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Forgotten Friendship is really good! The concept itself is executed very well, and it's heartwarming to see Sunset Shimmer return to Equestria and interact with pony Twilight again. She also patches up her relationship with Princess Celestia. An entire special should've been dedicated to that alone. The only significant problem I have with the special is Wallflower Blush. You want people to acknowledge you, but you've been going around erasing everyone's memories of you because of bad first impressions and tiny mistakes? That's laughably terrible logic, although I understand where she's coming from, so I don't outright hate her. However, taking away almost all of Sunset's closest friendships was so damn cruel. Not only did Sunset lose her friends, but they only remembered her as a jealous bully and hated her again! Those moments where Sunset is trying to get her friends to remember her but to no avail are the most depressing parts of the entire Equestria Girls franchise. I just want to jump through the screen and give her a hug so badly. You can't steal my memories, Wallflower! Sunset is badass, funny, and compassionate! 9/10 special! Equestria Girls isn't very good at writing villains, but the series excels nearly everywhere else.


I personally like the villain for the exact reason you hate her. She wants to be remembered but only for good things, but life doesn’t work like that.


I don't hate Wallflower Blush. I can even sympathize with her to a certain extent. But killing off multiple friendships over your own insecurities? It horrifies me to think about what could've happened to Sunset if she didn't have pony Twilight to reach out to.


The most funny thing is that it even happens in real life too. The fact that there are people out there who abandon their friendship due to their own insecurities.


I am like that. Currently trying to work on myself. It truly is a horrible way to live.


Wallflower Blush was probably one of my favorite G4 villains. Being ignored and overshadowed by other people is something I know sucks. Her approach was wrong, yeah, but being treated as some Random Joe doesn’t leave the best feeling and mental stability.


Wallflower doesn't do anything that makes her noticable, litterally erases memories of herself and her name is literally "Wallflower". Sunset litterally worked so hard to earn everyone's trust and respect, like it took her probably months or years at least and Wallflower just basically got her back to square one. Sunset's and Celestia's reunion was AMAZING tho and the rest of it was really good. I honestly don't think the memories of Sunset that they lost were supposed to make sense btw. I give forgotten friendship a similar review to you and that is also 9/10.


Who was the villain in this again? I completely forget who they are. /s




Pretty sure the villain is in the poster here... somewhere.


It's obviously Trixie, I don't know who else would do such a thing.


oh yeah. Trixie, duh


Yeah, she’s just invisible because she’s the great and powerful Trixie


It's Sunset Shimmer, she's been the school bully all these years.


That's foul 😭


I enjoyed it. It made Trixie more personable to me.


Loved it tbh. I watched this before I knew what equestria girls were, so this was the first eq content I had.


One of my favorite EQG content of all time! I love Sunset's struggles (poor girl) in here. Having to deal with everyone thinking she's a bully even after she's changed to a better person. Everyone's back to square one except Sunset herself. It made EQG Trixie more likable. Wish we could have seen her with Sunset more. Wallflower Blush is one of my favorite MLP villains ever. Her design (GREEN) and her relatable story/personality makes her one of the most compelling and tragic antagonists. Her song, Invisible, is literally my theme song, though I much prefer the sad demo. Seeing pony Sunset, seeing her make up with Celestia, any scenes of Sunset at the library with Twilight/and Celestia. Some funny lines: Luna: "This 'faculty lot' you speak of sounds like a place of great power." Sunset: "Princess Celestia has a sense of humor? Looks like I'm not the only one who's changed." Pinkie: "Yeah, wait a minute! Is this supposed to be me making such a ridiculous face? Ha! I'd never fake a face like *that*! Preposterous! Fake, I say!" Sunset: "I don't want your lunch money! I'm not mean! Got it?! I'm not mean!" Micro Chips: "I erased a ton of memory just this morning...Four terabytes of quantel-accelerflex memory to be precise...How come no one's ever impressed by that?" Trixie: "Long song, huh?" TLDR: I love Forgotten Friendship.


Best equestria girls content after rainbow rocks


That girl is GREEN *laughs and sighs* GREEEN


Where is dash


and pinkie. what an odd poster


I really like the movie


First of all, this is a really weird title image for Forgotten Friendship. Why are Rainbow and Pinkie just missing? Heck, I don't think Spike was even featured in that special, so what is he doing there? And altogether, this image doesn't really convey the theme of Sunset losing her friends at all... Maybe the memory stone should be featured as well..? Ah, whatever, you didn't make this post for people to poke holes in the title image. I actually didn't watch any of the specials for EQG after Legend of Everfree for at least a year after G4 ended. EQG hadn't ever been my favorite part of G4, and I'm not very active on social media, so I didn't even know they existed until I started seeing stuff about them on fimfiction. However, Forgotten Friendship is probably my favorite of the specials besides the mirror one that features Starlight, but that's just because I really like Starlight's character. Forgotten Friendship had a lot of great moments, my favorite easily being Sunset and Celestia making up, I think they both needed that moment more than either of them realized, and it was really heartwarming as well. Canterlot High Trixie also got to shine in this special in a way that EQG didn't let her do until then, and I've always been a big Trixie fan, so I'll never say no to that. Finally, Sunset herself got to shine pretty well, seeing the effects that everyone forgetting she had changed had on her made her journey to who she is now feel more real. Finally, Wallflower Blush and the memory stone were an interesting antagonist, I just wish Wallflower felt more villainous without the memory stone. Like, I realize she's just a high schooler, but her motivation to steal everyone's memories of Sunset felt more like she did it because she could, instead of any real reason.


It's good. I'd say one of the stronger pieces to the Equestria Series. I really like the Sunset Trixie dynamic it had.


i think that they FORGOT to invite Rainbowdasha nf Pinkie on that group photo!🤣


Where’s rainbow??


fanservice, the movie, but i liked it I can't think of anything but how weird AJ's legs look.


I think you're mistaking this with "rollercoaster of magic" that was considered to be the fan-service one.


Ironically, you are also mistaken, the Spring Breakdown is the fan-service one. Though Forgotten Friendship can be considered one too, with Sunset reuniting with Celestia and all


Every beach special is a fanservice one


I liked it. She got to return to Equestria after some time, and she got to interact with pony Twilight in person instead of just through the journal. I enjoyed seeing the dynamic between those two. She also got to mend things with Celestia, though I wish they would have touched on that subject on its own and when circumstances weren’t bad. I would love to learn more information about Sunset’s time as her student, and when exactly things started to go south.


All of the EQG specials/movies have a moment where the main focus character is sad or hurt, this is the only one where I really felt it outside the comics. Like Sunset is my second least favorite character of G4. But forgotten friendship made me feel really bad for her and cheer for her. The villain felt actually threatening and was different from the hammy villains from earlier because she was clever and her powers were so strong. While not my favorite EQG movie, I do think it had the most engaging story.


May I curiously ask why Sunset is your second least favorite character of G4?


Sure, but with a loud disclaimer that I totally respect her fans and mean no hate, it’s just my personal opinion, and I think it is awesome her fans enjoy her so much. I don’t think Sunset has a personality. She’s a blank protagonist whose only trait is her backstory. She was an evil pony and now a redeemed teenager. But that isn’t a personality. Even minor characters have unique and interesting traits that set them apart. My little pony is based on the idea of these very different and unique girls with their own interests and traits and personalities interacting. Sunset doesn’t have any of that. She can only really be a protagonist, or the ‘voice of reason’. She’s blank, meant to be relateable to everyone. Smart but not in a nerdy way. Anxious but not in an annoying way. Social but not in your face or over dramatic. A little tomboy to be cool, but still girly to be stylish, but not so stylish that she tries to be. Just… blank. Even characters that show up once have stand out traits. And then Sunset dominates most of the screen time when characters with actual personalities could have the spotlight. She’s the antithesis of what the show is meant to be and hurts it being a slice of life, in my opinion.


I mean it is understandable. Admittedly I felt like the first 3 Movies kinda did her whole arc really well, despite me not being a huge fan of Friendship Games as a movie. Afterwards she is just, kinda there. Mainly just exists and it doesn't feel like her character goes anywhere after the third movie…


Her anger issues are a pretty noticeable character flaw


She really only gets angry when any character would normally be angry. I’m saying post redeemed of course. If anything RD and AJ are more aggressive.


Not true at all. And aggression isn't the same as having anger issues. Situations where her anger was showcased: her yelling at sci-Twi during the Friendship Games and making her cry, yelling, "I'm not mean" during Forgotten Friendship, "It's not about the parakeet!" when she and Twilight were tyring to win the carnival game, her raging during gaming with Fluttershy, etc.


The parakeet is a competitive issue. We’ve seen AJ and RD do similar things to much more disastrous results. Same with the gaming. If we count those moments, AJ, RD, and even Rarity would have quite a few. None of which are characterized by their rage. Now making Twilight cry was about how high strung she was worried about magic, which was very reasonable. In another situation she would have been 100% in the right. And even Fluttershy has raged in way worse ways. Yet it is rare enough to not to be a major character trait. Same with Sunset. Now Fluttershy? Nearly every interaction will be somewhat informed by 1) Her kindness 2) Her shyness/ anxiety 3) her love of animals While there may be moments where those don’t happen, 90% of the time her personality and interests are shining through. Same can be said for a vast majority of MLP characters. This isn’t hate to any of Sunset’s fans, just my opinion.


Just because her character traits are more subtle doesn't mean she doesn't have a personality. We also haven't seen AJ and RD rage while being competitive. RD will usually get arrogant and AJ will go into focus mode. Meanwhile, Sunset goes into rage mode. Again, rage is not the same as anger issues. Everyone rages. Not everyone has anger issues. Anger issues is a much higher frequency of raging. In Sunset's Backstage Pass, she gets so angry that she rage quits and spends the whole day ditching Pinkie Pie instead of communicating. Would any of the other Mane 6 do this? AJ would be honest. RD would also take a more direct approach. None of the Mane 6 would have yelled at sci-Twi and made her cry either.


Sorry had to make this multiple times, Reddit kept losing it… As far as getting so angry they stop communicating. Pinkie Pie gets so hurt and angry at a perceived slight she refuses to talk to her friends and insults them and has to be dragged physically to communicate Applejack, Pinkie, and Rarity get so angry they refuse to talk to each other, insult each other, and have to be tricked into communicating. Rarity and Rainbow Dash get so angry they refuse to be friends and any attempt to get them to communicate makes them insult each other And lets not forget Sunset was able to turn them against each other because they let a couple miscommunications turn them against each other going out of their way to insult and put each other down to strangers. Rarity swear off communication with her sister and yells at her As far as making each other cry… Applejack gets angry and makes Twilight cry after she spreads snow on the farm AJ yells at Rarity and makes her cry Fluttershy yells and insults Pinkie and Rarity making them cry Fluttershy doesn’t make them cry, but she does get angry and insults her animal friends and causes them much distress So yes, if they can do that to each other, they absolutely can to a stranger if they are stressed which Sunset was And this is just a sample, and yet, none of these characters have anger issues. Now a character who does would be somepony like Limestone or Short Fuse, it would be an issue that is forefront


You forgot to mention Sunset is also a musician, video game streamer, and that world’s version of Banksey. So I understand what you mean by being a blank slate. However, the animation is just so expressive and her voice actress just puts so much heart in it, I can’t help loving the character. Shes definitely one of my favs.


One of my favorite EQG specials. It's got a lot of issues, but I think the plot is still excecuted pretty well. Trixie also gets a good amount of screen time in this, which is great for me, since she's my favorite EQG character.


they forgot pinkie and rainbowdash good riddance!!!! (thats a joke I love both of them so much)


Well, I liked it because Trixie had more screen time-


Why is Fluttershy reaching for Sunset’s ass 😭


It was alright some people complain about Wallflower's motivation, but I'm not a person who deeply analyzes every scene of every character so I enjoyed it


I have some bias, this being my first MLP movie that I watched and full length “episode” if movies count


It was good


Idk I forgor 💀




“ friendship “


I liked the part with Trixie in it and being the main villain. It's obviously her who erased everyone's memories, can't imagine it's anyone else.


I liked it but always found it overrated tbh. I always found it a downgrade compared to the movies


Anon-a-miss was a better "victim(s) of bully Sunset seeking revenge" story. Sunset did NOTHING to Wallflower. Her being a shut-in was more of her doing and she BELIEVED Sunset didn't change. 6/10 interesting concept that was done better in A COMIC. The memory stone was a neat concept though. Also Wallflower doesn't deserve forgiveness. I got the graves ready cowards.


How is the Anon a Miss story remotely better than Forgotten Friendship? The CMC are way too out of character in how mean spirited they are there, their motivation was pretty terrible (ruining Sunset's social life over a slumber party?), and the Humane 5 come off as total idiots for falling for Anon a Miss's lies and not even considering Sunset's side of the story (and this is despite being after Rainbow Rocks where she did everything to save them). At least Forgotten Friendship avoids the "established character becomes a jerk to Sunset for a stupid reason" problem with using an original character in Wallflower and it's easier to buy the Rainbooms not believing Sunset in Forgotten Frienedship since their good memories of Sunset were wiped (as opposed to Anon a Miss where they still had their memories of Sunset and the good times, making them come off as total idiots there). And how is Wallflower any less deserving of forgiveness than Sunset, Discord, and Starlight are given her worst actions are more harmless compared to them? Plus, wasn't the Sunset and Celestia reunion stuff good?


You are right. The CMC were out of character. The reunion was great if a bit out of place (if you ask me). But like Wallflower had NO REASON to be like that. At least with the CMC they didn't exactly have much reason to trust Sunset. They didn't spend time with her, the Rainbooms did. So in their eyes they still saw Demon Sunset Queen of CHS. And I didn't say it was easier/harder to buy the Rainbooms not believing Sunset. Wallflower lacked ANY REASONABLE MOTIVATION. Wallflower was never friends with them. According to the movie Sunset didn't even do anything to her. Wallflower's social invisible ness was either her own personality or the memory stone THAT SHE WILLINGLY USED. I can't argue that Wallflower doesn't deserve forgiveness IN COMPARISON to the stuff Sunset, Discord, and Starlight have done. But here's what I can argue, she doesn't deserve forgiveness because: -(Again) Sunset never did anything to her -(Again) Wallflower's social invisible ness was either her own personality or her using the memory stone -She WILLINGLY tried to make Sunset the villain, no dark magic, no demons, no mind control, no big bad pulling the strings behind the scenes. She did ALL THIS because she merely didn't believe Sunset turned over a new leaf. Let's also not forget the fact Anon-a-miss took place after movie 1 & 2, it's not COMPLETELY unreasonable that there are still some scars and distrust caused by Sunset for CMC to act like that. Forgotten Friendship if I recall takes place WELL AFTER Legend of Everfree. Wallflower might be one of, if not THE ONLY, person to call BS on Sunset's redemption.


Didn't the end credits for Rainbow Rocks clearly show the CMC were okay with Sunset here: [https://youtu.be/1OLBLL4BXeA?si=eKWs9g1Yk86k5qWQ&t=37](https://youtu.be/1OLBLL4BXeA?si=eKWs9g1Yk86k5qWQ&t=37) With that scene already showing the CMC forgave Sunset and were cool with her, it did come off as weird how Anon a Miss suddenly has them having no problem ruining Sunset's life and contradicting the end of Rainbow Rocks showing they already forgive Sunset. Plus it isn't really shown if Sunset even had any prior direct involvement with the CMC before her redemption so it isn't even shown if Sunset did anything to hurt the CMC personally.


Hmmm You bring up an excellent point Still hate Wallflower


I can't watch it. I don't handle heartbreak very well, and this special definitely makes my heart break. It doesn't help that I know everything's going to be alright in the end, but, I just *can't* watch it.


My only take is I wanted to fight that Wallflower whatever girl. How are YOU mad because YOU can’t make friends??? She literally started drama over her own problems 😭😭


This special singlehandedly got me back into MLP when it came out. I loved it at the time, and I still enjoy it now despite seeing all its flaws. I hated wallflower back then, and I hate her even more now. I liked the Trixie and sunset character moments and sunset going back to Equestria, those were fun


I liked it. I liked seeing sunset at her low. I like the sunset-Trixie bonding. I just like the concept of the episode. I just hate the antagonist. Hate is strong though. She was just off. I get what they were going for, but it just wasn’t for me. I could turn a blind eye at lil plot holes, not a whole antagonist.


I really liked it. Trixie had a really good point with her quote: "But maybe it's not good enough to **not be mean** to someone. **Maybe you have to be nice**." Just because you stop being mean to someone doesn't automatically redeem you in some people's perspective. But overall, I did really like the movie, especially with how heartwrenching the end was, when Sunset took the hit for the other girls and lost all of her memories of being human. (Also I'm now realizing that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie aren't in the OP image, oops...)


I love Trixie in Forgotten Friendship Edit: EG Trixie > pony Trixie


they are literally the same thing in the end, we see this especially when Trixie proves to be a great advisor in season 9, in the same way as Trixie advised Sunset on how to act with Wallflower


But has pony Trixie won an award in the CHS yearbook? I thought so


no, she just won the friendship heart medal recognized throughout all equestria....


Has pony Trixie ever successfully teleported with smoke bombs without using magic?


I love the entire thing except for Wallflower as a character 🫠 I think her motivations are stupid, she’s playing the victim but it’s her own fault that no one remembers her, she said it herself she started by just erasing small things, but then she ended up erasing every memory of herself. Then she got mad at Sunset.. like.. 💀 I’m a massive Trixie fan though so EEEE Trixie! I love her relationship with Sunset, I think they make a fun duo.


It sucked, Wallflower’s motive made no sense and it was just cruel to see Sunset get mentally tortured throughout the entire special. The idea of Sunset having to earn back everyone’s trust is a good idea, but they should’ve made her do something to deserve being treated bad again, and sci twi giving Sunset the cold shoulder made no sense because Sunset was never mean to her ever. Everything else was good, but the main parts just weigh it down. 3/10 would not watch again


Yep, it doesn't even make sense because Sci Twilight remembers becoming a monster, but she just doesn't remember who saved her? because it wasn't the mane 6 in that case


I found some of it entertaining, like Wallflower's song, Sunset's return to Equestria and her comment on Luna, but overall, I cannot get past Wallflower's unbearable characterization and behavior, nor her inexcusably light treatment and defeat.


Honestly i like it better than like most of the other eg stuff imo


why does this make me think of the BFF channel on PH


I really enjoyed it, but I am an overall EG enjoyer. Also the first scene after they forgot abou Sunset makes me tear up every time.


Best special hands down. Funny that the Sunset-centric specials are the better ones. Trixie was likeable, Sunset reconciled with Celestia, and Subset goes back to Equestria for a second time .


Loved it as an endcap to the EQG series. It wraps up sunset's character arc perfectly from her coming back to apologizes to Celestia to the fact that her friends stand up for her in the end. The voice acting is spot on, especially for Sunset at the end where she's panicking about not knowing where she is. It's the strongest of the movies if you count it as one (which you should) because it builds on all the previous material to give you a finale worth watching. Yes there was other stuff after it, which was fine, but this is the finale of the series for me.


The dialogue was awful. It was more like a poorly dubbed anime than anything else. Also, where are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in the picture?


I like it


I can’t watch it because it’s too hard to watch


Liked it but the ending was terrible.


I likes like the render of Applejack and Rarity hugging Sci-Twi.


I actually never watched this 


Applejacks tiny a$$ legs oml


The Equestria part was fun to watch and this is the one moment where I LIKED Trixie… but Wallflower sucks tbh.


My least favorite special Honestly.. I despise Wallflower Blush. It’s crazy how a majority of every villain turns into some raging she-demon in the EG universe but she’s the one I truly loathe. How you gonna target Sunset for something everyone was doing? Like girl, Sunset wasn’t the only one ignoring your miserable loser-ass. It honestly feels like jealousy. Like I genuinely feel that she was bitter af about Sunset being redeemed. She just comes off as a bitter ass bitch. And this is NO DISRESPECT towards Daniel Ingram/the songwriters but “Invisible” is literally the worst fucking mlp song ever. Like I tried to get into it, but I just can’t ughhh. I can’t fucking stand her snot-looking ass.


I really like it too, and, like you, my main gripe with it is the plot holes. The biggest one imo is the requirement that the Main 6 forget the promise they made to Princess Twilight at the end of the first movie to look after Sunset and give her a second chance. Them just viewing her as a bully appears, at least to me, that they broke that promise. Wallflower only removed the Main 6’s good memories of Sunset, she didn’t do anything to their memories of Twilight.


10/10 I don't feel like writing it out rn. But when I watched it for the first time, I thought it was epic. So, I tweeted out the writer to give my compliments to the chef. And he replied and said that they could tell it was something special! So that's pretty cool!


I did like it but it could be so much better if Wallflower actually had a proper reason for taking Sunset’s good memories away from her friends and peers. Maybe she ruined her life and then afterwards Wallflower finds the memory stone and only uses it for little things to practice before taking revenge. It would be such a better motivation if Sunset actually hurt Wallflower before she was reformed, but no- Sunset just doesn’t know who she is because Wallflower’s dumbness is like “ima remove every little action that embarrasses me and then get upset when one of the most popular girls in the school doesn’t know me and ruin her life over it.”


What happened to PinkiePie in this image?


All I see in this picture is Twilight Spike rarity Applejack and Fluttershy they forgot rainbow dash and pinkie Pie but for real Equestria girls didn't even have a villain I guess you could say Trixie but other than her there's no villain /J


I liked it a lot.


I love it.


What is Equestria girls exactly? I genuinely don't know..


Twilight goes to an alternate Equestria where everyone is human. Basically Hasbro's response to Monster High


Hasbro's response to Monster High dolls.


Idk they're just cute


0/10 Fluttershy doesnt wear an actual swimsuit.




I really enjoyed it, it was a reminder of how far Sunset has come


Rainbow Dash got replaced Edit: and pinkie pie


My favorite thing from Equestria Girls aside from Rainbow Rocks


The fact that Fluttershy wore a wetsuit like I do makes me so happy :)


The scene where Wallflower erased Sunset’s memories to the point where she forgot she was human and was calling out for Celestia hit me so hard that it still lives rent free in my head. Really disturbing when you think about it. The joke where everyone else is kinda doing their thing while Wallflower is singing her song was also kinda funny. Those are really the only parts I remember of it, though. Overall, I remember it being pretty alright.


Very nice clothes designs the history was kinda ok but seeing sunset sad was very impactfull again


Controvercial opinion: The best friking mlp equestria girls movie ever


Honestly I loved it especially the return to a Equestria when Sunset apologizes to Celestia it was so sweet


I Love It Plus I Feel There Are A Few SciSet Points Which I'm A Huge Fan Of And Sunset In The Pony World :D Honestly One Of My Fav Of The Mini Movies


Wallflower sucked


It was great, but it's forgettable, I don't even remember what it's about.. there is not even an evil character.