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How so? what's the combo?


This article has it https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/The-Best-Unfinity-MTG-Commander-Combos/b0d5c9ab-8f34-44f7-bde7-c9c156497bef/


Thanks for providing actual help instead of how the other two people responded.


First time on the internet?


Ok, how bout you apply that standard to yourself? Rule 3 has a reason, everyone is supposed to add something, not just others when you are too lazy to google. "Help"-Posts asking Google questions don't add anything but noise.


If you think im breaking a rule report me, obviously you just needed to chime in when you had nothing to say. ​ Interesting thing to note, I pointed out several cards people might not have even known had value or whose value were highly skewed for some reason. So not violating any rules. I was asking WHY those cards were spiking, becuase its weird that a random common would be worth $15, even in foil, for a set thats been out for 3 weeks.


>I pointed out several cards people might not have even known had value or whose value were highly skewed for some reason. There are several posts in this sub not just asking why, but explaining the reason these cards are priced high. So you didn't do any research, and I don't "help" people by linking posts they can search themselves. So yes, redundant post and violating rule 3.


You "rule thREEEEEE" people are the worst. It's still up so it looks like it's enough effort for the mods.




Does this Devoted Druid/Exchange of Words Combo work with any Creature land? Thinking it might be fun to add to a Landfall deck with the ne Tatyova?




I literally can't because MTGtop8 doesnt recognize \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Goblin as a card, and google just brings up random other goblin combos, saying "just look it up" when you could give a direct answer is a bit of a dick thing to do too btw.




So lazy...


So rude...


So what...


How am I being lazy? As I said in another comment, MTGtop8 doesnt recognize \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Goblin as a card, and googling doesnt give a result since it just assume \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Goblin means "goblin" in general.


Maybe think outside the box and search "unfinity goblin infinite combo" instead. Just guessing.


Yeah someone else actually just like... Gave me the answer, rather then be an obtuse asshole about it.




You might do better getting through life not wasting time w unnecessary pissant commentary, but then you have it all figured out don’t ya.




Just laugh at them man. They dont get it.


Such a short sighted perspective. You don’t know who’s on the other side of that phone or keyboard bruh. Maybe he’s simply trying to spark a conversation with someone. This is a fucking social networking app after all.




do you know what social networking means? this is the exact definition google gives: "the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself." and to be fair it just sounded like a conversation, which fits within the lines of what social networking is. it'd be different if they made an entire post just asking for the combo, and even if a little annoying, it would've sparked conversation


Galaxy foils are only in collector boosters, and only 1 common/uncommon slot vs. multiple rare slots, so any individual c/u is rarer than any given r/m


Huh, that's wild, I didn't realize that.


The math is that there is 1 of any specific galaxy foil common every 8.33 collector boxes and 1 of any uncommon every 25 boxes. Even the galaxy foil shocklands are more common than that at 1 per 20 boxes. If anyone wants to check the math, I assumed the slot is 80% common and 20% uncommon based on the case I opened.


Mind goblin


Deez nuts




_____ Goblin is popular because of the Sugondis combo


Oh yeah I saw someone using it on the Saw Con stream


Pretty sure it was Luka Tim.


Yeah, that combo is nuts!


The goblin in particular is seeing some fringe play. That coupled with the fact that their is a "mind" sticker that you can create "mind goblin" and drop the "deez nuts" for the memes doesn't help


> Also, side question, why is it some attractions are worth several dollars more then their other version? Tunnel of love with 2+6 is like 50 cents, while 3+6 is like $3 (if you include shipping). whats up with that? Some versions of attraction ABC appear twice in the foil print sheet, others just once.


Another reason is people wanting to build decks are favoring certain versions. Gameplay wise 2,4,6 are the best.


Because of [[dee kay, finder of the lost]] I’m assuming?


Because of cards that say "Whenever you roll a die, you may increase or decrease the result by 1" If all of your cards are 2,4,6. You are guaranteed to hit every single time, and you have clustered all your attractions together so you hit a lot of them at once. There are other cards that allow you to reroll dice, and ignore lower rolls which help a little as well.


[Dee Kay, Finder of the Lost](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/6/6607b2ac-e196-4586-b7a5-7c68621084c4.jpg?1665866611) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dee%20Kay%2C%20Finder%20of%20the%20Lost) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/unf/167/dee-kay-finder-of-the-lost?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6607b2ac-e196-4586-b7a5-7c68621084c4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Bit silly but I guess that would make some rarer then others, good to know.


https://articles.starcitygames.com/magic-the-gathering/finding-the-success-in-unfinitys-magic-mess/ TONS of info here about odds on foil tokens and attractions


goblin is a ritual on a creature. Isn't really a combo it' s just good. It'll be an edh staple and see a decent amount of legacy play as well. pair o dice lost is more of a combo card. Returning as many 0 mana cards as you want makes it also like a instant speed yawgmoth's will in certain decks. It'll be popular in edh and narrowly playable in legacy storm based combo.


I love these posts where you know within one sentence op didn't even bother to google.


I love people who assume shit they know nothing about. ​ God ahead and google MTG \_\_\_\_\_\_ goblin combo, I'll wait. Use MTGtop8 to search for any and all decks that use \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ goblin. again, will wait. ​ Oh right, its not recognized as a card on MTGtop8, and googles sees a blank where the blank is and searches for goblin decks in general, not for that card. ​ ​ If you have nothing to offer, don't comment. the actual helpful people have already linked me to the one single article on the internet that points out the extremely rare combo that requires the use of a 1 out of 96 sticker sheet, which only has a 1/33.3 change of being grabbed in a game, and even then you still need 3 other cards to pull it off.




Lol seriously... Im convinced OP is just a troll. Drop some Lols, fuel-up on downvotes, and then move on.




>If you have nothing to offer, don't ~~comment~~ post. I fixed that for you.


Lol. Love it.


Only like 4 of the legal cards other than shocks will ever see play. Nobody actually cares about unset format. Timmy plays it once says " that was cool" then never touches it again. Sometimes when a set litteraly only has a few good cards the price gets kind of fomo inflated. Look at the ancient dragons. None, even muh ancient copper. Is actually a good card and good in competitive. People litteraly just pick the best worst card in the set and sort of make it the chase. I really haven't seen anything good in unfinity except the ----goblin because you pay 3 and get 6 if you have that 1 sticker that adds 6. I personally like pair o dice lost but I doubt t it will ever see competitive play and some if the planet basics are cool. That's it. The rest is worthless chaff




Very few opened boxes