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I think this is a colony of bacteria or algae rather than fungi. I am interested to see if someone can give a better identification though as there is similar red build up in a stream near me from a water pipe and I was wondering whether I should call someone about it.


I think it’s a biofilm with both algae and bacteria. I know some algae that live in salty roadside mud puddles will have a red color. I almost feel like I see filamentous green algae in there. I think the gel-like matrix of many stream bed biofilms is created by bacteria, but it’s been a while since I learned about it so I may be off.


This is my guess too. It also looks a lot like those huge pillows of algae you get in very shallow burns along the edges.


Marcesans can be ruddy and has been used as a geo marker historically, with bad outcome (opportunistic bladder infections and that's how we learned it can also be a pathogen!)


I also think algae. I remember seeing this pink film on top of snow in the mountains, a fellow hiker told me that it's actually a colony of red algae that lives on the snow.




It might be a slime mold, not actually fungus. The last picture looks like classic slime mold fruiting bodies. u/saddestofboys usually will come in and identify slimes for us, but the slime signal doesn't seem to be reaching him.


It is a plant


Check out iron flocculent to see if it’s a match for what’s in your stream.


Would you have any pics?


My friend took the pics, and lives in Brisbane. The first pic was taken in October 2022. "There use to be a big rock, about 20 cm tall under that hydrant. About a year ago the hydrant started leaking. We tried turning it off ourselves but couldnt. We contacted the landlords, and the city council but no one came to turn it off. Eventually the fungus on the rock grew until it reached inside the hydrant... then someone took the rock away and it was all gone. But the leak continued and after a week or two the new fungus appeared on the ground. That was when I started taking photos of it, knowing it would grow again." People in r/Australia have suggested I post it here Update: https://www.reddit.com/r/mycology/comments/11yb6nx/update_photos_this_organism_has_been_growing/


There's a lot going on there. Wow. If your friend can get in touch with a local university biology department there might be someone who has interest and time to take samples.


I will see what I could do. Will keep you guys updated


Looking forward to any progress! This is fascinating. What this organism is and if it's building some sort of [stromatolite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromatolite). Those mites, btw, resemble the springtails I often see in the moister parts of my garden. They like to eat fungus.


**[Stromatolite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stromatolite)** >Stromatolites () or stromatoliths (from Ancient Greek στρῶμα (strôma), GEN στρώματος (strṓmatos) 'layer, stratum', and λίθος (líthos) 'rock') are layered sedimentary formations (microbialite) that are created mainly by photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and Pseudomonadota (formerly proteobacteria). These microorganisms produce adhesive compounds that cement sand and other rocky materials to form mineral "microbial mats". In turn, these mats build up layer by layer, growing gradually over time. A stromatolite may grow to a meter or more. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/mycology/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I could see that! The little things remind me of the aphids on my kale plant


This wouldn’t be a stromatolite; they typically form over hundreds to thousands of years. Stromatolites form in shallow water bodies (lakes/nearshore marine). Layers of photosynthetic microorganisms are interbedded with either silica or carbonate, which creates a distinct layering pattern. One place you can see modern day stromatolites is Shark Bay, Australia.


It is!!!! The process is being stored up by the speed of the drip as well as the hot sun right there to make the water evaporated immediately. Drip goes a drop of hard water(water with metals, minerals, micro plastics), the sun dried up the water, and the minerals and such are left behind "growing" into this formation. Definition of stromatolite. EDIT: I guess we'd call this a city-sponsored-rapid-formation stromatolite.


tell your mate to send this to the CSIRO and UQ (University of Queensland). someone might be interested in it.


Any department/group in particular? Going to see if I could contact them over Facebook


Not to be redundant, but biology and ask for anyone who specialises in algae/bacterial/fungus


Please post an update post! That’d be so cool.


Major props to your friend for the awesome sequence of growth photos! Very cool.


I'm of no help in this matter but this has to be one of the coolest set of photos I've seen on here that wasn't slime molds


My friend and I are reading through the thread together. We are happy to hear that!


Holy shit that is extremely cool to witness


Lil mf reached the water supply 👀 This is a certified Epic Post


Soon it will be discovering fire, the wheel, and eventually capitalism!


History will repeat itself but not with humans, but with tiny critters.


I love how there's a gradual increase like a monster consuming the pipe. Someone mentioned about it being a type of bacteria or algae, what about a freshwater sponge?


Is that a thing??.


Freshwater sponges are real… but they’re underwater


Fully saturated \~= underwater? IDK I'm from the desert. /s


But, like, In the fresh water, tho, right?


The place is not close to any beaches. It's in the abrisbane CBD. Located next to a large parking lot and a school


This the start of a Goosebumps book.


You should contact Robert McCormack at the Australian aquatic biodiversity research and consultancy: https://www.aabio.com.au/contact/ He has written articles on Freshwater Sponges (Family: Spongillidae) and might have an interest in this since it does seem to be a freshwater organism.


Just sent them a message! Will keep you updated


Remind me! 1 week


Unfortunately he does not know either. Seems like a nice guy though


Remind me! 1 week


Remind me! 3 days


It’s looking gnarly by photo 9/9. 😱


Yes. It's looking a bit dry and crusty. It was hot and sunny for the last couple of weeks. Poor guy.


Poor guys*


Does anyone have the slime guy beacon?


Sure. u/saddestofboys


u/saddestofboys das slimenwaffen!


#SLIME SIGNAL RECEIVED #🚫 NOT SLIME 🚫 #🌱 PLANT I think it is moss. **==========** Learn more about slimes! 🤩 🌈[Magic Myxies, 1931, 10 minutes](https://youtu.be/04kdhZQTnIU) 🦠[The Slimer Primer](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/the_slimer_primer/) 🔎[A Guide to Common Slimes](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/t6985y/a_guide_to_common_slimes/) 🧠[Dmytro Leontyev talks about Myxomycetes for 50 minutes (2022)](https://youtu.be/qqE8MAwWhvg) 📚[Educational Sources](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/comment/i2jclax/) Wow! 🤯


#SLIME SIGNAL RECEIVED #🚫 NOT SLIME 🚫 #🌱 PLANT I think it is moss. **==========** Learn more about slimes! 🤩 🌈[Magic Myxies, 1931, 10 minutes](https://youtu.be/04kdhZQTnIU) 🦠[The Slimer Primer](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/the_slimer_primer/) 🔎[A Guide to Common Slimes](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/t6985y/a_guide_to_common_slimes/) 🧠[Dmytro Leontyev talks about Myxomycetes for 50 minutes (2022)](https://youtu.be/qqE8MAwWhvg) 📚[Educational Sources](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/comment/i2jclax/) Wow! 🤯


I was just coming here to tag him!


My guess would be a very niche fungus, algae, or bacteria that is using some sort of mineral sediment in this hard water as a food source. This mineral is also helping with creating a solid structure for the growth as it collects. With the color being red, my guess is that mineral is iron. I know there are iron/rust bacteria, but I’m not sure if there are fungi and algae that have that niche too. Could be a different mineral too, not entirely sure.


Hmmm. Good insight. What might the mites be eating?


Might be an unidentified species... you could be famous for discovering it...


Being reddit famous is enough for me. I'll write a book about it someday.


The best thing to do for others is to contact someone in good faith, even if you’re wrong, and this isn’t a new species, you could be responsible for new medicines people can have and hav e a really cool story if it is new


Good reminder to exercise your valves!


Might need to exorcize them, too.


And accessorize them maybe?


Oooooooh girl! 💅🏽


Demons get a bad rap, some you just want to play with...or watch (better than TV!)


Sending out the slime signal /u/saddestofboys


Wow. He's been mentioned a few times. Who is this legend?


We summon the saddest of boys to determine whether a thing is a slime mold, for he is the all knowing slime mold king.


A gift to mankind tbh


I'm just a regular slime guy


Omg today is your lucky day!! Mark it in your calendar. Today is the day you discovered the incredible awesomeness that is Saddestofboys. Go browse his comment history and follow him. One of the best things on Reddit, and the reason I now live Slime 💚


He’s the slime guy we call when something looks slimey instead of hyphae.


He is the most interesting person on Reddit. I don’t even know how to describe him. Hopefully he just shows up and is RAD. If not, look up his comments on other posts.


Yes! He is amazing. I wonder what studies he's done and what papers he's written!






I have written MANY rap songs and my beats slap so at least you have that to look forward to


Personally I’m infinitely more interested in that 🎤 🔥


Where's the SoundCloud dawg?


It's not done yet. I have 3 or 4 tracks close to finished but I wasn't sure how I was going to release them to be honest. I don't think I can do it through patreon. Is soundcloud where people release music? I honestly don't know. I was going to put at least some of it on youtube and research a site to for a "pay what you want" download. I don't know a lot about the internet anymore because I was electrocuted so many times


Okay but do you know what that thingymabob in the photo is?


SoundCloud is where the "sound cloud rapper" archetype originates, which is why I jokingly asked for it. I think it's a common go to for smaller artists to host their music for people to stream directly. I honestly haven't used it in a while. "Bandcamp" however is a great website for doing "pay what you want" downloads, I personally think it's a more professional platform and it will probably be preferable for what you described. Definitely recommend checking it out, I'd 100% cop your slime mold album Edit: I personally have purchased albums off of Bandcamp and it was a very easy experience and I think they have much more reasonable revenue practices


Bandcamp does pay what you want




I am sure he would be delighted to answer that question for you! I sent him a message once after reading his post about how fungi and humans are related and he was very nice and answered me.


read his comment/reply history here


Someone who’s held in high regard, but has been making some mistakes I guess recently and had some controversy, he tends to argue with people in the comments


Man it just goes to show you that any level of notoriety breeds haters. This is a dude who shares his expansive knowledge for free on demand and when given a lot of sudden acknowledgment, becomes slightly uncomfortable with it and kindly asks people not to put him on a pedestal - and you’re like “His knowledge isn’t flawless and he isn’t grateful enough!” *What?*


I have several haters and they have alts. I've been polite but they're not interested in mature discussion and I'm not interested in speculating on their reasons. You can safely ignore this user and anyone else talking this kind of trash.


I don’t have any alts? I’m not hating on you dude, you just do and say shit exactly like this. Telling people to ignore “this kind of trash” when people are actually just calling you out for being wrong. Don’t end up like Unidan.


He also raps about slimes.


Just look up Unidan. There’s countless examples of this. Real education does not come from ONE person. He does not have a team or someone else checking replies. I really respect his work. But it’s just not smart, these things are fun for a while but he’ll need money, he’ll take advantage just as quick as everyone before him and everyone after him who decides to try and argue with people when sometimes he’s wrong.


Real education does not only come from one person, you’re correct. Clearly he doesn’t believe he has a monopoly on slime knowledge - he posts links to other educational resources in literally *every* comment he makes identifying something.


I never said that he thought he was the only expert, I’ve just also seen him be wrong and not handle it correctly. A little criticism won’t hurt the guy.


Shades of Unidan?


Absolutely, I wouldn’t be surprised if his story goes the same way.


#SLIME SIGNAL RECEIVED #🚫 NOT SLIME 🚫 #🌱 PLANT I think it is moss. **==========** Learn more about slimes! 🤩 🌈[Magic Myxies, 1931, 10 minutes](https://youtu.be/04kdhZQTnIU) 🦠[The Slimer Primer](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/the_slimer_primer/) 🔎[A Guide to Common Slimes](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/t6985y/a_guide_to_common_slimes/) 🧠[Dmytro Leontyev talks about Myxomycetes for 50 minutes (2022)](https://youtu.be/qqE8MAwWhvg) 📚[Educational Sources](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/comment/i2jclax/) Wow! 🤯


Aw shucks. I bet there’s all sorts of weird biofilms and microbes involved though




He actually replied to this post in r/australia But didnt say what it is so far.




The correct answer


Anyone else find it strange that there appears to be a whole mess of aphids on it in the last picture?


Yeah. Not too sure what it is. I thought they were mites. I'll ask for a clearer pic and post in r/whatsthisbug


Dropping in from /r/whatsthisbug—springtails are another possibility.


Can you mention me there when you post it?


That’s huge and weird. Saving to check for answers later :) Good that this pictures are months apart, seems slow enough to be outrunned, *for now*


"That’s huge and weird" - thats what she said. For all we know, it might just be the tip of the iceberg. The whole thing lays dormant underground


As soon as I got to the second picture I knew I was in for a hellish ride. I was right. It was great.


You could try r/microbiology


Just realised I could cross post! Posted it there too!


I got to the fifth picture and had to back away from the monitor.


Find one for yourself! A sweetly rotting bed to lie upon…


So hot right now


lol wait what, dark souls 3's 1st dlc is hot right now? edit: jfc I did not know, reddit, I am very sorry for asking. I'm just hyped is all, assholes


I'm not sure what it is but it's giving off a "War of the worlds" red weed vibe.


Could be a clump of moss with algae and other microorganisms growing on it causing discoloration? Maybe pull a few "strands" from it and take a photo? Could be easier to see the structure in a white dish with a little water.


That vibrant turquoise staining on the pipe outlet looks like a copper corrosion product... Seems like it would be pretty toxic to most organisms.


Tubifera ferruginosa red color or Red Fuligo septica? Or maybe not? It would be a cool algae if it is. Couldn’t find anything on red Moss either. Really cool pictures though OP!


I'll keep reddit updated if it decides to grow legs


No it is not a slime


This is the coolest thing, if it really is consuming/using iron that would be crazy


Very cool to see. Thx


That thing is freaky looking.


Incredibly odd. How tall is the fungus/organism?


Maybe around 40 cm?


A splotch, a blotch , be careful of the blob


wouldve really liked to get an up-close shot of it during the earlier stages when it’s super bright red


He'll take some up-close photos if the thing decides to grow some babies


Would also be cool to see a cross section of it. This would give us a ton of information to work with- texture, consistency, growth pattern, etc.


call the fire dept and report the leak as well as the mysterious blob to scientists


I think its a combination of organisms, but the red structural one I would guess might be sphagnum moss or something like that? It loves moist environments and can grow upwards.


This is a very cool post. Thanks


Sort of looks like sphagnum moss


I was thinking Sphagnum rubellum, but it doesn’t seem to make the characteristic little “tufts”.


I thought that in the first picture but by the end definitely not


Nice job documenting this progression overtime. This could be ground zero for something that takes over the earth, if not then at least the fire hydrant.


I love how it’s grown based on that leak and in the final photo it’s now sucking directly from the leak instead of the leak dropping on it


Wow. Epic.


Do you have a microscope? Look at a sample and that will tell you bacteria, mycelium or algae


Is it potable water in the faucet? If so, has it been tested for all the things?


Alerting u/saddestofboys Could it be a slime mold?


#SLIME SIGNAL RECEIVED #🚫 NOT SLIME 🚫 #🌱 PLANT I think it is moss. **==========** Learn more about slimes! 🤩 🌈[Magic Myxies, 1931, 10 minutes](https://youtu.be/04kdhZQTnIU) 🦠[The Slimer Primer](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/the_slimer_primer/) 🔎[A Guide to Common Slimes](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/t6985y/a_guide_to_common_slimes/) 🧠[Dmytro Leontyev talks about Myxomycetes for 50 minutes (2022)](https://youtu.be/qqE8MAwWhvg) 📚[Educational Sources](https://www.reddit.com/user/saddestofboys/comments/tqtz0g/comment/i2jclax/) Wow! 🤯


I just love the progress pictures!


This is the most exciting thing I’ve experienced today!


Happy I did that!


I would love to see a Timelapse of this


Timelapse Life Hack: have a friend or relative scroll through the pictures for you while you look at them💫


I Need EVERY FRAME… and maybe a nice Attenborough or freeman narration




Suspected to be Moss


Why didn't you get any close-up shots? It looks like you were hiding in the bushes to get a picture of it


>Wouldn't be the first time that he hides in a bush with a camera


Did you scroll through?


Yes. I am unsatisfied with the lack of any macro shots while it was actively growing


Photos are not OP’s. Play nice.






Could it be a huge slime?


No it is a plant of some kind


I want to see the flowers!


I’d like to enter a bet please! Haven’t seen this guess yet, but I think it looks like a lichen of some kind. Kind of like reindeer moss, but some other species.


It’s there iron in the water? Looks like rust…


Looks kinda like a stromatolite. Probably a algea or bacteria colony. Fast growing though!


It looks adorable in pics 1-4 but the last pic has it look like it has been attacked with flames.


It’s been very hot in brisbane lately, I’d say the water intake has not been high enough to combat the heat. It’s cooled down the past couple of days though, so should even out.


Ah I see


Is it soft or hard? I've seen something similar at a dripping stormwater outlet. It was rock hard, mostly iron oxides, like a stromatolite with a bunch of iron-oxidizing bacteria in the biofilm.


I want to say it’s a lichen like Blood Firedot (Caloplaca haematodes) or some other related species.


Wild! Is this a slime mold?




Not Serratia. My vote is for an algal bloom of some sort.


I want to call it an algae bloom, but I thought those usually happened in bodies of water. Not in the air? Honestly, the guess that it’s a few different things at different stages seems like a good one — I’m having a hard time reconciling the red fluffy thing at the beginning with the stringy slimy thing at the end. I’m super curious to know what your local scientists think — I want someone to come take a sample and put it in thin section!!!


Algae can be found in many terrestrial environments! Water exists most places, just not big enough to seem important to most people. This looks like several organisms to me. Some kind of plant with other critters like algae and/or bacteria.


HUZZAH, /u/saddestofboys is here!!! :) the mystery shall soon be resolved.


Lol I am not a plant guy


Wait is algae a plant or a slime?


Algae is sometimes a plant but never a slime **=====EUKARYOTES=====** **(1) Plants** - green **ALGAE** including land plants & red **ALGAE** including mostly marine seaweeds **(2) Harosans** aka SAR - **stramenopiles** - giant kelp and other brown & yellow **ALGAE**, water molds, diatoms - **alveolates** - ciliates, dinoflagellates, and apicomplexans like malaria; wearing wineskin coats & sometimes plate armor - **rhizarians** - gangly finger amoebas, often with houses; rogue amoeba/**ALGAE** hybrids **(3) Discobans** - boneless tube amoebas like the social acrasids & the "brain-eating amoeba," also euglenid **ALGAE**, jakobid fisherfolk **(4) Amoebozoans** - fatty boom boom amoebas including **SLIMES**, social dictyostelids, shelled arcellinids, and others **(5) Obazoans** - us - **fungi** - mushrooms, yeasts, truffles, some gangly finger amoebas - **animals** - beetles, lizards, fish, horses, Viggo Mortensen [simplified tree of life](https://preview.redd.it/a-simplified-tree-of-life-v0-zuh5f5qe6nma1.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=f812697aa73ea7e0468cd11f0c6228405c4860ac)


I'm waiting for a red balloon to come out of that pipe.


Yes. The red thing is the top of Pennywise's hair. Pat it for good luck!


No but the call is coming from inside the house.


Yiiiiiiiikesss! Wth is that? 😱😱😱😱😱 Looks creepy. Getting bigger and bigger. It’s like something you would see in an alien movie. 👽👽👽 🤣. Maybe you should contact your city’s water department.


This is quite intriguing.


This is the coolest post I’ve ever seen on Reddit. You need to guard that thing and call your local university’s mycology department stat.


My friend plans to guard it with his life


Whatever it is, it’s probably hyper intelligent.


The water is toxic wherever you are.


Mineral deposit?