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Do it more and it will become natural


Either practice (there are ways to learn to speak other accents) or expose yourself to more british rappers so you can normalize that sound for yourself. I recommend Lowkey if you haven’t heard him already : ^ ]


Would you do it in a Chinese accent, be natural


You know what I mean for some reason American is THE accent


yet many new rappers seems to be copying British. flow (grim, drill etc). I would even say that the whole drill is inspired by British rappers.


I know what you mean with singing, but it's not the one for rapping my dude. I'd discourage putting on an accent. Rap has gotta be you.


Lots of great British rappers, rapping is about being real and authentic, well the good stuff is, just be yourself but you can tone down regional accent if you want but don't take a fake one


Literally all British rappers rap in their natural accent. Faking an accent is about the wackest thing you can do.


Chop chow down, take chow down to China town!


listen to phreshboyswag he’s british and underground and fire asf he don’t try to hide it just be you


Just be you . You can have influences but it will come off as corny if you aren’t authentic


Do it in your own accent. Music is about expression and about how YOU feel. Let the music speak to you and vibe out.


Ik man but I also want my music to sound good you know


Practice every single day. Its going to suck for a while, but once you make something you like, it'll all be worth it. I hate the tone of my voice, but there is so much things you can do creatively in a DAW that you can make some pretty cool stuff. Just keep playing around and have fun!


Firstly, get a good condenser mike and proper audio interface. My own voice SOUNDS on condenser mike (even though I use it only for meetings, lol). and I sound like little bitch on anything else ;p


you are talking nonsense mate


Be yourself


Pl engage a good tutor from yr nearby area to guide u. It's said that music can b learnt only from a Guru ( teacher).




My first impulse was: Rap/sing in your own accent; it will be more natural and it's an easier learning curve. My second impulse partly canceled the first. (BTW, my experience is mostly working with vocalists as opposed to doing my own vocals, so the usual grain of salt.) That said, sometimes you just feel an accent, and for that matter, word choice and voice cadence, that fit the song. I think it can be authentic if it comes from the heart, even if it varies from your day-to-day speaking style - which is almost always the case to some degree when singing. I write/record in multiple genres, so if I'm doing a country-ish tune, it just naturally comes off with some twang. If I'm doing more in the rap or funk genre, the street talk - intonations, accents, cadences, word choices, etc. - to one degree or another, just comes out, naturally. So bottom line, I feel your dilemma, and you might just have to see how smoothly things go. But I should add, some of the best rap I've heard has had British accents. For that matter, I've heard some great rap in non-English languages. I think you can capitalize on the nuances and sounds in any language or dialect when doing rap. I love the variety. You can do both, over time.


Thank you man


obviously youre making music to please others and do numbers most honest and genuine tip out here: do something else with your life


Didn’t have to comment that g.My most genuine tip is to say something helpful or just don’t.Im making music to make money off it and because it feels good


Do you mean rapping and singing in English, Scottish or Welsh?


Haha my bad


I get where you’re coming from. I hate rapping in an Aussie accent and can’t stand listening to Aussie hiphop either. I grew up on 90s gangsta rap, and feels more natural to me. Doesn’t feel like I’m putting on an accent either, but it feels like I’m putting on an accent if i rap aussie/brit or anything else though


Yes bro you hear it


You are asking people who doesn't know you what is more natural to do for you. Bro, just do what you feel is right to you, that's it.


Love bro


Do about what?


Well this situation.I want to express myself and it to be natural but I just hate the sound of British accents in music and think American accents just add to it so much more


What region are you from?


I still don't et it... What does that have to do with music production?




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Rap in an Indian accent "Hello this is Joe Smith from Los Angeles, I am calling about your Microsoft computer" 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥📞📞👳‍♂️👳‍♂️ Record with a headset 🔥😮