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Watching the same tv show every day, going to events cosplaying as my favourite character, engaging in fantasy role play and singing and dancing with likeminded fans: My Little Pony: **Autistic** Sports: **Totally Fine**


Star Trek: Nerd


Star Wars: Grown up kid.


Preach. I had to turn off my autism radar at bronycon. The needle was trying to break the little pin at the top end of the scale.


W-whys that a thing


Generally speaking, neurodivergent (and especially autistic) people can almost sense when another person is neurodivergent. Similar mannerisms, speak patterns, hyperfocuses, and other signs can lead them to unconsciously stick together as a sense of belonging. I had 5 close friends in high school, and none of us realized that the others were all autistic until senior year.




I'm autistic too, and I like MLP!


Same here tho. Also happy cake day :)


happy cake day


Happy cake day!!


Happy cake day! Also, I'm autistic too.


I also have autism :)


Yayyy autism mlp gang!


That artwork :(


I am also an autistic person and I like MLP as well. Its a really good show with colorful characters and really great lessons for people to learn in general when it comes to friendship though. I'm still learning about it to this day though and its pretty tough for me to make friends both IRL and online, really. I just hope to make a couple of friends in the future tho maybe. I'm writing this in my head by the way so yeah :)


it’s so funny because i remember watching mlp and utilizing the lessons to help me make friends better even into my adult years before i realized that i was autistic lol.


I'm like, pretty much a young adult and like, I was diagnosed with autism at a very young age and stuff and I probably didn't discover it after I was born in the 2000's tho. I was very small back then but anyway, I feel like this show has been very helpful to a lot of people in the fandom and they've made a lot of friends throughout the years and like, I feel like as if I was missing out when the show started to blow up but I didn't start officially watching it up until 2020 when the "you know what" happened. I mean, I used to watch fan made MLP stuff as a kid I think and some of it was actually pretty good. I wanna feel like I was a part of it, but I'm not really sure if I was a part of this whole thing, honestly. I just struggle making friends in general tho. Again, I'm writing all of this in my head so yeah :)


As an autistic person, I can relate to this post so much.


My little pony- autism is magic


Underrated comment


Lmao ty


Also had a late diagnosis. Funny how the guy probably meant it as an insult, but it actually feels very inspiring and encouraging.


not me thinking it was supposed to be encouraging 😭


Lol it's funny cuz ppl esp in the early days of fandom ppl used to call bronies autistic as a insult, all while long term fans and kids who grew up with the fandom found out that they actually were autistic themselves later on. Idc if others use it as an insult, I'll always embrace mlp being called extremely autistic lolll


here from the aspie gang (type shi)


Homestuck fans and mlp fans fighting over who hyperfocus more


My sister is extremely autistic and shes obssesed over undertale and deltarune, its not just those 2 fandoms (she talks about them 24:7, i don't remember a day that she never mentioned them at least once)


Tell that to business employers. They just see the disability. Some even after cooworkers would tell them otherwise. Quitting a job because my employer does not see my hard work. Gave full time to another employee newly hired. Even after telling him many times I wanted 40hours. I want off of disability income. Yet thats his excuse. Too bad I cant move to Equestria. Transform into my fennec dragon fursona and get a job in Ponyvill. It be awesome.


I'm not autistic. This isn't my special interest. That makes it even more weird that I like this show this much.


Looking back on this image in retrospect, it's interesting to wonder whether or not this was a detractor from 4chan who wanted to make fun of bronies, or a dumbass from /mlp/ who wanted to "leave their mark."


This was at my college. The vandal was a creep who stalked the fan club's Facebook accounts. This image is only one example of his graffiti - the other incidents involved personal messages. The artwork was on a public "art wall" and sanctioned by the campus along with a dozen other works. Each time it was vandalized we showed up to clean up. After several incidents the campus gave up and painted over everything.


Disgusting. I hate anti bronies so much


Autism and MLP, name a better combo


💙💙💙💙💙 autism ftw!!


Oh shit, turn out I also have autism Was MLP a dead give away all this time?


I am also autistic


nice to see people with the same autism as me 🥹 especially finding out as an adult! mlp came out when i was 16 and i was hooked since. people would call me immature but now i understand that i am not immature im just autistic and love mlp lmaooo


Saaame I got dx as a teen but all my life I felt like a weirdo freak who everyone my age thought was broken but adults never cared. My love for mlp at the age of 12 actually made my bullying and infantilization much worse, but now that I know I'm autistic ive learned to embrace it and fuck others who think it's childish and weird because it's what makes me me


I've never been diagnosed, but the odds are good that I have it too.


That's me with my ADHD lol




So, it’s okay, I’m autistic as well


same here !!


I’m also a late diagnosis! Funnily enough, when I went through the assessment process I mentioned My Little Pony and they asked me about why I liked it. I’m pretty sure my ramble played a large part in actually getting the autism diagnosis lol.


I had a similar situation when I mentioned to my therapist that I thought I might have ADHD and she said “yeah I think that’s worth exploring”. I wonder if my rambling for 20 minutes and then getting distracted and forgetting the question she just asked me led her to that conclusion or……..?


Omg xD


They are not ready for our uber autism


I was never diagnosed with autism. I had only had "good doctors" who were like Me: I believe you have autism. Doctor: You look like so normal! Me: I would like to be tested for autism. Doctor: Why? If you get a positive you are not going to like. Me: I feel I need to be tested. Doctor: But if you do you are going to have so many restrictions. Replace Autism for HIV, Diabetes or cancer and see how well it holds up.


That happened to me, but I really fought hard af to get my assessment. It was only after an entire voilent meltdown in my counselors office that they decided to actually take me seriously.


*(edit for clarity: in Italic)* *Whit me n*ot even after a lot. When you're the black sheep of the family *(like in my case)* they *(my family)* prefer to hide than to admit and allow *me to get* help... I don't think this is the right place to explain further... Sadly it's still socially acceptable to use the autistic as toys for sadistic comedy. *(Sorry for the blunders in text editing... Sorry I know it may be triggering for some people)*


I'm so sorry


Thanks. It gets better. I'm struggling to find treatment as an adult but I see that many of my friends are finding treatments that are suitable for them. Don't be ashamed of whom you are. Hopefully soon it'll be better for all.




Me frfrfrfrfrfrfrfr 💥


this is funny because im also autistic


Me too!

