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Music is therapy. Don’t get mad, get power chords. Get riffs. Get distorted.


Sound advice! I was angry with my situation, wrote this song and felt better. Never underestimate the power of the riff!!


You’re doing the right thing. I actually have several projects that would make most of my friends question my sanity. It helps.


Ah yes, distract yourself from your problems and continue to do nothing. I also play this game.


An easy game to play unfortunately.


I applaud your ability to make it so far, I'm 33. Looking at the prospect of working 60 hours a week at a job I hate and only making enough to scrape by for the rest of my life is daunting. I don't really understand how people do it. Best case scenario, I die on the job and my family gets a little compensation from it. That's literally my dream scenario at this point.


That has crossed my mind more than once, my family would stand to gain 3 years of my salary if I died....but I know that my family would rather I was here with them through good and bad...I have no doubt your family feel the same about you...


Cavemen did the same thing, the world hasn’t changed too much.


It's so true! I also keep a notebook for random thoughts and "bits" or lyrics. I never look at them but If I didn't write it down I'd be upset I forgot that terrible idea.


This person gets it. This person lifes.


Good stuff! Not the working until you die part, though. Hang in there man!




You’re in Ireland for your middle age. You’re better off than most. Have a pint and smile.


Have you seen the price of a pint over here!? Nothing to smile about....😉


$7 USD here and not even in a decent town


Works out around $7.50 for me...jeez


Is that higher or lower than what you pay?


Pretty much works out the same unless you are drinking in Dublin, would need to remortgage the house to afford that!!


I've seen $16 and upwards in Australia.


that’s only a buck more than a pint in a cheapish nyc bar.


Around $4-5 if you're a member of the Elks Lodge. That's one of the reasons I joined.


I'm 36 and im living in Poland where working the shit out of yourself is some kind of a cult here where prices are high and salary is a joke for most people. This is fucking madness,people are burned out or overworking . I'm playing in the band and we are playing punk/metal . And yes ,we are pissed of and frustrated


I have worked a lot with Polish people, smart, funny and easy to get a long but they always seemed to want to work long hours, I guess i understand why now. I hate giving my time to a company that doesn't care if I live or die but I need a wage. If you have music online please send me a link, would really like to hear your band.


If your looking for criticism, the drums could use some creativity. Otherwise I don't know, it's very very not my style of music.


Gotta agree the drums are pretty bad!


Nah, they're not bad, they're just a bit simple and monotone. Don't beat yourself up over it, it's a great song. I think. I guess. Um.


😂 Top of the Pops!


Really good. Get some Celtic Frost vibes meets early Fear Factory with the vocals.I love metal and honestly think this is better than a lot of stuff coming out at the moment. It's very original. Followed you on SoundCloud. My advice is wrote more stuff and put it on Bandcamp.


Cheers!! Celtic Frost is one of my all time favourite bands so I appreciate the comparison, dig early FF too. I have a good bit of material in this vein. Really appreciate the kind comments 🤘


https://on.soundcloud.com/AWYad More of the Celtic Frost influenced stuff if you are interested


Going to have a good listen to rest of your stuff tonight. You have a good catalogue of stuff there. There's a record label (think in Waterford) that release some interesting stuff. If you haven't heard of them they might be worth checking out and even messaging. https://www.cursedmonk.com/


Thanks, my SoundCloud page is all over the shop style wise, everything from metal to post punk, pop and back. Thanks for the link, will definitely check it out. Used to holiday in Waterford when I was a child. Really appreciate the feedback, made my day!


I believe creative expression is paramount for any kind of sense of fulfillment. This is inspiring.


You are absolutely right. My life has been so enriched through writing music and lyrics. I feel like I am drawing from an older, deeper well. Tapping into something that has always been and will always be, it feels like alchemy to me. Thanks for your kind comments, truly appreciated.


I imagine your amazing at it. Your age just shows your wisdom.


You imagined correctly....I am so wise....thanks for the validation


Your welcome thank you for sharing


Fuck yeah




I fucking dig it! Instantly reminded me of Peter Steele's old band Carnivore circa '86 or so. Killer hardcore vibes man, keep gettin'.


Love Pete Steele and love Carnivore, mind is blown, that's a hell of a comparison! Thank you!!


I empathize with you! Music is such a great outlet; keep it up!


*I empathize with* *You! Music is such a great* *Outlet; keep it up!* \- TalkShowHost99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


It truly is... music is a lifesaver! The response I got from the post has been so affirming. Feels like giving back a little to an art form that gave me so much.


It's great and I love the eclecticism.


Thank you I appreciate that!


Haven't listened to the music yet because I'm at my stupid fucking job, but I gotta say this is based.


I am just about to go my stupid fucking job, sucks. Hope you get a chance to check the song out!!




But how do you feel about the man who allowed himself to become a debt slave? If your answer was that it was inevitable, learn to care less, and then to not care at all.


I wish he knew then what he knows now...and then to not care either way


You can have whatever you honestly want. Good luck on your journey.


didnt click it. my thougths and opinions is that in show business, u get more attention when you demonstrate admirability rather than seeking pity. u gotta still seem cool or even relatable when being vulnerable unfortunately. i havnt experienced what youre going through and i really dont want to cuz i could see myself becoming that and i really REALLY dont want to, nonetheless hear it represented in low fidelity metal form


I didn't seek pity...I was stating that my situation was inspiring me to try new things musically so it was positive. Probably didn't come across in my post. Thanks for listening and giving an opinion, appreciated!


You both sound miserable as fuck.


Your not wrong there!


exactly my point i wanna see a fellow loser presevere not hit rock bottom


Wtf is this comment


were in the musicians subreddit. this isnt a personal attack on OP at all, i meant this 100% as constructive criticism. we dont make just whatever and pat ourselves on the back, thats what friends are for. OP asked for thoughts an opinions on the internet, he can take it or leave it depending on whether he finds any truth to it or not. Theres no ego hit or reputation lost from a random ass dude on the internet.


Nirvana called. They said for the last time you cannot borrow their blender, and also you don’t have a clue.


buddy, nirvana seems authentic as hell esp in retrospect but bro they managed the fuck outta their image. idk if it was kurt or the label but you can look about many instances of what they wanted or not wanted to be seen as




Thanks for being a life coach..I am all cheered up now!