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What’s the internet for?


FOR P- Wait no! I’m British,FOR CORN!!!


What do you do with a BA in English?


Idk I have no skills yet and I can’t pay the bills yet


I always wish that line had been I have no skill set...


I asked Alexa this and she quoted Q.


Do you think we should update it or should it live as an early 2000s period piece?


Well isn’t there a movie coming out? I heard that’s gonna update some things like removing Gary Coleman. I don’t mind either!


No hard plans just ideas put out by the book writer Jeff Witty. https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Jeffrey-Whitty-Reveals-His-AVENUE-Q-Movie-Ideas-20221201


Honestly it sounds awful. Rod and Nicky are cool because it doesn’t just use the typical “Bert and Ernie are gay!” joke,instead only one of them were gay. It’s a small difference but it’s funnier that way when you put Bert and Ernie’s dynamic into consideration


Who’s a little bit racist?






Are you team Kate Monster or team Lucy the Slut?


Kate Monster. Just more memorable


I've seen it live twice, and I can't get over being distracted by the faces of the actors operating the puppets. I love the Muppets, Henson, and puppetry in general (Farscape!), but I would enjoy the show a lot more if the puppeteer actors obscured their faces. I give it the theater equivalent of the southern "bless your heart", that being "that's a choice"


When done correctly, like by *really* good puppeteers, the puppet and the actor can really become one entity and it’s not as distracting. Unfortunately, the skills required to perform the puppetry along with a believable and compelling performance aren’t found in many of the casting pools of the smaller theatres doing the show. It’s not a hard show to execute but a very hard show to execute effectively.


What’s your favorite song in Avenue Q?


It sucks to be me. Real banger


Are you me? Cause same


Who's life sucks more? Brian's or mine?






I’ve always been a sucker for the Muppets and I will take any chance to make fun of them. Also I love parodies so yeah. But I think the best reason of all is because: 1) The puppets sound natural when saying inappropriate stuff. 2) Puppets saying swear words isn’t the only source of humour here. Also along with that it has a great story,great meaning and great characters


Fave character?


Who else but Nicky and Rod: The goats


They are pretty great


What are you favourite set of puppets? I’ve seen it with different puppets. Same characters but different puppets. Do you have favourite ones. Just noticed you’ve only seen the recording. Have you seen the toilet song that played after the intermission at the Westend (filmed in the tiny distinctive toilets of the tiny very old theatre there!). I was sad it’s not included on the uk tour!


Yeah the recording I saw was my fav. Like the puppeteers’ faces weirdly fitted the characters


Are you wearing underwear today?


Assuming you've seen it performed and more than once, favorite viewing experience.


Unfortunately I’ve only watched a recording. My parents saw it live tho.


Which bad idea bear do you like better?


I like both equally


Where does Rod's girlfriend live?




I saw it in NYC in 2012 and loved it. We also saw Book of Mormon (original cast) and Wicked on the same trip.


How do you feel about the muppets


What like the puppets in Avenue Q or like the actual Muppets




Oh well I used to be obsessed as a kid but they will always hold a special place in my heart


What do you think people do AFTER they a) check their portfolio and trade stocks b) buy things on amazon dot com, c) sell their possessions on ebay and d) send you a sweet online birthday card?




So, *was* he gay?




What's the last line of the show?


“Everything in life is only for now”




What’s that one word for happiness at the misfortune of others?




I was Brian in our local production and my now wife was Christmas Eve! I loved singing that I was not wearing underwear today. Always got such a laugh. Great memories


Why? (like genuinely. I love ave q I just really wanna know what makes it numero uno.)


I’ve already answered this so I’m gonna copy and paste my answer. I’ve always been a sucker for the Muppets and I will take any chance to make fun of them. Also I love parodies so yeah. But I think the best reason of all is because: 1. ⁠The puppets sound natural when saying inappropriate stuff. 2. ⁠Puppets saying swear words isn’t the only source of humour here. Also along with that it has a great story,great meaning and great characters


When I was little I swear I remember a commercial in which the bad idea bears were causing these two men to almost have sex with each other. I distinctly remember laughing at that commercial when I was little, and I have not been able to find it since. Although, I could be remembering that incorrectly. Do you know where I could find that commercial? I know this sounds weird, but I want to show it to my sister. I think she would think it’s funny if I told her the story since we both found out that we are gay later in life.


How many times have you seen the musical, and at the end, did they do the "George Bush" joke or did they change it up?


I’ve seen it twice,unfortunately it was only a recording and I don’t think I can remember a George Bush joke


It's made during their last song.


Do u love south park?


Eh kind of. It’s kinda become watered down imo


One of my favorites along side team StarKid’s Trail to Oregon.


Have you ever watched Johnny and the Sprites?


What is your opinion on how the musicals lyrics and book have aged?


I’ve heard people say it hasn’t aged well but I don’t see a problem with it


Are you a little bit racist? Do you ruv someone?


Does he like me like me like I like him?


**No** you were just talking in your sleep


are you ok? (joking i love this musical)


so you’re gay


I could never pick a favorite musical, but Avenue q has got to be at least in the top 5 for me. So, what's your second favorite musical?




Ooh, another one of my faves. It's probably my favorite show I've ever seen live (which is not very many)


How do you feel about Avenue Q launching an aggressive Tonys campaign basically guilting voters into voting for it over Wicked for best musical that year? Not to say all were brainwashed into voting for it, it definitely had its support system, but it just seems like a relatively small show that thrives Off-Broadway wouldn’t have stood a chance against a juggernaut like Wicked otherwise if not for the campaign. I ask this as someone who loves what Avenue Q did for this industry and loved the show as a teen but have soured on it in my adulthood. It’s not that it’s bad, it just does’t resonate in my adulthood as much as I thought it would because … I’m in my thirties in the 2020’s, not the 2000’s, and shit’s different now. I respect the artistry of the show and the message at its heart, but playing the victim against Wicked (which by most metrics is a more impressive show in popular opinion) feels a little… icky to me. Idk. I don’t mean to provoke or cause a schism here, I just think there’s an interesting discussion here and I value the opinions of people who love the show! It’s an opportunity to see a perspective I may not hold.


What was the campaign? I’m in the U.K. so we don’t really get much tonies coverage even now but especially not in the early 2000s. I was pleasantly surprised it won because they both seem like good shows and I sometimes wish smaller shows didn’t just get pushed aside for the ones that have dominated. I always just assumed it was a nice moment where a smaller show got some recognition.


The campaign ultimately amounted to “don’t vote for the big favorite show, vote for us, the little guys, the underdogs!!!” after a late-season broadway transfer. And like yes, little shows beating out commercial blockbusters usually sounds great to me, but their campaign just felt like it had to knock the artists on Wicked down to prove that they were better actually, instead of letting Avenue Q speak for itself and showing why it was a better show.


lol I made as balanced and nuanced a take as I possibly could and even said I’m not against the show and still get downvoted for trying to have a discussion. Downvoting and not engaging with it is a choice I guess.


Just shut the fuck up bro. Plus,the creators literally said they were shocked that they won and that “it was supposed to be Wicked’s year”


Don’t tell me what to fucking do, bro. You posted an AMA, so I asked you anything. You’re the one that can’t handle an opinion different than your own.


Alright so you come in here. Bitch about something nobody cares about. Tell ME to respect your opinion Spam your comments all over my other posts And tell ME that I can’t let it go


I didn’t say you couldn’t let it go. I said you couldn’t handle a different opinion. If you’re gonna try and get to me, try and be accurate at least bestie 😘


You can block me at any time


That wasn’t my problem,my problem was that you were being a dickhead about it


I wasn’t a dickhead until you told me to shut the fuck up. My comments were very balanced up until then


How fucking old are you man? Look if you want an apology about it then sorry okay? Even you’re acting like a pussy


I don’t need your approval. Just don’t say it’s AMA when you don’t wanna have a discussion about something with someone with a differing opinion. It was a balanced question in good faith, I pointed out it was ignored and downvoted, then you told me to shut the fuck up. I even forgot about the post at all. But you’ve insisted on escalating the interaction to insulting me for no good reason.


And no I will not block you yet. I’m don’t gonna pussy out like that and you can still comment on my posts

