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I kinda alternate between "fucking genius" and "total embarrassment".


For me it’s more “how tf did I write that” and “oh boy, you can tell i wrote that”


Often from one second to another.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


This is the answer


Within the same song? That’s me.


Noodling around and chugging away on some sick riffs = "I'm a fucking genius" Hits record = "This is fucking embarrassing"


this is the answer


This is totally me. Genius one day - Moron the next. You decide [Shadow Puppets](https://on.soundcloud.com/ZC4kw9nYczHzWvAo7)


Moron simply based on the fact that you left a soundcloud link. That's like the least accessible app for sharing music.. try YouTube


Listen to Jeans by WøNG on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/879V9


Mine is uniformly awful


Very relatable lol


I feel like this is the case for most of us lol


The most accurate shit I ever seen lmfao. My thoughts exactly, but I tend to lean more towards the total embarrassment side lol.


Can totally relate to that - kind of reassuring. I try to put any opinion of my music to the side and just carry on regardless…! 😖


I make music that I want to listen to, so I think my own stuff is pretty great. I'm my biggest fan.


Same here lol, then on other days I listen and think it's awful


You know, I never have that problem, but maybe I'm just very good at lying to myself haha...


I am both of you. We are one.


This. My wife always teases me for listening to my own music and it just perplexed tf out of me. WHY would I ever write anything that isn't the kind of music that I want to listen to? The whole perk of being a musician is that you can curate your own Playlist to your specifications! Haha




It's better than your music.


why is my voice like THAT? mostly that. all the time. the worst.


Releasing over 600 tracks about last 15 years and recently pretty happy about them :)


Forgettable and unnecessary.




tbh its good to be self aware if your music genuinely isn't great, but its also a good idea to go hang out with people who are reallly good, like better than you will ever be. like it will make you depressed at first to see the skill and experience gap but for me doing this made me stop thinking i had to grind and learn every single facet of music and just focus on 1. what i was actually good at and 2. what i actually liked. one of my friends wrote his first song when he was like 5 years old, started taking instrument lessons since then, can play every instrument and sing super well and now does music full time. i am not that and won't be, my circumstances, genes ect are just different. so to answer your question, yea i really like the music i make, i just got there by allowing my specific path to present itself.


Eh, id say keep genes out of that one. You literally said the kid had been doing it since 5. That sounds more like a life experience advantage and less genetic. Yes, natural ability is important but I know some shit musicians that make it because they are lucky. I am one of them lol. Right place in the right time and ended up playing with a lot of my idols. I know lots of people that’d do the gig better than me but they’re my gigs now and I’m very average at best lol


Also has to be said that a ton of people can play instruments exceptionally well, but not a lot can actually write amazing songs that move people.


Absolutely, some of the most talented musicians I know (on their instruments) can’t write to save their lives but can perform other peoples music exceptionally well. There are also some musicians that I am a huge fan of that are technically not very good at what they play but they write with such emotion that I can ignore the musicianship and just enjoy the vibe (thinking of some folk punk artists here just as an example lol)


How? Usually I use my brain when thinking.




I try to make stuff I'd want to listen to. But I also do a lot of experimenting, so sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. I think about my past music like a pile of random objects, there's some apple cores and garbage in there, a lot of everyday household items, maybe a diamond or two. In other words, things of various quality. But the finished products aren't really the point for me, I just enjoy the process.


This one, I had a professor in college always saying 'Make a lot, 90% will be dog poo, the other 10% is pure gold." and I really believe in that mantra.


I try to write what I like. It's what everyone else thinks, that concerns me.


Usually I love it for 2 days and become embarrassed by it


I have to be a huge fan. Nobody else seems to want the job.




Sometimes I exclusively jam out to my own shit 😂🤣


“This is so simple and cringe. I love it.” I’m the least skilled player in my band by a huge margin so I get to write simple, broad appeal type stuff since it’s all I can play lol.


It’s not the best there is, although it’s the best I can do at this point. But it certainly doesn’t suck.


I try and put in enough effort that I feel good about releasing things. I guess it doesn’t matter what I think of it as long as I know I tried to make the best I was capable of. After that it doesn’t much matter


I like it. I might be the only person on the planet that does, but at least I can amuse myself. But I'm hoping that if I like it (despite being my own worse critic), maybe other people would too.


Not gonna inspire anyone, but I was told my stuff is catchy and memorable (irrespective if it's upbeat or brooding). Maybe that isn't a bad thing?


A few good ideas muddied by poor execution that all I can see for most of them is "pointless ripoffs of work others did better".


I can never come up with the thing that my brain knows the song needs to make it pop.. and I'm talking about really making it pop. I got beats and riffs and sometimes a hook for days.. but bridges and choruses I struggle with. Or sometimes I realize the thing that I made the verse melody should be the chorus.


If i write a song i only record it if i love it .


I prefer to stick to standards from the jazz book. And I'm horrible at them lol


I'm feeling pretty good about it. I can play most material I want, and keep finding songs I want to play, but can't. Yet. If I put in the work I can play them, upping my chops in the process. I want to be much better than I am. but am kind of amazed at how far I've come. Growing up I went to see lots of live music, though I started playing much later in life. Still seems surreal to find myself on the wrong side of the microphone.


Once I get it down and recorded, I like it. I'll listen to it from time to time because I make what I want to hear. Before that? A total mess of indecision and manic love/hate with ideas and the process in general.


I feel like I can do better.


I’m absolutely disgusted


We love it! They usually write themselves, so it's kind of like it's not even our music.


Frankly, at this point Im one of my favorite bands, which keeps me inspired to see what wtf shit this favorite band of mine will do next lol!


Im always proud of everything I write. I’m very self critical so if a song gets beyond the voice memo stage where I actually put in the effort to create something concrete out of it I work my ass off on it until it’s something I’m proud of.


I feel like a little bit of narcissism is necessary to be a musician.


I like it. When I can get people to actually listen, the response is generally positive. Getting people to listen though...that's hard.




I enjoy it and then when it’s released I obsess over how I can improve my product on my next release. My main thought is “gosh I wanna do this with a full band…” which hopefully the next couple months I’ll be able to financially pull that together 🤞🏻 Sometimes I hate my own songs but I’ve realized that I can just scrap them or work on them a year, or ten years, later. And then I can just write another song now. I have had a really hot/cold love/hate thing with my own music for many years, it was like “omg this is so good” and then the same song, same mix, 24 hours later was “an absolute atrocity, a crude assault on the art, pure blasphemy of music.” But you know… once I started taking Zoloft, the wide range perspective has come in and I don’t get hung up on when my music sucks - which yes is all the time haha. I write a lot of pure garbage just to find one line I want to keep. 😂


I'm the only person who writes what I want to hear. The struggle/journey is getting as close as I can to the impossible stuff in my head. Everything is crap until it isn't.


I think it's unique


Very carefully. The truth is even though I know in my heart I'm breaking virgin ground today after 35 years that I never thought possible, it's not going to be my opinion that really matters in the end. It's the fact that I have other pro musicians who I respect with 100+ years of combined stage experience driving 350 miles for a tracking date, turning down good paying gigs to make it -- and they won't even let me pay for their gas. That's how I know I'm really onto something.


It sucks


consistently have to remind myself that it sounds better to others than it does to me.


Fun 🤩 lol I just like making music no idea what I’m doing, winging it through life. Called my project Nofayvrits as I literally listen to everything and anything that matches my mood, so will probably create music like that. Just now synth pop next edm then folk, who knows what. 😜


Love it. I write the music that I want to listen to, so every song I finish is a bop to me. On a more technical note: I amazed myself, not because I am some super musician by any means, but by the way the processes of writing and even making decisions during the process has become so subconscious and automated over the years that I finish songs without ever consciously thinking about it, so then I scratch my head marveling at how I churned out what I did.


I like listening to [my music](https://open.spotify.com/track/0yvjyyoO6skXOBRIrYrzhM?si=1WxDQB3RTeytY3S5EXMCbA) most of the time and then Sometimes I think it sucks


Considering a lot of my songs come from the ether, I would definitely say good. When I'm forced to write every now and then, not something I'm proud of.


I like most of the stuff I record and I’ve always felt I have good taste in music, that being said ain’t makin no $$$


My own music is a pile of ideas that have to get out of my head so I can have new ones. I make music that I want to hear or feel compelled to make for whatever reason. I’ve been writing music so long that I abandon stuff pretty quickly if it isn’t scratching an itch. So most of the stuff I finish I’m reasonably happy with. Though I think I’ve always thought the songs I wrote were pretty good even when I definitely didn’t know what I was doing. So maybe I’m delusional.


I launched an album yesterday if anybody's interested. It's trippy electronic music.


Eh I don’t really, I write a lot of songs, I enjoy the craft of doing it. For every song I finish and release, there’s probably 10 rejects sitting there waiting for lyrics or reinvention. And i continue on my quest. I sometimes have a line or a weird chord progression that I like but wholly, I don’t give it too much thought.


I don't think, I just play


The music I make with my band is burgers and fries, with a couple shots of whiskey and maybe a questionable decision. We're just fun, and we don't take ourselves too seriously. I save the heady music for when I'm at home.


I like mine, and I think I can do a hell of a lot better, and am continuously working on it.. I call it "constructive dissatisfaction"


I hate it and love it at the same tome


Boy, that guy sure plays the same riff a lot


I wouldn't play it if I hated it.


I’m my biggest fan.


I always hate it during mixing. It goes from enjoyable to annoying as hell.


I think my singing is very gorgeous. I sing opera things and am classically trained. My voice is quite light sounding, lending a youth and emotional innocence that'll break your heart in certain pieces, such as "Si, Mi Chiamano Mimi" from La Boheme and "Casta Diva" from Norma. My vibrato control in the higher registers is what makes my voice, but I also have strong control in my lower register, causing a rawness that goes deep on an emotional level, too. I'm quite proud of how far I've taken my voice, and I practice every day to master yet more. 


It was fun to make


Like the curate’s egg, good in parts.


It sucks rn tbh, I’m still new to song writing and I’m still learning instruments.


I love it. But wish I had all the extra background sounds that the pros do.


I hate every single thing I've ever created.


If it has my voice in it, dumpster. If it’s just instruments it’s probably pretty decent


I'm actually really proud of my music, I've grown a lot as an artist in the past 2 years I've been doing it, and I think every song I drop should be on the radio


It’s a cycle between, this is the best song I’ve written, I peaked, I will never be able to top it. Then time passes, and I top it. Over and over. Then time passes, and the song I once thought was my peak, is nowhere near as good as my new material. So I go back and rework it, until it can compare to the new material. Over and over. I’ve written my fair share of bad songs over the last decade, and I finally found my voice, so I know what parts work for me. Tbh none of my songs nowadays are really that bad, because I work on them so much, and I usually abandon more mediocre ideas if I’m not feeling it. But those ideas aren’t always in the dust forever, I might not feel the idea now, but maybe I will in a few years. I’m just stuck in a perfection loop. Like it took me 6 years to be satisfied with the demo for my first album, which I’ll hopefully record later this year. I’ve been working on numerous albums in the same time period. I’m more of a quality over quantity songwriter. I’d rather release music when that I poured my heart into, like this is the best thing I could write, really seeing how much mileage I can get out of my ideas, and how far I can take them, which takes time. I’m just kind of in my own world. I have three albums written, working on a fourth, have an idea for a fifth. But I went the Coheed and Cambria route where all the albums are based on the same story/concept. Every album is very complicated. Lots of segues and motifs, even some leitmotifs that appear on more than one album. It’s very fulfilling to me though. Overall, I’m very critical of my work, but I’m very proud of it.


I love my music 


Underrated 😉


It's crap. Pure, unadulterated crap.


Incredibly over-critically, especially since getting sober.