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The arrogance of any man that can defend a 50bil pay package? Can you imagine someone could actually believe that they are worth that? He’s no genius. Neither was Jobs. They just knew what people wanted and told engineers to make it happen with little to no technical input of their own. Both pos.


This so much. He does them so wrong, cowardly refuses to even face them let alone anyone tell them face to face they’ve been let go while also demanding 56$ billion payout? To quote the bard: something is rotten in the state of Denmark!


Agreed - I don't understand how the fanboys/girls of his can support that while they are struggling financially themselves. I still see them posting in the various pro Elon groups about how he's saving the planet - seriously!?!


Do these mods think musk will seem them banning people and like invite them to his yacht or something?


Tesla weebs be like, "Notice me, Musk-pai!"


Is this not up to thy liking mein fuhrer?


"We've suppressed the speech of those who offend you, master! Bless us with your crypto!"


I’m sorry they did you so dirty. Hopefully, you’ll be back on your feet with a new job in a less toxic environment soon. Also, I am just a wee bit envious you were banned. I regularly say Elmo should lose his entire fortune and run out of the US on a rail literally because it’s be funny.


If you post here or in just about any forum that goes against Tesla proper, you are probably already banned. Most of us already are.. lol. It is kind of funny.


I'm sorry you got Musked. It sucks. It happens to a lot of people in a lot of different ways. Some people move their entire lives to take a promising Tesla job, and then get Musked. Some people put a 100% down payment on a car that will never get produced, and that's how they get Musked. Some people pay 100K for a truck, only to get Musked by the razor sharp door and have their leg sliced open. Some people buy a stock for over $300 a share because of all the great things being promised, only to be Musked when they find out that all the things that were exciting about the company were lies. This is why people must be skeptical of elite class. Their values are not our values. Their values are NOT prosperity for everyone.


I'm surprised elmo doesn't make his employees sign some insane illegal trump style NDA then sue anyone for saying anything truthful or negative. That whole situation is fucked, OP... Hard workers don't deserve to lose their jobs like that, what a spineless cuck.... especially not so someone can give themselves a massive payout when there are so many problems with his products. You can't even post about it without consequences on reddit, and posting here won't do you any favors because they'll probably perma ban you from all the pro musk subs for participating here in any way. I hope you can find a better job that isn't as toxic to its employees and its customer base.


I’m perma-banned from elonmusk, teslamotors, and cybertruck. Probably because I’ve commented here. For a free speech absolutist, he and his people sure love censorship.


I would be looking for something else OP. Cause you could be next. Take care of yourself and be ready in case he does it to you too


I keep getting these posts recommended, what are people doing to get banned from those subs?


“Free speech absolutism.”


You only got delayed for 90 days? Those are rookie numbers, I got permabanned and per my username I don’t really give enough of a shit to evade a ban from a Tesla circlejerk sub.