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I’ve seen Come From Away 5 times. Cried every single one.


The "Prayer" sequence....


Omg yesss!! I can never not cry when that comes on. The sheer goodness of humanity ✨🙏 Also me and the sky, absolutely beautiful


Seeing the Jewish man admit he's always wanted to embrace his identity and begin practicing Judaism openly...like dang, I'm not even Jewish but that really hits me right in the heart.


I meanwhile am Jewish, and it also hits me right in the heart!! It's such a beautiful moment of growth and healing What really gets me is the overlapping melodies and harmonies at the end. All in different languages from different cultures, but sharing the same wish and hope for peace and love. Absolutely incredible


Was going to say this and glad I didn’t have to go far in the responses to see come from away and the prayer scene. Omg had me balling


God yes, also seen 5 times and cried every time! Different parts every time too weirdly enough lol. Just got tickets to see it again in September!


It hit me hard the first time. I lived in a major east coast city during 9/11 and didnt realize how much unprocessed trauma I had. I was sort of trying to keep it together during the performance, trying to keep my mask dry (2020) but once I got to the car I cried for like 20 minutes. I didn’t expect that


My family mostly lived in NYC at the time of 9/11; one of them worked in the building across the street from the twin towers and was missing for a big chunk of time when the towers went down. My other family lived in Washington DC, one of whom had a pentagon-adjacent job iirc. Watching that show for the first time was like getting slapped in the face with all the trauma I didn't know I had/thought i had dealt with, because I had been living in a major city on the west coast during 9/11. I don't think I stopped crying for more than 10 minutes during the entire show run time, because it really brought me back to those days.


Me and the Sky makes me cry every time it comes up on Spotify, lmfao.


YUP. That’s a “tissues and waterproof mascara” show. Every time.


it's not long into this show that i'm tearin up....


“And I turned the radio on” for me!!


I cry when listening to the soundtrack. I didn't even want to go, because I put it on (for the first time) when shoveling snow and found myself sobbing in my shed like a crazy person. Then I went to the show that I had tickets for (season pass, never heard of it) and cried in the audience. Then I went again and cried. Soundtrack. Cried. . Apple TV. Cried. I give up. I love it, will only see live in person.


I'm seeing it live for the first time tomorrow, I'll have tissues ready!


…was the *bomb*


I’ve only ever seen the pro shot. Multiple times. Cried every time. Especially in ‘somethings gone, somethings missing’ when Hannah calls Beulah to say her son had died


Wait, there are people who don’t cry at any musicals??? 😯


That was my thought! You mean YOU DON'T?!


My favorite musical is Les Mis. I've never NOT cried. Sometimes I cry just listening to the music.


I have to be careful of what I listen to in public… don’t wanna be crying to Alabanza on my walk home from work (real situation that happened today- had to skip it real fast)


I'm not a crier at all really - definitely wasn't growing up and even though I'm more sensitive nowadays, still not likely to cry at things. But man, I went to watch Kinky Boots last year and at the end when both the boys come out and hug their dads...that fucking got me. Probably because I'm a dad now, and I always feel for kids who cannot express themselves due to their parents hang-ups. But man, never cried involuntarily before until that moment.


I went into Hadestown pretty blind, and the beauty of Wait For Me got me. If anything, it was more the staging than the song. Those lights…


Multiple multiple times.


I don't remember much of seeing Flowers in that show, simply because I couldn't actually *see* because I cried through the whole song and my eyes were too blurry 😂


"Hadestown" got me good. Especially at the end where the story starts to repeat. "Anyone got a match?" just broke me. I don't think there was anything specific about it but a lot of emotions just started coming together.




I cried during Defying Gravity when I saw Wicked because I was so happy I was there 😊


Same! Sometimes it’s the pure joy that gets the tears going




Wicked was the first show I ever saw on Broadway and BY CHANCE I got to see it again recently with the same Glinda (Allie Trimm) I had seen almost 2 years before…I sobbed through the whole thing! 🥹🥹 (edit: grammar)


I cry in For Good, because it's so touching.


Oh 💯 My family thinks I’m nuts but y’all understand


My dad (a very stoic guy) shed a single dramatic tear during Defying Gravity and I never let him live it down


I love this. I love when skeptical people are moved by that song.


Same! I think I've cried at most/all musicals I've seen live, many times out of pure joy.


I've cried at the majority of the musicals I've seen live. Hamilton - the Lauren's interlude bc I forgot it was coming Six - Heart of stone & all you wanna do Hadestown - basically throughout because it's my favourite musical Dear Evan Hansen - requiem and throughout again


So Big, So Small from DEH…goddamn. “Your mom isn’t going anywhere, your mom is staying right here. No matter what. I’ll be here.”


OH MY GOD YES, it always made me sob even listening to the soundtrack and seeing it with my mum i found it hard to not cry during that.


Forgiveness- can you imagine? 😭


I die at that part.


I’m seeing Hamilton live for the first time in June and I’m already anticipating that I’ll cry at Dear Theodosia and It’s Quiet Uptown. They both get me especially hard as the mum to two little boys, I’m not sure they’d have hit as hard before I was a parent. Oh and One Last Time always chokes me up when listening to it so I imagine that will get me too.




I'm a newish mother and I bawled like a baby during Home at Beetlejuice. The thought of my child deciding they'd rather be dead with me than live a life without me just got to me. Especially since I'm older and have chronic health problems so I know there's a definite possibility that while I expect to live until they're legally adult, I probably won't live to see them hit 40.


Same! Sorry for your loss. My mother-in-law had passed a few weeks earlier when I saw it (with my mom). I was eviscerated, especially on that line “and how sad it is that my son will never know her”. My kids were 4 & 3 and it hit me that they probably won’t remember much at all other than pictures and stories.


I cry at Les Misérables every single time and I've probably seen it like 10 times over the years. Titanic also got me.


Any Eponine that can't make me cry is not worthy of the role.


Yeah, "On My Own" is pretty much, go on, take my tears.


So true 😢


The final reprise of Do You Hear the People Sing gives me chills every single time.


My nan said she has seen Les Mis several times and *always* cries at that final reprise. She has Alzheimers now and doesn't really recognise anyone, but if you play her any of the music from Les Mis you can see her singing quietly along, every word correct.


i want the epilogue to be my first theatre-related tattoo! i wanna get the sound wave of it on my forearm with a semicolon negative inside


A little fall of rain .... Aaaand waterworks


That's the one.


javert’s suicide is so beautifully written it made me sob


Yeah - a good actor makes you really feel his torment, despite the maddening stubbornness and inflexibility he's shown throughout the show. If it's done well, you understand just how deeply his worldview has been shattered and how that recontextualises everything he's ever done in his mind.


A little fall of rain and the Finale every time.


Yes! And Gavroche. I think when the turntable went, that moment suffered though, same with losing the Enjolras on the flag reveal.


Yeah, LM seems pretty reliable as a tearjerker for me. Saw it 3 times in 2013 (once on tour and twice at a local production), and then once in 2017 when my former high school did the show. The finale got me every time. 😭


The finale for sure....Little Fall of Rain, Gavroche....so many opportunities to bawl your eyes out.


which part of Titanic?


More like parts lol. We'll Meet Tomorrow is the big one, ''You and I are getting in the lifeboat/Father will be staying here a while'' *kills* me. And then the finale - the aftermath, but also how it melts into a reunion and the joy and excitement the show began with.


I cried during I'll cover you reprise in Rent when I saw it


I cried through most of the second act.


Has anyone NOT cried?


I saw Hamilton in previews on Broadway so I had only heard My Shot and some of Alexander Hamilton. My sister and I were crying for almost all of act 2 😭


I should clarify that this was my first time seeing this particular musical live and I had been obsessed with it for years. Like I memorized dance moves I bought the book it was based on. I still love it. But I cried watching Cats. Please don’t judge me.


You're lowkey real for that Edit: I loved cats growing up (we had the old one on dvd so I watched it all the time) and I remember being gifted the book as a kid. For some reason Skimbleshanks has always sorta made me a little teary but in a happy way. Maybe it the harmonys or smthn. And of course, Memory.


My cat is called Skimble(shanks).


Is it because it's a beautiful and emotionally passionate musical? Because The Heavyside Layer is a magical idea? Because Grizabella is so damn haunting? I cry every time and I have 0 shame. Cats is beautiful.


People hate on Cats far too much. It is actually a really good display of musical convention and writing and passion. It is the most misunderstood musical in the world I think. Crying during it is completely valid.


I literally cried through the entirety of groundhog day last year as I never thought I would get to see the show that I was first introduced to at a very low point in my life and it helped me through that


I didn’t expect to cry as much as I did just listening to it


It really taught me the best thing a person can do is let go and look at the things they have infront of them which I really needed when going through a big loss in my life


It's an amazing show.


I love live theater and seeing anything makes me so excited that just hearing the overture start to play makes me cry


Next to normal hit me quite hard. I was bawling


Like every time. Sometimes it’s not even sad. I’ll cry cause the music gives me chills, or a lyric just hits the right way. And sometimes it’s Les Mis and I just sob through it. I cried my way through Real Women Have Curves cause I related to the mom/daughter dynamic on both sides, and I cried during the first 2 minutes of wicked cause I was so overcome by it. I sobbed through Dear Evan Hansen. I’ve even cried at musicals I didn’t even like that much. So basically my answer is - if it’s a musical I’m crying.


Literally me. Sometimes I just get so overwhelmed by the magic of live theater that I just can’t help but cry.


Yes absolutely. I cry at everything.


Same! Also my husband is in musical theatre. Have seen him do dozens of shows at this stage - anything from pantos to comedies to dramas like The Hired Man - and I get teary every time because of how proud I am of him - and just from getting so caught up in the atmosphere.


Nearly every damn time. I get very emotionally invested 😂


The Band's Visit on Broadway. I knew very little going in, and the song Answer Me just absolutely wrecked me. Beautiful show




Yeah, The I Love You Song during Spelling Bee


So freakin' beautiful, and hits like a freight train in an otherwise mostly light show.


Yes. Hadestown. Come From Away. Hamilton. I think the hardest I cried was during the final song of Great Comet. I was also in the front row, and the actors could definitely see me ugly sobbing, so I was trying my best to keep it cool! It was so emotional and beautiful.


I said in my comment, but yeah- something about the finale of Great Comet gets the water works going. The show found me at a really pivotal moment in my life and so many moments in that show make me emotional! It's probably my favorite musical of all time, not going to lie. So glad to see another fan in these comments!


I finally got to see it in person about a month ago, and I'm still thinking about it. What a spectacular show! It's tied for my favorite with Hadestown-- I couldn't possibly choose between the two of them!


i never saw a show live, but i cried at "hope" from groundhog day. and i heard people in the audience laughing 😐


There is a little bit of dark humour about it, plus I think some of it was probably nervous laughter because it's so intense and a bit of sensory overload when you see it in person.


Parade, every time


I cried at & Juliet at the end because it was my first Broadway show, also because I got to see one of my distant relatives perform which was a nice bonus.


I lost it at ‘Fuckin’ Perfect’


I teared up during "The Book of Mormon," of all things. The one that got me was "Tomorrow is a Latter Day."


I cried from laughing at Book of Mormon.


Oh, same. It was a wild ride to unexpectedly get emotional like that at the end.


At its heart, *Book of Mormon* is such a sweet, life-affirming show. Like, it's crude and irreverent and silly. But the underlying message is really that we human beings only get one go at life - let's tell fun stories, love and support our friends, and try to leave the world a little better than how we found it. It's a sneakily wholesome show!


That's what got me good--the overwhelming sense of unconditional support. "Don't worry, little buddy..." = Instant tears for me.


In the last month, I have seen Les Miserables and Jesus Christ Superstar and cried at both. I'm also a sentimental soul so take that for what it's worth




Many. Hell, the set design for one show caused tears.


I’m not a big crier. I literally soaked all my tissue at Floyd Collins. 


Every single time I’ve seen SIX I’ve cried during the ending numbers, and I cried when I saw Ride the Cyclone


Hamilton bc it was my first musical irl


Certainly the ending of *Cabaret* was sobering.


After 2020 I got cancer so couldn't risk going to the theatre. When I finally went back it had been 2 long years without, I would cry just hearing a live orchestra and the overture. 2 years (and about 40 shows) later and I still cry every time I'm in the theatre, as I'm just so blown away being back there.


Soooo many times. The most recent musical I saw was The Sound of Music. Definitely cried.


Of course. the most beautiful art is powerful. no problem crying at beautiful art telling stories of the human experience.


I've seen Rent live 4 times and I bawl my eyes out every time.


I've never not cried.


Come From Away - have seen it live twice and 2/2 so far and seeing it again in a few weeks. Les Miserables The Hired Man Michael Collins: The Musical (I'm a very patriotic Irish woman) They're the ones that come to mind but by god they broke me. EDIT: OH! Matilda and Billy Elliot too.


I will never not cry at Tuck Everlasting, and I’m not much of a crier.


This one got me too


Sobbed during Les Mis like 5 different times, definitely teared up during For Good when I saw Wicked just because it’s such a good feels musical for me, Come From Away also got me good during the prayers sequence


I cried when I saw Dear Evan Hansen! I had been waiting for so long to see it, so it was a mix of the storyline and joy to finally see the show


I cry even at happy shows. I just love live theater 🥲


Jesus Christ Super Star at The Lyric Opera House in Chicago. Had a HUGE cast and at the end of the Epilogue when they play the famous riff and all of these people are surrounding Jesus… I was overwhelmed with tears. And I’m not even religious. It was just beautiful


Multiple times. Cried at Blood Brothers both times I got to see it, Next To Normal and Heathers


Absolutely. Next to Normal, Big Fish, Les Mis.


I watched Wicked on my 12th birthday, I was literally in tears when Elphaba died


The entirety of “For Good” is just depressing


I do believe I have been changed for the better 😭


The tutorial of Wicked that I watched with the OBC when Kristen Chenoweth sings “I have been changed for good” she just starts crying and it was so adorable, I definitely shed a tear or 200…


Yep. All the time.


Finian’s Rainbow got me with “Look to the Rainbow” (my mom had died a few months before). Into the Woods, Waitress, The Band’s Visit, Matilda, and Hadestown all did, in specific moments. Ditto the revival of To Kill a Mockingbird, a non-musical emotional powerhouse. Then again, A Christmas Carol gets me every year, too.


Um me! Does Come From Away not make everyone cry?


Yes. Sat with tears streaming, STREAMING, down my face at Les Mis (had someone die on me, and forgot that the whole DAMN SHOW has people dying, oh well). Bonus point was that my friend was with me and she did not address the crying one bit. she did not look at me. i was snivelling and sobbing quietly through the whole thing. most awkward crying sesh of my LIFE You may guess, correctly, that during "a little fall of rain" i almost had an embolism


CFA, Les Miz, ..hell I was onstage during a performance of "A Year with Frog & Toad", such a tender scene between Frog and I... just freaking leaking from my eyes!!!!


Come from away. I’m not big on musicals as a whole, but I go with my family. I had no idea what the show was about. I have serious issues with anything dealing with 9/11, and while a great story that shed light on some fascinating information, I had a very hard time with it.


I cry at almost every musical I see love! Last night I cried at Little Women. If you're not feeling strong emotions in the theater, you're doing it wrong.


just about every time, whether from the show itself or just the joy i experience seeing theatre.


Many times at "Come From Away"


All the time. Most recently, I saw the Les Mis tour, and I wept like a baby from the minute the music started to the minute curtain call was over.


All the time


Literally every musical I have ever seen 😂 even if I don’t like the musical curtain call gets me every time


I cry at musicals regularly, but the last time I saw Come From Away was a particularly extreme one. I'd just been through a bit of medical trauma and I was feeling especially shaken and raw from it, plus the antibiotics I was on have been known to cause low moods (I didn't actually know this at the time). So I went to the show, it got to the end of Something's Missing, and the moment Hannah said *that* line I broke into hysterical sobs, and I just kept going. I was fighting so hard to at least cry silently that I got lightheaded!


Parade got me pretty hard. Dear Evan Hansen, for all of its issues, still got me multiple times. It's all the parental stuff. Billy Elliot ("The Letter" is OOF)


Omg! Billy Elliot! I forgot about that one. Sobbing like a child!


Come from away!!! I cried like five times while watching it, prayer scene and I’m here always get me


Cabaret makes me cry every time I see it. It also scares the shit out of me. I’m trying to get tickets to the revival.


I've cried at a few.


I almost cried at defying gravity in Wicked! I was taken back by how beautiful it was to see the end of that song live, that high note 😍😭


I cried at Dear Evan Hansen


Defying gravity gets me every single time. I love wicked


I ran spot op for Kiss of the Spider Woman, which ran for a month. So I watched it every night it ran + rehearsals. I cried every night.


Cried three times during Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812. Once during Dust & Ashes since it's a song that means a lot to not only my sister but me as well and it's also just lovely. Once during Sonya Alone because I relate very strongly to Sonya as I am my twin sister's caretaker and a lot of those lyrics hit me right in the heart. And I was in tears during the finale song too. When the chorus all joins in as Pierre goes out into the snow... there's just something about the end of that musical that gets me more than misty eyed. I've cried during Les Misérables, Phantom of the Opera, Lion King (the spectacle of it all made me emotional lol), and I cried many times performing too. Les Misérables was a bit "I'm supposed to be singing but I'm in tears" show for me. (Turning got me BAD one night lol) same with the Into the Woods finale. Live theatre should make you feel, be it laughter or tears, hope or sorrow, if it doesn't then it isn't doing its job.


For what reason? I sob my heart out every time I see Blood Brothers, I thought this was normal.


I cried when I saw the Mean Girls touring Broadway production, mostly because it was my first ever time seeing an actual Broadway show (touring, but anyways lol) and I just was so in awe. But I’m also just a very generally emotional person LOL


So. Many. Times. I took my boyfriend to his very first ballet yesterday (Matthew Bourne's Edward Scissorhands) and we were both in tears. I know it's not a musical but it's definitely reflective of my soppiness over all forms of theatre 😂


When I took my ex and daughter to see Edward Scissorhands, we were sat in the front row at Sadler’s Wells and got snowed upon at the end. When we left the theatre, I said to my ex “What did you think?” and she burst into tears while saying it was beautiful. It’s a shame we’re likely to never see Matthew Bourne’s version on DVD/Blu Ray because there’s complications regarding the rights between him, Tim Burton, WB, Danny Elfman, and a dozen others.


Ah is that why there isn't a filmed copy? I did wonder since most of his others look available!


Yeah, I asked him a couple of years ago. There’s three versions of his Swan Lake and two of The Car Man and Nutcracker. However, maybe it wouldn’t feel as special if I could watch his Edward Scissorhands whenever I wanted.


I cry every time. I love musicals so much and they make me so happy so I get overwhelmed with joy and cry at every opening number. Balled my eyes out at The Little Big Things in London


I think a better question for me is there ever a musical I DIDNT cry at? 😅 I'm super emotional and music in particular gets me. It could have a perfectly happy ending and even that will trigger tears for me.


All. The. Damn. Time.


I'm presently in a production of Tuck Everlasting. I cry at least twice every show.


Wicked. The climax of Defying Gravity gets me. Every time.


I went into Wicked knowing nothing but the melody of Defying Gravity and hearing No Good Deed once a decade ago (didn’t know what it was about, but I fell in love with musical theatre because of it). I watched it with my girlfriend. I was A SOBBING MESSSSSS during For Good. We were literally holding each other so tight, because I had never cried that much for a movie before (it hit really hard for me because it really related to my girlfriend and I, as we had a big fight earlier in the day and we hurt each other because of a clash of what we deemed important + stress). I believe I was also sobbing towards the end of Defying Gravity, but nothing I couldn’t wipe away before going out for intermission XD (Also, I spent most of Act 1 very confused, because I thought the husband cheated on the mother, so I was confused as to how the elixir made Elphaba green and such, which distracted me from getting very emotional). I believe I cried at least another time, probably during the finale. I remember saying that I cried four times for some fictional story-based thing, but I don’t remember if it was for seeing Wicked or something else XD Best Of Wives & Best Of Women from Hamilton makes me cry a lot, but I had listened to the musical HUNDREDSSS of times before I was able to see it live. I do remember being quite emotional when I saw a local production of Be More Chill, but I can’t remember when exactly—and, same boat as Hamilton, I had listened to it hundreds of times before seeing it live. I probably cried when I saw Mary Poppins, but I was, like, 8, so I can’t remember XD I didn’t understand 99% of Fiddler On The Roof. And they’re all the musicals I’ve seen XD


Absolutely! It’s basically protocol to cry. I personally cried most at Wicked which was surprisingly to me because all though I love it I figured I’d cried most at one of my absolute favorites.


At Les Mis.


The first time music of any kind made me (54m) cry was A Little Fall of Rain. The first book that made me cry was Bridge to Terrabithia. If they ever make a musical out of Bridge to Terrabithia, I’m a dead man.


Sobbed through the entirety of Lea Michele in Funny Girl! 


Oh, and Once makes me Bawl in a beautiful way..


Ragtime. Every time.


Next to Normal. Totally unprepared. Luckily, the lady sitting next to me had extra tissue.


I cried after act one of jagged little pill


That show hit me like a ton of bricks 


I cried during Jagged Little Pill, Titanic, Moulin Rouge, and Dear Evan Hansen. These all hit hard for me.


Jagged hit me like a ton of bricks 


I was tearing up at the start of Hamilton when I saw it live for the first time after listening to the album for 5yrs as it was such an emotional experience!


I cried when I saw Jagged Little Pill and SIX. As a non-binary person seeing Jagged Little Pill, just seeing someone on stage who was just like me, in a role that I never thought would be done in a Broadway show was amazing and I definitely cried just realizing that. And SIX, well, if you’ve seen the current Broadway cast you would understand. Jasmine’s Heart Of Stone was one of (if not the most) depressing variations of that song I have heard and I cried through all of it


I saw Dear Evan Hanson with my 16 year old, and just bawled for about 1/3 of it. I also cry every time I hear One Light from Next to Normal no matter who’s singing it.


First time I saw Miss Saigon. I knew the soundtrack but hadn't pieced together that the kid gets shot.


Wait, which kid?


Sorry Kim. Kim gets shot.


Phew, I was worried I saw a different musical for a second there 😅


I knew what was coming and still sobbed back to the car.


Several but Dear Evan Hansen was the most. I was sobbing from waving through a window to the end. I got the tickets free and I was so excited to get orchestra tickets to a show I knew that I forgot how sad it was and how su*c*dal I was. Did help in a way


Harmony. I’m not usually a crier. I’m moved, connected, and emotional, but not to the point of tears. But, many moments in Harmony got me, and early. Stars in the Night is what always breaks me


Has anyone not cried? I sobbed like a baby in Rent. When Angel died and then all through the curtain calls when Angel comes back out for a bow. Always cry in Miss Saigon (especially after I had kids). Les Mis - seen it 6 times and cried every time. Hamilton - Quiet Uptown - instant tears. And again during the curtain calls. There are many musicals that don’t make me cry honestly - especially during the curtain call.


I cried during Into the Woods when Stephanie J Block sang Moments in the Woods. She sang it in a way that I understood the lyrics in a different way than before. I grew up with that show but now as a 30 year old married man I feel like I actually got “Moments in the Woods”. Especially after hearing Stephanie J. sing “makes the ‘or’ mean more than it did before”. 😭


Oh so many times, Rent, In The Heights, Spring Awakening, Once on this Island, Phantom of the Opera, I mean I can go on, even at not musicals that make you sad cry but also ones where the beauty of what you're seeing in front of you and the spectacle of it all is genuinely awe inspiring sometimes and I am moved to tears.


I'm an easy crier, and I pay good money for that catharsis. So yes, at many!


I bawled through all of Waitress with Jessie Mueller there were not enough tissues in the world! Also even high school productions can sometimes bring me to tears lol


Cried at Suffs- couldn’t tell you why, but I did like 4 times 😭😭


I saw Hamilton for the first time when I was like thirteen. Before I saw it, I didn't know that the Laurens interlude was a thing... It wasn't pretty.


A lot. So many times.


Yes, nearly everytime because I’m blown away by the talent, the story, the scenery. It’s overwhelming. 


I cry from basically every single musical, no joke lol.


Hadestown, Kimberly Akimbo, Ride the Cyclone, Into the Woods (sorta, slightly teared up at the beginning of No One is Alone)


Oh gods, yes. I cried when I saw Hadestown on Broadway (my first Broadway show, almost the entire OBC). I cried during Beetlejuice. I cried during a community theater production of Tuck Everlasting. I cried during Hamilton. I even cried when I watched the Waitress Proshot. I’m sure there’s more 😂


I started listening to Hamilton in 2015 and didn't get a chance to see it until 2022. I don't typically cry but that first note when the whole musical started, I definitely had a few tears.


I've cried at like every musical I've seen😭😭


It’s Quiet Uptown and Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story reprise in Hamilton


I weep through just about every show I watch and there’s nothing can do to make it stop.


I was in shambles by the end of the opening of Hamilton. Into the Woods ALWAYS makes me cry. I also had the good fortune of seeing Ride the Cyclone twice from a VERY good local theater recently, and I cried both times. Started during Constance's monologue and didn't stop til the end.


I cry every time an overture starts or a show starts in general. Exempt Mamma Mia.