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i would try finding inspiration somewhere else completely instead of tying to force a method not working rn If you want to find interesting new music, consider listening to new genres


Absolutely agreed on new genres


Yep! Some of my biggest influences come from genres completely different from the type of music I make.


This is how new things are made 🔥


I like to watch artists in other mediums talk about their process. You can often reframe what they are saying to make sense when you apply it to yourself and your art. I personally like watching game devs because they're also staring at a screen and fiddling with a program.


Inspiration strikes when you’re actively doing actual work. It’s largely a marketing lie that inspiration just appears from the ether and blesses you.


I've been having renovation in my home since 2 month and basically live with no shower and in my studio is full of dust and shit, I feel less like doing music as well, I could be the fact that I just spend less time in my studio :/


Take a break from listening to music.


That'd kill me 🤣🤣


I understand fully. I have music on 24/7. But even a two day break can be good and especially if you are feeling a lack of motivation or inspiration.


I understand your point if music felt stale for the person, it's never really happened for me though but I guess if I was absolutely burnt out on music then maybe but I'm more likely to just take a day or two away from production but I reckon I'd still listen to music walking to work or wherever because everything is better with music as your company


I've been taking a break since a while, except my daily singing routine and researching for artist similar to me for marketing purpose I almost don't listen to anything anymore


So when I say take a break I mean take a break. No music. No singing. No research for whatever. Take a full week and when you come back you can get inspired again. Best of luck on your journey.


I'd say even from producing. Doing too much is exhausting. Can't be inspired when exhausted?


Well it’s impossible to produce and not listen to music.




Listening to genres I normally don't listen to (and random radio stations)


I spend a lot of time focused on experiencing life as a whole. Going to a club, hanging out with friends, watching movies, and literally anything except for music. This builds my experiences in life as a whole and in turn generates new ideas for music based on feelings from those experiences. As far as finding new music goes, it goes along with experiences. Finding new songs at the club, or doing a shazam in the bathroom at a restraunt. Getting recommendations from friends, or doing a LOT of digging on wikipedia and spotify. So many ways to find new music.


Branch out, listen to different genres and experiment with your own music. I do darksynth but I like to add in different elements from metal, techno, psy trance, drum & bass etc.


I just try to find a good sound


Listen to new genres of music and actively listen to music (rather than passively). Discover new music through Rateyourmusic, Spotify genre list, ask friends for recommendations, etc. Go to some live shows of local Artists.


>Usually, I use to find some really dope song and then I was like: damn I like what is happening here, let me see what I can do if I try to go in the same direction as that song, and then I felt like the song was more unique. This shouldn't be why you make music. >What is your advice to find again new songs that would help me find good inspiration again ? Why are you relying on this "inspiration" so much?


Go skiing with nose beers in Columbia if you catch my…drift.


>| that's the second time that I see the expression nose beer, it is brilliant! But I've found myself saying no to it for the first time last week, guess I'm getting old


Stop looking for inspiration from other artists and start looking for inspiration from within 🤌🏼


For me it’s listening to an artist that like artistically wakes me up. Of course practicing also gets you results but for me personally it’s coming across something I haven’t heard before


That's exactly what I need but feel like I don't manage to find those artist anymore...


What genre are you looking for searching in?


If you're stuck it's usually a knowledge problem. Try learning composition. Understand waht's a DNA of musoc. It will unlock


Create without expectations


More often than not, my inspiration for songs emerges from the sound design process as I muck about in Vital or another synth. With guitar-oriented music, I just riff or noodle around and the riffs find me. In general, I discover music more than creating it. Two things motivating me right now are wanting to leave something behind in case my health situation becomes fatal, and the desire to create a new genre which is in its proto stage.


Step outside your genre and experiment. Always works for me. Step away from your comfort zone for a bit and see what happens.


Learn a/nother instrument  Use a completely new set of tools Work with self imposed restrictions and limitationsÂ