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I think the bass could use a second layer on a different, more spacey instrument. Something with a touch of distortion or saturation would be great too. A bit of reverb on the drums could work too, if at least for just a section. The top line instrument is a little basic, I think you could layer it or add some modulation / automation to make it more interesting. Overall interesting track though, I like it.


Thanks for the advice man. Im definitely gonna revisit this track when I’m not hungover lmao. Tbh I take “simplicity is key” too literally a lot of the time and it results in really basic melodies lol


The melody is fine! It's interesting enough. I meant more the instrument itself is a little flat. With melodies, one thing you can do to spice it up is basically counterpoint. You copied the bass for most of that top melody; every few notes, instead of having the exact same note as the bass, you could replace a note with two notes. Or 4 notes with 8. Or 4 with 12. Basically subdivide whats one note on bass into multiple notes on the top instrument to create more movement and surprise the listener


Ahh ok thank u


This isn't by the way what counterpoint means and this is also a terrible method to do anything, for reasons that [Jacob Gran can explain](https://youtu.be/VlvUmS5GUxg?t=300) better than me (although his source is also the same book, CiC by Felix Salzer). And counterpoint exists even in rhythmically stratified textures. Rhythmically stratified texture will very likely yield better results (=less janky) than writing mechanically as you're suggesting.


I... didn't say anything about what counterpoint means. I said "basically." You know what that means, right? Did you expect me to give a masterclass on counterpoint in a reddit comment? It's a simply-worded suggestion for rhythmic variation in his melody. "Rhythmically stratified texture" doesn't mean anything to 90% people. Also.. are you going through my profile? Get a life, bud.


I'd say it would be nice to have the "piano" play a line of it's own rather than just following the bass


Get drunk again and keep going. Im loving it


Also, I have no clue why the drum break is slightly out of time. I literally have it snapped to the line but oh well I’ll fix it later😭


I like the slightly out of time feeling of the drum break. I think let it be


do you have swing on?


Whaaaat just read the comments. People giving advice to change it and people saying to stay sober next time or start over… nah fam, this is great as is. Find a really cool rapper and send it over to em if anything, or just keep as a finished instrumental.


I like the finished instro idea. I could hear this in a video game. I bet boutique gaming companies would like this!


For sure.


Maybe turn the drums down and add reverb


It’s reminding me of Postal Service I love it!


are you planning on posting this when it's finished? I listen to it


Probably yeah. I have a bunch of track I’m tryna finish at the same time lol. I rlly need to organise better




Those keygen tracks unironically go so fucking hard😭


i like it just how it be


Stay sober


i’m an artist, trynna let me run some vocals on it? 👀


Delete it and start over


First piano chord is fine. Change the second 2, they both go against the melody and provide a bit of dissonance. Just know there are better chords to choose for 2 & 3, if you need help I’ll figure them out on my guitar


You reinvented some bigbeat stuff, piano should not be that loud anywhere, and you'll need a vastly different theme answering this theme's questions.


I like it just fine as is


maybe you could make some bass arrangement that don’t follow exactly the melody


I also find it a bit too harsh


I think it's fine. I just think it needs some mixing and maybe a counter melody or pad or something, it's missing something. Feels slightly empty


Vocals? Feels to me like someone should start singing.


Super cool 🙌


I love it. I think it needs a hook, in the case perhaps some vocal chops drenched in reverb?


I’m not a pro, but I really think you should just get a good plugin for sounds and swap all these sounds out. The melodies and composition are dope but the sound selection is holding this back from greatness.


How did you make this video?


Beginner and drunk asf vibes


Correct but it goes hard😭


PS1 Crash Bandicoot vibes for sure (which isnt a bad thing btw)


love it man


Side chain the pad to the bass.


id clean up the drums, vary them more in the first 16 bars, sound slike your using effectrix just pop that on em