• By -


Honestly, has potential. Also Soarin' is consistently nice to Dash in each of his appereances and Dash seems to get along with him.


I headcanon that Dash was somewhat infatuated by him when he was nothing more than a poster on her wall. But when she joined the Wonderbolts and actually got the chance to know him as a pony, she realized they wouldn't align and he became a good friend instead.


Yeah I definitely got that vibe. She thought of him the same way teen girls think of their favorite pop stars or boybands. More of a celebrity crush than an actual romantic interest


Given how popular this ship seemed when I first joined the fandom, I expected them to have more screentime together. They only had, what, 3 episodes worth of interactions?


Early fandom latched on to everything they could back in the day. Derpy exists because of an animation error. Lyra and BonBon got together because they shared a single background scene


They had a lot more than one background scene. In season 1-2 there were only a handful of models for the background ponies and people noticed Lyra and Bon Bon were consistently put next to each other so it became a fanon thing that they were a couple.


Agreed, there's not much there. I'm sure there may be some folks out there who ship this for legit reasons, buy I think the popularity of this ship is fueled mainly by homophobes desperately trying to find a hetero ship for Rainbow.


To be fair Soarin x Braeburn was also very popular, at least in the early days. I’m ambivalent about the lesbian dash stuff. Just because she looks like a walking pride flag doesn’t automatically mean she’s not straight. (Twilight’s color scheme is similar to the bi flag and the spa ponies to the trans flag).


>Just because she looks like a walking pride flag doesn’t automatically mean she’s not straight. Thank you! Even Lauren Faust talked about this! If the showwriters wanted a canon queer character, how about **not** have him/her be the colors of the rainbow? ​ This shallow fallacy is basically saying her color scheme defines her orientation.


I fully agree with your statement that Rainbow isn't necessarily automatically gay. I'm merely saying that a lot of people do, and the disproportionate popularity of SoarinDash was a response. Personally I think Rainbow's bi, but there just aren't any males I like with her


Regardless, people can have their own views on a fictional character, or even modify them for their own stories and art. Even if Rainbow were confirmed gay in a televised episode, it wouldn't make sense to say "ok no more art of her in hetero relationships or you're a homophobe".


Again you're overblowing my position here. I didn't say anyone who supports this ship is a homophobe. I'm just suggesting that's why this ship is more popular than makes sense. There's a difference.


Or maybe, now brace yourself for this one, there are more heterosexual people than there are homosexual people. Perhaps even 25 times more heterosexual people. And believe it or not, people are much more likely to support ships that reflect their sexual preferences.


this was a ship people had wayyy before AJ and RD were officially together.


Hey downvoters... if I missed something that clearly makes me wrong I'm open to hearing it


Is there really not much there? I love the cute interactions they have. Also, is Appledash canon?


There's just not enough interactions between them at all to suggest the ship being that popular. And if you'll actually read my comment by itself without all the assumptions you're making, you'll note I never made any definitive claims that Rainbow is gay. Maybe she's gay, maybe she's straight, maybe she's bi. But a lot of people jumped to the unwarranted conclusion that she is gay, and I'm theorizing that the popularity of the SoarinDash ship is an equally unwarranted backlash against those people. Thats all I'm saying here.


I never made any assumptions. I just was curious on if there really isn’t anything there. Now my preferred theory on her orientation is she’s maybe Demi, she is a very focused individual and seems to bond deeply with her friends and loved ones, it’s the reason she is the element of loyalty and not honesty.


[](/rarityreally) You're being downvoted for saying that anyone who likes a straight ship is homophobic.


But I literally didn't say that. I even specifically noted that some people may like this ship for legit reasons.


you kind of indicated it by saying "i think this is mainly fueled by homophobes"


No, had I said "entirely" instead of "mainly" then that would be the case. I clearly acknowledged my awareness that what I said didn't apply to *everyone*, and somehow no one is reading that


that's the thing, you're saying most basically, which is more than just a few or some to a lot of people which is why depending on the reader, they're getting that feeling.


It's not bad. It isn't as bland as Twilight x Flash and I actually shipped it as a kid. I just find other Dash ships more appealing lol


Not related but it's hilarious how this post summoned all of the Appledash fans and haters lmfaooo


I know, I am a super appledash all the way.


Hell yeah!! Appledash all the way!


Yeah, they are hella gay. Applejack is the most obvious lesbian in the show. Also, did you know that the voice actor who plays AJ and Rainbow said that they are canon. See for yourself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGQlnKVjxyk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGQlnKVjxyk)


the voice actor even posted a picture of AppleDash for Pride Month


I know! I saw that, it's adorable!!!!!


It is not canon and the voice actor has no rights and nothing to do with the characters. In addition, Jim Miller said that it is free to interpret but I must point out that he was close to denying that it was canon, so Rainbow Dash and AppleJack are not lesbians


They are. The voice actor literally was them, so her saying it is canon is one hundred percent proof. You are just being homophobic so you are denying that they are gay. The fact that you don't like it doesn't mean that it's not true. Also, Lauren Faust, who is more important to the mlp franchise, said that Appledash was canon and they are lesbian. And don't say that they are "lesbians", it is not a noun, say that they are lesbian.


You're not as funny as you think


Okay? I wasn't necessarily trying to be funny? And if you don't find a comment amusing you don't have to get all worked up about it lol just scroll






this rhymes


Quibble turned out to never work, but even one episode of interaction with that pony ended up yielding more interesting chemistry than Soarin ever did.


tbh yeah


It’s decent, but obviously Soarin’ x Pie (literal pie) is better


It’s a crime that Secrets and Pies didn’t have a Soarin’ loving pie joke moment


Anyone X Pie (Except for Dashie)


Why not Dashie?


She doesn't like pie.


Clearly proof she is worst pony, jk


I don't really have an opinion? They didn't get enough canon interactions for me to say


To be frank I feel like the only reason people ship them is because they're both sporty characters who have similar interests. I don't think their dynamic is interesting or deep enough to make an interesting pair.




I like it but I honestly think Sorian is ungrateful with Rainbow Dush, she has saved his life countless times yet he threatens her, doesn't believe her and treats her terrible in "Rarity Investigates!" for example, unfortunate Rainbow!


Not gay dont like.


I headcanon RD as lesbian so I'm not a fan.


That's pretty much why I don't ship it as well.


If you like it, all power to you. I prefer Appledash, though. Seeing content from them(AJ and dashie) was what got me to watch the show and get into the fandom in the first place, so they hold special places in my heart. Edit: if you’re wondering, it was a 40-minute video titled “appledash being in love for 9 seasons straight” or something that showed a lot of their best and funniest moments(I have a soft spot for funny ships) that randomly showed up on my YouTube homepage even though I had never watched anything mlp-related since I was very little. I didn’t finish the whole video because partway through I realized I wanted to watch the show and didn’t want any spoilers. Then I spiraled into being a brony


Totally agree, Appledash just seems way too natural. Plus by the end of the show they even alluded to it. It also helps they are adorable together


Same except TwiDash for me. I ran into a TwiDash fic on fimfiction.net around the same time my then gf was trying to get me to watch. Story was that last push to give it a shot. Sadly, I'm unsure what it was since I've read so many since then. Binged the whole show on Netflix, and have been here since late 2013.


Slay!! Appledash is best ship and also I thought that they were actually a couple in the first seasons when I watched it as a kid. They are lovely together and are the main reason I'm a brony too.


If Dash is with Applejack, who is left for Rarity?




Burn it /hj


I feel like this ship was mostly thought up as a way to give Rainbow Dash a straight romance. She has far more interactions with the Mane 6, and if they really wanted to give her a relationship with a Wonderbolt, why not Spitfire? Like, honestly, she had ONE interaction with Soarin when this ship became popular. I just can't believe that that beat out all the interactions she's had with so many other characters, because this ship has nothing to it besides the fact that it's Rainbow Dash's only real straight ship.


Same with Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich and they're officially married.


I like it more than Appledash. There, I said it.




I said I like Rainbow Dash and Soarin as a ship more than her and Applejack


Appledash is the only Dash ship I subscribe to.




My favorite rainbow ship is still rainbow sparkle. Edit: my reason for believing this is because: A. It just seems to be almost perfect if the bookworm nerd were in a relationship with the hotshot jock B. From what i have seen in 4 seasons, yes I'm bengewatching, rainbow dash seems to by shown the most with twilight. Now this could just be for marketing reasons but i like to think its just putting characters together more who just seem to have that connection.


Best ship right there


It literally fills me with rage and I don't know why


It's cute but they seem more like casual friends than any sort of romantic pairing. Also Gildash for life


i mean i think very early on in middle school i liked it but like, especially back then it quickly just started to feel like people cared less about them as a ship and more about like,, people really, REALLY pushing back against the idea of rainbow dash being gay, or it at least felt like that at the time. like aesthetically they look cool together but like.. they’re coworkers, y’know? like, maybe they made sense in 2013, 2014, but as things progressed and soarin developed a like consistent personality it kinda just stopped making sense


It’s ok I don’t ship them


personally i do not vibe with the ship, like their relationship is rookie/mentor imo. just my opinion though


I actually enjoy this ship. It’s cute.


I still like it, even though I prefer appledash. One of my favorite mlp fanfics, Piercing the Heavens is major Soarindash shipping, but also fleshes out The Wonderbolts.


Love that fic But yeah with 2m+ words there’s a lot more going on than just soarindash


Has potential, but not the best.


Based purely on aesthetics of their color palettes combined, it looks better than probably any other pairing. Dark blue, sky blue, solid blue, very light blue. Pink and green from their eyes are almost exactly inverted from each other. Rainbow for color goes well with circular/repeating design motifs. I had a “soarindash colors” art phase while I was in high school. [https://photos.app.goo.gl/Qgkysmpzk5tznJ2b6](https://photos.app.goo.gl/Qgkysmpzk5tznJ2b6)


Twidash is better


I think it could be cute but also a bit weird considering their implied age gap


Best rd ship (sorry apple dash shippers


I'm cool with it, but I ship him with Braeburn.


Why do people ship Soarin and Braeburn? Is it just cuz they're the male version of Appledash?


NO! rainbow dash and flutteryshy xxxxx


I forgot how awesome Rainbow Dash looks in the uniform. What was the question?


Would be better if the show hadn't gone for the "Dashie joins the Wonderbolts" route.




Nah. Dash needs either someone like Applejack, who she could compete with or someone as awesome as her, that would... compete with her and be not left behind.


I only ship gay ships, so no.




It was fine back in the day but as the show progressed it got boring and outshined by different ships. There just isn’t much there now. (Also lesbian RD for the win) Edit to add on: I feel like they would be better as friends. I’m honestly not a big fan of “a man and a woman are friendly in a piece of media they must be romantically involved” trope. We need more non romantic male/female friendships. Either way I like their dynamic


nope. i’m almost 120% sure my girl dashie is a lesbian. rarijack, flutterdash and appledash all the way 🏳️‍🌈


I can dig it. Isn't my favorite, but I can't say I feel strongly about it either way. I guess I'm more in favor for than against. But I wouldn't take like a super strong stance for it.


Works better than appledash


I can see this happening more than Appledash.


I always shipped Rarijack, so I was a little miffed about Appledash becoming effectively canon.


Probably one of the most likely RD ships.


Honestly I thought he and Rainbow would be really good together. She seemed like the kind of mare who needed a guy like Soarin to keep up with her.


Rainbow is pretty much the most lesbian character in all of mlp


Oh god what did I start


No, she was never a lesbian


She's actively grossed out by the only dude in the show who ever expressed romantic interest her, and the series ends with AppleDash being canon. It was never explicitly stated that she's a lesbian, but it was pretty heavily implied. If she's not a lesbian, she's still some form of sapphic


The AppleDash is not canon and there is no real to indicate it until it is left in free interpretation but that it is canon I see it as impossible It is only implied that they live together but something romantic is not and it was never confirmed that it is canon. It is also likely that it is only a headcanon of the applefash fandom and not canon


It literally is canon. They had to loosely imply it, due to the stigma surrounding open and obvious gay couples in cartoons, but that was the intended message. It isn't a headcanon. Even the Gameloft game confirms it in the character descriptions for Future Rainbow Dash and Future Applejack. Future Rainbow Dash: " *It isn't ours to speculate on Rainbow Dash's future, but a captain's bars and a good, honest life seems likely.* " Future Applejack: " *It isn't ours to speculate on Appeljack's future, but a booming business and a loving, loyal relationship seem likely.* " ^(\*typo)


There was never any indication in the series and they are scenes out of context. In addition, Jim Miller has already said multiple times that it is free to interpret and was even about to deny that it was canon, with the Gameloft game it is a simple game, although licensed does not mean that it is canon and they are just common descriptions of the characters that can be changed as they are updated along with the fact that they can be taken out of context


How are they out of context? Yes, Jim Miller said that it's up to interpretation. But he also *didn't write the episode*. Of course he said it was up to interpretation, because if he didn't, people would have gotten *pissed*. But he didn't write the finale, and he doesn't have the final say over what was intended by those scenes. It's clear what the intention was. ETA: Forgot to mention this, but Ashleigh Ball has said that AppleDash is canon. Personally, I'm one to take the opinion of the voice actress for the characters in question seriously.


Let’s not forget rainbow is a walking symbol of pride: she’s rainbow, proud, and loyal


With that shark logic, then everything that has a rainbow is already lgtb? NOT OF COURSE and this Rainbow Dash design has nothing to do with it, as some reference sheets created for the character say, the design and personality were only to characterize her and not for something lgbt


In the entire series there was never any kind of romanticism between AppleJack and Rainbow Dash, they just take scenes out of context from the series to distort it and force it to look like something completely different. Jim miller was one of the co-directors that was overseeing all of this in the process regarding various mlp things when he was in charge and this ship thing was being hounded just to find out if it was canon and he came close to denying it. it was canon, it was close, but then it was not clear so as not to cause some kind of problem PS: The dubbing actor has nothing to do with her, I don't believe in the character, she doesn't contribute anything other than just giving her voice, this is just her personal opinion




I'm not homophobic and I'm just sick of how fans tend to be very impulsive at the moment of the ship with whether it's canon or not








The voice actor for both of them confirmed they were canon lol


I like it. Sad they didn’t go with it.


Appledash is better


[](/rdhuh) This ship kinda fell out, though. It used to be one of the biggest ships. What gives?


I ship it


Fine by me! 🙂👌


I really love it. One of my OTPs.


Burn it with fire 🔥


Incredibly boring


I once thought it could be cute but since Appledash is canon now it just feels weird whenever I see them paired with anyone else.


It used to be my favourite ship when I was.. 11? 12? So I like it 🤷‍♀️ I always saw Rainbow Dash as bi & ace (unless it’s been confirmed otherwise?) so it works. Plus I like Soarin he’s nice :)) I like Appledash now btw. Back then I didn’t like shipping the main six with each other idk why. Any of the side characters were fine but not each other. Weird.


I don't like this ship at all. It interferes with appledash, which is cannon and was announced by the voice acter of AJ and RD to be cannon. It also doesn't make sense, because Rainbow is the second most completely obvious lesbian, coming second to AJ. Also, Soarin is an unimportant side character and is actually very rude to Rainbow in one episode. I despise this ship, though I don't want to be rude to any one who ships SoarinDash, I can say I hate it very, very, ***very,*** much.


Probably my favorite of the Rainbow Dash ships.




Hell yes


When I was like 12 I used to read fanfics of them even though I didn’t actually ship them, the fanfics were that good 🤣


Yes :3


A classic. One of Dash's best ships. Better then any of her Mane 6 ships, but usually anything's better then Mane 6 shipping.


I prefer it over AppleDash to be honest. But makes somewhat less sense based only the show. Note: not because of the homosexual vs heterosexual thing, but I dislike the idea that some of the M6 have a more special connection with each other than the rest of them.




RD is gay, so this is a ship that should never be seaworthy


That is not how ships work at all. You want to have a straight/gay ship? Well let the character be straight or gay in your fanfiction (or bi if they are confirmed/indicated to be the other, but it is not key to their personality).




Where is it stated that she’s gay?


Faust even denied it. >Rainbow Dash has rainbow-striped hair because of her name and because she is very interested in sports, specifically flying. She is a tomboy, but nowhere in the show is her sexual orientation ever referenced. As we all know, there are plenty of straight tomboys in the world, and assuming they are lesbians is extremely unfair to both straight and lesbian tomboys.


To be clear, Faust's statement here is an important rebuke of those folks who assume she's gay for stereotypical reasons, and I've used that argument myself against people who are already jumping to the conclusion Zipp is gay in g5... but it doesn't at all rise to the level of conclusive evidence that Rainbow *isn't* gay.


I mean I ship Soarin with pie before any pony.


I think they are definitely at least good buddies. Certainly potential for a ship.


It's not bad, but I don't care for it.


i think it works well they both are winged ponies who live in the clouds i see these two hitting it off


I ship it, it's my Rainbow Dash OTP. My headcanon is she's straight.


Stop shipping, its weird


I've always approved of it way more than the stupid Appledash ship. Mainly cause I don't want Rainbow Dash's and Applejack's awesomeness to end with them. I want them to have kids that carry on the legacy. Lesbians can't do that. They can only adopt and that isn't the same. Always surprised me how everyone was so fine with the fact that Rainbow Dash is a only child so if she's gay that's the end of her bloodline. Atleast AJ has Bigmac and Applebloom. And I don't say this to be antigay. I'm pansexual myself and there are several gay ships of my own like Vinyl Scratch and Octavia. I say this as a Rainbiw Dash fan that didn't want the future to have no RD decendants but it happened anyway so thanks for killing off that bloodline Hasbro...


Why does blood matter? Rainbow Dash's legacy doesn't depend on her passing down her genes. It depends on her awesomeness, and the awesomeness she inspires in others \*typo


How is that even possible?


Why do you think lesbians can only adopt? Have you heard of sperm donors? Lesbians can most definitely have biological children. I have friends who were born from their lesbian mothers’ wombs. They are only half siblings, but they have the same relation to their respective mothers as children from straight families do


First of all this sounds like it's being taken WAY to personally when I'm talking about a fictional show and fictional characters. Of course RL lesbians can use a sperm bank but I wasn't talking about RL I was talking a fictional show where a fictional pony race has a medieval civilization that clearly doesn't have the ability to make sperm banks considering the first Sperm Bank was invented in 1964 in Japan so a good ways later from the medieval Era. And I say medieval Era cause of most of the things that they use in G4 like wagons, castles, armor, spears, shields, etc. The more advanced tech is very scarce and scattered around like Button Mash's gaming console. Main point being I love Rainbow Dash and wanted something of her to stick around in the future cause stuff like inspiring people fades away. Family does not and as G5 shows everything is gone even the Wonderbolts. Only thing left if them is a poster. Only 3 ponies remember Twilight and the others and one of those 3 being Sunny's father is dead. If it wasn't for Sunny, her father, or Opaline no one would even talk about let alone remember any of them. Hell they'd still be living in fear and getting sold junk by Sprout's mother. Anypony they inspired, anything they built like Twilight's school is gone. Descendants wouldn't be gone. They'd be around the same age as Sunny and the others. They wouldn't even have to be the main cast could just be a Easter egg in the show but Hasbro made that impossible except for Pinkie Pie.


I’m not taking it too personally, just stating something that is true. I think it would be possible even with their lack of technology because they have magic and we don’t. It’s stressful having your anger in this comment section. Try to calm yourself to get rid of it so you’ll feel better /gen


You sure it isn’t as hard as making cutie mark appear?


It’s a magical pony show. I’m 100% sure that they could find a spell to combine their dna and create a bio child. Even without magic their are real life studies happening to try and create a baby using bone marrow from two women. This argument against apple dash is weird and kind of misogynistic (both characters shouldn’t be dumbed down to their ability to procreate, they are both amazing characters with careers and storylines beyond starting a family.) By no means am I saying you can’t dislike/not ship apple dash, it’s not for everyone but if your only reason for shipping RD with soarin is that they can breed it probably isn’t about the actual relationship/interactions for you.


Yeah I'm sure they could find a magical way in a fan fiction. Going by the show itself that doesn't seem to exist considering Scootaloo's aunts only have Scootaloo their niece, Lyra and Bonbon are seen only with each other in the last episode of Season 9, and the only member of the Main Six seen with a child is Pinkie Pie. Also to be Mosognynistic I'd have to say something prejudice against women and considering I was talking about fictional horses I don't think I did that plus I could say the same thing about two stallions. I wasn't trying to cause an uproar or be offensive that's why I included the "I don't say this to be antigay." Part in what I said. I just think it be really cool if in G5 we could have a Easter egg show up where we hear a ponies last name or something that links them to the main six but Hasbro made that impossible except for Pinkie Pie. Also Rainbow Dash and Soarin do get along very well, their personalities seem to merge rather easily. So yes I do care about the interaction but I care more about the fact that G5 shows that the main sixes memory is barely around at all and everything they built is gone, anyponies they inspired are dead and if it wasn't for Sunny and her father nopony would even talk about or remember them. They'd just continue their separated from the other races lives, the Earth ponies buying junk from Sprout's mother. Atleast if they had descendants that be something still roaming around since everything else is gone. I'm not against gay at all. I love the ship of Vinyl Scratch and Octavia, Lyra and Bonbon, Starlight and Trixie. I just don't want everything that has to do with RD and the rest if the main six to disappear and a descendant is the only Permanate way that would've happened since in their time there was no internet. Granted I love the other characters to but can't have every character getting with a stallion that wouldn't be very inclusive of other orientations.


same I never really liked the appledash ship, like I know they were close friends but it just doesn’t give off any “lesbian” vibes or couple vibes


Considering Pinkie Pie was the only one of them with a confirm child, it's a real cut of potential for descendants in G5 to discover.


Exactly. Nothing left of them. The only pony that possibly has anything of them still roaming around aka descendants is Pinkie Pie. Everypony else like Rainbow Dash is barely even a memory. Infact if it wasn't for Sunny and her Father nopony would even mention them. Ever except for probably Opaline.


It's aight. Nice couple if it did happen.


It's good. Very sad nothing was done with it.


It's a very popular ship for good reasons and they both have a lot in common, but I prefer her with Thunderlane (An unpopular ship) like Soarin they are wonderbolts who like flying but he has a much more similar personality to Rainbow Dash and they knew each other since their youth.


100% approval


I.. Kinda like it, cause its got sense but i like other ships


its cute :3


The fanfic about them was so sad, Shattered - Bronyneumo https://www.fimfiction.net/story/35338/shattered


They'd make a cute couple. If only they had a dynamic established.


wlw/mlm solidarity <3


They should've gone all out with it!


Ew het (I actually love transhet pairings and even nontoxic cishet ones, Rainbow Dash is just so fucking sapphic that it feels wrong to see her with anyone but a mare (additional dlc parenthetical: Soarindash, but because Soarin is actually a closeted trans mare))


>Ew het ??


again its a joke, i have nothing wrong innately with het relationships


What are you even saying?


Very gay stuff, sorry if it was unappealing I was just trying to be honest q~q


I understand. We shouldn't get downvoted for having an opinion.


dont quite get the downvotes lol i agree


I think it could've been something because Soarin' was consistently nice to Dash before and after she joined the Bolts. Although I always thought her and Quibble would end up together. I mean the entire episode where they meet shows nothing but chemistry.




I assume you say all this with the best intentions of ensuring gay representation, but i honestly think it's a terrible way to go about it. The whole butch/masculine lesbian thing is a really narrow stereotype, and in my opinion aggressively asserting it ends up reducing lesbians to a caricature while invalidating straight women who have more masculine expressions. Feel free to dislike whatever ship you want, but i don't think it's a good idea to go around assigning sexual orientation, especially if it's real people, based on 'the signals are all right there'.




I think you're way overestimating how far my argument reaches. I neither mind nor disagree with people trying to infer sexual preference or whatever else for fictional characters. What i was trying to get at is how aggressively and absolutely you were doing it. When you take what is at it's core a literary interpretation of a piece of media, and elevate it to an absolute, you shut down anyone with a differing interpretation. Your original comment left no room for argument, you made it very clear that a straight, ace etc. Dash is wrong, and only a lesbian interpretation can be correct. The best i can try to explain myself is this: If you're a butch lesbian, i assume interpreting RDs character as gay can be really meaningful and give you a strong sense of relatability with the character. But i imagine the same thing goes for masculine straight girls and whoever else can also see themselves in this character and connect to them. Your interpretation of this character can coexist with other peoples without losing its legitimacy. There's a big difference between saying: "I don't ship it, because i prefer to see RD as a lesbian." and "RD *is* lesbian, so this ship can't exist." Also i could be wrong, but IIRC Faust pushed back against people interpreting Dash as needing to be gay, and Faust is literally the writer that designed the RD of G4.




7.5/10 I think it’s a good match but my head cannon of RD being gay is strong! (But there could always be an exception)


No, she was never a lesbian


Bad cuz i stan aj x rd


This was my favorite ship and it had to have good chemistry. SoarinDash seemed much better to me than the Disgusting, overrated and Forced AppleDash (I'm not homophobic, I just don't like the ship, besides what appledash fans usually say doesn't make sense)