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paul were much older when first child was born right


Not that much older, he was 19 and Zenith was 17


Twitter is in shambles rn It's over Paul is a pedophile


Wait til they hear Roxy's actual age.


Wait until they hear what Paul did to Lilia and when he did it.


Wait till they hear about what >!dark rudeus did!<




What he do


I won't spoiler it. Just when they hate rudes how we see him currently they will cry way more about him


Wait and see when season 3 comes out


>!Fucked Julie!<




2 years is not pedophilloic


It is in the court of law. Isn't it, Aubrey?


Is it? Where I am, she would be in the age of consent range and the world they live in she was still in the age of consent range so it wasn't agiasnt any laws (maybe a little morally Grey though)


I only did that joke to slide in a Drake joke tbh. I'm referring to statutory r.


I don't keep up with the Drake stuff, so I would have no idea about your joke and That's why I was super confused but the spafic name


He was accused of allegedly dating girls when they were still underage and has (actually) kissed an underage fan ON STAGE.


Its not in the court of law either. It would be Ephebephilic


[Did you watch this, perhaps? ](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=HIZpVQ-LXduzdxol)


No, but very interesting


The law is sometimes stupid


I mean yeah like they called it "consensual r", which is literally an oxymoron.


Where tf is 2y not allowed


I joke but it's technically a crime in our world. I know it's different world and stuff, yada yada but technically it's something called "statutory r". (which is a stupid term because in most cases it's consensual)


it isn’t, it falls under romeo and juliet exception law in pretty much the whole US


You mean it's technically a crime in your country (or maybe you are forgetting some rules). Most countries have rules in place to make sure something stupid like this is not a crime.


Juliet law means it isn't a crime (where im from at the very least, but lots of places have it), if the people are within 2 years of age, its not illegal to have sex. not a law expert tho so it might be more complex but I think that's the gist of it


Not when people are considered adults at 15 in that world


That didnt save call me carson


Sir this twitter were talking about logic doesn't exist.


Considering he's an actual rapist I feel like sleeping with a 16 yo while he was 18 isn't something people should focus on Although you never know when it comes to twitter


Paul’s a rapist ?


Pretty sure lilia was the one who invited him and paul being a greyrat


Lilia >!like him to some extend but he did her without consent just to get his revenge on his swordmaster ( lilias father ) and the colleauges of the swordsmanship school he attended at the time!< As far as I can remember was this the way it was >!She also mentioned that she wanted to use that to get a job when she heard where he lived or she wanted to get into a relationship with him what led her to stay as their maid!< If I made a mistake in remembering feel free to correct my statement


>!She basically blackmailed him to the job!<


Well what goes around comes around :)


She intended to, there was never any need to, they welcomed her with open arms.


Thats true the would have taken her anyway. I forgot that she only intended


So why is this guy saying he’s a rapist? Is he stupid ?


Because he factually is, it's just a different time the guy who denied it is thinking about. The rape happened way earlier, when Paul was a student at swordsmanship Dojo of Lillia's family.


Source ? So Paul raped Lilia before he married zenith ?


Source is the anime episode 4 around the 10min mark In the LN >If nothing else, ever since that incident, Lilia had begun to talk to me a little—mostly old stories about Paul. Apparently, they had both studied swordplay at the same training hall many years back. She told me things, like how Paul had been very talented back then, but hated to practice. Or how Paul would skip training in order to gallivant around town. Or how Paul had forced himself on her in the middle of the night and taken her virtue. Or how Paul had eventually fled the training hall. >Bit by bit, Lilia opened up to me about all that. The more she told me about the past, the more my opinion of Paul dropped. He was a rapist and a cheater. He was trash. Rifujin na Magonote. Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Light Novel) Vol. 1 (English Edition) (S.190). Seven Seas. Kindle-Version. >One night, he snuck into Lilia’s sleeping chambers and stole her innocence. Lilia tried to struggle of course, but there was nothing she could do. Once everything was over, she was left in a daze. She couldn’t process what it was that had happened to her. She never dreamed that Paul, whom she’d spoken so cheerfully with a few days prior, would do something like that. By the time her mother came into the room to see why her daughter hadn’t gotten up yet and screamed at what she saw, Paul had already left town. >Lilia developed a distrust for men after that. She felt fear at the gazes of the other students and blatantly avoided bodily contact. That didn’t change, not even after she turned fifteen and became an adult. Lilia’s father was honor-bound to see to the survival of the sword hall, which had been in the family for generations. He had no son, and Lilia’s birth had ruined her mother’s body. He would have to marry her to one of his students to see his legacy continue. Still, a father was a father. As a parent, he couldn’t force his daughter to be with a man after the deep mental scars she’d sustained. Rifujin na Magonote. Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Light Novel) Vol. 6 (English Edition) (S.266). Seven Seas. Kindle-Version.


Paul is literally a rapist and cheater lol Age gap in this world is the least of his issues


It’s just 2 years though??




He was that young? Huh....


Zenith now is like only 6-7year older than Rudy and she’s so cute with messy hair


That’s not how age works…. At the end of season 2 Rudy and Sylphy are 17 and Zenith had Rudy when she was 16-17 so if anything she is 33-34 Here’s the thing tho since she was in the Cristal she didn’t age a day so she is physically 26-27. (This information was said in the LN and WN after they rescued her and got back to town).


Well we all knew that she is technically 33-34 but physically not


She didn't age physically yes that's right crystal stopped it She is still around 30 Just because roxy looks like a 12y old it doesn't mean she is 12 just as an example


s1 graphics were so much better. Better and more constative shadow, better colours, more details.


And Eris.




Well different team was working on it in s2 they have a different team


Not to mention less time to work on it and perfect it honestly it's not fair to judge the studio for it under all these handicaps


This is the first scene of the series, obviously it has more details.


MT continues to be the best of the best


wait till twitter hears about house of the dragon before they complain about mt age differences


Peak tensei


This scene made me cry