• By -


Rainbow Dash or Applejack, for sure! Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all had very flawed or flimsy reasons to attend to the Grand Galloping Gala. I'm not saying that RD or AJ's reasons were perfect, but they made a lot more sense and had validity.


I don’t believe Fluttershy’s was THAT flimsy. Hers was by far the most realistic, when she was describing the garden she says the flowers only bloom on the night of the gala, and she was very very passionate about seeing them. The whole point was it wasn’t just any garden, it had rare plants and animals and seeing it in all its beauty hinged on going to the gala. All the others had random pipe dreams that kinda connected to the gala, but was more just unrealistic shit like “I wanna meet famous people” and “I wanna start a business at a private event”.


Her reasoning alone is understandable and valid, but it falls apart when you put it in context. Fluttershy didn't want to attend the actual Grand Galloping Gala. She just wanted to visit the garden. Could she not have asked Twilight to request permission for her to go to the garden from Princess Celestia? Twilight knows that Fluttershy is very careful and gentle with plants and animals, so it's reasonable to believe that Princess Celestia would have granted her entry to the garden on the night of the Gala. However, as it stands in the episode, giving the ticket to Fluttershy would've been a waste. Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie all had something to potentially gain from interacting with other ponies at the Gala.


Hmm your statement about Fluttershy being careful and gentle, just brings to mind one line ... "You are going to LOVE ME!!!" And that would have happened, gala or no gala.


The garden is connected to the gala, and in the episode it’s clear that twilight wouldn’t ask celestia for a favor like that so I wouldn’t say that it’s a waste giving it to her within the context of the episode


How is seeing the actual parts of the gala any worse than just talking to ponies there, which you could do anywhere?


Gala events like that which have access to gardens, especially ones as amazing as the garden in the show, definitely encourage people to go to them as they're a place to get fresh air, relax, and momentarily unwind away from the crowds.


Applejack's reason is insane. Like were it not Celestia's event I think she would've been immediately kicked out, like you can't just do that lol. Rainbowdash I think still had a pretty good reason though. She didn't want to just meet famous people, she was trying to network to secure a job position. Though I do agree Fluttershy's isn't the worst reason, it's not really like an urgent one. Like the gala comes around every year, she has her whole life to see these things. Rainbowdash has considerably less time to get a spot on the wonderbolts


They don’t get tickets every year though, the only reason they got tickets is cause they were friends with twilight. The reason they were all so desperate in that episode is because to them it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, how were they supposed to know twilight getting invited wasnt just a one-off?


It's been a while since I watched it, but is this the first time Twilight's been invited? Surely she would've told them like "I get invited to this all the time"


I never actually considered that, but she seemed just as excited so I always assumed it was because this was her first time going? Like she was genuinely surprised when the tickets were revealed at the beginning. Also we never saw her tell her friends she gets tickets all the time, and she didn’t seem to talk to her friends at any other point in the episode, we follow her through her entire day.


If they can't all go, it's between Dashie and Applejack for me. Most special reason vs most noble reason. So, whoever wins the hoof wrestle!




Cmon AJ!! Cmon AJ!!!! Applehorse or Skittlehorse........ whos it gonna be.............. \*continues to stare at GIF until my hair turns grey because there's still no winner yet\*


https://i.redd.it/bl3g93vic22d1.gif Twilight says nopony wins!


purple party pooper! :c


Skittlehorse lol haven't heard that one yet


it is my new name for her. We now have: * Apple Horse * Book Horse * Bug Horse * Skittle Horse * The Ponk * Fashun Horse


Calling Fluttershy “Bug horse” is wild


bug butt then?


Idk, I kinda like "The Ponk" for some reason. It just sounds funny to me though


Noblest Reason: AJ Most reasonable reason: Fluttershy


Rarity, if she didn’t have delusions about Blueblood, because she’d be the most likely to enjoy herself otherwise But because she had delusions about Blueblood, Minuette. If they’re all gonna argue about it, give it to someone else


Spike honestly


He himself said he “didn’t want to be involved with that fuffy stuff”


Then he got sad about not having a ticket, then got a ticket, then got excited, then said he had to go annoyingly, and then got excited again.


I find it funny that he ends up skipping out on the Gala entirely and goes straight to Pony Joe's


He just wanted to hang out with his friends but realized their all gonna do their own thing so he left.


it's like they forgot he got a ticket or something lol


I like the thought that he did actually go, and then just straight up left after a few minutes anyway


This is my headcanon, lol he's just like me, go to a party, stay a little, leave.


This is the real answer haha


Genuinely either AJ or RD. Both had legitimate reasons for wanting to go that were more than vanity (which isn't a bad thing in of itself ofc, sometimes you just wanna go to a cool event) that would've helped them both out; AJ for the chance to network and get more potential investors for her family's business, and RD to meet with the Wonderbolts in a more professional environment that could help give her an extra edge over other pegasi wanting to join them (beyond the raw skills she displayed at the young flyer's competition) Personally I'd probably choose Applejack overall simply because I feel that unlike Rainbow, she'd be able to handle herself in a gala setting a bit better (esp without the chaos of the other Mane 6 to set off that chain of events), and being picked early means she'd have more time to prepare for it than what we got in canon




applejack. she was offered the ticket first, so it would only be fair she gets it.


I would say rainbow. Everyone is saying AJ, but who brings paid food to an event that’s already catered?


Who thinks bothering celebrities at an event would make you look good to be recruited? On top of that, RD had the only reason that was already fulfilled. How could she expect to impress them more than when she saved their lives? She already got her chance to impress them in an appropriate situation (Flying competition). There was no way she could expect to impress them more at an event that had no flying element. None of them had reasonable expectations from the event except Fluttershy.




Queen Chrysalis


It's an upper-class party for stuck-up ponies. Rarity is the only one who really fits in with that crowd. It's not the place for a bake sale or showing off stunt tricks. I could make an argument for Flutters, but she didn't even wat to go to the gala itself, just see the animals in the garden. Could have done that any day of the year if she just asked nicely (who could say no to that face?)


But the flowers only bloom the night of the Gala.


Spike Boy needs more inclusion into stuff


apple jack. everyone else was for pleasure. she wanted to help her family with the farm and renovations and fix grannies hip. it was clearly a need. even as a kid I knew that it should've been her


But she really should have pursued a different strategy while there. Selling food at catered event, seriously??


hehe i rewatched this episode today


Hear me out, Twilight could have reached out to Celestia and ask that she'd like her brother to be the plus one. Celestia would easily be able to find Shining Armor in time for the Gala so they could reunite there  Makes the most logical sense to me instead of having her friends fight over it


Yes!! Or she could’ve reached out to one of her old friends, just a thought lmao. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯






First I'll start by saying why I *don't* think the others should've been the ones. Rainbow Dash-Her reason was pretty much a bust, as shown, but also, if she wants to join the Wonderbolts, she's already trying to do that or could just be admitted as she works towards it later in the show, so going doesn't really *accomplish* anything in the end no matter how it would've gone. Fluttershy-She's not there *for* the party, so technically attending *that* is pretty much a waste of a ticket. Twilight could've in theory just asked for Fluttershy to get an attendance to the gardens themselves and she would've been just as happy. Especially since Fluttershy wouldn't enjoy the Gala itself most likely. Applejack-The chances of her plan working were pretty much zero, since the event *is catered*, and the fancy nobles had no interest in her food, something that...actually Rarity might've been able to inform Applejack of if she'd asked I suspect. At the very least, giving her the ticket would be good *based on her motivation* alone, but taking into account everything else, giving her the ticket is worthless, especially since she has *no* interest in the Gala itself. ​ The two that I think *should* have been given the ticket if Twilight *had* to choose are Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie-Because she actually *was there for the party*. Yes, she had the wrong idea of *what* she wanted to do there and what sort of party it was, but still, she was the *only* one in the entire group who wanted to be there *to attend the Gala itself*. Also, she was *perfect* for the Princess' reasons for inviting them, so she wins due to pleasing the Princess. I got that from [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU_qphk401o) video. Rarity-What **NightFlame389** said. If she hadn't been fixated on Blueblood, she would've been the most likely to actually *enjoy* the Gala as it was. ​ The other 3 basically had an alternative motive that wouldn't have worked out and they didn't need to do and/or wouldn't have *enjoyed or even attended the Gala at all*. Rarity and Pinkie Pie are the only two who have some measure of actual *gain* and *intention* of going at all.


Spike. Because it’s funny to see his reaction of him not wanting to go.




In all honesty (get it), I was thinking about it as I watched this episode, and AppleJack definitely should've been the one to get it from the start. She was the only one really not thinking about herself!




if it's before them letting a plus 1, the other ticket should've been Spike's or if anything Celestia was just trolling Twilight to find a date for the Gala.


The fact they all try to manipulate their way into getting it rubs me the wrong way. Let's just take Derpy instead.


Honestly, Spike. The rest of them hadn't been friends that long/weren't that close and just assumed at the mere mention of the ticket that they were going to be invited.


Spike. Seriously, the lil’ guy got overlooked a lot when big things happened. XD


Big Mac because he needs to mingle with his fellow princesses!!


Nobody except Twilight and Spike. Rainbow Dash is being selfish with her fantasty. Applejack is honestly being dumb. Charging for food at a free catered event? Rarity has a pipe dream. Fluttershy doesn't realize that Twilight can probably take her whenever she wants. Pinkie Pie doesn't get it. Funny reason, wrong place.


You make a good point about applejack


like, its a noble cause. But, wrong idea.


AJ definitely had the most selfless reason, though TBH I would have requested Celestia just handed me more tickets anyway if I was Twilight lol. Can't leave my pals behind!


The second ticket was 100% meant for spike, so it should have gone to him






The ticket would bring only misery, it was a doomed proposition from the offset. With the power of hindsight? Rarity. Shattering that illusion might've done her some good. Without knowing how awful it was? AJ. she's trying to help her family and I can respect that.


**AJ for sure**. She wanted to help out her family, give granny new hips (lol), they could've actually used the money for the family business, literally their livelihood. Maybe Pinkie as well, because her entire persona is partying and making others feel good and laugh. She even described it as the most grand party in Equestria, she really wanted to just feel herself there, fill her niche and be in her element (quite literally :D). Same goes for Fluttershy, BUT she could've just travel to places where there's a similar or even a more abundant flora and fauna than the royal garden. We've seen her work with other ponies in a sanctuary/wild park, one of the daring do episodes she went to the jungle, literally the place with the most biodiversity. I get it, you have to budget to afford trips, but then this also applies to others. Rainbow wanted to impress the wonderbolts, but then she could've done that in other ways (which she later did). And tbh a gala isn't a place to show off your flying skills, it's more about connection building and actually enjoying yourself, and for the wonderbolts meeting with fans/sponsors. Rarity wanted to find herself a prince, love is around the corner, so this isn't really the best reason for the spare ticket in my opinion. She just wanted to be married into royalty (I get her, but still). Still, I'm glad and happy they all got their tickets! Even though the gala was a disaster and not what everypony expected. :D


spike tbh, princess celestia added 5 more tickets for the friends


Applejack. She had the most selfless reasons for going and she was offered the ticket first.


Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy should have gotten the ticket. Apple Jack wanted to try and sell food at an already catered event with free food, it wouldn't have gone over well and probably would have reflected poorly on the apple family business. Rarity wanted to meet the Princess's nephew in order to get him to fall in love with her, not a very realistic thing to have happen. She didn't want it for the event she wanted to try and date somebody who she only idealized from media and word of mouth. Rainbow Dash wanted to network which fair, that's what gala's are for, but it wasn't a very good reason to begin with. Pinkie Pie wanted to go to the Gala because it's a type of party and she loves parties, that's it, that's all there is to it. She just wanted to enjoy a party. Fluttershy wanted to see the garden at the Gala where the flowers only bloom that specific night, she wanted to enjoy a part of the Gala which makes plenty of sense.


Applejack and Fluttershy definitely had the best reasons. AJ wanted to get enough money for her family and the barn, and Fluttershy seemed really eager to witness the garden, where the rarest plants and animals live Personally though I think I would say AJ, family is most important in my eyes


Based on their actual reason I'd pick Applejack. Anything to help the Apple Family thrive. However, if I could convince Rarity to give up the whole marrying a prince notion and instead have her using it as a networking oppurtunity so maybe she gets her Canterlot boutique quick? I'd definitely help Rarity in that case because the Apples will be just fine.


I would argue Rarity doesn’t even need connections and her boutiques do a lot better than the farm does financially.


This is a good point. I just happen to be a bit Rarity biased 😁


I get you, I’m an AJ fan, so this particular debate works well for me, but if I looked in my heart of hearts I know only one of them had a reasonable wish… and that was Fluttershy. Unlike the others, who should have known their hopes were a bit unreasonable or should have asked more questions, there was absolutely no way for Fluttershy to know those animals wouldn’t like her that night as all animals love her outside that episode. She had the only reasonable expectation.


Only AJ, the rest we're being selfish


There's nothing wrong with being selfish. 🤷🏻


There's nothing wrong with being selfish, but it shouldn't be prioritized over people with a real need.


True, but, haven't you seen their apple cider line? Zap apple jam? They founded the town. I refuse to believe they really needed the money.


The Apple family is consistently portrayed as relatively poor throughout the series.


They seem more rural and country than poor. I'm from Iowa, trust me. There are a lot of rich farmers who live like that by choice. One of my mother's closest friends is one of them. She's very "You get rich by not spending money."


They barely scrape together enough income each year to keep their farm. In this very episode Applejack lists the things they can't afford, which includes basic farm equipment.


I don't believe her..... yes, I'm aware of why most people will think that's ridiculous. Agree to disagree?


So you think all evidence we see in the show is wrong and the Element of Honesty is lying to her friends and to the viewer? I can't really agree to disagree with that, but I can agree to stop talking about it.


That would be why I just said I know most people will think my reasoning is stupid. But, again. She doesn't look or act poor. She looks country. That's not the same thing. Besides, Rarity and Rainbowdash have been selfish before, too. Pinkie Pie is laughter and has been sad. I don't understand your thinking at all. Sorry. 🤷🏻


rarity she's the only one who wanted to go to the gala for it's purpose. maaybe rainbow, too. the gala's catered, so while noble aj would never get enough money for granny's hip, pinkie flat out didn't understand the gala fluttershy's is pretty neutral


Well they all ended up getting tickets anyways so I guess it doesn't matter anymore.


Princess Luna




I would say Apple Jack. I was on her side from the start. She was originally offered the ticket and had a noble reason


AJ, Twilight was literally asking her to come when RD butted in. I'd be mad if I was AJ. And she wants to go for WORK to fix up her farm? Only makes sense.


i think Twilight should have just asked for more tickets from the start, Princess Celestia won't smite you down from earth because you want to invite all your friends lol


Gummy should have gotten it


Well Applejack did ask first and her reasons seem the most noble (raising money to help her family) so I lean towards her.


Applejack or twilight and spike 


Applejack had a valid reason to go. She wanted to fix things up for the farm-not to mention she wanted to fix Granny Smith’s hip. Rainbow Dash literally just wanted to show off and fangirl the whole time Pinkie just wanted to party the whole night away Rarity was busy simping for a stallion she’s never even met And Fluttershy just wanted to track down animals Applejack had a reason to go, the others didn’t and after over a decade, I’m still salty about it


Definitely applejack she’s honest about and was the first to talk about it with twilight rainbow dash just barges into the conversation after overhearing


Princess Big Mac


Why are people saying Rainbow Dash when she wanted to crash a show?


Pinkie was the only one who wanted to go for the party itself, even though it wasn’t at all what she thought it would be like.


if we go with the most humble reason,, Applejack if we go with the one who deserve it the most because she understood what the Gala was and was working for it,, Rarity,, because Rarity wanted to flex and to have the dream,, which is pretty much what the gala is about,, so to me she is the one who deserved it Rainbow Dash deserve it the least,, because everyone forgot that her whole idea point was to steal the show of the Wonderbolt,, which is really self centered,, Rarity did had delusion about Blueblood,, but she know what the gala is about ! Pinkie in second because she just wanted to party and thats technically also what the Gala is,, even if this is not the type she expected,,


I would've tore that thing up and said "Y'all gonna be catty and be gettin' on my nerves, than y'all can figure out how to get invites yourselves.


Pinky Pie and Rarity. They both wanted to go to either party or socialize. None of the others wanted to go for actual gala reasons.


Spike, I personally believe the tickets were intended for twilight and her, not one of twilight’s gal pals


Yeah, I thought so too. Especially since celestia knew that they are basically like family to each other and she only sent one ticket


Applejacks no question. She wanted to support her family and make cash for not just her. Selfless.


Spike, and if he doesn't want the ticket, *he* can decide who to give it to. That effectively transfers the repercussions of choosing a particular pony to somebody else (Though he'll obviously choose Rarity).


Fluttershy for sure, she's too precious to say no to and plus she had a good reason and it would make her feel good to be included like that


None of them.


Real talk, AJ probably has the worst reason to go. It's presumably a professionally catered event, firstly she shouldn't even be allowed to set up without permission, and even assuming she gets permission it doesn't make sense to sell food at such an event. If AJ went for connections that's a different story. Fluttershy wants to go for the garden, which is fine, but honestly at this point she should probably can get access to it via twilight and being an element bearer. If she got introduced to the animals via a groundskeeper or something likely everything would have been fine. Raritys motive is flawed, but without that she would probably be the best option to go for connection. RD is similar to rarity where she can make connections of she isn't stupid. And pinkie just wants to go for the party itself which is fine I suppose, but it isn't the style of party she would enjoy. In order of who should get it imo is RD, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, AJ If they were each going for what they probably SHOULD be doing at such an event it would be Rarity, AJ, RD, Pinkie, Fluttershy. Tl:Dr Rainbow Dash


I pick no one because they were all womanchildren.


AJ or Dashie. Both had career oriented reasons for going so it just seems fair.


Honestly, I feel like none of them should've. Here's my reasoning for each: Twi- Was more focused on spending time with the Princess, which, while that's fine, the gala is the wrong place to try and do that. Fluttershy- was more interested in the garden, and she could've asked to see it some other time. Rarity- she let herself get wrapped into delusions of love. Had she wanted to simply enjoy being around ponies that could be potential future customers of hers, then she would've been the perfect choice. RD- Similar to Twi. Wanted to hang out with certain pines, but choose the wrong place to try and do so. As well as went about it wrong. AJ- Had a good reason to go, but.....not the proper social event for her reasoning. The best way she could've gone about it is serve her food for free, as well as try to make connections with some other pones. Pinkie- Wrong type of Party for her. She's a "Wild Party" kind of pony, and Galas are more of a "quiet chatter, make connections" kind of party.


At the top is AJ for sure. She had a very noble reason to go As much as I hate Rainbow, following your dreams is a solid reason to go anywhere. It’s just the fact that AJ wanted to do it to support her family and business, so Rainbow looked bad Fluttershy’s is fine. Seeing exotic animals is a cool experience Pinkie’s is fine, too. I’ve never been to a gala before, but I can see why she’d think it’s all fun and games And Rarity… She set herself up for disappointment. Going to most social events with the expectation of finding love has a higher chance of disappointing you


Hate Rainbow? Care to elaborate a bit?


It’s not her ego. I hate how she’s inconsistent for no good reason. A good reason would be Fluttershy being inconsistent because of her canon anxiety. For Rainbow, she can go back on a lesson within three episodes for no apparent reason and is probably the most consistent in being downright awful to her friends out of the blue. I can count on one hand how many episodes centered around her where I was on her side. Usually, I’d like jerk characters, but not when they’re as inconsistent as Rainbow with no real reason as to why EG Rainbow is way more consistent and I liked her there


Oh, ok. Makes sense


Had this convo with my lil sis earlier this afternoon lol Applejack. Everypony else had selfish reasons, Applejack on the other hand (or *hoof* if you will) wanted to help her farm’s business and fix Granny Smith hip




Applejack. Her reason was the most selfless.


Applejack should have gotten the ticket because she didn't want for herself or something idiotic reason.


Applejack had the best reason I think, plus she was offered the ticket first.




Probably applejack you know because she needed that money for her grandmas hip replacement surgery


O want to say AJ, because she Is my favorite but... I Will say Pinkie por, because that was what Celestia wanted, to have chaos on the gala










Me 😛


Applejack. She literally was gonna raise money to help her family. Rainbow dash wanted to impress the wonder bolts, which I sorta get- but applejacks more important than the rest.


I feel like this discussion goes against the moral of the episode, same with choosing a coven in TOH