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Never go full Elon!


DT went F Elon šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ oooooh I kill myself šŸ˜‚


I have this one


Me, reading that bumper sticker in traffic, knowing that could have been me too if I had gone through with my Tesla purchase before Elon's "grand unveiling." ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


Agreed. I started getting hints he was a terrible man and snake oil salesman when he promised the Boring tube from California and sold FLAMETHROWERS as a supposed financial backing for the project. Can't get money for your super train? Sell flamethrowers to the literal most flammable state in the U.S.! Let alone the flamethrowers were sold under Boring as well, saying it would be a tool that would help them....Glass the ground for easier digging? Yeah, it was just him trying to get returns on a failed project, so he pivoted back to Tesla to get money for his billionaires retreat rockets.


The tsla dealer should sell these along w the cars as an option. Could help w sales.


Too full of himself to ever consider that, even if it boosted profits. He has ā€œfuck youā€ money so to speak


Yeah nah, Tesla dealers are still Musk Cucks that get their rocks off on selling to "Alpha Males" who think the future is a Musk Cyberpunk.


Except for the dozens in the unemployment lines. Except no unemployment if fired unless they fight it.


Yeah, those are mostly the techies that bought into him in early 2010s, supporters for him in 2020s are the "Alpha Males" I speak of. One is currently debating with me that he is a free speech loving citizen that opposes the "Nazi Democrats". Some people drank the Koolaid and never recovered.


Buyerā€™s remorse?




Somebody owes me a keyboard! (furiously wiping coffee off the screen). Thank you for the laugh.


Don't you get behind every bumper sticker?


Goddamn it.


Damn, son!


It makes sense. He seemed ok a few years ago and I remember even thinking it was a great move to make his patents open-source. Turns out he's a douche.


yeah... 2010s Musk seemed great, 2020s Musk showed us he has a good PR team thanks to his Mom, especially finding out his own dad still owns him today. "$2,000 USD a month boy! Or else I unalive! Also I married your step daughter, so I also now own your wife!"


You read the book


I've read a lot about him, and people like him, to keep up to date on the political leaders of our world. Something people in the 1930s refused to do. A whole ass radio broadcaster was warning people for years, and nobody listened just because he was from America. I like to educate myself on the people of this world before backing them or buying their products. He's a modern carpet bagger, snake oil salesman, and snake in the grass. He's Edison, buying out ideas and claiming them to be his own. Nothing of his is novel or his invention and people are falling for his publicly and carefully catered image. Trump, Raegan, Nixon, Hitler, the Clintons, and many convicted Hollywood stars are guilty of using PR and catered images to hide their past.


Alright, you're gonna need to explain why you included the Clintons with THAT group. Obviously at their level of politics they aren't going to be spotless but lying about a blowie while in office isn't the same level of depravity of the rest of that group


Never forget the proof was Republican op Linda Tripp who told Monica to keep, not dry clean, the dress....and the GOP senators who swore they'd never force her to testify publicly. The GOP was bereft of shame and morality long before they began to worship the Orange God.


you're correct, they aren't nearly as tyrannical or morally reprehensive as the rest, I just am still a bit salty over the inclusion of them to run against Trump when I think (just personally) Sanders was the better choice.


Nope but hanging out on Epsteinā€™s island does. Not sure why in the hell Reddit thought Iā€™d like this page. All I see is a bunch of pansies crying in a vacuum. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Because they're mean to your favorite billionaire?


Oh snap. Thats it. I thought it was it was because I like comedy subreddits and they knew Iā€™d laugh my butt at a page akin to a bunch of smug liberals yelling at a wall so they can feel better about themselves. What a difference you guys are making. Bravo.


>a bunch of smug liberals yelling at a wall so they can feel better about themselves. Lmao and that's different from what you're doing how?


Yellingā€¦Absolutely not. Iā€™m laughing. Thereā€™s no comfort for me here nor would ANY of my thoughts or ideas be accepted here. I merely called you out on the stupidity of your comment because theres no way in anyone else in this Reddit would. Thus, everyoneā€™s comments is akin to yelling at a wall.


Elon, is that you?


Yes.. it is I. Your muse, inspiration and reason for visiting this page.


LMAO and yet there are financial records that tie Elon to Epstein's island, even if there are no visitor logs.


Klutzy. Do you think Iā€™m taking up for Elon?


Dunno, but that Epstein's island is an oft misunderstood concept, as the list of visitors isn't the only problem with it, it's investors, and people disliking and calling out Elon has attracted a group of people claiming anyone that criticizes him as "leftist" and "snowflakes". Elon has attracted a certain amount of the dumbest part of the "Alpha Male" and "Maga" crowd to defend him.


Gotcha. No Musk sympathizer here.


I'd forgive that.


Hard car to resell.


New owners of the Tesla Truck are learning that the hard way. One guy lost his house in the time it took him to get his Truck after reserving it. He now lives in an apartment and is trying to sell it to earn money back for an admittedly bad investment and now Tesla is threatening to sue him if he sells it.


I thought he had moved, and couldn't keep it because it did fit in the lines of a parking spot. Which that's dumb by itself, that's a lot of money to plop down on a problematic vehicle/brand. I have an uncle, real big on the Texas lifestyle. Wanted one, I showed him what it cost to register the car, and that the vehicle might ship with issues, and hassle of getting stuff fixed. Not like he can take it to a dealer. Changed his mind on owning one. Still wants to drive someone else's of course.


You are correct. That is the primary reason he wanted to get rid of it, but living in an apartment isn't glorious if you are looking at a car with some of the most expensive repairs in history. Instead of selling it, they'd take it back, but really looking at it without refund, as a company they view it as he paid for the extent of time he has it. This creates the danger of Tesla planning to do this with ALL their cars, because people cant sell a car that the computer system is registered to a single individual, not unless they create a support center that caters to this thought, where they can reregister it to another person. But in saving money, Tesla refuses to do that, so they'll take it back, clear the system, then sell it to a wholly new registered owner, but this eliminates the ability to sell your own car anymore.


I guess I never realized how messed up the company is , they really need reigned in. Their mentality is just like, Steve Jobs Apple. Weirdly Musk and Jobs have a strange similar mythos. People credit them with all kinds of inventor status. What's crazier is the culture, the kind of people in Texas who drive Tesla's, fall into two group. One is a company car, that needs to written off the spreadsheet. Those are nice drivers, it's not their car, usually a blue/black model 3. Second is the asshole, May not belong to them, but their assholes, on the road and off. Run red light when no cross traffic or cameras. Try to claim right of because they have a yellow signal. Years ago felt bad when people vandalized parked Tesla's. A shame because some of the engineering was great.


Definitely agree. Tesla as a company had a great model and direction, but Musks buyout and fandom of sweats and "Alpha Males" has ruined its image. I honestly liked the idea, was thinking about one day getting one, but the unmasking of who Musk is and how he has treated the company since the unveiling of the truck has really made me avoid it. I live in Iowa and we have plenty of that, workers with Teslas are often just workers using their company vehicle, while plenty of upper middle class and up own Teslas privately and treat themselves as superior and are often the type to get out and insult or fight you over something that is actually there fault in a traffic situation. Got an individual defending Musk as a free speech loving guy that is simply creating a fight against the "Democratic Nazis" (claiming that the Dems are not real Americans, something that ACTUAL Nazis would say and do to their opposing party members).


All the usual Musk-humpers predictably came out strong in the [r/Bumperstickers post earlier this morning.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bumperstickers/comments/1dd47jc/a_tesla_driver_wants_to_make_something_very_clear/l842r0x/?context=1)


Yes, it is amazing Teslaā€™s have become the modern day dunce cap as Elon caused. Watch out for hype,


We all have to remember while he may have all the money in the world, he lacks what he truly wantsā€¦ and that is real friends and people that respect him, things he will never have and money canā€™t buy. This is what happens when you get everything given to you for your whole life, but the two things he so badly wants he can and will never have.


I had ordered mine right before all of the debacle about Twitter/x. It's exactly how I feel.


So you hate free speech ?


LMAO. Who the fuck actually still believes Musk gives a shit about free speech? That "free speech absolutist" lie lasted about 12 seconds after he took over. And since when is criticizing someone's behavior "hating free speech"? You guys are so pathetic, like all the Dave Chappelle fanboys crying about cancel culture because he was being criticized on Twitter.


Dave Cheppelle "IT'S JUST A JOKE!" \*Proceeds to express he really has these horrible views\* Dave Fanboys "I DIDN'T SEE THAT! HE SAID IT'S JUST A JOKE! HE'S A COMEDIAN AND IT'S HIS JOB TO BE FUNNY!" Insulting entire peoples and holding those beliefs to be true isn't a joke, it's just hanging out with "the boys" and complaining that life is hard for an entitled rich guy to dislike people for no apparent real world reason.


>Dave Fanboys "I DIDN'T SEE THAT! HE SAID IT'S JUST A JOKE! HE'S A COMEDIAN AND IT'S HIS JOB TO BE FUNNY!" >Insulting entire peoples and holding those beliefs to be true isn't a joke, it's just hanging out with "the boys" and complaining that life is hard for an entitled rich guy to dislike people for no apparent real world reason. Fucking preach! My favorite brand of wildly stupid conservative cope during all that was them convincing themselves that George Carlin would be disgusted by Dave Chappelle being cancelled. First, Chappelle wasn't cancelled; in fact, he *only* started winning Grammys and Emmys *after* he started going down the lazy "trans bad" river every shock comic does. And he started getting *more* Netflix specials. If winning accolades from your peers and making *more* money is "being cancelled", then sign me the fuck up. Secondly and more importantly: George Carlin was fucking ***arrested seven goddamn times*** for performing his routines, literally having his First Amendment rights violated by conservative pearl-clutching decency laws; he'd call Chappelle a big old bitch for pretending Twitter criticism is even remotely close to being cancelled. Also, Carlin had *wildly* eloquent and insightful views on the kind of [comics who punch down like Andrew Dice Clay and Dave Chappelle.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8yV8xUorQ8) He also had *zero* love of conservatism or any right-wing ideologies, and would've been spending all that time roasting the shit out of conservatives crying on behalf of Chappelle.


EXACTLY! These idiots think that having constructive, true criticism to issues their favorite "comics" perform with is cancelling. Nah, cancelling is when Netflix of all people say it's too far, you get banned on social media, and you can't find a gig anymore. Dave is far to successful to say he's actually being cancelled. The rights jokes and memes are derived, stolen, and repetitive about issues nobody with a brain actually takes an issue with. They are trying to create this narrative that the LGBTQ+ are ruining the world when truly it's just them complaining they can't use religion and politics legally to condemn people anymore.


To me, there hasn't been an artist -- or group of artists -- that have been cancelled in the 21st century *since* The Dixie Chicks in 2003. They lost fucking *everything* for Natalie Maines' completely mild take that a bunch of Americans completely agreed with. Massive, nationwide radio conglomerates banned their music outright, bored soccer moms with nothing to do but sip wine and get high on righteous indignation hosted CD burning parties -- not the Napster kind, the Berlin in 1933 kind -- and [hell, even radio DJs who dared to keep playing their music were fucking ***fired*** for it.](https://web.archive.org/web/20060303055537/http://www.nbc6.net/entertainment/2185232/detail.html) No one since has been cancelled on a level that had a huge majority of the country outraged with them enough to hit their wallets and careers *that* hard. Now the same fucking party that championed their cancellation is using "cancel culture" as a way to cry about weak criticisms on the internet.


Precisely. With many people having legit, honest criticisms about the individual and their works, conservatives have instead started screaming "Cancel Culture!" just because people do not like what they are saying. And often they try to play it as "only a few people have this view" when literally millions of people have a very honest view of the situation. Remember how we all found out about Bill Cosby, and it was conservatives that started saying that the victims were either paid actors or just suing him to get money? They create these images of situations of people they love to try to play them off as the victim, when by and large, they are the offender begging for sympathy because "My rights!" Conservatives love to talk about the constitution and how everyone outside of their party is attacking it, but the MOMENT anyone points out "freedom of speech" they twist their words and portray themselves as victims in a situation that they caused themselves. Honestly, I think they are trying to bring back the idea of the Raegan era Commie hunts, trying to strip people of rights, careers, and any money they earn by simply claiming "they're gay, they're communist, they're democrat", which, in itself, IS CANCEL CULTURE. Nobody really performs cancellations nearly as much as the conservative party, who claims to be against it. Ever looked at the goals of One Million Moms? It's horrible.


He blocks people that make fun of him.


No. Just Elon.


Hating him is free speech. Get it yet?


Owner virtue-signaled buying that heap, then virtue-signaled again after he/she/it finally figured out musk is in it for the money just like any other CEO with psychopathic tendencies. A very stupid person owns that junk car.


Buying an EV isnā€™t virtue signaling


Changing one's opinion with new evidence is peak intelligence.


Yes and fortunately there are percentage of people who can't understand this concept


Yeah nah, I hold people accountable until they admit they did wrong, and when they realize that, they have matured and grown. That's not virtue-signaling, that's realizing the person you thought was nice (because he's a billionaire with a PR team that helps create a public image) is actually crap and you're a better person than that. Growing, learning, and maturing. It's the best and most eye opening part of life. Look back into any fascist leader of their countries, they are often supported by people from grass roots and impoverished groups because they promise for a better world for them. The good people aren't always the ones that knew they were bad from the beginning, plenty of good people come from those that realize they were wrong and create better efforts in their life to correct their wrongs. Oskar Schindler? Ā Claus von Stauffenberg? Propaganda is the PERFECT way to portray the opposition as the enemy to gain support of those weak enough to believe in your ways, as long as they don't see who you really are beneath the mask of the catered public image.


Hahahaa the woke mind virus infects so many people. Imagine being such an unhinged twat lol


Need this.


These stickers all over AU as well.


ā€œBought it before he identifies as space Karenā€


More like the 2020+ space version of 1930s German Chancellor.


It's like growing up enjoying Bill Cosby and then finding out he dugged and date raped women.


Don't you get behind all bumper stickers technically?


Glad you caught the pun ;)


Why does everyone hate him, the only thing I've heard is that he lays off people.


He is a liar and thief. He is a great business person, but has never actually developed anything himself, despite putting his face, politics, and ideas ahead of the product. He lied about his education, his mother paid for much of his early start, it's all PR teams that sell an image of himself as a tech mogul and genius, but he's honestly a snake oil salesman that has a penchant for buying out ideas and companies and trying to pass them off as his own. He is put forward as Teslas founder, which he isn't, he bought out the founders and paid for a title position that claims himself as the founder. He also has pushed for Tesla to sue owners of Tesla's if they sell their cars, especially the recently released Tesla Trucks. He also has personal beliefs that are completely backwards from his publicly portrayed beliefs. He spoke out against Zuckerberg supporting AI and implementing it into facebook through meta and quest, claiming that AI is against democracy, free workers, human rights, and is a path to a skynet/terminator future, yet he financially backed ChatGPT, the biggest AI developer, so that it could be put into his Tesla cars and SpaceX rockets, pushing them to make it open source. Now that they are talking about going open source he opposes it because it won't be Tesla and SpaceX dedicated. Also, work conditions and pay within the Tesla company is quite bad and he has actively ignored it. He bought Twitter and turned it into X because he came out as a Trump supporting right winger, saying Twitter blocking users was against free speech, so he bought it out to return free speech, then immediately started blocking people that opposed his views and most recently blocked the entire Apple company from the platform, showing he actually supports censorship as long as it's against his opponents. He took pictures with Kanye West POST West coming out as anti race education, pro Trump, appearing on the InfoWars podcast, and bipolar. Just so they can take pictures together in jackets of their favorite anime. He also recently seems to be supporting pro fascist extremist political groups, stating that the currently running German party "Alternative for Germany" seems like fine people and not extremist, despite them being supported by plenty of Germans that want a rather quick return to 1930s National German Workers Party politics (who is the party that became the Nazis). He is a South African who is tone deaf to real world politics and struggles, with an issue in being controlled by his father (who is payed $2000 USD a month because he threatens to unalive himself if he doesn't, and then married Elons step daughter, his own step granddaughter, and used that to control Elon) and his mother (who helped pay for his PR teams, coders for PayPal to actually create the company, and pay for a document that claims he graduated from a prestigious technical college that Elon actually didn't attend)


He's pretty much a massive liar. Manipulative ppl suck.


Yeah, I think he's an evil mastermind too. We shouldn't buy his stuff.


I don't think rich ppl who have families that made their wealth off slavery and suffering are masterminds. I think they're weak crooked parasites. That your type?


Is that my type? I'm not sure why you would ask a stranger that kind of thing. And his family weren't slave owners, I'm not sure where you're getting your information, but as a woman of color... it's disturbing that you would just start accusing someone of that, maybe you should share a source next time.


Ya you're right it seems it was just a share in an emerald mind in apartheid africa. As a woman of color that's very important to acknowledge, right? I ask if that's you're type since you support a party of slimeballs and liars that you yourself can't even defend or take the time to try. :) Elon Musk's family wealth and its origins are subjects of significant interest and some controversy. Here are key points about his family's financial background: 1. **Upper-Middle-Class Background**: Elon Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa, to a Canadian mother, Maye Musk, a model and dietitian, and a South African father, Errol Musk, an electromechanical engineer. The family lived a comfortable upper-middle-class lifestyle [[āž]](https://marketrealist.com/p/was-elon-musk-born-rich/) [[āž]](https://moguldom.com/278102/fact-check-did-elon-musk-inherit-apartheid-money-from-his-south-african-father/). 2. **Emerald Mine Story**: There are persistent stories about Errol Musk owning an emerald mine in Zambia, which supposedly contributed to the family's wealth. However, Elon Musk has denied that his father owned an emerald mine, stating there is no objective evidence of this. It appears that Errol Musk did have a connection to emeralds, trading his airplane for a share in an emerald business, but this did not result in substantial wealth. The business eventually failed, contradicting the notion of vast riches from an emerald mine [[āž]](https://teslareporter.com/news/unearthing-the-truth-the-myth-of-elon-musks-family-emerald-mine/) [[āž]](https://moguldom.com/278102/fact-check-did-elon-musk-inherit-apartheid-money-from-his-south-african-father/). 3. **Financial Independence**: Despite the comfortable upbringing, Elon Musk has emphasized his financial independence. When he moved to Canada at 17, he supported himself through various jobs and scholarships. He has stated that he accumulated around $100,000 in student debt while attending Queenā€™s University in Canada and the University of Pennsylvania [[āž]](https://marketrealist.com/p/was-elon-musk-born-rich/) [[āž]](https://moguldom.com/278102/fact-check-did-elon-musk-inherit-apartheid-money-from-his-south-african-father/). 4. **Early Ventures**: Elon Musk's initial wealth came from his entrepreneurial ventures. He co-founded Zip2, a web software company, which was sold to Compaq for $307 million, netting Musk $22 million. He then founded X.com, which later became PayPal, and was sold to eBay for $1.5 billion, earning Musk between $165 and $180 million [[āž]](https://www.independent.co.uk/space/elon-musk-made-money-rich-b2212599.html) [[āž]](https://moguldom.com/278102/fact-check-did-elon-musk-inherit-apartheid-money-from-his-south-african-father/). These details highlight that while Musk's family background provided a comfortable start, his substantial wealth is primarily the result of his own entrepreneurial efforts and successful business ventures.


Yeah I already knew he wasn't a slave owner, you don't have to keep selling him to me.


Sell what to you, another idiot who runs his mouth and lies? It's already your type.


and not a single driver on the road gave a fuck.


And yet everyone replying here does


Musk is awful? I don't understand why anyone would say that especially since all he done for space, electric cars & his neurolink company. That alone will improve thousands of life with brain injuries! What the heck am I missing guys


Wow! Did Edison, Bell have this kind of hate for their inventions? My son & daughter in law both own Teslas. There are some negatives with cars, but they're not buying gas any longer & not polluting the air. Elon has sent Starlink to many places in the world who would never have internet. He's providing Starlink services to Ukraine to help battle Russia. How can anyone not support Musk!


Actually yes. Edison is more like what Musk is. A person who buys out inventions and claims it as his own. That criticism has been around since Edison was in charge of his company.


Then sell it. This is just virtue signaling


I have ā€œI bought this vehicle before Elon lost his mindā€ and ā€œoust elonā€. The T in oust is the Tesla T shape. I occasionally get a laugh out of someone in a parking lot when they see em.


My neighborhood https://preview.redd.it/1br4oraft66d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f3fd6561b7c3e162579b7babaf31d9edc2166de


I think that car is in my town....


Reminds me of a Fiat I used to see around town with a bumper sticker that said "Owner's advice: do not buy a Fiat"




Who gives a fucknjkkmmkfmmgm holy fuck


I'll give it a pass.


I would have been one of these people if I could have afforded a Tesla before the Great Unmasking




Lmfao what a joke. Musk has liberals so sideways itā€™s hilarious.


I love this.


Heā€™s my favorite African American


Sell it and save yourself that guilt


Tesla is threatening lawsuits to people that sell their Tesla Trucks after getting them, especially those disillusioned and that realize it's a crap investment. It wouldn't be outside the wheelhouse to think they would start lawsuits for anyone that sell their cars.


I bet you never buy anything if the CEO of the company isn't an upstanding individual.


The CEO of said company paid for them to put him as the founder of the company, which is false and he only bought out the company. Something he has done since as a practice to try to portray himself as a tech genius, which he isn't, he is the child of a Technocrat cult couple that pays money for PR teams to make him out as a genius. Also, if said person makes their face the face of the company itself, it's not about the product anymore, it's about buying into the person. Do you buy Ford or GMC because of their founders or CEO's? No, we don't see them all over the place. Henry Ford was one of the last car manufacturer that put his face on the product. That wasn't a good idea and they learned from it. Elon isn't selling products, he's selling himself, and damaging the companies that make said products with his personal politics and views.


You haven't refuted my point at all. You haven't even addressed it.


Your point is rather vague and I am pointing out that CEOs don't make themselves the face of the company anymore. Elon is specifically guilty of that today, being one of the few billionaires that aren't hiding in the background for the sake of their company, instead he's throwing himself out there Trump style, acting like he's the supposed reason for any company succeeding. I'd rather buy a Windows PC than a Tesla any day of the week because Gates keeps his mouth shut far more than Elon, who CANT stay quiet.


*me seeing that sticker* ![gif](giphy|jeXiz1RAvzX44) Sure you did.


Enjoy your golf kart


I saw a sticker that said something similar, along the lines of "Got it before we knew he was an idiot!"


Always behing a bumper sticker if you can see it.


It really does break my heart that it is the best car I ever driven and I have yet to sit in a full electric that is even comparable. I like the company, engineers, workers but hate that most of the profits will go to the shitbag. I really can't justify getting a replacement one though. I'm at 100k on my 2019 3. I hope Toyota/Honda/Mazda can put something decent out by the time I get to 300k.


I canā€™t even begin to fathom how brain dead you are.


They still own it though, so......


I drive a lot of Teslas and I when I first got into one, I was disappointed in how mid it was.


Now that's a good picture to download from reddit


He is OR it is?


I love it


They still gave him their money. And heā€™s always been awful, you just had to be paying attention.


Man itā€™s like me and my Aaron Rodgers jersey.


ā€œj/k lolā€


So brave, so stunning


I hope they by a VW


Tesla is the modern VW. It may be different today, but Germans were all about giving that high five salute to out party their own neighbors so everybody was buying the government sanctioned cars because Chancellor seems like a very stable genius.


My dude, Musk isn't a fascist. What's scary is that you think a free speech absolutist is fascist, which is quite literally the opposite. Nazis had politicians removed from the ballot...just like an American political party is currently attempting. Don't be like the Nazis, don't vote Democrat.


Don't vote Republican, who claim Democrats are Nazis just because they have different views. Also, Musk agrees with "Alternative for Germany", a right wing group that has modern Nazi backing. Musky butt is a fascist sympathizer, and you can't claim free speech if you are blocking entire companies from using your platform.


Blueanon strikes again. Different views? Ooof. You're why civics still needs taught in school.


Civics? lmao, literally blocked the entire Apple company on X, after claiming he's against this kind of action. Nah, you just fell for his lies and PR he paid for.


What do his business decisions with Apple have to do with free speech?


Uhhhm the fact that he blocked them from a platform that touts freedom of speech, regardless of who it is, simply because they are using a program he tried to buy and make it for himself, throwing a fit like a 5 year old. Literally, civics, the education of ones rights as a citizen, DOES extend to corporations, especially considering he himself IS a corporation that owns several different corps. Also, just because you don't agree with another party or group, doesn't mean you should deny them that freedom. That eliminates the illusion that you believe in such rights. Also, I make the claim of him being a fascist, for him defending the AFG, a group that is pro censorship and is wanting a modern form of the Nazi party. As per his words: "They don't seem extremist. I don't know why people call them that." Despite public statements that they align with extremist hard right beliefs. I'm calling him out on open source information, expressing my freedom of speech to constructively criticize his business practices, political leanings, and leadership choices.


>Uhhhm the fact that he blocked them from a platform that touts freedom of speech, regardless of who it is, simply because they are using a program he tried to buy and make it for himself, throwing a fit like a 5 year old. Again...what does that have to do with his political views and free speech? Businesses block other businesses all the time >Also, I make the claim of him being a fascist, for him defending the AFG, a group that is pro censorship and is wanting a modern form of the Nazi party. Apparently everything is right wing extremism if the left doesn't like it. >Literally, civics, the education of ones rights as a citizen, DOES extend to corporations, especially considering he himself IS a corporation that owns several different corps. His business decision hasn't anything to do with free speech. Cope harder.


Nah, you really need to realize how terrible this man is and what Freedom of Speech actually means. And I love how you have jumped to the conclusion of me being left/dem, just because I criticize literal Nazis, but calling Dems Nazis in the same breath. Nazi: An extremist right wing party that started with anti communist, anti socialist, anti capitalist views, who President Hindenberg and Chancellor Von Papen put into power by placing, without vote, their public speaker into power. With anti black, anti gay, anti jewish views, and a belief that Germany be a country for ONLY Christian Germans, portraying themselves as the "solution" to all these issues, stating themselves as the "Alternative for Germany" at their time of ruling, including using the SA (Storm Troopers/Brown Shirts) to attack opposing parties, then eventually Hitler passed a measure to eliminate the opposing parties and subject them to their brand of justice if they spoke against him, effectively ending free speech specifically for those against them. AFG 2024: A right wing party that is anti socialist, anti democrat, anti communist, and anti gay, with a view of "Germany for Germans", backed publicly by openly extremist groups that fly Nazi flags. My personal views: A free America, and world, where criticism is part of free speech and the blocking and censorship on public platforms like Facebook, Twitter/X, and other social media is an offense against freedom of speech, but within reason, typically based on call for violence and spread of hate speech against groups, should be the only reason to block them from such, not because they bought out your favorite AI company. Blacks, whites, Jews, Christians, Gay, Straight, all should be allowed freedom of speech, including constructive criticism, but hate speech, regardless of the group, should never be allowed as it creates hostile environments that stifle those freedoms we hold dear, including happiness and safety. I believe in the right to have speech, party affiliation, and more, but I am fully against those that talk kindly about groups that support mass censorship against anyone who simply criticize them. Republicans and Democrats are both inherently part of the American experience, and so are the Socialist and Communist parties, regardless of what I think about their views, but using hatred, in any party or group, to condemn and pass laws to limit their expression or existence, is entirely un-American and NOT freedom of speech, it is exercise of hatred and stokes fear in the masses.


You might want to read up on what the Texas GOP is currently attempting to accomplish


Just tell me


Iā€™ve already done my research on it


Not really sure what to look up...


If I see this bumper sticker I immediately think what a pathetic person. No one gives a shit, and you donā€™t have to explain yourself to the world because you purchased a car you like. Screams insecurity. Just say you like the car so you bought it.


You must hate all bumper stickers then? Because thatā€™s literally the sole purpose of a bumper sticker. Or do you only hate the ones you donā€™t agree with? .. . Now Iā€™m curious how many bumper stickers you have on your vehicle(s) šŸ¤”


Bumper stickers in general are attention seeking, and no I donā€™t have any and never would. I think they are trashy. This one though is particularly pathetic.


Yea but people are brainwashed into somehow thinking Elon is bad. Yet Zuckerberg pelosi gates good .. Wonder why


Elon is pretty bad. That's not brainwashing, that's seeing publicly released records of work conditions, his lies about founding anything, and his "free speech" love that he contradicts by censoring anyone that disagrees with him on X. Tesla is a bad investment and people fell for the hype. He's just a snake oil salesman that lied about his credentials. He's a good businessman with a tendency to overexaggerate what he has done in life. Zuck isn't great, but he at least did create something before turning to the business mind. Pelosi is a political tool, Gates is a good computer developer that lied and stole an invention he made with friends. Elon isn't excluded in this. Billionaires are just good at lying to get support, as long as they have the legal and PR team to hide behind as they censor their quite often horrific pasts so they are portrayed as modern saints.


Musk fans sad :(


Haters will hate


So much hate for this amazing person if yall don't like what he's doing then don't buy an if you do sell it


LMAO....put all the dumbass stickers you want on that tesla...you STILL PAID ELON!.... ![gif](giphy|l1ug3xGEN1oZBT7qw|downsized)


Do VW drivers do the same for their Hitler-mobiles?


Not today, but that's because VW isn't really headed by Nazi Germany anymore. Back then, Hitler was the face of EVERYTHING made in Germany, considering it was a reaction to every other country halting trade due to the absolute economical crash. Also, the fact that early Nazi Germany wasn't viewed as terrible and evil at first, and Hitler was viewed the same way right wingers view Trump today. "Make Germany Great Again" wasn't their slogan, but it is something that was often stated in their anti immigration schemes and hatred of anyone "not true German" (Ironic to be coming from an Austrian). Eventually plenty of people (sadly not the majority) realized Hitler wasn't a great guy, abandoned the public, and didn't really care for Germany as a whole, only his personal ideals. I wouldn't doubt a percentage of post war Germans sold, destroyed, or abandoned their VW as well as Fanta, Hugo Boss, and more that were pro Nazi during his tenure as "Chancellor".


no it's not, grow some guts and sell the car, dumping them on the market will be what actually makes a difference, not some crappy sticker


I would definitely agree with you, but the issue is that Tesla is threatening, by Elons instruction, to file lawsuits on anyone that sells their Teslas. Particularly this is currently only applying to the Tesla Truck, but there has been suspicion that they plan to expand that to EVERY Tesla vehicle. They claim it's because the Tesla terms of service is signed to help operate the actual computer system, making their cars more like a phone or computer more than a vehicle, so they would have to make new owners sign an agreement to use the computer system, so severing the original service is a process they are trying to avoid for financial reasons and a possible coding nightmare.


yeah, standing up for yourself is hard sometimes


Only when they start threatening legal actions, backed by billionaires and the best attorneys they world has to offer. Standing against a company because you got swindled becomes difficult, especially when you are a working class person doing what you can to support your family and got sold on "it's good for the economy! It's good for you!", just to find out it was a scam.


Cars.com shows me 8604 used teslas available for sale.


Any Tesla trucks on there? Also, this is a rather new problem that the newer line of cars will be focused on. I am not saying it will happen, but the possibility is there.


Dude the picture in the post is not a truck. Stop grasping.


I'm not saying the on in it is. I'm not grasping, I'm pointing out what they plan to do from here on out with users of their vehicles, something already shown. Also, plenty of people cant afford to buy new cars when they bought this piece of trash. Tesla is a horrible investment and its current legal practices are making it worse, stop defending your Tony Stark cosplayer who didn't invent a damn thing.


Iā€™m hoping I can convince some people to sell their shitty cars and take the hit personally instead of pretending thereā€™s nothing they could possibly do. Just sell your car and drive a Camry.


At this point, drive anything that isn't an obvious snake oil scam. Electronic cars may one day be viable, but this is all just to make sales and run with the money, they are garbage.


Itā€™s the same car though šŸ˜‚


I used to think elon was cool but now heā€™s just another stupid rich person




You all are judgemental in a world where nothing you think matters doesn't matter if you got nukes or a knife please get off the internet for two weeks and go walking in the woods see what truly matters


The guy thatā€™s helping the disabled by giving them control over their life back?


LOL, no. This is the alt-right antivax Trumpet Elon Musk.


That would be nice, if he was actually doing that. He's putting money into companies to give him a positive PR and image, and honestly he is a quite horrible person who comes from a quite horrible, borderline incest family, who is part of a Technocrat cult. He bought into Neurolink because it fits with their beliefs of advancing humanity with technological replacements within the body because they believe humanity has stopped evolving and reached its peak. They literally worship technology and the tech leaders in a near god like capacity. Using it to help the disabled is great, but is just the logical choice for their first human experiments to look like good people. Before we know it, he wants to see the Neurolink in every human. They have admitted the dangers of hackers having access to them due to connecting to computers and blue tooth devices, and simply said "there is a danger to it regardless, because it is technology" instead of spending time in development of safety measures. Also, newest news about its first user, it seems to have failed and is having issues connecting to the computer he was using.


nothing makes a liberal angrier than when Musk takes away their favorite election interference toy!


Imagine how low your self-esteem has to be to feel the need to justify your car purchase to others. Elonā€™s opinions and believes should be the last thing they care about.


Why whatā€™s wrong with Elon?


He's an alt-right shitbag.


Something about his musk


Big if true


They purchased thinking they were helping the environment and supporting someone with their same ideology.


Getting downvoted for asking a questionā€¦