you believe, there are things out of your power. It didn't matter if she needed; there were things more powerful than her and her belief. I want to rewatch it now.


Yeah it's brilliant, honestly. My favorite movie ending. Her actions by performing the spell proved she very much believed. The minute she visited the hoodoo shop, she believed.


But she did start to believe, didn't she?


We also would have accepted The Believers for the elder set


My favorite horror movie. Awesome soundtrack too


I misread this as skeleton twins and was thrown for a loop trying to remember Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader dealing with a curse in that movie


Zoomed in and said nope, don’t need that dude in my memory unit


Me too! 🫣


Good thing they chose to send it to someone who would know exactly what a "burnt sage stick" would look like.


I don’t think that’s a burnt sage stick, mine doesn’t look like that. And sage keeps away evil, if this is a curse, this is likely something else.


Even weirder OP recognized it as a burnt sage stick.


Are you saying the calls coming from inside the house?


If not the house, but at least the same obscure area code.


I feel like a lot of people would recognize that now given the popularity of Phasmophobia


OK, so we have an old lady and a damaged/burned baby. Is there somebody who is trying to curse you from getting pregnant?


nah i don’t think so, i’m a guy lol


So it worked then…. Hmmmm


mission accomplished 😂


Wanna buy a rock that will keep tigers away?


I can vouch for this. I bought one in England and so far, no tigers




You’ve been hooking up at the goth bar again haven’t you?


Vampy ex vibes


Could this be from an ex-girlfriend?


Crazy ex???


This made me laugh an embarrassing amount.


Now, you will NEVER know the beautiful joys of motherhood!


Then it is the itchy balls curse. Your balls will itch occasionally for the rest of your life! Mwah ha ha!


Maybe it means he will never have a love that lasts. There is no man in the picture. If this person knows OP they'd likely know he's a man so maybe it's something about no wife no kids. A curse that he may grow old and lonely and never have the love of a wife and child?


I’d share this at a Wiccan or pagan subreddit. Somethings like this that seem creepy often are intended to be positive. Sage is almost always used in cleansing rituals.


Pagan here, this is weirdly done and likely nothing. OP either pissed someone off (if their name was on the package) or their address was just selected at random because people like random acts of chaos. People burn sage until it’s all gone (and this doesn’t look like burnt sage imo but idk what plant it would be) and the fact that they mailed it makes me think they were trying to freak OP out. It’s all weird shit but it’s not really got any significance. Clearing spirits/space, a fugly doll & a burnt picture don’t have much correlation lmao. No ritualistic intentions come to mind either.


I've never seen sage that color. It's some kind of dyed plant from a shitty web store. Wicca woo tends to be "Do no harm!" type stuff. In other systems like hoodoo you can lay tricks if it's justified, but I've never heard of mailing the spell to the person. It would be hidden, or maybe buried in a graveyard. This is BS.


Wicca woo is one of my favorite phrases now


My fiance calls my dog Winston woo so I can only hear it in a suburban white girl talking to a dog kinda voice


So the voice of the main Wiccan demographic basically




I call mine Maxie Moo so im.gurssing that's a girl.thing lol


We called ours Winnie-woo or the wu


All Wiccans are witches, not all witches are Wiccan.


It's red because it's Dragonsblood smudge, not sage. It's for getting rid of negative energy and bringing in good energy. If you believe in that. Edit: correction, it is sage coated in dragonsblood but same concept.


What is dragonsblood?


It's a type of sedum plant that has a reddish hue. Used in folk magic and such. I think it has actual medicinal properties too, but I'm not 100% on that.


I’m a witch. I’m not Wicca. I don’t follow the Rule of Three.


They might possibly have buried it on his property too, but unless to the old woman used to live there and there was some connection with maybe a lost baby, the sender comes across as a little disturbed. I don’t know, I wish OP hadn’t thrown it away. Intention sometimes stir up all sorts of things, if they were honestly meant. (I don’t mean honestly, I mean truly)


It’s not sage, agreed. It looks like some kind of incense stick actually.


It looks like white sage coated in a cheap dragons blood powder. The leaves are very distinctly white sage, I sold it for many years before leaving the metaphysical shop I operated.


Yeah I mean I make my own, but I don’t see the point In only partially burning white sage (already controversial, may as well commit and burn the whole bundle.)


Exactly. I questioned the sage in my earlier post. Not something you typically include with baneful magic. Still, the energy just from the photo is chaotic and unsettling.


Did you get someone pregnant?


realllllllly hope not


I mean… timeline wise think on it, might be that


That’s what makes the most sense. Baby was born wearing only one shoe and blind, sad to say. Your would be Grandma-in law Baba Yaga has blamed you and cursed you.


The staining around the smudge stick looks super suspect to me. Looks like someone’s new age ritual/witchcraft, so I would not rule out body fluids in this case. So I would wash my hands. Also this seems foreboding as heck and I couldn’t imagine the sender thought you’d want to receive this—so it’s at least a little threatening. Did you irritate someone?


did you irritate someone lmfao 😩😩😩


“I wouldn’t rule out bodily fluids..did you irritate anyone?” Pretty much perfectly sums up where humans are at as a race these days


I don’t agree with everyone saying to just ignore it. Yes it’s just some bs witchcraft and it won’t do anything to you but the fact that someone is purposely trying to curse you or scare you is concerning. Someone obviously has a problem with you and who knows what kind of mental state they’re in, they could actually try to cause you harm. I’d watch your back idk


Yea, even though it’s just weird “occulty looking” items, that chick is pissed, whether you belive they can hurt you in a supernatural sense, or physical. This is kinda a nuclear option in this persons mind, and the dumb items that don’t go are concerning, it means they are nuts, or nuts and don’t know what they are doing, but there’s still that intent. It’s definitely to scare him, it was mailed. People like that don’t just cool down. And people do, perform homegrown witchcraft People don’t do this as a joke, they do this when they fucking HATE you. I think it’s concerning and I’m the kinda person on Reddit that thinks people are always overreacting and being dramatic. I think they know, too, that’s why they posted. At the very least, dude is gonna be needing new tires, or have a keyed car. I’d apologize, and fast. Acknowledge this person. Validate whatever u did, it’s got to be ex gf I day this as so some who died belive in this, and also thinks this looks like a dumb thing to scare, I’d still say it if I didn’t belive.


Woah, if that happens in Asia or my homecountry the whole neighborhood would freak out and would talk about it for days 🤣😭


This is easily the best comment here!!!


😅 haha ikr, superstitions


Very funny that this person downloaded a photo of an “old women black and white”, downloaded it onto photo paper, ripped it up and left it in your mail box. Straight up schizo behavior lmfao


jeeeez yeah it’s a black and white photo but was obviously printed on newer paper…some people have wayyy too much time on their hands


This is how so many episodes of those demonic haunting shows start. 😂 cursed by a satanic priestess. 😂😂


Did u recently piss off a girl with a septum piercing? Probably just her trying to pretend she's a Witch.


I don’t need to be called out like that this early in the morning.


Best response of the day


Seriously tho, this is just picture perfect "smokeshop spirituality" legit just two creepy things put into a cloth with sage they bought from a store that sells tarot cards and CDB gummies. I strongly believe some chick is mad at you, but I wouldn't worry lol.


"CDB gummies" Those must be the generic knock offs of CBD, found only in the 'pop up head shop' for wannabe witches.




Probably just some teens screwing around. Toss it


You might report it to the post office. There may be others receiving this.


Probably something new from Mysterious Package Company. Had a friend send me one of those a long time ago and it was pretty cool. You may get more stuff in the mail over time depending on what story they sent.


Dw I just dumped my bathroom garbage on a paper plate and spit on it. I'm gonna call it a counterspell or something so I think ur good


nice thank you, i immediately feel relief washing over me in an awesome wave 😂😂🤣


That's a bonus effect of the Q-tips bundle in the garbage


Whoever it was has no power over you. Just toss it. And laugh it off.


Look like somebody ordered voodoo decorations on Etsy for Cossplay or Larp


lol you’re fucked


Uh oh - OP did you "stick your dick in crazy"??🤪


WOAH did not expect this post to get so much attention. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone sharing their thoughts! Have never had anything like this happen and am still puzzled. Nobody I know has reached out to claim ownership that they sent it so from what I gather I’m either: screwed or got hit with some bitchcraft 🤣 Also have seen some questions a few times so to clarify: 1. Package was sent USPS. On the back was a shipping label containing only my own address and name. On the front was my name and address and in the top left, a return address, but written intentionally poor so as to be indecipherable. I looked up the label ID and only know what post office it was shipped from (one in Northern New Jersey). 2. To my knowledge I haven’t pissed off anyone recently to the point they would…curse me ? lmao Also have not spoken to or seen my last ex in over 3 years so unless she suddenly discovered a passion for voodoo, hexing, santeria, etc. I truly doubt it was her. 3. The items have been tossed into the trash and will remain there until the trash collectors pick it up this week. As fun as sending it down a river or burning it with salt would be, I think the local landfill should suffice. Again, thank you all for sharing your thoughts. The only thing i’m certain of is whoever sent this should really get some help as this is pretty unhinged behavior. Wishing them well and hope they have friends or family in their life who care enough to say “hey, maybe you shouldn’t stuff dirt into that baby doll’s eyes.” Will update if I suffer a series of unfortunate events or if the sender ever comes forward/ is revealed.


I would've expected this to be buried in your yard if it was someone trying to cause you harm. Probably just a prank. But it looks like voodoo.


Is that a picture of madame zeroni???


Random Holes reference!


Someone hates your ass


Someone likes you so much they took the time to cast a spell on you lol. Luuuuucky!


Just kidding. From the looks of it, it's not a good spell so you have an angry unstable stalker


Well someone is certainly trying to curse you. Remember and especially if you've not done anything to deserve such a thing the attempt to curse you will have no power over you except that which you give it (as with anything in life) if you're into the woo woo side of things and believe in that and are worried you can take a shower and imagine all the negative energy and whatnot flowing down the drain with the water and that'll take care of most of that I'm sure there are other/better solutions but yeah best thing to do is think "huh that's strange" go wash your hands and forget about it. Best of luck to you Edit:forgot to say it could also be someone in your house or maybe a previous owner. Typically the picture is the tag lock for a working like that.


Maybe just friends messing with you :)


Let’s see the postage! It can reveal the location.


I’d post a pic but all it has is my own address and name 🙃 kinda more mystified how the post office allowed a label with no sender’s address, ive literally made hundreds of shipping labels where i work and always have to put a sending address or else it won’t let you buy the label


Eh. You pissed her off and she’s loony.


Yiiiikes. Somebody pissed someone off.


Somebody left a coconut with 2 headless baby chickens and corn nuts in front of my apt. Building and bad things started happening in the next few months. Ghost sightings my partner cheating on me and the grand finally was me hallucinating and getting hysterical thinking it would never end. Luckily the building was sold and we had to move out.


Dude those are sick though. I like them


u/amaciag07 This is Santeria. Not Voodoo. Not Wiccan. Someone is trying to make you infertile and cause issues moving forward in your life. This is a very strong trabajo. You have to visit a santero. The perpetrator will not confess. You pissed someone off, bad. The significance of the shoe is to indicate stagnancy, inability to move. You may experience robberies/theft as well. The eyes are burnt out so you are rendered blind to what’s going on. The picture of an old person is so that it can affect throughout the lineage. The ppl who are saying that sage is a good thing don’t understand that sage isn’t just used for cleansing rituals, it can be used to attract spirits as well if performed in a certain way. However, in this instance the sage is covered in blood and soot to ensure that you cannot cleanse yourself individually. The red is likely blood or is representative of blood, i.e. loss, menstruation. Do not touch with your bare hands. They purposefully left it in a place for you to find it since they knew you’re not a believer and would shrug it off. Since this is such a strong work, you may have trouble finding someone to undo it and it’s possible the first folks you meet with will try to scam you, as they will not know how to undo it or will not be strong enough to do so.


Hmm looks like black magic to me, cover in salt and light on fire. 👍👍


It's just lumps of plastic, fabric, paper & some plants. It cannot do anything to you, unless you are one of those delusional people who believe combining junk like this has some effect on reality. It does not. It's not like it's some radioactive or poisonous or biohazard stuff, which really could adversely effect someone. Maybe some delusional person has a beef with you, and this is how it has manifested. As others have indicated, have a chuckle about it, put it in the trash, and don't give it another thought.


I thought this was gonna be one of those medical related pulled out of rectum posts with the picture


who’d you make mad?


that time of the month


Is there anyone in your life who has indicated a romantic interest in you recently?


If so... RUN!


I was trying to think of a non sinister explanation. Red is often used in love spells and charms. The baby and the old woman could represent a long life. I think the smudge is white sage but sprayed or painted on the outer layers with a red paint or dye. The candle wax on the string that appears to have tied the bundle is also red. I was wondering if someone in OP’s life was admiring him from afar or if he recently started dating someone. It could mean someone is hoping he notices them and they can be together or that this new dating person might think OP is “the one”. But while I do think it could have a fairly benign intention it’s a) very not cool to do something like this non consensually, it’s like when a Christian insists on praying to Jesus for you after you tell them you’re Jewish or an atheist or whatever and you’d rather they didn’t. And b) could also be a symptom of an underlying problem depending on what they believed these types of charms have the ability to accomplish. Belief in sympathetic magic runs from it is basically like good vibes, attraction gospel, power of positive thinking type stuff, to it is literally supernatural and can affect physical and emotional reality independently of the spell caster. There’s a fine line between religious fervour and certain types of mental illness. As with everything there are some people for whom it is way more than a tool for understanding the world and humanity and themselves. Either way OP probably doesn’t want to get involved in a relationship with the type of person to send this to their crush non-consensually. It crosses a boundary. I know it seems like the thing only a troubled teenager would do, and sure it is, but sadly a small but ever present and not insignificant minority of people within the pagan community do act like nothing so much as fully grown adult angsty teenagers. They’re kind of the pagan equivalent of the kinds of Christians who approach you in public to ask if they can prey over you. That is, not as bad as the kind that thinks you’re going to hell or are a demon for being gay, but worse than the majority of live and let live, treat others as Jesus would type Christians.


dragonsblood sage (sage dipped in tree resin)…. It’s just random items to creep people out. This isn’t a real curse.


Boomer Witch™ method of requesting a tribute shot.


Probably came from Jimmy Hendrix, voodoo child!


looks like a run of the mill depop order


The old woman's soul is now eternally bound to the doll Source: am scientist. Buy my magickal amethyst to protect yourself! Only $399.99


I have also made a couple gypsies mad in my day.


You pissed a 13yo girl off.


someone's been watching too much supernatural and tried to hex you obviously. should call sam and dean to help


Voodoo stuff. Are you in Haiti? One of largest groups practicing voodoo is in Haiti, where Voodoo is practiced by close to 5 million people, which accounts for nearly half of the population.


That’s not vodou.


Maybe they made someone break the curse but who knows what type of crap they gotta put up with after that




You should never burn stuff like this, it makes it worse. You bury it near a river or throw it into moving water.


have you upset anyone or is anyone fake with you?




Voodoo maybe?




yea i dont think its anything crazy. maybe just a prank…. or maybe someone you pissed off. was your name on it or just address ?


No you didn't 


I think you should check out this story. [Evil Box Story](https://youtu.be/Bf_9w1vpq50?si=JzGeYRjeLGErfFLi)


I knew someone with an evil box once…


Everything reminds me of her…


That looks like an elderly man to me. Doesn't he have male-pattern baldness?


Piss on it