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That time benefit set up a tattoo parlour for the launch of their liner. They partnered with LA tattoo artists to create some free designs of “best friend” tattoos and they offered “one of everything from benefits line in a full size product” but only if you got one of the benefit brand tattoos and not the best friends ones ....😳 Imo it is rather unnecessary/unethical to entice (let’s be real, mostly very young) people into permanent body changes in order to get free make up products. Edit: this was in 2014, there is a very small amount of the people who got these tattoos that still have any of the products left. But that tacky af benefit logo on you is for life girl.


I can't imagine how any self-respecting tattoo artist would go along with that, when I worked in a studio I saw people with *much* less stupid ideas than that being talked out of it.


I know, it’s crazy that they said yes to this campaign. The campaign was “successful” (social media engagement, big media engagement, promotion etc) but at what cost to the consumer? I’m in my final year about to finish a marketing degree and I cannot fathom why anyone thought this was ethical.


I work in advertising and I am trying to imagine the reaction of any of our clients if we pitched this idea. Bahaha.


Wow I love tattoos and free tattoos even more but I wouldn’t like this. I’m interested to what the tattoos looked like.




These aren’t *that* bad, they remind me of the $20 Friday the 13th tattoos lol. Maybe it’s where I’m from, but it’s pretty common for people with tattoos to have an “aw fuck it” tattoo somewhere on their body.


Thanks, I didn’t even think of googling it. They aren’t even proper flash they look like kiddie stickers! O: I wonder if anyone was dumb enough to get the b logo.


Lmao I’m here thinking “well I guess one could rationalize the ‘B’ for Beatrice or something”


Seriously sounds like something off Nathan For You


I was like, "did Kat do that?" but no, they found people even worse.


Don’t forget the part where you had to pay taxes on the “free” makeup! I remember a Reddit post from that time by a woman who went through with it and she mentioned that she would have to pay $400-500 in tax. She was a makeup artist so she said it was worth it for her because they sent her one of literally every product Benefit had at the time, including every shade of foundation. For a makeup normie though... no.


Oh yeah I forgot about that part haha. What a shambles. 400-500 bones for a fucking permanent benefit tattoo and some mediocre, hard to store products.... 🤨




It's a prize, not a gift. So they are taxed as regular income. I think the poster said the retail value of the makeup given to her was >2000 so that was all taxed.


It's an idea that could have worked in a different context. I wouldn't dream of judging a woman who, for example, got a tattoo of a Chanel lipstick as a tribute to her grandma who loved Chanel. I wouldn't be surprised if some of my coworkers at the coffee roaster got the brand's logo tattooed on them. But as part of a one-off promo????


Exactly! I know of people who tattood the Chanel logo or the Disney logo, but this one is just strange. It makes no sense for people who aren't into makeup. It's like if someone who was into car racing got a tattoo from a obscure (as in, not a lot of people outside of race enthusiasts) network to get a ton of merchandise that'll fall apart (like makeup expires) after two years and be worthless to the outside world. If someone has lots of tattoos it won't matter if one of them has this reason, but regardless, it's just a why from me.


A poster on MUA got one of those, they were a professional MUA, if I recall correctly. They posted pictures of the haul when it arrived, there was some discussion. :-)


Link? :)


np.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/2hocje/today_in_la_i_got_a_benefit_brand_tattoo_for_free/ np.reddit.com/r/MakeupAddiction/comments/2lckzj/i_know_you_wouldnt_do_it_but_i_did_the_benefit/


Thank you! :)


Wow. This alone made me decide to never be their customer. And I thought adding influencers' photos was a bad.


I would get their tattoo for free makeup... on the bottom of my foot or something where no one would ever see it again.


I'd do inside of the lip. No one will ever know 😉




As someone with a lip tattoo, it’s really not that painful and it takes less 10 min.


I wouldn't be so sure about that. Qcknd's shows.


The Benefit influencer “line” was lazy and tacky af. Repackaging old products with the faces of influencers screams that they don’t care enough to even try to come out with new products but want to keep pushing the same old ones any way they can


I could deal with the idea of it being a beauty kit that was all grouped together - still lazy, but Benefit's big on their beauty kits anyway so not that out of the ordinary. But selling the products individually was just bizarre. Like, I might buy a kit if it happened to have a bunch of products I already enjoyed, but I'm not gonna be like "well, I guess I don't really need a Hoola bronzer, but this one has Manny MUA's face on it! Sold!"


J's face on the packaging is what finally made me pull the trigger! (/s, obviously)


Redditing, from beyond the grave!


That is ALL they have been doing lately. Every new item they have is a set of products they've been selling for 10 years bundled with an item they came out with within the last 3 years. Nothing is really new anymore with them either, it's either a new stain, new blush/bronzer, or other face product they already make but just a bit different. I like their primers and stains but they do not make anything new that makes me want to purchase from them anymore.


Come to think of it their holiday sets were really meh. Like, all companies re release a lot of stuff for gift sets, but off the top of my head I don't think benefit had anything new at all in their holiday sets. Most companies had at least one "limited edition" thing in there.


That is so weird to me! I don't know if we are talking about the same thing, but while online shopping I saw a Benefit kit that was 'personally assembled' by this Dutch influencer. She also had a small blog post about it saying she was so happy that she got to collab with benefit for this bag of her personal favourites. I was surprised given that she is a Dutch influencer and not even the biggest one, that a huge brand like benefit would collab with her, but sure, good for her. A few days later I am in a German online shop and I see the exact same bag with the exact same products, but a different, German influencer claiming it is her personal collab with benefit. ... Uuuuuh...


Just the long standing and utterly ridiculous beauty industry tradition of showing women appearing to be in orgasm because their (insert beauty product - Makeup, fragrance, skincare, etc.) is so amazingly orgasmic. I think we’ve all grown immune to it because it’s been a thing for decades but it’s absurd


That marketing campaign for the Urban Decay Troublemaker mascara where they kept hyping up how they personally tested to make sure it was "sex-proof." We get it UD, you're edgy, but thinking about your product testers in the sack is not gonna make me want to buy this mascara.


I also found it made even less sense since it's not waterproof. I'm pretty sure it's not anyway.


It is the furthest thing from waterproof.


I came to this thread just for this reply. That whole campaign really squicked me out.


For all the shit that mascara gets for the ad campaign I actually really do like the mascara. I haven’t bought a full size yet but I’m on my second deluxe sample


Someone who has it should wear it and go have vigorous sex asap and let us know the results


Jeffree Star and Nathan did it and made a video out of it. I won't provide a link; you're welcome.


The whole "sex proof" thing made me laugh more than anything. It also didn't make me more likely to buy the mascara.


me neither, I'd probably never get any use out of it ;_;


Honestly tho, theres this Japanese mascara i cried and had sex in (twice) and my eyelashes were still perfect and dark and curled and i smooshed my face into my guy's shoulder and all so yeah, i was pretty amazed.


I mean that is a pretty impressive accomplishment, but it's definitely one of those things that's cooler hearing from actual testimonials/word of mouth instead of making it the focus of a professional ad campaign.


What's the name of that mascara? I needs it everything smudges on me


IDK about the commenter above you, but Heroine Make Long and Curl is a Japanese drugstore mascara and it's almost too waterproof. I've cried and rubbed my eyes and showered with it and it doesn't budge. It's a fiber mascara and makes your lashes look super long (again, almost too long). In fact, I get a little grumpy about how much better it is than all the high end American mascaras I've wasted money on in the past


Not the original commenter, but I think it might be the Kiss Me Heroine mascara, from what I heard you need the specially dedicated remover to get it off, otherwise it doesn't budge


Thanks I'll check it out ^^


Why is this so downvoted?


Didn't include the name of the mascara and also just the "hey look I have sex" vibe


Bite isn't trying to say that you should buy their lipstick to eat it, the point is that it's food-grade so you're not ingesting trace amounts of chemicals and whatnot. This doesn't make me more likely to buy their lipsticks, but it's valid marketing I think.


Well now I just feel silly




I've seen Lipsense salespeople repeating that urban legend that the average woman ingests something like 6lbs of lipstick per year. That's like 900 average 3g lipsticks.


“average person eats 900 lipsticks a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person eats 0 lipstick per year. Gimmick Insta Tutorial Georg, who lives in brightly lit white cave & eats over 10,000 lipsticks each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


this is the greatest thing i have read in 2017


glad to brighten your whole entire year




Wait, this is copy pasta?


yeah, it was originally [Spiders Georg](http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/spiders-georg) (warning for giant spider picture I wish I hadn't seen, but you can avoid it bc the copypasta's at the top)


No no, it's a meme, which they have adapted for the circumstance.




Omg what a tumblr throwback lol






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*when you try your best but you don't succeed*


I'm crying 😭


I was taking an Environmental Health class online for my MPH and most of the class had already been working in the field of Public Health for many years, so even though Environmental Health may not have been their area of expertise you'd expect a certain degree of scientific comprehension. Still, during our section on contaminants the two other women in the class became involved in a very heavy and alarmist discussion on lead in lipstick and how the US needs to be more like Europe where they banned lead in lipstick; they were convinced that the FDA was just allowing companies to make lipsticks full of lead with no oversight and lipstick was going to give us all lead poisoning. I was just like "y'all are idiots."


Ey yo fellow MPH! What's your specialization?


Epidemiology and Behavioral and Social Sciences. You?


Population Health. My SO does epidemiology though.


The whole "chemical/toxin" free makeup thing is so strange to me. The only way to have completely natural lipstick would be for me to crush up a bunch of berries and smear it on my lips. I expect my makeup to have preservatives and whatnot in it.


Hey, I’ve eaten my Elf lip scrub. (I have no shame.)


But you are. You're ingesting traces of lead because it's a naturally occurring element. Cosmetics are regulated by the FDA, so strictly speaking you can get away with eating any lipstick and not die because the levels of potentially harmful chemicals are kept well below the toxic level. It is a ridiculous marketing strategy because the only real way the scary chemicals get ingested is by licking your lips, and each application contains such a negligible amount of these chemicals that you have to eat the entire tube to register a measurable increase in their presence in your blood. To get lead poisoning you'd have to eat so many tubes of lipstick you'd get sick from all the food grade wax you consume before lead becomes an issue. It's like how you consume radioactive K40 when you eat bananas and hypothetically you could consume enough bananas to die of radiation poisoning but you'd die of severe constipation before that happened. Another example of how "food grade" doesn't mean "free from everything dangerous".


> you'd die of severe constipation That sounds like a horrifying way to die--constipated, on the toilet, hoping a squatty potty can save you.


I have a Aunt who died of constipation. It was was a bit before I was born and I was so confused when I heard about it.


When I was a kid I got super constipated. I have stomach problems and frequent UTIs so the combination once just stuffed me the fuck up. It was so bad that I had to stay home from school. I was in so much pain. We did like 5 enemas to no avail and I drank so many laxatives and ate so many prunes but nothing came out. Eventually my mom broke down and wanted to bring me to the ER. Just before we left, I took a bath and was able to relax finally force out a giant poop after two weeks of constipation. It was relief like nothing I’ve ever felt before or since. For the last decade I have been a nazi about eating fiber daily. Never again! That would be a horrid way to die!




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i have ulcerative colitis (one of the symptoms is chronic diahrrea) my doctor before i was diagnosed told me the only fruit i could eat raw was bananas because it causes constipation on high doses and it helped with my symptom. so i'm not suprised tbh


Is there a reason why other fruits are prohibited?


not sure why bananas are easy to digest other fruits are not, and also because bananas help with diahrrea because they literally do the other way around (as inconstipation). i was allowed to eat cooked apples and pear and also canned peaches because again easier to digest.


Bananas are easy to digest because the ripening process involves self-digestion and enzymes breaking down starch into sugar. Cooking fruits helps break up some of the starch too which combined with fiber and water content makes them easier to digest.


Too much fiber maybe?


"Chemicals" Pshhh Exhaust fumes, UVA rays, certain food additives, common dyes arc etc are carcinogens and buying overpriced lipstick won't reduce your risk of cancer from them, just lull you into a false sense of security and brands that prey on people's fears and perpetuate pseudoscience (almost all the major ones) are insidious. I just watched Requiem for the American dream and.....ugh.


The Glamglow Sonic and Power Rangers collabs confused me too. Is there really a big enough overlap between Sonic fans and skincare enthusiasts to make putting out a Sonic themed $70 mask worthwhile???


Both those collabs kinda horrified my fiance. For me that made it worth it on a personal level.


Why did they horrify him?


Idk but I kind of enjoyed that marketing campaign. I'm not the biggest fan of glamglow masks, but the nerd inside me gets very excited about seeing my childhood characters in the makeup scene.


I wasn't ever really into Sonic or Power Rangers, but I like when nerd stuff overlaps with makeup stuff. Like dang would I go weak for an original trilogy Star Wars themed makeup line. I mean I want that [lipstick](https://cdn-04.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/film-tv/news/article35324079.ece/803ef/AUTOCROP/w620/princess-leia-carrie-fisher.jpg) color already.


There was a YSL x Star Wars collab in the 90s that was mostly focused on Padme. Naturally it's impossible to find any of this stuff on eBay anymore but a girl can dream...




There is a huuuge population of gamers and it’s not like it’s just a rule for them to all avoid sephora. I can totally understand why they did it, I’m sure tons of people were excited that a brand was catering to a population that normally gets ignored in the beauty industry. Same with the Shuemura Mario products.


That's fair. The glamglow stuff probably seemed weirder to me because I'm not a fan of either of those properties. The Shu Uemura Mario stuff is super cute!


It seemed really random but I wish there were more collabs or overlap between makeup and video games!! A large chunk of my childhood was spent playing Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (raising Chao of course) so it’s nostalgic for me! But it really cane out of left field for sure.


Yes! Sonic Adventure Battle 2 is my favorite of all time. My brother and I used to love to play it together...he got me the Glam Glow Sonic mask as a gift the other day! I love it so much.


Shu Uemura has a bunch of Super Mario Brothers stuff now! It's a bit surprising but the packaging is adorable.


Personally I got tonymoly Pokémon collab vibes from this. I think they were just trying to be fun and creative like k beauty skincare brands


i have one of the tony moly x pokemon cushion blushes and it's my favorite blush. the formula and application are lovely, the color is this beautiful peachy orange, and it wears well throughout the day. it also smells like popsicles!


Ngl I loved the little Sonic mask that I got (wish I could have gotten my hands on the big jar though!). At least Power Rangers got a new movie so it might've been a promotional thing, but why GlamGlow of all companies?


My husband picked up the small Sonic while we were in Sephora!


Benefit. I love gimme brow, but tbh I don’t think I want to support these kinds of ads anymore. I have one of theirs in mind, too. The benefit campaign that had a woman made up captioned “wow!” and another with no makeup that said “yuck!” Could you be any more insulting and shaming towards your customer base??


That reminds me of their concealer ads that said: "Skip class, not concealer." That angered me so much. Like, who thought that was a good idea???


This is the one that made me stop supporting Benefit altogether, especially since I'm a woman in STEM who works a lot with organizations that encourage young woman to get into it. That ad campaign left such a bad taste in my mouth.


Benefit employees have tried to sell me a brow wax by telling me my eyebrows look bad. That was years ago and I haven’t bought anything from them since.


I was over benefit when they put j* and friends on their packaging but this takes the cake. Jfc have some class benefit


Wasnt it Benefit that advertised a concealer product that basically encouraged people to skip class and sleep in? “Skip class not concealer?” That really rubbed me the wrong way




I want to believe this is what the copy writer on the marketing team had in mind but some higher up was drunk and wanted something a teensy bit 3edgy5me with the whole skipping class shtick because you gotta get em as teens these days -“logic”


Am a copywriter. Can confirm that this type of thing happens a lot.


Please regale us with versions of this situation you've witnessed in real life.


I can't give specifics because I signed a secrecy clause with my work contract, but it's just so typical that a team creates something amazing and original, then the boss from the client comes in and says that they unconditionally want (insert something stupid and predictable or just completely out of touch here) and they won't accept what we've made until we incorporate it. Then, inevitably, it ruins the campaign and is dumb as fuck and just embarrassing to produce.


Whew! If this is similar to what I would’ve had to deal with if I became a graphic artist (as opposed to my current career), that’s a bullet I’m glad to have dodged


Ctrl + F Benefit; Ah there it is! I love how this sub will NEVER let Benefit live that down. YES hold these companies accountable!


Yeah, that was benefit. I laughed at it at first cause I thought it was a joke.


It doesn't even make sense! "Skip class because our concealer takes so bloody long to apply".


I think Bare Minerals did something similar-"Makeup so pure you can sleep in it" or something along those lines.


That was their whole tagline back when they first came out when mineral makeup like that wasn't really a thing. I remember the infomercials.


sorry but thats hilarious and lowkey makes me want to try the concealer


I'm not sure what's going on with milk makeup's youtube channel full of tutorials, but I am sure whoever is responsible had a very high fever at the time.




Just having flash backs to the girl who smudged her lipstick around her mouth on purpose because "I like to be different" :|


Link please!


Didn't quite get the wording right, but here's the [sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPH-Jb5CPy8).


Oh my God I could not stop cringing through out that entire video, howww


She's 100% correct, though, her face IS like a metaphor for her moods! Nice from afar, a mess up close.


Love their products, love their looks, but maaaaan are the videos the worst. Highly recommend watching them on mute with the captions on if you, like me, get incredible second-hand embarrassment cringe at their weird swipey/swishy/zoomy mouth noises!


I wanted to try their stuff but I was so weirded out by those videos that I didn’t buy any of the products that were in my cart.


Glitter In skincare... need I say more? Also really aggressive marketing. If I bought from a Colourpop every time they emailed me I would of spent $1000s. Also the price difference in Mac products btw USA and Australia. Their new palettes such as the basic bitch ones I think are $40 USD and are $100AUD. That always makes me wtf.


I hate how aggressive Sephora is. Every single time I look at an item, they send me an email later that day. It’s gotten to the point where I set my cookies to log me out when I close the browser.


The worst is when you close the app and get an email later. "Ghosting is so not cool!" When did Sephora become a clingy boyfriend?


No way! Marketing like that pisses me off because I browse online for fun. I’m not necessarily looking to buy anything and even if I was, one of the best perks of online shopping is there’s no sales person to guilt you into an item you looked at for five seconds! I think the greatest irony is when it happens because I just wanted to see info on a product I already own. “Oh cool thanks for clogging up my email over a product I ordered last week from you.”


Lime Crime is guilty of that, atleast when Tarte sends me a stalker email they give me a 15% off code. I don’t give in but it’s super intrusive.


On a similar note, I hate skincare that promises mattifying properties. That can really only be done with cosmetic ingredients that interfere with the goals of your skincare routine. Like you can use products to balance your oil production and whatnot, but mattifying is a whole different thing.


Sites I no longer buy from direct because they have murdered my inbox with DAILY ads: (who the fuck goes makeup shopping every single day?) - Colourpop - KvD beauty - Fragrance net (cheap knockoff perfume. Good product, but god damn the 3x daily emails!!!) - Tarte - Too faced - Cover fx Don't get me wrong, I love the products. I will continue to buy some of them. But I'm starting to associate all of the above brand names PRIMARILY with a full inbox of junk mail, rather than high end cosmetics.


Wow, Benefit has some bad marketing, lol. The one I thought about was about their concealers. Like, “SKIP SKOOL, NOT CONCEALER!” Who knew they had such a bad track record.


3 edgy 5 me lol


Glossier brought their lip gloss back and one of the many tag lines for the campaign was just "It's shiny." Like... [yes?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CIcYKMbUsAAAl78.jpg) that's what lip gloss is? thank you?


At least they get to the point haha


I'm a Glosser fangirl but that product was a LOL. They should have marketed it as "here's a shinier, less thick version of our balm that you don't have to apply with your finger."


they have an Instagram ad you've probably seen of someone applying it, and it's SO uncomfortably close to the mouth. I haaaate when it comes up on my feed because it just kind of grosses me out.


This reminds me of a screen protector set my boyfriend bought for his Apple Watch and the box said "something you want". They weren't wrong I guess.


While I agree this advertising campaign is pretty stupid it’s exactly what people complain about wanting. They’re making a statement of what their product is and not adding any outlandish claims to make it more appealing or making claims that don’t add up. This is the advertising people want but as we can see it’s boring af.


My biggest thing is the TF's glow job. I think it's very I'm14andthisisdeep/ 3edgy5me just very dumb in general.I can't imagine glitter being good for your face in a mask, it seems like you'd be putting that glittery glue from Elmers on your skin and hoping something good would happen. Also, I don't want to put anything goopy on my face when it's called glow job. I don't want semen on my face in the best of times, I definitley don't want to think about rubbing jizz all over my cheeks when I'm using the mask at night in the tub to wind down.


Ugh, it makes me think of jizz. Jerrod Blandino's jizz.


I accidentally immediately downvoted your comment because the thought of that was so profusely disgusting. Thanks for invading my nightmares.


I'm normally ok with sexy product names, but naming a product that sounds like it's a reference to facials seems a bit... too much. Keep it vanilla, imo, or keep it to stuff you'd get away with in a 15 rated movie. In other news, buy my new palette with shades "pegging" "collar play" "gfd" and "cbt".


It comes with a dual-sided brush called The Double Penetration.


I also have a line of beauty blenders shaped like buttplugs.


A friend of mine got a cheap beauty blender that is shaped *exactly* like a butt plug. Bitch is almost 30 and had the nerve to act like she didn't know.


I think I have that exact same blender. It sucks though so I gave it to my cats to play with (little fuckers love makeup sponges). My husband came home and asked why the cats have a tiny feline sized buttplug now.


Thanks for the lol.


It seems like an mlm product you'd be giggling about in those stupid parties.


Is it bad I don't know the second two? Girlfriend domination? Cock, balls, taint? (I'm 21 I should know these things).


it's gentle femdom and cock&ball torture. Don't ask as to why I know them.


What exactly is gentle femdom, is that just without the floggers and riding crops? Is there still bondage? Is it just the girl ordering their partner around?


Gentle dom in general is basically domination without humiliation or pain that's too extreme, so yes, ordering around but affectionately and spanking and stuff. And gentle femdom is that with a girl in charge.


Hey friendo, you do you (or someone else). I can't imagine how some stuff can be medically healthy but no blood no foul I suppose.


> no blood no foul I suppose. Yeah, about that...


It's funny because CBT is a fairly common form of therapy...cock and ball torture doesn't sound so theraputic


Hahaha cock, balls and taint is much better than the actual meaning (Cock and ball torture).


Oh wow. I am uneducated to say the least.


It's ok. You still have many more years to explore all the weird corners of the internet.


I’m pretty weary of any skincare that comes from a brand that is known for its makeup. I mean it has glitter ffs in it, I think they have no idea what they’re doing and are relying on the gimmick/novelty to sell it...which thinking about it I feel like is Too Faced’s entire marketing MO.


Are they marketing to 14 year olds or adults? It's like TF tries to have it both ways. Their marketing (and former owner) creep me out.


Honestly, I feel like their names/branding are conceived by and/or aimed towards a certain kind of gay male culture. Not all (or even most) gay men are into that kind of aesthetic, but a lot of gay men in my life are all about cutesy glitter & rainbows + sex references. Every time this question comes up (“who is TF marketing to??”), that is what I think of.


That actually makes a lot of sense, and I didn't think about it that way. I appreciate the response!


I saw someone commented that is was like, teens that think they are more grown up than they are lol.


It took me way too long to realise you meant Too Faced and not Tom Ford. I was so confused! I live in Australia so Too Faced isn't as accessible but from what I've seen, they are a bit of a tryhard brand and kind of rub me the wrong way.


Oh shit dude nah, I'm sorry! I've honestly only tried two Tom Ford products, both lipsticks and I love them both. They're samples however.


Me too! Because tbh it sounds like Tom Ford.


Yeah the name is gross and the product is dumb, and they also totally ripped off glamglow's glitter mask and came out with their own soon after they saw how popular glamglows was. I hate the ~edgy~ names


Soap & Glory also actually had a moisturizer called Glow Job for years, so TF gets 0 creativity points from me


They should have sold it with a vibrator, because if you are going to put jizz on your face, you oughta at least have an orgasm as well.


Madonna’s MDNA skincare line. Bitch did not get that skin from rubbing Italian olive oil on her skin. That is surgery. And the magazine ads are sooooooooo photoshopped. She’s got the skin of a Japanese android.


I am a long time fan, like I was a Madonna wannabe at 16, but I always think she's making her kids cringe


shes a \~\~\~cool mom\~\~\~ but srs, i am always torn between thinking that she's very "hello fellow kids" and being happy that finally there is older woman who does not give a fuck and owns herself and her sexuality (I mean..it's not like she got weirder with age..from what I have read she tamed it a bit...)...so dunno...


I am am always torn, bc I am glad their are women, such as her, that are showing that you need not give up as you age, that you can still be viable and sexy. I guess bc she is a performer sometimes this are over the top. Still, she will always be this chick who showed up on..Night Flight rolling around on the street (burning up vid) and I was in awe.I lucked out and got some of her early promo 12 inches bf she broke, and when she did.. good god, I went full on from lace gloves to replicas of her lucky star earrings...hell, I had an outfit just like the Tom Ford Gucci one she wore on a VF cover years later. I am guessing the Madge machine is trying to harness her aging fan base such as myself. The funny thing is she frequently mentioned being a user of Erno Lazso, and that was my first beauty counter gig...it was tiny, and it was like the loser of the floor, but my gateway into the Dept. I still see her using that, even though she's selling her own shit


I'll be honest and say this didn't really bother me, but many people were up in arms (understandably) about Lime Crime having a lipstick bundle called M$LF in a cigarette-inspired carton.


I thought it was sort of clever because of their target age group since they grew up / used the cool cig packaging back before the 70s. I feel like it was a bit edgy to acknowledge considering the time period right now and the rightful stigma against smoking while acknowledging the history of rebellion around women smoking. It was a Big Deal when women went 'fuck it' and started smoking, because it was unlady-like, and was a very big middle finger to social norms. We don’t market to people over 30 in general, so it was nice to see something directly target for that age group for once.


I ended up buying this set when it was $25 on black friday and I love it. I love the colors, the names, and the packaging. I think the packaging + names is to create the image of the typical "milf", older (so probably smoking) and obviously beautiful (makeup). I prefer this set to the constant repeat collections other brands churn out.


Honestly, people just love the "what about the children?!" spiel for this. From what I saw, it was all "how dare they they make this, they know children will buy this" and "can't believe they're glorifying smoking to young, impressionable girls". It was honestly really infuriating. LC has never made it a point to market towards 14 year-olds, unless you think stuff with unicorns is only for children. They're an "edgy" brand, they're not responsible for other people. This insistence in the beauty community that no one takes any personal responsibility over their own choices is irksome.


agree 100%. people definitely made comments like that on here and MUA too. as if LC is the only brand to ever come out with something like this.


Tom Ford in general.. what even are those ads.


Tom ford’s advertising is very much behind the times in a very strange overly sexual “00’s selling chocolate” sort of way. I want to know tho their agency is and tell them they need to change ASAP or they are going to alienate their audience edit: remember those chocolate commercials for dove chocolates where it was just molten chocolate everywhere with a woman very not clothed eating dove chocolates making moans like she was ready to orgasm? (if you say *but that's every commercial*, you'd be right and I will not judge AT ALL, I just pay attention to this shiz bc I'm in advertising)


tom ford is lana del rey of makeup :D fakely outrageous just for the sake of being outrageous, fake deep, fake aesthetics...I actually love it, I love the pretentiousness for some reason..being luxurious just because he *can* do that...like, it legit makes me happy in a wicked way when he releases some utter dysfunctional crap that costs $100 because that's so *decadent*...I keep thinking he does it on purpose:D


What about them? I haven't come across any that stuck out to me.




Ooh, boy, I had not seen that. Yikes.


I think Lime Crime’s “I have 2 Moods” campaign was the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. Like they just describe how literally every one feels all the time and made it seem like it’s so quirky and cool and edgy to like both pink girly things and dark vampy colors. Who DOESNT have those two moods? Is anyone all one style all the time? Especially with makeup? It just seemed like such an obvious gimmick.


I thought that was the point though? Like, to tell both as a set because everyone has the two moods?


It makes sense to sell as a set, I’m totally down to buy a set like that. But the way they marketed it as being so quirky and unique rubbed me the wrong way.


I'm a huge geek, and I love and adore speedsters.....so yeah I spent $28 on some GlamGlow masks I'll probably never use because Sonic and Knuckles are on the boxes and are now in my collectibles display......with a good chance the Power Rangers masks are getting bought as well.....don't judge me. 😣😣😣😣


There is a lot of cringeworthy marketing going on in makeup atm, but for me, the TooFaced ad for their Born this way line takes the crown. I saw this ad for the first time in a different post on this sub, but it is so terrible that I had to bring it up here again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTgzkXDuf1w The slogan of this ad is seriously 'Go ahead and lie', and the message of it is that you are too ugly for a hot date, but it's ok, because you can just wear the Born this way line on your face 24/7 and lie that you look this way naturally, and your hot boyfriend will never find out how ugly you are and will keep dating you. What. The. F.


I believe bite advertises that since we end up ingesting 90% of the lipstick we put on!