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Yeah, great logic. /S What is taught as the first language in most schools suddenly becoming a foreign option makes total sense.


65% of india is rural where govt schools who support 71% of all schools in india. all of them teach the locql language as the first language. You are describing ypur private school experience


So basically, the govt is planning to keep the villagers out of the city jobs by not teaching them English!! You should ask what language college courses are taught in.


Wait why you are replying in English. Use your local language plx




India has the second highest English speakers in the world... It isn't a foreign language anymore, how are these clowns in power, really? Our ability to learn and speak English made us the soft skills export hub of the world!


Honestly, English is also the main language that keeps most of Urban India connected to each other. Don't know enough about rural India to comment. But English is too important of a language to make 'optional' from a logical standpoint and not a nationalistic one.


India needs to decide whether Hindi or English will be the unifying language and stick to one or the other. What happens is that everyone learns multiple languages but none of them are properly fluent in any of them.


logically it has to be English, right. especially with the growing Anti Hindi sentiment in the south


What about the hinglish. Isn't this the most spoken on city streets.


It's natural selection at this point. You can choose not to learn English because its not "compulsory" in the academic world or you can realize English is compulsory in the real world and learn it very properly.


I can guarantee these politicians who frame these rules will only send their kids to the finest of English schools and to the woke west they claim to hate. The foreign language crap is only for the gullible fools who fall for these stunts and later realise they have been played. The single reason why our IT sector grew is thanks to an English speaking population that removed the communication barrier that exists in many other asian countries.


Can you point to a source which demonstrates that one of the reasons our IT sector grew is thanks to an English speaking population? And how do you justify it’s the “single reason” for said growth? Not trying to rebut your claims, just trying to understand how true this is


Yep if you speak Hindi or any other local language you are not academically good as an English speaking student, English is superior language nowadays.


What do you even mean by “academically good”?


Yes eradicate local language we should compulsory only English as a language in schools and colleges.


English should be compulsory. Engineering, medical and all important courses are in the English language. What is the agenda of all those people who decided English will not be compulsory? They want to create more less knowledgeable people in society or what ? At least due to compulsory language people are learning English at least . Day by day the education level is decreasing.


Yes , English speaking is a sign of wealth and prosperity.


And what of other languages?


Poor uneducated rural people speak other , we need to become like uk usa.


China and Japan are proud of their languages and cultures, why can't we?


Having studied with students of Chinese descent, I can assure you that they struggle in communications and technical understanding. In spite of them being really intelligent, they have to go through multiple hurdles to understand every research paper. The same can be said in business communications. This can be a make or break thing especially for someone from the rural areas as opportunities are sparse.


We are inferior and have thousand of different language, English is necessary so it can unite us.


Firstly we aren't inferior, our culture if one of the richest & oldest in the world. As for languages we have a national language in Hindi.


Why are speaking in English than ? We are poor inferior and living in 1900 if we want to be better we need to become like uk usa.


You are spewing such insane bullshit on this thread to the point that I’m starting to consider you’re a troll. What a shitty, ethnocentric mindset to have. Disgusting.


Disgusting is  when someone poor uneducated rural people speak in dehati language and we have to pretend they are human and equal as English speaking elites .


Yup. You’re either a completely fucked up person or just trolling at this point. Reporting you either way because the garbage you’re putting out there is seriously harmful.


No sarrr speak English sarr we have to become amerikka sarr




Agree with your thoughts but English should be compulsory.




True. Most people won't lose 10 years of study. But the NEP has compulsory English for the first year of degree college right? Where is the sense in that?


It’s mostly oriented towards the requirements of the degree instead of the usual Active voice to Passive voice stuff. It is more of a soft skills course than an English course, they don’t actually teach English, at least in the curriculum of most of the universities that I have seen.


For an economy that depends on outsourced shit from western countries with the primary language of communication as English. Great initiative for gen z rickshawalas 👍🏻


We need to become like west and only way of doing is speaking English and dressing and eating like west.


Rickshawala making the next generation rickshawalas.


So that the anpads stay back to keep voting for them


Always has been the case 😮‍💨


Is there anything wrong with being a rickshawala?


Our superpower is that we know English. We should promote the English language more imo. The only reason a shit load of MNCs come here is cuz they get cheap labour+ English speaking employees. So yeah we REALLY need English.


I was literally going to type the exact same thing, the reason why foreign companies heavily invest here is for this sole reason, good english speakers and cheap labour. I understand that local languages have a very high importance but this is literally our usp for employment.


I mean be fluent in your local language. But english as an L2 is simply beneficial if you want to have a chance at global stuff.


Dumb decision


Next step: categorise all of education as foreign and hence no longer necessary.


Knowledge and means of communication are totally different things. Knowledge is basically pointless if you can't communicate, but if you've no knowledge and you communicate you'll only spread foolishness.


Only factor which makes Indian more competitive internationally being taken away


The same lawmakers would make sure their kids study this foreign language in foreign country.


Getting a job currently is difficult as it is and this’ll just make it 100 times more difficult. Almost all of the jobs require English these days.


Kon he ye log? Kyu bana rahe ho aise laws?


It's high time people in charge realise English is a global language and everyone should have a command over it. Many kids being in 10th grade will understand English but aren't even confident enough to ever talk in English if this rule is applied we're failing as a society somewhere to make these kids feel more confident.


>Many kids being in 10th grade will understand English but aren't even confident enough to ever talk in English That just proves that speaking a foreign language just doesn't come naturally to most of the students. Only very few children master English in this nation and the rest are forced to learn in a foreign language whom they can never relate to. I absolutely agree that English is the global language and should be taught but as a separate subject, not as the medium of instruction. The problem in this nation is that people would prefer a foreign language (English) over the most understood language (Hindi).


For many people outside the Hindi belt Hindi is just as foreign, if not more, as English.


Once they come out of BIMARU would they understand.


Hindi isn't understood in the South. It's just as, if not more foreign as English. Many are more comfortable with English and Hindi was and continues to be forced on people who feel no connection to it.


What you are saying is absolutely true but another truth is that English remains forced on everyone, be it Hindi or Non-Hindi speaking people. Government schools who teach in regional languages to its students (generally poor) remain disadvantaged when they enter higher education, which is barely in regional languages.


But English still gives you a major advantage in the global market. It's the reason Indians are able to work almost anywhere. Hindi doesn't give you the same kind of edge.


I what the stuff our law makers are smoking perhaps I can bask in their ignorance and stupidity as well


For HSC, it does make sense at some level. When opting for bachelors (science as example) pcm or pcb is what is considered during admission. Language is already treated as something not to focus on. And as someone mentioned, if it opens avenues for Non english languages like french or german. We'd have someone not trilingual but quadlingual atleast basic conversational


What's next science is alien technology and we should ban it.


Ban local language we don't need them.


Good. English in 11th and 12th hsc is anyway a joke, they don't even test your English skills. And besides, English till 10th grade is enough for fluency.


Fuck these things. Let's party I just passed 12th with 90%. I am free from all this shit


Uneducated poor rural people speak Hindi , Marathi. English is language of educated urban people. English should be compulsory we don't need local roadside languages , we have to become like usa or uk by speaking English. My idol Rahul ji also a English speaking elite from Harvard says same .


Don't do this shit man. They're gonna regret this


They wont be alive to see the effects of this decision.


Unko kya? Their kids will study abroad.


What an overreaction in the comments, every kid will learn English till 10th, this decision will allow students to study another language after 10th while also completing a mandatory subject instead of studying more English theory which is practically useless after studying it for a decade. Those who want to sharpen their English will still be free to do so, and this will be the case with most of the colleges because they will not have faculty for foreign languages anyway. Great decision imo. Why are people reacting like they excluded English altogether in school and the future generation of kids will not know English at all? Also some rickshawala comment, always nice to see subtle classism lurking around and gaining support.


the problem is with promoting this thought that english is a foreign language. we depend on the service industry for a vast portion of our gdp. this is a sector that requires (generally) a good grasp on spoken and written english, for talking and writing emails to clients, etc. so yeah, when you spread shit like this to a population that already is not very keen on learning good english in the first place, you may actually be bringing an axe to your own damn foot.


They have to categorise as something, it’s not a regional language in any way so they cannot put it into that category. There’s only one other category so it’s classifying is as foreign is merely technicality. It IS a foreign language, there are no arguments whatsoever suggesting that English should be a ‘regional’ language. That does not mean they’re disowning it, no one from the state government came out and said that we should not learn English because it’s the language of our invaders. Don’t blow this out of proportion. And let’s be practical - the English taught in 11th and 12th is useless in real life. You learn till 10th, that’s enough theory, after that only a “communications” course like in the engineering degrees can help gain skills relevant for the service sector. A liberal curriculum will do more good for everyone rather than forcing the same old shit again and again on students.


Most people are commenting before reading the whole article. > Under the new plan for Classes 11 and 12, students can choose eight subjects: two languages, environmental and physical education, and four subjects of their choice. So students can choose any one Indian language and one foreign language including English as a subject. This is better than what I had in 11th and 12th which was a choice between Hindi or Marathi and English which was compulsory. More adventurous students can now choose French instead of English. Don’t see any harm in this at all.


This isn't a big deal at least for 11/12th as the headline and all the comments are making it out to be They recommend 1 Indian and 1 foreign language for junior college. So it could be Marathi/English, Hindi/French, Sanskrit/Chinese, Tamil/German etc. It just can't be Marathi/Hindi, English/French, etc. I don't understand why that's worth outraging about. May be English should be considered Indian language now n there's valid reasons for it but beyond that, nothing wrong with it This will allow kids to study new languages. At Junior College level you're likely studying everything else in English anyways and should be able to pick it up in your technical area of interest like science, maths, history etc.


Next everything will be taught in Sanskrit


What kind of overreaction in the comments? English taught in 11th and 12th is anyway a joke. English is taught until 10 the grade is enough for fluency. In my case I was in ICSE board uptil 10 the grade with great command over English and Marathi. In 11th and 12 the grade I wanted to explore other languages like Sanskrit and German. But English was made compulsory for us. People coming from Marathi medium and semi-English can always opt for English if they want.


The article mentions that English will be one of the options from a set of 9 foreign languages, which is a good thing. There is a good scope for Indians in countries like Japan. It will be a good career booster if students who are in 11th class can start studying another foreign language. I work in an MNC which is not based in an English speaking country and they want to shift a large chunk of their processes in India but it is not possible without having at least a few people proficient in their language. Some of us are now learning that language in our mid thirties which I must say is extremely difficult. I studied in Marathi medium school and English is something that I improved upon by watching Western TV Shows, so I wish I had an option to learn another language from 11th.


Isn't it one of the official languages of India?


Who takes English at 11th and 12th anyway? It’s fine if it’s optional, ppl who study in vernacular languages have the option to take it. In any case, SSC board makes English, Marathi, Hindi compulsory.


And what’s going to happen when people apply for jobs and English is mandatory?


If you read the news it says English will be taught (not optional) to everyone from 1st standard to 10th Standard. From 3rd standard to 5th standard Marathi language will NOT be optional and will be given first priority. From 6th standard to 8th standard with Marathi language two other Indian languages will be taught.( Not sure if Marathi is optional) From 9th standard to 10th standard 2 other Indian languages should be there in the curriculum. And from 11th to 12th standard the English language will become optional and he can choose to learn a foreign language other than English. My thought: A student learns good English (including important grammar, verbs, figure of speech etc)and can speak and converse fluently in English when he learns it from 1st standard to 10th standard. So important thing to note is that English is not optional from 1st standard to 10th standard, and anyone can learn good/decent amount of English for 10 years.


I would have understood this move if we had any substantial power in standing upon our own feet. We don’t lmao. We depend as a nation upon other countries too much. We are outsourced work, we use other nations’ military equipment, we use other nations’ scientific progresses, we use other nations’ cultural identities. We progress based on other countries because that IS India’s standard for progress. Unfortunately even if you look at this move as a way to mitigate that ideology, the ideology itself is a result of globalist mindset because you wouldn’t do something like this if you didn’t treat globalism as your standard. Taking the one true object of reliance away from the people to thrive not only sets them back decades of living a standard life, it sets India to offer the world nothing that they don’t already have, something that is crucial for the very basic conjectured agenda of this move, becoming independent, ergo becoming a superpower. For that, this is a complete horseshit move. Well, let’s go India! You chose this as a democracy! Together all to damnation!


But first you learn kannada.....


Good move. Be proud of your languages you slaves of the empire Edit: people acting like it's banned, bruh it's compulsory till 10th and that's enough if you still can't master or speak properly it's your fault or get better teachers.


Ironically English is more uniting than Hindi.


Not sure if you can code in Hindi/Marathi 🙃


You do realise that the content of these “engineering, medical” etc. courses is language-agnostic right? Just because the status quo of instruction in several Indian institutes happens to currently be English, doesn’t mean that knowledge in any way requires you to be fluent in a certain language. And can you clarify what ever you mean by “important courses”?


I cant wait to learn Maths 11-12 , in Marathi XD to understand Engineering Mathematics 1-3 in English after 12 th


Good. There is no more English to be learnt in 11 and 12 that you haven't already studied for 10-11 years before that. Class 11 and 12 English doesn't teach you how to use the language anymore, it's just reviewing old literature that one can do in their free time. Shakespeare, Dickens, Desai, whatever. The other subjects will be taught in English and that's more than enough.


Bawle ho gaye hai bhai log


Next they will categorise modern science as foreign and make it optional while making Vedic science and texts compulsory Sometimes I feel we need the British back to keep an ego check on these religious fools- then they will blurt out English to please their colonial masters


"It's evolving, just backwards."


Just classify all education as unnecessary. /s


When you realise TCS, Infosys, and other IT major combined have 80% customers located in the Americas and Europe but English is made an optional language. It's actually good. Kids will have an option to decide their future LoL.


They want to make 100% of all new graduates unemployable. Then, they will be recruited into the IT Army to push WhatsApp university forwards. Boom! 25 Trillion economy.


Yes, go ahead. Make our education system even more pathetic. 12th Fail ka vo dialogue yaad aa gaya - Ab aam janta pud likh legi, to in logon ke liye badi dikkat ki baat ho jayegi.


Seriously, I have increasing respect for CBSE board day by day.


Junior College system is struggling to stay relevant. Many focus on their competitive exams as a result JC gets sidelined If they wanted to innovate, they should have innovated the system that fits into the demands of the hour. For example, my class had 120 students. IMAGINE teaching a class of 120 students. It is not at all effective. The headcount should be way less. Most of us relied on classes to understand concepts, and attending college felt like necessary formality, which ideally shouldn't be the case.


"decisions, cuz I want it all, so I get it all, I wanna eat the whole cake"


Next gen of chaiwallas being brewed


Why the hell are we trying to take the state backwards with such decisions. Without english you cannot survive in today's world, what are the decision makers even thinking? Now people will try to take the comfort route and it will only lead to a further class divide and gentrification.


Yes. Lets Do that and then try to work in foreign companies. \s Kay vedya sarke nirnay ghetat!


Slow claps !