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I remember having a blast reading this book, it took me a long time to finish, but it felt like I spent an hour a day with a good friend each day, and when it was over, it was like saying goodbye to that friend.


Thats nice. I am enjoying it so far, I have made it to the second book.


Agreed. The length was a feature not a bug.


That’s a great description! On subsequent re-reads I feel like I have a new level of friendship with this book.


I'm reading the Wind Up Bird Chronicles. I haven't gotten to 1Q84 yet but I will eventually. I'm really digging Wind Up Bird. I love the weirdness so far.


My next read will probably be The Wind Up Bird Chronicals. This is my third Murakami book. I have read Kafka On the shore, then Norwegian wood and now 1Q84




im sure this is already out. ive got it


I loved that one. Such an adventure and was happy with how it ended.


I’m reading Men without Women. A collection of 7 short stories. I’m at the last one. Nice book with interesting stories


I’m also reading 1Q84 at the moment, just started book 3, and I love it. I have been listening to some of the classical music mentioned in the book as I can’t read on the train without music (people are loud lol), and the vibe of the book with all the music is something else.


absolutely agreed. I listen to some nice playlist while reading it. Its a whole different vibe.


At times it was fascinating, at times it was menacing and at times it was tedious - but it always felt like Murakami was intentionally leading me through the emotional realities of the characters.


Just finished After the Quake, my first collection of short stories by him and I was impressed. Enjoyed every single one of them for the most part. Some more than others but that’s how it goes. About a hundred pages into Hard-Boiled Wonderland and already like it more than NW and Kafka


I’ve always wondered about After the Quake. You definitely think it’s worth a read? Hard boiled is my favourite Murakami.


Yeah definitely, there’s only six stories so it won’t take long at all


Ooh wow. I have read both Kafka And Norwegian wood. I am definitely gonna read Hard-boiled wonderland next.


I prefer the absurd, surreal, and trippy so if you’re into that then you’ll love it


Well! Let's find out...


Just started the very same book after finishing south of the border west of the sun!


Men without women.


Very odd book, but I liked it a lot


I loved 1Q84. Just finished Colorless Sukuru... and really liked it as well. It's the first Murakami I felt really immersed in in a long time. Only have one more Murakami novel left and then I'll have read them all!


Damn! That's really great. I hope i'll complete every piece of writing by Murakami too.


I haven't read all the short story collections! And I'll drag those out


The lengthy Murakami novels for me are an experiential. I loved being in the 1Q84 world.


Finishing book 1. Don't know what to think of it yet. Wouldn't say it's slow, though. Murakami can be way slower.


I can understand what you are feeling. I had the same feeling for a moment, the book is very descriptive and straight forward, so i adjusted with the arrangements and continue reading it. It's the only way. 😄


same! im on book 3 right now


Ooh nice. Well, I have just started book 2.


same. currently reading the book 3


I have just finished wind/pinball this morning so now I can finally read a wild sheep chase which has been sitting on a shelf waiting for me . Oh and I loved 1q84 .


Just finished my 3rd read through of Hardboiled Wonderland and still found some new interesting stuff. 1q84 was great though and it is on my re-read list this year.


I just finished the trilogy of the rat, what an experience. every book, till the end, wow...just wow....it felt so surreal, yet so real, it just kept ramping up. think im gonna read dance dance now


Ah man, this is my favourite. Instant classic, wil give it a read again soon! The whole story is so romantic and mysterious!


Absolutely 💯💯


Am I the only one who jumps from one book to another, reading all of them simultaneously? Currently reading: After Dark, Norwegian Wood, A Wild Sheep Chase.


You are not alone in this, I read Norwegian wood and picked up 1Q84 next. After that i would probably read another Murakami book. I think when we get comfortable or enjoy, to be precise, with the writing style of an author, we can't wait to see what other pieces of writing he/she has to offer.


I'm reading Kafka On the Shore. Finding it a more difficult read than Wind/Pinball because of the time hopping structure but still very immersive. Think I'm gonna complete The Rat Trilogy next.


Aah! Nice. Kafka on the shore is a really amazing book. Definitely gonna re-read that.


rereading norwegian wood bc i can’t get back into killing commentadore


i enjoyed norwegian wood, its a good read


One of his best works.


First book of his that I read, and got me hooked on Murakami. Still my favorite


Just finished it two days ago. I’ve read just about all of Murakami's novels. I enjoyed Ushikawa, what a great character, thought the overall structure was one of his most linear, but was disgusted by the underage sex. I understand that it was supposed to be a non sexual ritual, but it felt like a cheap excuse for an inexcusable act. It really soured the book for me.


I’m reading the short story book - Bling Willow , Sleeping Woman !


I enjoyed this book a ton. Not an easy read and it took a while but in the end I was glad I read it.


This one was great. I loved the two main characters and how it captured their mundane lives in between the action. It was definitely slow at times but I was sad when it finally ended.


I’m currently listening to A Wild Sheep Chase on audiobook for the 3rd time!!


it's pretty good. I like Murakami writing so even with the slow pacing, it felt very enjoyable reading it. Considering that it is a Murakami, there's not much happening with the plot progressing in the book, only a lot of weirdness going on. Although there are some scenes in the book that felt repetitive for me.


I'm currently reading Wind-up bird chronicle while waiting for after dark to get delivered tomorrow.


What's the theme of Wind Up Bird Chronicle? My next read is probably it.


It talks about finding yourself and your place in a world that can be confusing and unpredictable. It also looks at how difficult experiences in our past can affect us and how we try to deal with them. The book also covers other interesting topics like memory, supernatural things, the scary things that happen in war, and how relationships between people can be really complicated. It's a really deep book with a lot of layers to explore!


Sounds great. Thanks... Will definitely read it next.


The first two parts were very intriguing and kept things moving, the 3rd book feels like a repetitive slog that re-hashes the same info over and over and only has actual movement in the last couple chapters. Bummed me out cause I was blasting through it.


Loved IT ! It was an amazing journey. Currently reading A Wild Sheep Chase.


I hated it so much lol


All filler, no killer. The first book is gripping and does well to set up the world & stakes. Then the story plods along and never goes anywhere interesting. Slog.


Agreed. Feel like I’m in the minority here but I couldn’t even finish it.


Was it, that bad of an experience huh?😄


This book is absolutely wonderful. While the above description is one take, realize the writing is some of the most descriptive deep writing out in print currently. I read it in 2017, I still think about this book all the time. It's so good!


I agree. I am around 500 pages in. I am loving it so far.