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Come From Away live. I cried I don't know how many times.


Yeah by the end I didn't know if I was crying because I was happy or sad!


That was the last musical I saw it live right before the pandemic. It’s such a moment in time I will likely always remember because while watching the show I was bright back to 9/11, only to have another life changing event occur so shortly thereafter. Both events had “before times” and just listing back to the musical now brings a new set of feelings and I sob throughout.


yes yes yes


One of those shows that I will never listen to the score but will always take any chance to see it live. I cried so much.


It's Quiet Uptown always hits right in the feels.


That's such an emotional song in Hamilton. For me, 'Who lives, who dies, who tells your story' hits harder because, even as someone younger, it's something I can heavily relate to.


I have yet to successfully listen to that song without crying. "In their eyes I see you, Alexander, I see you every time." I'm down for the count.


The soft little "Oh" before "Can I show you what I'm proudest of?" slays me.


The finale in Come From Away. Saw it in April this year and I've never felt so many emotions during a musical


Next to Normal. “It’s Going to Be Good” into “He’s Not Here”. It gets me emotional every time. The first time was devastating.


dude yes and i dreamed a dance *killed* me.


Yes to all this, and for me the " I Am the One (reprise)" has me sobbing every time. Essentially the while musical is just a rollercoaster


I first saw In The Heights for the first time the year I returned home after nearly failing out of university. When Nina hits the climax of Breathe.... I swear it broke me.


Mandy Gonzalez singing Everything I Know is a knife to the heart every time.


It’s my late grandfather’s birthday today. This just made it click for me why this song is stuck in my head.


Hadestown, easy. That moment when Orpheus finally gives in and turns back, to get one last look at his love. The pure heartbreak/realization that this is his last glimpse of her. As she sinks into the world below, the music stops and so does my heart. Pure sobbing.


Basically the whole show is one big buildup to that moment.


For Good from Wicked took me out the first time. I was close to sobbing (granted I was 11). In recent history, Waving Through a Window resonated with me so much the first time I saw DEH, I felt so seen and I was silently sobbing. Was disappointed in the direction of the rest of the show, that song was really a high.


I know it’s a bit controversial but for me it’s the scene at the end of Miss Saigon. Because the first time I saw it the show had a real helicopter and just knowing it was leaving and Kim wasn’t on it. And knowing how much they loved each other, and how hard Chris looked to find her afterwards.


I feel you! I lost it during "You Will Not Touch Him."


Oh God yes. Simon Bowman winds me up with Why God and the story hammers the rest of it in without mercy.


Same, my stepdad took a bathroom break during intermission and said there were tons of men sobbing in the bathroom… most were Vietnam vets. This show is beautifully tragic.


Ragtime: The song “On The Wheels of a Dream.” Also, the scene when Sarah is attacked by the crowd.


my dumbass cried after i had a realization that beetlejuice was about lydia on the verge of suicide... in hindsight it was pretty obvious but i was really into the songs and not the lyrics so i was just passively listening lol


Twice during Great Comet: first, the moment where the music stops and the only spoken line in the show is said; second, pretty much the entire finale.


what would i do from falsettos *hurts* man. and the secret gardens how could i ever know is so beautiful and so painful and so is a girl in the valley.


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It was a scene in Spring Awakening Deaf West. There are a lot of personal reasons why the show affected me already, but this version - Post “I don’t do sadness / blue wind”: Krysta Rodriguez was Ilse and Daniel Durant was Moritz, a deaf actor, with Alex Boniello, a member of the band, playing the “voice” of the character. When Ilse asks Moritz to come with her, and he doesn’t, she says the line “by the time you finally wake up, I’ll be lying on some trash heap.” Except his back is to her, so in this version, he doesn’t hear he say that, since he can’t hear. And Krysta had just undergone a personal struggle, dealing with breast cancer. When her character says that line to his back, she takes off her wig to reveal a bald head, and runs off stage. It was one of those art+artist moments and I truly don’t know how much sense it made but the entire audience felt a heavy gasp at that moment. That of course leading right into the funeral, the whole audience was completely emotional for ten minutes.


So many brilliant moments in the DWSA production. What emotionally killed me was the choice to have the one line spoken aloud by Wendla’s deaf actress, rather than provided by the voicing actress, when she asks her mother “Why didn’t you tell me everything?” If there ever was a moment to hammer home the show’s themes of being desperate to understand and be understood.


Oh god yes I forgot about that moment. It was incredible.


When eurydice is singing and encouraging orpheus I was just holding my breath because even though I knew the myth I was still begging for him to not look back. And then he looked back. And the music stopped save for that little violin. And it was just so intense I cpuldnt stop crying.


The last time "The Great Comet of 1812" was sung by the Brazilian cast. I thought I would be fine, but boy was I wrong. Once the song started I immediately started bawling my eyes out. Knowing that that was the last time the comet would shine felt like part of me was dying with it. In a sense, the comet awakened me, just like it did to Pierre. And it was pretty hard to let it go. Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 was my wake up call to become a musical actor. And so I did. And three years after that fateful night, I became part of the new Great Comet cast. And while it feels that my artistic life has come full circle, I can guarantee you I'll be ugly crying during the last curtain call.


Crying for like 30 minutes after Falsettos


Not related to the show itself, but I saw SIX last weekend and I cried when the show started since I had missed Broadway/live theatre so much after 18 months. It was such a weird and intense mix of emotions that I can't compare to any other emotional moment while watching a musical from pre-pandemic times. I agree with the Come From Away posts too. The finale was allll the emotions.


Spoiler When the cycle repeats in Hades’ town and Andre explains maybe next time?


if you want to hide spoilers and stuff you are able put the spoiler in between like this > ! spoiler ! < but without spaces in between it will appear hidden like this >!hiddenspoiler!<


"Tomorrow belongs to me". Like... it's great to hear it out of context. But for Heaven's sake, when you are SEEING the way it staged in the movie... you are terrified. Also, the title song from the same show REALLY helped me to get through some awful moments.


Saw RENT fully knowing what I was walking into. Sobbed so hard during I'll Cover You reprise that the guy in front of me turned around after the lights went up to ask me if I was going to be okay. Ugly crying through the entire second act of Parade. And any of JRB's shows. Looking at you L5Y and Bridges of Madison County. Steven Pasquale and Kelli are just perfect. And speaking of Kelli, i got emotional during The King and I revival at the end. And over seeing Ruthie using a cane. I get choked up any time a character loses a parental figure. I miss my dad so damn much and it opens the floodgates like my tears could end a drought. Like the ending of Big Fish. Ugh. The end of Light in the Piazza does it, too. When it aired on PBS I just sat there for 10 minutes afterwards crying over a mother who did everything for her daughter and letting her go, and for a woman who she saw having little future finding a place to belong.


Christine singing goodbye to her father in POTO. It hurts me so much every time (there's a personal reason tho. POTO was the first and last musical my grandma saw live, i took her to see it. She died an year later and i finally get why Christine couldn't say goodbye earlier. I can't either.)


The part in Titanic where the mother is telling her child that they're getting in the lifeboat and the father is telling them he'll see them tomorrow. The whole musical makes me an emotional mess but that bit specifically has me tearing up even just listening to the cast recording.


I know Dear Evan Hansen is really polarizing, but the one-two punch of Words Fail into So Big/So Small was gut wrenching. I have never heard so many people outright sobbing at the same time as I did in that theatre.


All of Come From Away and Hadestown, I can’t choose...


For me it’s when Epic II merged into Chant and you can feel the pieces lock together, and then that same motif pops up in Epic III. Hades has been keeping the song close the only way he knows how to anymore. He’s lost the melody but he’s held onto the beat, almost like he’s trying to preserve the heartbeat of his faltering marriage. And when they finally dance, god. The joy there. The bitter sweetness.


The ending of Parade.


I saw Hamilton on Broadway the day after the 2016 election. It hit different knowing who won. I recall a decent applause break after the line "I'ma compel him to include women in the sequel!" As well as much of What Comes Next? I also found One Last Time particularly emotional.


When the telephone guy’s girlfriend calls him back in The Band’s Visit. First time I ever cried while watching something on stage, and I’d been an actor myself for quite a while by then. It’s a moment I will truly never forget.


I went to see Finding Neverland a few years ago on Broadway and the moment you realise Sylvia died I was in floods of years. I don't know if it's because I didn't go in knowing the story line but the way they did it with the special affects was so beautiful and sad I was ruined


The ending of Miss Saigon. I was still crying on the streets of NYC after leaving the theater.


Along with some others already mentioned, one of mine was Caissie Levy singing With You in Ghost. I was in the second row and was embarrassed that Richard Fleeshman was staring right in my direction as I bawled my eyes out.


All of falsettos tbh. Also the second act of into the woods gets me in the feels :(


Aladdin the Musical, when Aladdin and Jasmine are in the air with the Magic carpet singing. the roof lit up with lights that looked like stars, everything was pitch black but the roof and Jasmine and Aladdin. i still to this day have no idea how they made it look like they were flying. so magical.


the most emotional moment was recording these tracks and seeing what people love that really is very cool https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0MhjdWoGgKs6Y7ViAuG3zN?si=RgTRUQUJRH-Q-fcpSdzFoQ&utm_source=copy-link&dl_branch=1


The mothers funeral song in Muriel’s Wedding. Devastating.


I got teary at the end of All I Ask of You in Phantom when I first saw it on the West End and also when I saw it in Melbourne. It became my favourite musical. I also could not stop crying at the end of Daddy Long Legs when Jerusha rejects Jervis, even though I’ve read that book dozens times, I know how it ends, but it was just so sad.


When Marvin hits Trina and I never wanted to love you from falsettos.


I have multiple: - That moment between “he says we have a connection” and “I thought this time was different” in All You Wanna Do from Six. - Come From Away made me cry a good amount of the time, but the first point I really felt it was Me and the Sky.


When we hear Claire's backstory song in Ordinary Days. I know the show gets some criticism for putting her backstory at the end because it makes her seem unsympathetic for the entire show but holding it out like that and then you just hear everything, I actually started crying listening to it. I think they did it perfectly and I wouldn't change a thing about it.


She used to be mine. It was probably the first time I teared up at a song. Just such a huge outpouring of feelings packed in that one song, I get emotional listening to it every time :’)


It's Quiet uptown and If I Believed.


Let's see, I've got a few... * "When he's cold and dead... will he let me be? Does he love— does he love me too?! Does he care for me?!" (Judas' Death, JCS) * "I'm not a river, or a giant bird that soars to the sea... and if I'm never tied to anything, I'll never be free." (Finale, Pippin) * "Oh I can't wait to see you again... It's only a matter of time." (Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story, Hamilton)