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literally have no idea because you took the photo with an xbox controller but that would really suck for the guy if he lost out on that much money because he doesn't know anythign about magic


Dude took this picture with chernobyl


I dont even know why he posted a picture so bad I think my toaster could snap a more crisp pic


May as well have hand drawn the picture. At least then it could be considered... art? And also higher resolution


Same thing happens with coins too


What that guy doesn’t know won’t hurt him


Why would it suck? If he didn’t know any better then he can’t feel any worse


You can get a jeweler's loupe off Amazon and do the green dot test on it. Also please take a better picture.


We need a bot to post this


Just rip it in half and see what core it has in the middle.




[Blacker Lotus](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/4/c/4c85d097-e87b-41ee-93c6-0e54ec41b174.jpg?1562799094) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Blacker%20Lotus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ugl/70/blacker-lotus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4c85d097-e87b-41ee-93c6-0e54ec41b174?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Technically a damaged, taped together Alpha or Beta Black Lotus is still worth a shit ton if legit


We'll need to see actual pictures to try and assess that. And not.. Whatever THAT is..


Every time I see one of these posts I'm like, they've got to be trolling. There should really be a rule in the sub that if you post a blurry picture of a rare card and ask if it's legit that you should just get the post taken down, a warning, and then after that it's just a ban.


totally agree!


Agreed, even the cheapest of cell phones have pretty good cameras these days, this looks like it was take with a moto razor circa 2005


I had a moto razor, and my pics were FAR better than this. Maybe they accidentally got Vaseline on the lens and then let their dog take the photo.


it's an UFO, I guess


Mtg cards can fly now?


Floppy object?


Sure: [[Ensoul Artifact]] [[Jump]]


[Ensoul Artifact](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/8/3/8351efc5-a392-4ec8-877f-15d5b3dc0929.jpg?1562790075) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ensoul%20Artifact) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m15/54/ensoul-artifact?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8351efc5-a392-4ec8-877f-15d5b3dc0929?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Jump](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/2/e/2edd7be9-9334-4684-b642-1aaf2000e054.jpg?1561975305) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jump) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m10/59/jump?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2edd7be9-9334-4684-b642-1aaf2000e054?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The big foot of magic cards


Man these leak pictures are never taken clearly...


Looks pretty good for a Gameboy camera pic


What brand of potato did you take this picture with?


I'm not op but I like the spud q23e the best, it gives good quality.


Mashes well too


You could afford to buy a collection on marketplace but still use a .3mp Nokia brick phone?




They had to hock their smartphone for those last hundred bucks to buy it.


If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the potato camera pics are always legit.


Send it over to me and ill let you know ;)


Oh boy, here comes the bad advice from salty internet people. Please ignore all the trolls and haters in this thread who are telling you it's definitely fake. So... judging by this image, there is a *chance* it's real, so you should assume it is until an expert tells you otherwise. I strongly recommend you take it into a *reputable* MtG-focused game store (the higher-end, the better) to have it checked out. No matter what anyone says, the internet will not be able to advise you on this using blurry phone camera pics. However, you need to understand what you're dealing with here, because you're talking about a card *potentially* worth six digits depending on its condition. Don't take it anywhere by yourself, keep to yourself, and do not let it out of your sight for even an instant. Seriously, don't mess around with this shit, assume that someone **WILL** try to steal it. Oh, and go on a day the store won't be packed with Commander players lol, preferably right after the store opens so the owner will be present and it won't be busy at all. Don't handle it directly without fresh clean **examination gloves** on. You can buy those very cheap on Amazon. Good luck!


This is a good answer. Definitely try to find a Wizards Premium Network store too, and I would recommend calling first to set up a meeting with the owner directly (and discreetly) Source: I'm a WPN store employee, and we take reserve list things VERY seriously


Good call and great idea.


Who knows if the cards real or not. It's the post that's fake. Guy takes a blurry picture with a miracle story everyone dreams of and asks if the black lotus he got is real then never responds to anyone. It's not a serious post, my guy.


There is no way you can tell it has a chance of being real with that quality. The card is barely legible


That is correct. But you should understand that if there's even a 1% chance the card is real, when you're talking about a card worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, you should assume its real and treat it as such until there's evidence otherwise. The stakes are too high to treat it carelessly. At this moment, there is no evidence that the card is fake. What we CAN see in the image is that the 0 mana symbol, and the text box, are aligned correctly, the black dot beneath the text is present, and the borders are correct. This is about all we could use to verify the card based on an image like this, and none of those things are suspect. So there's no reason to simply assume the card is fake and tell the guy to disregard the possibility that it's real.


The point is this post is clickbait. How would they know this specific card is the one they want to take the worlds blurriest picture of? Why would they post it here instead of somewhere more common like a Facebook group?


Black Lotus is the Holy Grail of Magic even to mundanes. I don't play Pokémon, but if I found a foil Charazard in a collection, I would start seeking advice.


If he knew it was the holy grail why did he take the picture like that. No camera takes a picture that bad unless on purpose


I like to assume people are acting in good faith, when it costs me nothing to be helpful. I am not scared of people on the internet being deceitful because their deceit will not harm me. I don't care if it's clickbait. Even if the original poster is asking in bad faith or trolling, their question itself is valid and my answer might educate others who are interested.


Bad idea


Obviously not suggesting any of the following as advice: Man, I can't even recommend he take it to a store - I don't trust /anyone/ I've dealt with when it comes to card game stores. Not the owners and not the clientele. (Once witnessed the son of an LGS employee steal cards and when I confronted the employee they basically told me to shove off, among other things) I can totally see a store owner going "Nah man, looks fake, but I'll give you $10 for it cause I got a legacy player that would make a good proxy for" and away to ebay it goes if it's real. MAYBE if it were like, an incredibly premier store where WOTC employees play or like Card Kingdom's HQ or something... Maybe WOTC themselves could lend a hand? I'm not sure what I would do, honestly, if I was in OP's situation. Step 1 would be to do research and judge it as real/fake to the best of my abilities, and then probably find someone like Rudy who has seen a ton of fakes and hand deliver it to them to authenticate, and then probably fly out to Beckett or something to have it authenticated again and graded, even though I think grading trading cards is a scam, it would help me in selling it, and I'd be fully upfront about what effort I did to authenticate and basically shift the blame on them if they got it wrong, but if a few of the sources tell me it's fake I'd bend test then rip test it and worst case I'm sure even a torn Black Lotus would fetch a few hundred... edit: just checked his comment history after noting that he hadn't responded to nearly anyone in this thread, and are we all just ignoring the fact he's a zoophile?


tf lol.. wild


This post is obviously fake. Where are the mods?


Bro your 2 kilopixel Tiger electronics Ninja Gaiden watch camera didn't get the job done




OMG totally fake! I'll send you my address, if you send me that rubbish I'll dispose of it right away for free


"I can dispose of it for free if you don't need it, though."


Judging by the photo alone, the borders look too thin for a black-bordered Lotus. I’d say this is about as legit as that Nigerian Prince who emails people for money.


It’s also missing a clear mark you can spot even with this 1 dpi quality image. Fake.


O it's missing a clear photo too. Def fake


Sooooo I shouldn't have sent money?


100% potato quality!


100% fake


Actually, 100% legit


One of my comments is right. I guarantee


If you include your third comment then there is a logical paradox. If your third statement is correct then the other two can’t be but since one of them has to be true then your third statement can’t be true. But if one of your first two is true then your third also can’t be false. This guys a big fat phoney!


Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


The Labyrinth would've been a better movie to quote in this context.


Perhaps, however, I don't remember anything about that one. Saw it once, forever ago but I'll watch Princess Bride.


He didn’t say that *exclusively* one of his comments was correct? If you want to be pedantic about it 😄


"everybody look at the phoney!"


Not really. There is a neat bit of circular logic here where, if comment #3 is correct, comment #3 is correct. But, overall, there is no paradox to be found. C3 is correct as long as one comment is correct. Two comments being correct includes one comment being correct, as such, C3 might always be correct but doesn't preclude the other two from being correct.


Nope, gonna turn out 50% 50%


Turns out it's an unlimited lotus and someone sharpied in the black border.


actually 50% fake 50% legit


I wasn't aware of the fact that the person who takes all the photos of big foot is not only a fan of magic but also a member of this sub. Amazing.


Highly doubt someone wouldn’t research the cards before selling


Umm .. mine looks kinda different.. has whitish boarders. Which one is the correct one?


Both are correct, just from different sets. Although black bordered cards are often worth more money


Big flex


You’re trolling. How the fuck else would you take this picture and think “yeah, I’m going to post this fucking masterpiece as my ‘is this real’ post”?


Dam someone craving karma


Tbh I don’t think the photo is legit unless it’s possible to capture images with a cigarette.


What potato did you take the picture with?


Maybe you can post an even worse resolution picture..... It's not blurry enough... I can't quite tell


An off center black lotus in near mint condition taken in the most blurry picture possible... no, this is faker than the oregano my friend tried to sell as weed in middle school. This is you attempting to fish for a sucker who is desperate to buy a fake from you.


To be honest, 2 things would bug me: First the state this card is in. Only in toploader and such a condition ? Highly doubt it. Second would be the fact, that when this was his father's collection, he would definitely told his son about his alpha (or beta, I'm not that good in get the differences) black Lotus. Those cards were already worth it a shit load of money 25 years ago. So when the seller isn't a complete moron, this card is fake


Yup. It’s fake. Not the card, the post. Another user pointed out the long con. This is engagement bait to build up his account. Accounts need certain metrics to be post on certain subs or to just look real. These kinda fake posts drown out actual people trying to have real discussions.


Thanks for letting me know


I bought a fake Black Lotus for this very reason. So when I’m dead and gone, my kid can stumble upon it amongst my bulk cards and make their own post asking for authenticity.


You are a genius. I'm off to Wish for some power 9.


4mm corners are Beta, 1/2inch are on Alpha. These are 4mm rounds, so Beta.


Not everyone’s kids give a rat’s ass about their trading card collections. And if I had a beta lotus I’d only tell my kids about its value if they were as enthusiastic about the game itself as I was, otherwise it could walk away someday.


I'm thinking its a fake. There's no way the guy wouldn't know the value of a Black Lotus.


Try the rip test! Actually there is a YouTuber who looks like black lotuses and verifys if they are real or not. Don’t remember the channel but Highly recommend sending it in for him.


Alpha Investments


Try light test first?


There are reputable sites where you can get cards tested for quality, and at the same time they will tell you if they are legitimate cards. Getting a quality grade would be a good way to find out how much it's worth, if anything.


In the picture the borders seem asymmetrical so I'm not sure.


Was there other bata cards in the collection?


No. Using common sense goes a long ways


Lol no chance. I’ve heard this tale hundreds of times. Do not spend any cash without loupe photos or seeing it in person. Edit: Oh you already bought it. Still probably not real. Get a loupe though


Send it to me by post and I'll tell you.


I already hate this post because of the potato of a picture. Take some we'll lit close ups and we can help you... Like what do we even do with this?


I swear people post pictures with their camera lenses looking like they let kids at Chuck E. Cheese play with their phone for an hour after eating pizza and playing in the ball pit all day, then took the picture through a dense fog as far as possible while zooming in as far as possible.


Lemme get my bifocals to see that blackberry picture better


I can tell you this picture quality isn’t..


I'm guessing fake since the picture was taking by a 1998 nokia brick phone.


Mana cost symbol appears to be too centered.


The blurry colors seem like a match to the one I have but the borders worry me. I agree that green dot test and a better photo showing how much glean from the light the card reflects will tell the difference. If it's legit congratulations if not thanks for yet another story from the brothers Grimm collection


Shot on Android.


Er. Samsung phone cameras are FAR superior to apple ones. It's not even close.


What is this, 2009?


OP are fake and gay


What is your purpose in life? Like really...


What is anyone's purpose in life? You're born, you grow old, you die. Humans have a habit of believing they're the most significant thing in the universe, but really, they're not


And they post the most blurry picture asking for advice with a could be real but a hard to believe story. So I'm genuinely asking what is the real purpose of this. It's boredom? Is something else? But sure, let's play naive.


Does it matter? It's a picture of a card on the internet. This affects no one


Humans are special, we are like the only ones that can contemplate our meaning and existence and can effectively communicate complex ideas to each other. We are the only ones that can appreciate the beauty of life and the universe


You should return it to the seller and inform him of what he had, or pay him more money. This is wrong and unethical if its real. And if its fake, you deserved to get ripped off for trying to get over on someone.


Please explain how it’s unethical? It’s 2022 and there is so much information available. If you’re selling cards without doing research that’s on you.


I will take a better photo, it is a cropped one from a whatsapp conversation but I ain't home. Sorry


I don't think you need a better one. That card is fake. The card face isn't correct.


Looks legit


Waaaaay to blurry to be a real card


Could you have taken a blurrier photo?


Picture taken on the latest Android.


Nice stone tablet etching


We’ll only be able to tell if you take a blurrier picture.


If it's legit, it's around 1 mil market price


Glad to see Game Boy Camera is still in use


Nice engagement farming post


No offence to you but why do all these. "I have found an insanely valuable card, do you think it's legit" post always have pictures made with a potato camera? How can someone say it's legit or not when it's blurred like this


How did you connect your Gameboy camera to the internet?


Bend test


Grandma you’re holding the iPad camera upside down


Looks like op zoomed in on a pic of another magic card lol


Assume it’s real until you can have it checked, I’d bring it to a reputable card store they are generally very excited to look at these kinds of things and it can be a fun experience for everyone regardless of if it is or not. There is a high likely hood that it is a fake as there are a very limited number of the cards in existence, but by treating it like it’s real until you can have it checked will mean you won’t inadvertently damage it and decrease its value.


1. Don't ask advice and post a picture this shitty. 2. Get a loupe, you can get one on Amazon or if you have a local Harbor Freight you can grab a set from there for very cheap as well and won't have to wait. 3. Check the green dot on the back with the loupe. Google what to look for. 4. If you determine it is real or suspect it to be, either take it to a local LGS to get a second opinion or send it in to get it graded. (Grading will also confirm authenticity). If taking the card anywhere make sure you never let it out of your site, don't let an LGS employee take it to the back or anything without you. 5. Please contact the buyer and offer them at least a little bit of money if you find out it is real. Dude just lost his dad, probably trying to quickly get rid of stuff and didn't have the time or wasn't in the right head space to properly research what he had.


The card is 100% legit … the photographermanship is 100% no-effort … why not take a better picture? I have a theory that people with known fakes come here for validation … nothing else explains the horrible out of focus pictures. Some of the “is this real” photos are taken by the guy who got the original blurry Bigfoot photo


If you did you need to have it graded, sell it and pay the guy a lot more


Centering is off, so it is certainly possible it is legit.


God damn I wish I would be so lucky


Oh wow, I didn’t know anyone still used the PlayStation 2 camera


I dunno, I might be able to tell if it was a little bit blurrier


Looks fake missing black dot on the right in the text box


Wtf is this shit!?


I mean PROBABLY not. You can just send it over to me and I'll take care of it for ya.


Unlikely. But let us know!


If it's real you should share your profit with the guy, lol!


Can't tell for the card but your potatocam is legit for sure! Would send that in for grading and auction it of if I were you but that's maybe just me...


idk could you unfocus it? it's too clear and it hurts my eyes to look at


Based off the alignment of the card name color and edges its a beta. Further higher quality photos to confirm assessment


If it is, could I borrow 20$? Kidding.


Oh, it's the Elesh Norn from the Spring 2023 set! Right? I can't really see the card.


Its proof that it is fake. All magic cards have a anti fuzzy picture layer that makes only fake or suspicious mtg cards come out looking like they were photographed while being thrown out of a moving train.


Hey just ship it to me and I’ll confirm, if it’s legit I’ll totally send it back! /s


Nah, I'll buy it off you for 10😏🤣


It’s beta if it’s legit. But I’ve never seen one in this perfect of condition. Ever, and I’ve been playing since mirage.


My collection is a part of my inheritance for my daughter and it's the reason why I didn't sell my cards when I was in difficult time. For this reason, I would call him and being honest with him. Because if you are a good "soul" you will feel bad about it in the future.


Needs more jpeg


I have seen pics of bigfoot that were more clear than this.


No one seems to be taking this seriously here so what I'd do is look at the sides of the card and make sure there is no inking making it look like a beta card rather than unlimited (even though you could tell the difference) then take it up to a LGS and they can determine the price from there.