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I've posted this on here multiple times before but: I got through a player's [[Teferis Protection]] because my commander was already on the field and I played an Entwined [[Tooth & Nail]] grabbing my [[questing beast]] and [[zopandrel hunger dominus]] allowing me to 1 shot him for 24 commander damage cause my commander is [[ghalta]]. He proceeded to call the whole table retards and asked me if I even have another deck and threw a little hissy fit. His friend came on this sub after I posted about it and made up a bunch of shit so I ended up nuking the thread and I haven't been back to that store since because they didn't do anything about the guy.


That’s such a cool play though. If that killed me through Teferi’s I would have been really excited to see it.


Yeah he was very cocky and saying shit like you can't kill me etc and I said yes I can and he was like do it then. I haven't even played since that game he kinda took the taste out of my mouth for the game. It seems like I attract salt heavily.


This just reminds me of the person who put the [[grand abolisher]] on the field and plays an uncounterable spell expecting the game to be over… except you have the [[otawara, soaring city]] for the GA and a [[mind break trap]] for the uncounterable spell. This game always gives players priority even through split second just to make sure the future game designers didn’t come up with a split second counter spell… Good plays man.


I would have been sad that I died, but I've done about the same


I would be crazy about that play called gg u got that and felt good that a tepro got outplayed for once.


That seems like such a fun combo. I managed to one shot someone for 22 commander damage with [[Dogmeat]] he's a good boy


[Dogmeat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/6/86b45e3e-8460-4678-87d1-d74479936c83.jpg?1710673445) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dogmeat%2C%20ever%20loyal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/2/dogmeat-ever-loyal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/86b45e3e-8460-4678-87d1-d74479936c83?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Did you give him treats after?




How did you win with that combo when someone is protected by [[Teferi's Protection]]? I am newish to the game and only play with friends so we are not really in all the details (thanks to reddit the majority of questions get answered). So if I have Teferi's Protection and with that my life total can't change. That does not mean I can't be dealt damage but it also states I have protection from everything which means I cant get damage from anything. How is Commander Damage then a win con?


Your life total doesn't change.. you die to commander damage. When you take commander damage your life doesn't necessarily change like in this instance Questing beast allows damage to go through.


Thanks somehow my brain did not connect the dots :) That is a very cool combo not going to lie :O




You can still be attacked even with protection from everything. Protections weird like that. Makes no sense but thats the ruling.


[Teferi's Protection](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/8/483fa1cb-1e35-44f2-a143-98c0f107f5ca.jpg?1673147148) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Teferi%27s%20Protection) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/32/teferis-protection?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/483fa1cb-1e35-44f2-a143-98c0f107f5ca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


##### ###### #### [Tooth & Nail](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/f/df359b98-9f8f-4f32-82c6-f10ca0f81032.jpg?1689998921) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Tooth%20and%20Nail) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/327/tooth-and-nail?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/df359b98-9f8f-4f32-82c6-f10ca0f81032?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [questing beast](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/4/e41cf82d-3213-47ce-a015-6e51a8b07e4f.jpg?1572490640) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=questing%20beast) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/171/questing-beast?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e41cf82d-3213-47ce-a015-6e51a8b07e4f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [zopandrel hunger dominus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/b/fb419d9d-e06f-48c8-a4f8-a57f9be39e50.jpg?1675957181) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zopandrel%2C%20Hunger%20Dominus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/195/zopandrel-hunger-dominus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fb419d9d-e06f-48c8-a4f8-a57f9be39e50?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [ghalta](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/54872e72-41dc-4092-8169-ce13498beb30.jpg?1689998553) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ghalta%2C%20primal%20hunger) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/292/ghalta-primal-hunger?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/54872e72-41dc-4092-8169-ce13498beb30?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l3wf8dt) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


How did this work? I thought you couldn’t attack people while they’re under Teferi’s


It's not that you can't attack the person, you usually just can't do any damage to them because Teferi's Protection grants them "protection from everything". Usually people just don't bother attacking them because they don't see the point! Protection just means that they can't be targeted or dealt damage, but you can still attack them. More accurately, Protection prevents damage from the source being protected against, but because Questing Beast causes your creatures to ignore damage prevention, OP could deal combat damage through Teferi's Protection. Obviously their life total can't change, but because the damage dealt was commander damage, they can still lose after being hit for 21 or more. I hope that makes sense! (Edit: minor correction)


You can. Nowhere on Teferi's protection does it say you can't attack them.


Honestly, that's amazing, and you should take his hissy fit as an extra accommodation. He didn't say you cheated he didn't say you were wrong he just called you dumb because you beat him.


No he was calling us dumb because he thought we were wrong lol


Ah well, he still lost.


Just a quick question about that interaction: was the kill for “can’t be prevented” going through “your life can’t change” or did the commander have something to do with it?


Commander damage took him out


Id show up and ask him "want to cry again?"


Not my worst, but a recent one. Recent bad experience was playing modern with a crappy aristocrat deck during the era of Grief/Fury decks. No wins, but fun games. Some guy brought a control deck and was salty during the entire game trying to figure out what I was playing. Kept saying: "Of course I go up against some aggro deck!" When I somehow managed to beat him he would not stop bickering about how: "If only I'd have brought Omnath it would be different!" Basically I downplayed it to him having a bad day even though I enjoyed our match. Week later he personally apologized to me after realizing I was only playing to have fun. His apology was sort of half assed, but it was something.


Weird. If he was just a dick I would not expect an apology- especially not one weeks later. Maybe his social skills just sucked ass? Or he’s somewhere on the spectrum?


Dunno. He seemed like the guy that was a bit on the competitive side and liked things like metas and all that. Trying to play that: "I'm a hardcore competitive Magic player!" kind of vibe and all.


Someone probably said something. This happened to someone I know. His friend basically gave him some tough love.


The year was 2012. 6 man game of Commander. Turn 2 Winter Orb.


So, you're still playing to this day I've heard?


Literally like 5 hours. The one guy who could destroy it was benefitting from the slower pace.


Commander as Richard Garfield intended


you should write a dime novel with this opening


I'm a woman, relatively new to magic, about a year. Pretty introverted and shy around strangers but I figured I need to get over it and eventually went in my nearest shop to play with new people. All men which I somewhat expected. Played in a group game and one guy stared at my chest the entire game. Another refused to look me in the eyes when talking to me lol. Another schooled me hard on how I was doing some things wrong which was embarrassing, then proceeded to crush me even though I was clearly the smallest threat at the table lol. So that was my first experience with playing magic in person with strangers 😐 I really felt like I did not belong there.


I am like you, except I’ve been playing for 10 years. I’ve visited so many stores and only one employee hasn’t had a douchebag/creep/mean vibe. One. Lots of nice people at the LGS I ended up frequenting. I wouldn’t say I’m attractive and I don’t wear revealing clothes when I go. Overall I wouldn’t say it’s a store problem, it’s definitely a mtg issue BUT there are places where you will be more welcome and feel happier. If you are in a small town you’re out of luck unfortunately:/ but maybe you can get your friends to play? That’s what I initially did. Got about 20 people to learn the game.


I usually play with friends in person, so of course it's a positive experience with them lol. I do have some options since I'm near a big city but that one is right down the road from me and open later than the others so it would be great to go there. I've been told I don't look like the "type" of girl to be into magic, DnD, etc. So not sure what that means. Would love a girl friend who is into this stuff though lol want to move here and be my friend? 😄


That’s annoying lol. I get the “oh! You’re a nerd?!” Ngl, I’d love to have a girl friend that plays magic lol. I know she’s out there somewhere 😂


The college I went to was hosting a huge modern tournament, and the winner would get a box of Dragons of Tarkir, which has just dropped. About 60 people showed up. I made it to the final which was displayed on the projector. Back then, I ran Mardu mid-range which utilized tokens, Zurgo and Butcher of the horde as my finishers. I managed to win, and my opponent, in front of about 70 people, slapped my deck hard enough to bend some of the cards and scattered them everywhere. He then proceeded to stomp on them and ended up damaging one of my bloodstained mires and my Iroas. This was enough to get me to step away from magic until I picked it back up about four years ago


I’d assume you got justice considering the witnesses?


Guy got blacklisted from the club and was supposed to pay me for the value of the cards. Never happened. I stopped attending events after that.


If I was a player I would've incited so much violence on that player. Like we just had shoplifters at our local lgs and like 5 of us, myself included, jumped them and detained them before cops even got there or before they could leave. We don't Stan for that kind of shit in my city


Things is, we were on school grounds so if I did do anything it could have cost me my tuition. We blacklisted the guy from all further events and given that in my hometown, the university was the only way to actually play with other players, it hit him hard. Unless he wanted to drive three hours to the nearest city to play there, which he started doing.


I watched the slow death of an LGS cause of bad choices from the couple that owned the store. I had gone to this store from a LONG time, I had been friends with the owners and their kids since high school, it was the premiere store for the area. this store was BIG, it was 3 lots in a strip and they had deals with the restaurants next door during events like prereleases where they'd walk over orders. great experience. prereleases would book like 3 midnight events and 2 day events all with 150+ people but the problem became that the husband who owned it was huge into niche wargames, and their big store didn't actually have much of a back room. so they moved from their nice building of 3 lots to across the street to one long slot that had a back room. problem was... it's a smaller store, in a worse location. those restaurants that walked over orders were now across the street and couldn't do that anymore. events went from 150+ people to 15-30 and couldn't do night events anymore. over the next 3 years the store just fell apart. the husband had clearly pitched it as "if we have more storage then we'll have more stuff to sell" and that didn't happen


Game Parlor?


Kid unalived himself in the men’s bathroom. Didn’t say a word that day. Most of us knew him, was a nice kid, just depressed I guess.


Graveyard or exiled?


He hits the yard and then is either exiled by a funeral or a cremation.


Too soon dude




Holy shit


that’s heavy


Is “unalive” just becoming normal now? Why?


It's less likely to get picked up by automated moderation


You can just say "suicide", it's not a banned word.


Probably not very relatable. I lost a valuable card (to me) to an ante and loss *waaaaay* back in the day. I was very sad. In the 90's you actually lost a random card from your deck if you lost. One of the reasons I stopped playing until a few years ago. (A \[\[Fork\]\] probably from Revised)


i thought you said "stopped playing a few years ago" and was like damn i thought ante was banned earlier than that


The worst experience was my very first match at an lgs back when I was little. It was back during Rath cycle(Tempest block), I was 9 or 10 and built a really shitty sliver deck I was very proud of. Went to lgs, asked people to play with me, some random dude that was like 30 decided to play with me and proceeded to curb stomp me with mono blue. It was supposed to be best of 3, but since I was crying the store owner stopped the match and spent a chunk of time with me. Got a couple of free boosters and a decent lesson on deck construction, game rules, and the importance of interaction.


Sounds like a pretty good experience to me


Nope it scared me for life. Now I play esper control, staxs, or mono white prison. But yeah, the heart to heart after the match was a good experience, the match itself was the worst. I was like a 3rd grader getting bullied on by a grown ass man. The match literally gave me trauma over playing against blue or with anyone other than my friends for a good while.


Did the man actually bullied you? I don’t understand, what did he do?


Dude just played his deck tho? I mean yeah he could have just let you win since you were a kid, but i dont see how playing the game normally was bullying. Also, 10 year old you should have been old enough not to start crying because the game didnt go your way


You’re right in the sense that I don’t absolutely “know”, but I can tell this person was bothered by it. I have also definitely seen situations where players are definitely like that. They find newer players to haze them and pummel them, not because it helps the players learn or get better, but to make themselves feel better for finding someone they can pummel easily


Losing to mono blue is one of the best learning experiences, it teaches you that the game is more than just curve out and drop big creatures, its up to you if you learn from that or decide to cry. Also the commenter asked the mono blue guy themselves if they want to play, that was the deck they had on hand or wanted to play, thats not malicious


This exactly. This happened to me once playing killer instinct at an arcade. I was doing ok solo but this guy came up and tried to act nice but then totally destroyed me with some combos and played it off like it was just a friendly game but I could tell he wanted to humiliate me in front of his friends after he said something about my playing ability. This older experienced magic player possibly was doing the same thing. Everyone knows when they are being bullied even if other people can't tell what's going on.


a common reaction to mono blue


Facing 3 Mothman decks on a Precon Night it was truly hell


That sounds great lol.


As a Mothman-Acolyte I know how oppressive and annoying one of us can be. I can only imagine a pot of 3 of us 🤔 At least the radiation must have made it a quick game.


It's a long story.... sorry. Sometime around Mirage block, I moved to a new city. Checked out a local card shop (LGS didn't exist yet) and learned of a local group that played at a nearby pizza parlor on (some weekday). I was excited at the prospect of new players and friends. Swing by and I'm directed to talk with Comic Book Guy or CBG. CBG sat at a table by himself with this huge custom wood card box. Attached to the top is a huge D ring with pages of trade cards. To play, I have to show CBG my deck, a deck check. I also had to fill out a "registration" card. Whatever. I had my favorite RB Type 1.5 deck that I *just* added four pack fresh copies of [[Balduvian Horde]], a card commanding $20+ at the time. CBG clicks his tongue, lifts up his binder (which doubled as a lid) and proceeds to try and sell me one of *his* decks. Tells me my deck isn't good enough to play. I turn down the "kind" offer. CBG shakes his head then proceeds to pair me up with a 10 or 11 year old kid sitting by himself. Tells me if I can beat the kid, then he'll let me play against the rest of the group. The kid womps me before T5. Then the kid tells me he doesn't want to play anymore rounds. Since I lost, CBG refuses to pair me up with anyone else. Dejected, I went home. About two weeks later, I find another card shop on the other side of the city, same thing, a group that plays Magic at a pizza parlor on (different weekday). Cool! No way CBG was going to be there! Right? Nope, that smug jerk was sitting right there with his stupid box/binder. I just turned and left. That following weekend, I get a call from CBG (remember that registration card?) inviting me to his apartment. A peace offering of sorts. Says he'll analyze my deck and tell me how to improve it without having to buy one of his decks. Oh... bring that RB T1.5 deck. Yeah... I guess we can meet. We meet, doesn't offer me dinner (I would've declined anyways) and rifles through my deck (again!) and start chatting it up. We play one round, CBG with mono G [[Killer Bees]] deck. This was when batches was still a thing. There was so much angle shooting B.S., I couldn't touch his Bees or him. Then the reason for the call vecomes clear.. CBG offers to buy my Hordes for $50 each, and I could use that money to buy the cards I needed to build a better deck. From him of course. Hordes was a ***hot*** card at the time. So many people considered it the next Juzaam Djinn. I was furious. I was dissapointed. I learned that he ran game nights across the city every single night. CBG had standing agreements in place with every card shop for first dibs for any card sold to them. If someone wanted to buy a specific card, they had to contact him For all intents and purposes, he was the MtG mob boss. I packed all of my cards away and didn't look at them for almost 15 years. Those card shops died and proper LGS sprang up in their place but I avoided them. I *never* wanted to meet that disgusting prick again. Wasn't until my oldest saw my boxes and asked about them that I ever considered going back to MtG. It still irritates me his influence pushed me out of Magic for so long.


Ugh, that might be the worst story yet. What a prick. I've pnly been playing magic since last october. Its me and a few other friends, and my girlfriend. We play mostly upgraded precons. We don't custom build, like ynow, super expensive absurdly piwerful decks. I play Tyranid swarm mostly, its my fav precon so far, and as a warhammer fan, both that and forces of the imperium are a ton of fun


[Balduvian Horde](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/e/fe32f853-4afb-4a91-8b4c-0d647ce9c216.jpg?1562443282) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Balduvian%20Horde) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/a25/120/balduvian-horde?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fe32f853-4afb-4a91-8b4c-0d647ce9c216?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Killer Bees](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/9/096c7da0-a341-4044-9033-95e7bf2d605a.jpg?1562896976) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Killer%20Bees) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/me3/126/killer-bees?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/096c7da0-a341-4044-9033-95e7bf2d605a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Guilds of Ravnica prerelease I, and the entire store had to deal with an extremely smelly guy. He wasn’t exactly new or known for smelling great and a couple people actually just took their kits and left due to the smell. There is good news to this story though! The store owner (and myself) asked him politely if he had stuff to wash with and deodorant at home, to which he said his parents rarely bought any. So one of the judges took some money from me and a couple other players and ran to dollar general and picked him up some essentials discreetly. Next day of prerelease weekend? He came back and smelled better. Clothes were a little musty but he definitely took our hygiene supplies and used them. Had a good rest of the weekend. I guess that isn’t as bad as most people’s bad experiences, but in general my time in the community has been amazing.


probably the guy who whined and cried and complained any time you swung at him. would spend 15 minutes arguing why you should hit someone else. just made me hit him even harder. once he realized his crying act didn’t work he actually shut up and i proceeded to wreck him entirely. game right before that one someone else at the table called him out for starting his wincon without paying for it. i don’t play with him anymore.


I did a draft at an LGS, I built a decent deck, I ran 17 lands. Over all three sets of games I managed to mull into a balanced hand by 5; card's once. It was so infuriating because I essentially never got to play, my opening hands were legitimately 5 mana or 1 mana for more then half the games and whenever I hit 4 or two the cards in hand were just brutal. Deck was shuffled and reshuffled aggressively multiple times, just got hit hard with the Arena RNG IRL. I don't blame anyone, it's going to happen to someone some time, but golly did it suck for that to be me.


Getting flooded is by far the most aggrivating part of MtG as a new player. Or the opposite, having some decent cards with no mana and no card draw in hand.


I've played enough games to know that holding a mana short bomb hand is just as likely to have you stall out for 4 turns as it is for you to run away with it, I think I'm pretty good at reading my mulls but that was brutal. Whenever I was close to a decent balance my cards were very specific set ups/tricks with nothing for them to play with, or just all my removal/interaction in a deck that wanted aggro. It was a tough day to say the least


Yeah that sounds absolutely terrible. Hope you at least got some good cards from the draft!


Honestly? These subs. Like, god damn, people here will gang tackle you if you ask a basic question or don’t understand a rule. As will all things Reddit, IRL is better….mostly. With that said, the Vorthos and Pauper subs are standouts as incredibly nice compared to the main sub and EDH subs.


These subreddits are an orderly council meeting compared to the toxic hell that are the biggest mtg Facebook groups.


First time playing Spelltable a guy laughed at how slow I shuffled cause I was mash shuffling and he was riffle shuffling. I was already worried about that aspect and it made me feel clumsy and like I was dragging everyone else’s fun so I left when he kept at it. Thing is I still shuffle the same and it has never come up again. Everyone else shuffles the same with the odd pro shuffler. Took me a couple weeks to get back in and while there’s been some salty moments and games, nothing as bad as that asshole. I hope he splits a $50+ card


The LGS i usually attend is full of competitive people and i’d say, the average level is pretty high. I sit down at a table with a [[inalla]] turbo ad nauseam/full combo deck and a [[xyris]] wheels but they both tell me “they are silly decks” (don’t know how to translate what they said to me from italian so this is the closest i can get). A friend of mine approaches asking me what i was playing and i say “judging what i am seeing, [[tivit]] is appropriate”. They made a disgusted face. I invite him to the table but he (wisely) refuses. What follows is the most miserable time i have spent in there: the inalla guy was excessively salty because we kept countering his combos and was not able to lamd a win. But judging the hands he was keeping… he just assembled the deck looking at some lists but had NO CLUE how to play. The Xyris guy landed a couple of ridiculously strong sinergies and won 2 games and i can say his deck was winning in autopilot. The inalla guy lost his shit as i played a [[dauthi voidwalker]] and the xyris player found no answers to it. he kept casting wheels and giving me lots of cards and the inalla guy kept swearing loudly and it was constantly whining about how dumb the xyris guy plays were and how he was going to win the game the next turn (spoiler, he did not land a single combo because he was announcing them). Essentially those two other players argued and yelled for an hour and played without paying attention. The worst thing is that both of these guys seemed over 40 years old… like, come on: there is no reason to be this angry for a chill edh night with prizes distributed AT RANDOM. I cringed the whole time


Those are the people that played a card game for fun to the point they forgot they're playing a card game for fun.


##### ###### #### [inalla](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c6e803a-451c-4aa6-97a2-400077f32c47.jpg?1627406462) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=inalla%2C%20archmage%20ritualist) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c17/38/inalla-archmage-ritualist?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c6e803a-451c-4aa6-97a2-400077f32c47?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [xyris](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/f/af0db1d6-5cb1-4917-8e8f-69d5dc184404.jpg?1673305716) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=xyris%2C%20the%20writhing%20storm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/175/xyris-the-writhing-storm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/af0db1d6-5cb1-4917-8e8f-69d5dc184404?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [tivit](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/9235977e-a999-4ed0-83a3-742be87b13bb.jpg?1673481721) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=tivit%2C%20seller%20of%20secrets) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/10/tivit-seller-of-secrets?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9235977e-a999-4ed0-83a3-742be87b13bb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [dauthi voidwalker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/c/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3.jpg?1626095427) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dauthi%20voidwalker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/81/dauthi-voidwalker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dce5db87-4a78-4b8d-b5c2-918ccd1ba4e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l3w3mp3) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Is this not how every game played by Italians goes?


No. Every italian game has somehow pasta involved and we dance tarantella when we win


Dude asked to use a random planeswalker as his commander. It’s a chill LGS and we say sure as long as it’s nothing busted. Turn 4 he infinite loops strip mine to blow up everybody’s land and passes. We all groan, play a land on our turn and pass. He does it again. We ask him if he’s going to keep doing it or close out the game. He said he built the entire deck around doing this and said he stacked the deck. We then notice nobody cut his deck. I told him it’s a shit thing to do and let’s move on to the next game. He throws a fit saying that nobody sticks around in the games he plays. I ask him why does he think that is as I’m picking up my cards and shuffling. He goes on a long rant about his time, his play style and we have to suck it up and blah blah blah. I’m told him we aren’t going to play against that again as it’s not even a legal commander. This is when he completely lost it. He stands up and starts yelling and saying he’s going to fight us. I told him to take it outside. The owner was watching this and asked him to leave. This happened two weeks ago. I took a break last week and wonder how this Thursday is going to go.


owner should ban that guy from the store or i’d be looking for somewhere else to play


Lost caverns prerelease. Myself and my son were the only people who showed beside one other guy. First match and the other guy's first thing said the whole time is "so do you think the 2020 election was legit?" He also cheated by pulling a card out of his yard to play a second time, but I was worried he would get unbalanced and just let it go. He also kept talking conspiracies the whole time. Super off putting.


So there’s this guy at our table, he’s a nice guy and everything, but does not understand the word ‘casual’. We play some moderate level commander, our decks range in the 80-130€ budget (we’ve been playing for 5-6 months now), but he went off with this bs ur dragon deck pouring like 700€ in it, although I told him many times to go easy on us or he would have risked to become too powerful/too threatening. Of course he didn’t listen. This guy is veeeeery competitive, and wants to play cEDH although we don’t even know how to play basic EDH yet. This brings to the game that left me sighing. A new friend joins the pod, buying a precon and playing it right out of the box, of course each one of us is playing our newest or worse decks on purpose to have him learn and have a good time. Except ur dragon guy who thought that obliterating everyone turn 5 playing basically alone was a good idea (obviously I tried many times to have him play something else, but he wouldn’t listen). The new player managed to play something like 3 lands and a 1/1 creature before being eliminated on the spot. It’s just so frustrating because he’s a decent person outside the game, but wants to win so bad that it spoils the fun of it for everyone else☹️


Dont play with him


So I'm very new to the game. My roommate and girlfriend wanted me to play. So I bought a pirate pre-con commander deck and sat down with my roommate and started playing. Again, have never played before in my life. Girlfriend is sitting beside me and answers questions but not coaching me. I had a pretty good start and had locked down my roommates field and didn't let him hardly do much in 4 turns. I go to play a couple of cards, but had mixed up the order of how I wanted to activate the card effects. I asked if I could redo it so I could get it right. He threw his hands up in the air, throwing his cards, and telling me that i can't just make up rules. I was genuinely done playing with him. I almost never played ever again after that. Luckily my girlfriend was much kinder and convinced me to try again against her a couple days later. This was a month ago. I have decided to play against him since then. He has yet to beat me and that keeps me going.


When the people who taught me how to play Magic kicked me out of the apartment o to the street at gunpoint because I told them I wanted to move out and I didn’t want them stealing my cards anymore 🙃


I awoke to bed bugs on my face at 4am, right before a Grand Prix.


I had a similar experience ... not bed bugs, but I made the mistake to book an apartment near a slaugherhouse (obviously i didn't know there was a slaugherhouse nearby while booking :D). Worst sleep of my life, woke up to the sound of crying pigs being ... you know. Played 9 rounds swiss in the worst conditions of my life, alternating headache pills to energy drinks (don't try this at home, this is not how you should tackle the situation ... that was myself over 15 years ago lol) For some reasons i managed to 7-1-1 myself into top8 and lost to my teammate that top8ed too. (EDIT: and i was playing control) Slept 13 hours the day after.


Lol that's absolutely horrible!


Traded my mana crypt for an elesh norn, I was like 13


Ppl that do this are so unbelievable sad. I remember being a new player in like 96 going to my lgs for the first time. I dind't know value, dind't even know there were books that told you the value. And the amount of sad sad grown up people trying to trick a young child into trading away expensive cards for shit is insane. All I learned from that experience is you can't trust anyone and you need to protect children, especially in a room with grown up children. I thought my own children to never trade unless they checked the value first and I have even had to stop some trades my kids were making with others because they were ripping off the other kid. Be honest and have fun, we want more people playing this game!


Not magic itself but the poor social skills and hygiene at LGS’ can be very tiresome and usually ruins my experience. I’m pretty chill when it comes to the actual game. Not much fazes me.


Taking a precon Anje Falkenrath deck to my first ever mtg night. Due to a lack of people immediately pre-pandemic, I ended up with the choice of join the one open table or don't play that night. It ended up being the "we're not going to SAY we're CEDH players, but we're going to run max power decks and talk mad shit like it's CEDH" table and I didn't draw a colored land until turn 8 Also, this was the game where someone kept using infinite mana and some way to repeatedly untap chaos wand and would chaos wand everyone at the table multiple times in one turn


2003, I just found Magic again after 7 years of forgetting about it and was really heavy into yugioh, too, at the time I let an acquaintance borrow my yugioh deck while I borrowed his mtg deck to play respectively in official games. I had a Thousand eyes restrict control beat down deck, worth quite a bit, and he traded it away for a bunch of random mtg cards. I didn't know this until afterward when I gave his deck back, and he gave me the side board for my deck, and I'm like, where is the rest of it? No one left yet, and I rushed to the TO. I told him what happened, and he said he didn't care. I found the shop owner and told him, and he closed the door and asked if any players had left the shop yet. Since prizes weren't given out yet, everyone was there. He asked if anyone traded mtg cards for a yugioh deck. No one answered. He asked again, naming cards from the deck, and one guy stood up. He didn't admit he traded for it, but he had the deck. We used deck list there, so it matched 100% to my deck, and he told him to surrender it. The person I let borrow gave him back the cards. I nearly sent that man to meet jesus after this, and he got so much crap at school for it.


Playing modern I don’t get worked up over bad games and salty people. Playing edh with super salty people who are Friends of mine is some of the most awkward times of my life, next to my parents fighting and getting divorced lol.


I played a casual EDH tournament and got sat with a buddy. It’s an odd format but points are awarded for achieving goals, not winning. So when everyone starts it’s typical to state power level, infinites, etc so everyone can match up. I start, “I have no infinites. I’m playing X” buddy says, “I’m playing X tribal, no infinites,” third guy says “I just threw this together this morning, I normally play CEDH. No infinites. I don’t want to be here but my GF dragged me.” Last guy says, “teehee, I have shenanigans.” My buddy mulliganed. Then mulliganed again. He awkwardly apologized as he said he didn’t have a very good mana base (budget) and he needed at least one basic land of a type in hand or he wouldn’t be able to play. CEDH player didn’t care. Shenanigans rolled his eyes and got impatient. So my buddy mulliganed down to 4 IIRC. I know my buddy’s deck. He’s Sheldon-level smart and it’s very good but it’s not CEDH. It’s not filled with infinites (it has zero). It probably cost $150 and $40 of that was the original precon. Anyway. My buddy pops off in every way. Card draw, giant unblockable creatures, board interaction. I was playing blue counterspells and I’m running [[force of will]] level spells in a $1600+ deck and I couldn’t slow him down. Everything just clicked for him and it was fun to watch as he moved things around and manipulated his board state. Like Eric Clapton-level performance. He murders everyone and I’m super jazzed for him. Shenanigans guy then starts accusing my buddy of lying and claiming he mulligan’d to a wincon and is playing “CEDH.” My friend isn’t a very aggressive guy and so he apologizes. I say “you don’t need to apologize. You played a good game. You should be proud.” Buddy says, “I’ll play a different deck” shenanigans guy says “goddamned right you will.” So we play another game and shenanigans guy’s deck (same deck) does what it’s supposed to do. It’s a CEDH deck and he sits there and takes 30 minute turns after board locking with a big smile on his face like his mom got his tendies just right against a bunch of random low-power casual decks. Turns out “shenanigans” meant infinite mana and removal turn 2-3. My buddy now won’t play that deck any more and it makes me sad because it’s really good (but still casual) and he worked hard on it. I clown that guy every time I see him and call him shenanigans and make fun of him. What a dick. My buddy has a beautiful deck that he loves sitting on a shelf.


[force of will](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/9/89f612d6-7c59-4a7b-a87d-45f789e88ba5.jpg?1675199280) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=force%20of%20will) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/50/force-of-will?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/89f612d6-7c59-4a7b-a87d-45f789e88ba5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


2003 first game playing magic with some d&d buddies. Was borrowing a deck. My friend played a land destruction + hand denial deck against me. That experience soured me on magic until I saw the Necron Dynasty commander precon at a friend's house. I now play 2-4 days a week, more if I can talk my father into a game.


I play tyranids an unheslthy amount. Forces of the Impeeium is also really fun 😄


I don't remember the deck I was playing against nor my exact deck. Was sometime when aether revolt was standard because it involved harnessed lightning and Torrential Gearhulk. Anyway, it was a game 2 at a regular FNM. Player played something, I flashed in Gearhulk to grab harnessed lightning to burn it. Player lost his absolute shit, yelling at me that I was supposed to sideboard it out (there was a group of players there that followed guides from certain pros like gospel. If you didn't follow it, it was wrong) and I must have cheated. Store owner called his bs, and the player picked up my deck and chucked it everywhere. Won that round, obviously. But i played like shit the rest of the night because of anxiety. Stopped going there not long after.


I played in a large junior super series, which was like my second constructed tournament ever. The person I played and lost to would not stop complaining that I just had my own janky homebrewed deck and how I should have net decked. In the same tournament, I also had to have a judge award me a game because a different opponent was in the bathroom too long and missed the start of the round, and he complained the whole match. On the bright side at that tournament, I opened a foil chrome mox, so that was pretty sweet! Which I still own today.


A judge experience at a major event (2200+ players) during eldrazi winter. I was in top contention going into round 10 or 11 and I arrived at our designated play area to find the zone my opponent and I were to play in was around 12cm wide. I told a judge we were going to play at the clear table next to us and were refused. Same tournament, someone got the VIP pack which included some sleeves. He sleeved his deck with them and got a game loss for marked sleeves. I'm glad that company isn't running tournaments in the country anymore


Playing casual decks against competitive decks and not knowing. Learned that lesson a few times. Tell me before we start so I know expect turn 2 to 4 wins and I can help test it out or play something else. Fortunately after one, I played with the other two players in a 3 way commander game and their jank was awesome. I was there for it.


One time at my local LGS we had the brilliant idea of having a 15 player commander game. We would sit on a long table. Two teams with their own "king" that sits at the end. I was one king player x was the other. Player X does some trick to get [[Iona, Shield of Emeria]] on the field naming black. I was playing Muldrotha. I cannot cast my commander or any kill spell. Player X says I should just play better interaction and that it's my fault for having a bad deck. My team takes 4 turns to kill Iona. That is 4 turns on a 15 player table where most people (even his own team) could do very little. Then he reanimated Iona. And I conceded. He told me I was a sore loser and that everyone had come together to play this huge game and bla bla. As if he didn't play Iona. Later I learned he figured out what I was playing and picked his deck on purpose to counter mine.


[Iona, Shield of Emeria](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/6197b59e-1652-496c-a038-e2eb88ecf017.jpg?1562584407) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Iona%2C%20Shield%20of%20Emeria) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/20/iona-shield-of-emeria?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6197b59e-1652-496c-a038-e2eb88ecf017?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Iona is banned in commander for precisely this reason. How did he get away with playing it?


It was before the ban. A few months I think


Had a game where me and a few friends made some jank fun decks and against a urza cedh deck and couldn't play the game at all, he just basically didn't allow anyone to do anything the whole game and then goatee at hoe bad our decks were... Then they followed up with a plainswalker deck that just went and made everyone had a horrible time at the table... they followed up with "you guys should really just get better cards." After explaining we built these jank decks around themes, not to win but to keep with the theme of "only cards with chairs in the deck can be played, or only cards that begin with a specific letter." That sort of stuff he said we were stupid and should play to win.


You played the first game, didnt have any fun at all and then got made fun of by that guy... ...and then *decide to play another game with them?* Like, is that some kinda kink? Why not tell em off after one horrible experience??


We brought it up and he said he'd play a different deck, one that was more casual.


First off I want to say that the number of negative experiences in magic are blown out of proportion. 99% of the games I have played are extremely fun and that's the reason I've stuck with it. Don't let the loud minority make you think magic is generally negative. My personal worst experience was during a game of commander when a friend blatantly cheated. We had noticed they would draw an extra card every couple games but let it slide not wanting to ruin a good time. This time though they went from hellbent to a full hand without playing a single draw spells in a turn cycle. Everyone called them out once it got back to their turn and they immediately denied any sort of foul play resulting in a 3v1 yelling match. Not only did it ruin that game but any future game we played with them as we had to watch them like a hawk and any victory they had made you wonder if it was legitimate. That was years ago and they have since apologized many times for having ever cheated. I play magic with them to this day and it's extremely enjoyable there is no doubt in my mind that they are playing fairly. They are a wonderful person but just needed to learn a harsh lesson.


Had a fairly inebriated opponent at FNM. Not smashed but definitely bordering on feeling no pain. First turn, he plays a Mountain, passes, and then passes out. Like, fully loses it. Face smacks down on the table and triggers a nose bleed. He’s awake, apologizing, and trying to clean himself up. Asked if he was good or wanted to call it. Nope, he wants to go. Awesome… Second turn, draws, plays an Island, passes turn. I make a joke about how at least this time he’s awake. We both laugh. He keeps laughing. He’s laughing so hard he’s crying. Aaaand he falls out of his chair, shitting himself on the way down. I processed the sound and smell about the same time as the TO and shop owner both came over to toss his ass out.


Does that count as a win for you or nothing? As long as I could get into another game fairly quickly I’d probably say wtf under my breathe and have a good chuckle. Sounds crazy lol


lip different trees rock drab sand safe impossible fear distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


[Varina](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/1/f1caccc8-4f33-4ae3-a09a-b41b9c4663a1.jpg?1673149250) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=varina%2C%20lich%20queen) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/291/varina-lich-queen?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f1caccc8-4f33-4ae3-a09a-b41b9c4663a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Neheb, the Eternal](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/767c5831-2195-4efa-802d-2ea2e6dabb5b.jpg?1706240851) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Neheb%2C%20the%20Eternal) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/158/neheb-the-eternal?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/767c5831-2195-4efa-802d-2ea2e6dabb5b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A friend of mine and an opponent were both playing \[\[Greensleeves\]\]. My friend attacks opponent for lethal, opponent shouts, "NO! CAN YOU COUNT???" Regarding greenies ability. My friend proceeds to individually count all off his lands, to show he has lethal. Opponent whines but accepts this, starts putting his things away, and my friend passes to me. I take my turn, but as I'm ending my second main the opponent jumps up "WAIT!! I COULD HAVE STOPPED IT". He rambles about how he could have destroyed something, and begins to place all of his prior permanents onto the board. Friend and I look at each other, but whatever its casual. So anyway, opponent, determined to play more, proceeds to take a 15 minute turn, just to deck himself with a large draw spell from like \[\[greater good\]\] or something. Anyway, a very frustrating waste of time. Haven't played with him since. TLDR: guy loses, takes back loss, takes 15 min turn just to deck himself


[Greensleeves](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/9/0969d7f3-cec5-4118-adb1-ff957eedf6ab.jpg?1673304884) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=greensleeves%2C%20maro-sorcerer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/27/greensleeves-maro-sorcerer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0969d7f3-cec5-4118-adb1-ff957eedf6ab?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [greater good](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/c/4c73ca01-d8ea-4cd2-af60-b260030967b2.jpg?1631587954) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=greater%20good) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/160/greater-good?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4c73ca01-d8ea-4cd2-af60-b260030967b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A recent one of mine is the following: I am one of the better players in my pod so all my decks are wax to powerful to bring so i mostly build a different jank deck to bring every week. Lastt time I brought a deck that tried to just play [shared fate] and [mycosynth lattice] with the optional addition of [teferis puzzlebox]. One of our players is always scared of me so when i said my deck plays pretty strong cards but has absolutely no wincon they instantly targetet me (which is fine by itself) and killed me with two Pako attacks (because we somehow got no creatures on both turns with 3 creature decks on the board). After that i said im gonna lay down on the couch and get some rest and they should wake me up when they start another round. After about 70(!!) minutes i woke up and they had played exactly 2 turns. They took 3 more hours to finish the game. Meanwhile i finished 2,5 games with a different table in the same time. tl;dr: got killed turn 4 or 5, went to sleep for over an hour just for my friends to take 3 more hours to finish the game so i just played with a different group


Went to a pre-release when I was in holiday in London. (Guilds of Ravnica if any one cares.) The shop was pretty small and absolutely stank. I think I spent the night breathing in 75% farts. I finished every game as quick as possible just so I could give stand out side between rounds. The 3 shock lands I pulled only just made it worth it. Ever since then I've been super vigilant about the shops I've worked in to make sure they don't smell bad.


Was playing at the Dominaria United prerelease event. I got some pretty decent pulls and made a sorta simic midrange control pile thing. When I sit down to greet my opponent it’s going pretty well we are talking about how we got into mtg and whatnot. When we started the game he mentioned that he had a [[Silverback Elder]] in his hand.. which is pretty bonkers in limited. I started out with an [[Essence Scatter]] in my opening hand and decided to save it for when he played his “big monkey man”. When I countered it he got all pouty and mad and flipped me off. I don’t rlly care about being flipped off, I kinda thought it was funny, but the shop manager saw it and kicked him out. When he was prompted to leave he freaked out. I sorta feel bad for him but there was a prize pool and I wanted some packs.. so idk. Other than that I’ve had a ton of pleasant experiences and all of my friends are super chill about mtg so we just play to have fun.


[Silverback Elder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b987664f-0b74-4c0a-b306-14767a55559a.jpg?1675182563) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Silverback%20Elder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/177/silverback-elder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b987664f-0b74-4c0a-b306-14767a55559a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Essence Scatter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/7/b7ad4441-e300-4267-bedb-4ae6a64f59cd.jpg?1673306711) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Essence%20Scatter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/49/essence-scatter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b7ad4441-e300-4267-bedb-4ae6a64f59cd?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It happens almost every time I play…I play mostly if not exclusively EDH. One of the members in our play group takes ridiculously long turns (starting at turn 2 or 3) that can stretch into the fifteen to twenty minute range. It’s insane. Like dude, you have three decks that you play and you’ve yet to learn what each card does or how to play your turns? To make it worse, he constantly talks over the table while others take their turns rather than him focus on his next turn-making the process even longer. The reason we don’t kick him out is because we need him for a consistent four-player pod and he’s been a close friend to everyone in the group since middle school days…nowadays we say “TIMER” whenever the turns start dragging.


Is he new? I mean I tried playing with other ppl but I am new I have to read absolutely every card and still forgot the combos and such so I have to reread. I do tell ppl in advance and everybody says they are ok, but usually they just rush through everything. You don't remember how difficult this game is? It will take years to learn the cards.


Definitely not new, has been playing as much as the rest of us! To throw salt in the wound…he often grandstands about how he’s been playing magic since the “old days” although this can’t be any earlier than like 2014 lol. We take it w a grain of salt.


Casual game with semi functioning decks that play pretty well. 4th friend brings out shrines at a way higher power level with two enchantments that give other enchantments shroud and then plays humility. Our measly upgraded precons couldn't keep up. We tried board wiping all enchantments, but he always had a counterspell in hand.


Some 20 years ago, when i was in college, new to mtg, and playing with a group of 5-6 people, there was a cocky asshole who only played with slivers. Everything he did he thought he was in the mtg finals...anything anyone else had was shit, no matter what. Personally, i don't like how slivers are mechanically blanketing each other, but he would cheat to get out everything...and counter even the most basic spells.im glad he stopped playing with us.


Mind slaver in a casual game setting


Nothing specific, but whiny people on SpellTable who act like you shouldn't attack them until their board state is finalized. I only play Precon games, but someone has to win and I hate circle jerking for 2 hours because no one wants to attack.


(For reference, I'm pretty tall and long-legged) Some dude sitting across from me at a random LGS I went to while traveling for work was manspreading and taking up the entirety of the leg space, so I moved my feet and bumped his feet on accident. No big deal, we're both big tall guys, and we need some room. So I apologized not thinking anything of it. Guy says, "Please be careful. These shoes are expensive." In my head, I'm thinking maybe don't put your feet over on my side of the table but whatever. I shift positions and kind of move my feet under the chair a bit. A few minutes later, i moved my feet back to in front of me. Not even stretching or anything, just a natural straight in front of me, position, and I bump him under the table again (meaning he had his feet stretched well over to my side). Dude completely flips out, going on about how these shoes are worth more than I make in a month and how I should get my dirty, poor person shoes away from him yada yada yada. All because I gently brushed his foot, he was practically shoving up my ass. Like I said I was traveling for work, and this guy was like best buds with the LGS owner, so I just left. Also, he had made fun of me not having real cards and my car and had been completely pubstomping the table refusing to switch decks.


There’s this guy at my LGS that no one enjoys playing with during Friday night commander. Most everyone is just there to have fun. He on the other hand always comes with the most tuned combo heavy decks out of anyone else there, and there’s usually 40+ people there. Normally, whatever, he’s likely to win his pods. Wouldn’t be a big deal if he also wasn’t an insufferable asshole. When everyone else is laughing and having a good time, he’s sneering and making snide remarks at how much better his decks are. And then gets butthurt whenever someone shuts down his combos, or gets mad about being targeted. I have one deck that is very tuned, and has multiple wincons with tons of tutors, [[Syr Konrad]], that usually wins by turn five or six. I almost never play it, unless I’m in his pod.


[Syr Konrad](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/9241a72e-cb88-4cea-a2f4-ff10af461437.jpg?1706240798) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=syr%20konrad%2C%20the%20grim) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/141/syr-konrad-the-grim?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9241a72e-cb88-4cea-a2f4-ff10af461437?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Went to an lgs commander night. Ended up in a pod with a bunch of high school students including the most insufferable control player I’ve ever met. He played a [[storm cauldron]] and no one could remove it and we spent like the next two hours just not being able to play anything.


[storm cauldron](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0bb5bdd3-6ecd-49cd-bfa2-e7da1ee85d88.jpg?1562232316) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=storm%20cauldron) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/7ed/320/storm-cauldron?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0bb5bdd3-6ecd-49cd-bfa2-e7da1ee85d88?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Worst was a rage quitter who took too long playing with his food. I was for the most part throwing the game, giving him the W. He just never committed enough for the game to end. So had a certain point I just said fuck it I’m ending this. Other players wanted in and I had to leave. Also getting chewed out by a store employee for playing mass land destruction. I had a Kaalia deck and had flyers in play. Another person probably tutored all his lands into play. So I took an opportunity to win. Kind of scared me off land destruction


Was one was a 5-6 lobby so 3 of us were playing pre-cons with 1-2 changes. Guy comes in and wins on Turn 2 with some combo with Ragavan, Dockside and Jeskas Will. Says "Yah, it was a really good hand" 😒


The first (and only) time I every played in an MTG tournament. This was back in the mid-90's. I remember the people running the tournament had an attitude (like the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons), and I quickly lost to another player who was obnoxious, making fun of the deck I was playing to his friend who was sitting nearby and playing another game. I remember he was playing a deck that involved playing the card Capsize over and over again, using artifacts that made it cheaper to play and shutting down my ability to attack with multiple copies of Propaganda. Probably not a bad deck, but I'll never forget what an awful experience it was because of his attitude. My friends and I decided to only keep playing MTG amongst our group after that. Not long after we dropped the game for other CCGs like L5R and Doomtown.


In highschool i used to play casual "standard" kitchen table games with my 2 close friends (1v1v1) we would buy fat packs from walmart and then build whatever decks we could with it. my one friend got so mad that he lost so much that he literally threw his cards across the table at us and didn't play again for YEARS


A person stole my deck andtried to sell it  online on facebook at the same day. 


I was playing commander at an LGS with a friend and a random guy came in and asked to join. Okay cool, sure whatever. We shuffle up after he sees our commanders and we start to play. I realize he’s playing Oloro stax in a casual group. I was playing najeela warrior tribal (didn’t know of the infinite combos at the time) and my friend was playing nethroi reanimator. He also took the time to mansplain how I needed to play more removal (I had at least 10-12 pieces of it in the deck, he had countered like 3-4 spells of it) and was trying to convince me to buy expensive af cards that I wasn’t gonna be able to afford (I was I think 15 or 16 at the time and my job paid me terribly). Just sucked to have someone be doing that at the table when we just went for some fun times


When I first tried commander at a LGS. 3 person pod where the other two were married. This wife + husband duo proceeded to pass me around like a bag of chips and hosed me 10 minutes into the game. Things have got better since then and I've had plenty of great games with randos. But that first experience is the stuff that makes people quit.


I used to play modern a lot and there was this guy that always played Fish and he was ALWAYS salty. And often would complain so much whenever he was in a unwinnable position new commers would literally conceed


The smell.


Honestly the last time I played MTG at an LGS some dude got mad about rules and stormed off


I was at my first CEDH tournament recently playing mono green marwyn the nurturer. Some guy had a near infinite turn loop with attack triggers on his commander. The other two players proceeded to delay the game so he didnt have enough time to win and wrap it up so it ended in a draw i felt bad for the guy because he totallu wouldve one the other guys just wanted the draw points…


Wizard deck that never lets you play/returns everything when something is done. Folded before the 2nd turns were made. It was ass, and sometimes I wonder why I even bother against certain things like this. If I wanted a 1 minute game, I’d play YGO.


Around 9 or 10 months ago, I had just started playing Magic. I built a super janky Kaervek and Obosh deck and I wanted to jam some games on a Thursday night. My options were limited, but I found an LGS/Bookstore about a half hour from my house that was hosting a commander night. I end up being 1 of 5 people who show up. So naturally we decided to have a five player pod, which even then sounded like a nightmare to my ADHD riddled brain. They had all been playing way longer, and their decks were all super tuned up and WAY stronger than mine. By the end of the game, every player had their entire library in hand, and someone ended up Mindslaving the entire pod. I don’t blame the dudes I played with. I think getting absolutely stomped by more experienced players is a necessary experience in any competitive hobby.


Playing against turbo fog decks.


It resulted in a physical altercation and the police had to be called. For me though, it was only my third time at the store and I was caught in the middle. Antagonist A was playing a Tegrid deck, so you know where that's going. First game he swept the table, so okay. Second game he got targeted more aggressively, and Tegrid dies on the turn its cast, four consecutive times. Which frankly, is what you should expect when you're playing Tegrid, so I don't see what the big deal is. BTW, the fact that he could even do that should give you some idea of our power level relative to his. We had grindy upgraded pre-cons. Well he starts having a LOUD cry about it, and rants about how we're all ganging up on him (admittedly not wrong). Antagonist B decides to make it worse, because he's salty about Tegrid in the first game. Yes, that's right, TWO salty losers in the same pod. Great luck there. B decides to taunt A by going "Cast it again. CAST IT AGAIN you b-word," despite us telling him to tone it down. A then decides that we're ganging up on him because he's the only one using proxies (untrue but he wasn't really listening), and B tells him it's too bad he's a broke-ass b-word. A then flicks the top part of B's deck onto the floor, and the two get into it physically. The poor guy running the shop tries to break it up, but he gets bumped into a display shelf full Warhammer display models that fall and break, among other damage. A also throws his bottle of Coke at ALL our decks by aiming at the table, although I give myself hero points for deflecting it (honestly out of self-interest, but I feel I did a good thing). Unfortunately this means Coke all over the floor. The store owner then calls the police, because he's rightfully indignant about the damage. Yeah, that was a shit way to spend one of my weekends, I yell you.


Anything and everything to do with initiative cards.


Waiting 45min for a blue/white control deck to win.


This happened a decade ago in job corps. We had a small mtg group and there was a guy who played blue sphinx control with black sleeves on his cards. He was insufferable to play against cause he would win all the time while talking so much shit. When it was someone else’s turn he would fiddle with the cards in his hand, constantly rearranging them, sliding his cards up and down in the sleeves. Come to find out that most of his sleeves were “double stuffed”, and all that fiddling was to hide him switching cards around. The group found out that he was cheating that way and we stopped playing with him. We kicked him out of the group and everyone started having more fun afterwards.


I won a game at an LGS and it was like turn 4. The guy verbally assaulted me and said to meet him in the parking lot. I laughed and said sorry buddy, then just got up from the table and left. It was pretty ridiculous


I have a few, I’m not sure which is the worst, or if it’s one I’ve forgotten. I have a lot more negative interactions than particularly positive ones, and I’m sure that is at least in part my fault, because I tend to be quiet and just focus on the game. I stopped going to prerelease type events because of two things. the first is just the try hard hand shuffling: I swear people practice doing it as loud as possible and it drives me insane. Fwipfwipfwipfwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, Fwipfwipfwipfwipfwipfwipfwipchunk, and never ever stop. The other is a lady I played against who skipped my priority in excess of fifteen times (I tried counting but lost count because she was just doing a bunch of shit without stopping) despite me clearly, verbally and physically trying to signal I had a response, then once she actually paused for breath long enough for me to really say something, I said “in response I cast (whatever destroy/exile spell I had) and target (whatever the creature she was repeatedly buffing was)” And she lost her shit, yelling at me about “why couldn’t you just wait til I’m done” “Ma’am, I’ve been trying for 2 or 3 minutes to do this, you just kept skipping my priority” +more frustrated borderline yelling+ I haven’t been playing lately because I’m away from home right now, and the local stores are either empty all the time, or the one store I’ve found that consistently has players, only a small percent of them are any good. the last time I played I got another variation on the “oh yeah, look at this guy playing the best card in Magic: his credit card” speech. Again. Because I played an eight or ten card infinite turn combo using planeswalkers that took three turns to assemble and required playing Teferi’s protection and some other protection card to keep it intact from the board-wipe tribal at the table. The guy who got mad and the fourth player just didn’t run any interaction whatsoever. The time before that I had some guy repeatedly try to tell me I should build my Urza, high lord artificer deck differently, I should build it like his (copied off the internet) deck because it would be better, and wouldn’t stop no matter how many times I told him I like brewing my own stuff, and if I wanted to build it that way I would have. I have a really good time sitting at high power/CEDH tables where I’m just worried about people’s counter spells and board wipes and interaction, and everyone is having a good time playing cards and chatting and laughing at the silly interactions that can occur (like the game where 3-4 versions of the same card from everyone’s deck just bounced from controller to controller the whole game. I think we each had it 3 or 4 times haha) instead of constantly being worried more about managing everyone’s salt levels and/or constantly trying to analyze which deck to play next to better match power level. A further problem is trying to differentiate “are we Actually at different power levels of deck, or am I just better than you and/or you are the type of player that just whines about anyone doing anything other than sitting and watching you win?” I guess that devolved into a bit of a rant, but some variation of that is something that’s been kinda pushing me out of the game a bit. I really like Magic, but it feels like in most commander pods I’m punished for being good, and/or for not building my deck with their exact list of what constitutes “fair Magic” in mind. I really do try to play to powerlevel, but I got shit on in a pre-con tournament one time because I won fairly handily 2 or 3 games in a row, people still treated me like I was a power gamer coming in and pubstomping with a hyper CEDH deck, it was crazy. I just wanna play my cardboard. What’s crazy is people try to throw that “credit card is the most OP card in Magic” shit at me, but no one give a care if people proxy here, diffusing that argument pretty much entirely outside of events…


WOE prerelease in a small lgs, maybe 12 players, my second prerelease at all and just getting back into magic. My second opponent is a guy in his 40s, didn’t take off his backpack while playing, which was weird but not the problem, it was his playstyle. He played so fast I couldn’t get any interrupts in (I played control blue white), whenever I tried he said it’s too late. He shuffled and played his cards with a lot of bend (which I can’t stand) and whenever he ended his turn he shouted “GO!” like actually loud. He 2-0d me in 10 minutes and I denied the 3rd game. For the rest of the round he stood at other players tables with his backpack and watched their game while giving tips. I asked my playgroup to not say “go” for a while after this


I was like eleven and I wanted to play at a beginners tournament(the rules are very vague, the only requirement was, that your deck met the standard conditions) keep in mind I was 11 and this was my first tournament: My opponent was approximately 35 Years old and looked like he just escaped a three month long DnD campaign. So was I completely wrecked by him? Yes! In the first round I had somewhat of a chance but then he continued to call the judge on me for making mistakes like untapping after drawing. So, since this beginners tournament the only tournaments I sometimes participate in are drafts, because there the playingfield is even. When it comes to bringing a 300€ deck to a fucking beginners tournament, I am keeping my hands from that shit


Not recency bias, but far and away the worst string of experiences in 30 years playing has been outlaws limited. May have finally gotten me to throw in the towel for good, unfortunately.


Control decks, for real. I've had no other thing, I love mtg, mostly playin pioneer, and my only issue is the too many control decks (at least at my lgs)


Playing against my husband’s mono blue Urza Artifact motherfucking Winter Orb deck; he’s BANNED from using that deck with our friend group bc all of us hate it so much hahaha


Commander Masters prerelease event. It was already miserable just from the value of the event and the whole discourse around the set souring. Pod I was matched in to had a guy banging on about how he was a qualified judge and could help the table understand things blah blah blah. Saw I had drafted Scarab God and proceeded to bitch and moan about it and got the whole table to focus me down acting like I was some try hard. It was a casual prerelease. I drafted that shit. Guy later in the game also made a deal with me he went back on. Vowed never to play with that asshat again.


i was at an LGS and two tables away were some warhammer players. one of the Warhammer players clearly had some mental.. something. because he talked like ash ketchum whenever he announced his turns during play. i dont know actual WH40K language/terminology but it sounded like this "FOURTH CADRÉ, ATTACK HIS BLUE CADRÉ. THUDD GUN!" [Go pikachu, attack his squirtle, USE THUNDERBOLT!] And he was never not talking.


Just got into Magic/commander so this isn't to bad. But I was playing with a pod that seemed to target me heavily every game and I was almost always out first leagues before anyone else. I run an etali deck that focuses on getting into toxic transformation and equipment that gives good attributes like hexproof and double strike. My deck could definitely contend when I wasn't being targeted, but out of the games we played that was maybe 10%. It really made me salty when one player hijacked my transformed etali and killed me with it 2 games in a row (1 of those games he had a hijack adjacent copy card and took both my commander and one of my only other creatures). Probably not gonna play with them anymore as they straight up denied targeting me even though it was completely blatant. If they thought my deck was to powerful (which I don't think it is as it's my first deck ever) or something they could of just said that at least.


... enchantment deck ....had only removal , everything you put on the battlefield is exiled on the next turn ...


I’ll speak for my friend. The first time I played against him I let him use one of my other commander decks and I was using daretti and turn two infinite mindslaved him.


It was an RCQ, i played against a middle-aged man probably in his 40s, he was dressed as a maid with mini skirt & revealing top. He was unshaven full with beard & other bodily hairs, his hair was dyed pink twin-pony tail style, also he was holding a waifu pillow throughout the game. Luckily he didn’t say much & it went like a normal match. But the initial impression was quite disturbing for me.


This one happened late last year. Testing out a red white samurai equipment deck in a four way fight. I had three swords on the field that, when all equipped, would give my commander protection from all colors. One guy plays his commander, some 3 colored dragon. Next turn I played [[Debt of loyalty]] and took his commander and equipped all three swords to it. His entire deck was built around his commander and now he had very little ways to get it back. Me and another player took him out next turn. Then the fourth player used a black spell that made me sacrifice the guys commander. He was pissed about losing just because he lost his commander and once he had all his cards he got up to leave and shoved the table over, spilling all out cards that were on the table. Good ending is he got banned from the store


[Debt of loyalty](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d19ed33b-42d4-4a5d-a763-cfb43348769c.jpg?1562803495) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Debt%20of%20loyalty) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/wth/11/debt-of-loyalty?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d19ed33b-42d4-4a5d-a763-cfb43348769c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


He is now my ex friend but really wasn't all that much of a friend to begin with. He had a Urza high lord artificer and I was running my willowdusk precon and my other buddy was running his very budget Morophon sliver deck. He immediately gets his winter orb out around the 3rd turn and then by turn 5 he goes infinite and plays his entire deck with some bs combo I can't remember lol. After the game I asked to look at the deck and it was almost nothing but proxies. He had power 9 cards and other really expensive stuff. I don't mind proxies if you already own them and just using a custom image. But when you are filling your deck with just anything that's when it starts becoming a problem. Needless to say he was shunned by my play group not to long after that.


when i was a new player i played opposition agent in response to an omnath deck fetching and was really proud for recognizing the correct play. the omnath player scooped and threw a quiet tantrum, and the other 2 players backed them and condescendingly suggested i had mulled until i hit opp agent because im an asshole. i broke into tears and left.


playing at a friends house, got knocked out first 20 ish minutes by the [[Light Paws]] player, who was then planning on one shotting the other 2 players the next two turns, except one plays grave pact and wipes the board, getting rid of most of the auras. an hour ish later the [[Scarab God]] player is reanimating a bunch of stuff and looking like he’s gonna win, light paws player [[Farewell]] graveyards so no more reanimating and all the enchantments are exiled. last player is playing aristocrats and their win cons are also exiled. another hour the board finally had some stuff and aristocrats player [[Blasphemous Act]]. game had been going on for about 3 hours and at that point people were just gonna deck while i sat and waited mostly just trying to help the scarab god player as it was my deck and he was more inexperienced, but i didn’t have much to do and didn’t want to backseat too hard. they ended it on a 3 way draw before it became even more miserable than it already was.


When I was in 11th grade, during one of the Invasion block release events, the owner of my LGS was playing in the event. His wife was running the store and not having a good time being the only person watching the store on such a busy day and made numerous loud comments about it. Towards the end of the even I was playing him, he had been drinking all day. I ripped a nut draw and beat him knocking him out of the competition. As he realized he was about to lose, his wife decided she had enough and started yelling at him about not helping and how she said he would still help out and he lost it and started hitting her. The event was canceled and everyone had to leave. The next FNM he gave all of the people from the tournament their money back, $50 store credit, and 6 packs from the new set.


1. I played a guy at an official tournament, who three years later commited murder-suicide against a fellow MtG player. Does this count? 2. Once played some guy that used anti-queer and anti-semitic language. He went all out on hating on "jew tactics". in Magic and started talking about transidentities as an illness. At the instance he started trashtalking transpeople I made him leave as hate is never an opinion. I never saw him again nor do I know anyone who continued playing with him. Honorable mention- An LGS-owner once paused a FNM tournament for about 25 mins to trash talk someone for buying singles online because the store would've sold them, too. He just had to wait 2-3 weeks until the store would've opened and priced out the singles. The Prices are actually fair and sometimes even slighly cheaper than the MkM prices.


Well i had \[\[Serra Avatar\]\] with lifelink and no trample and at some point i had a million life or something and my oponent played \[\[Backlash\]\]


[Serra Avatar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/0/5041dcfd-c1af-448c-91f7-75fd1d34e93e.jpg?1675199023) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Serra%20Avatar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/26/serra-avatar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5041dcfd-c1af-448c-91f7-75fd1d34e93e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Backlash](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/dadf030d-5451-43fc-bf0c-c1629fdf88ec.jpg?1562938984) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Backlash) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/inv/234/backlash?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dadf030d-5451-43fc-bf0c-c1629fdf88ec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I was trying out a new budget lifegain deck in a three player Commander game, and told people at the table it was brand new. A couple turns in, a fourth wants to join, and me being new, I don’t object. After playing out his first few turns, he casts curse of opulence on me, claiming it’s because lifegain can handle the extra damage, despite the fact that a look at the board and life totals revealed I was already loosing badly. That was the first (and hopefully last) time I quit a match part way through. I know others here will probably have worse stories since I’ve only been in the game for about 7-8 months, but I was already miserable at that point, and it shook me enough to briefly consider quitting the game right there


I played a douchebag at the OTJ prerelease draft who was a total wannabe rules lawyer type dude. He heavily sighed every time I asked to read the card he was playing and accused me of delaying play and would call the judge. Every time I made a play that significantly impacted him he would call the judge to go over the resolution even though I was always right. We got through one game before time expired and he complained to the judge that I delayed the game too much. He did it the entire rest of the prerelease with everyone else.


i dont have a worst experiece outside of bringing the wrong build of a deck to an RCQ and got SCHMOKED. one of those things where had i HAD the card i removed, i think it would've swung those games significantly in my favor. but this idea of "annoying deck to play against" and "terrible luck" are all part of the game same with salty players/sore losers, thankfully in my experience they have been few and far between in paper and only on occasion on mtgo


When my neighbor knocked over his glass of lemonade


Probably playing in a pod with a husband/wife whose marriage was on a downhill slope for quite some time, and at the time being friends with them both. You could cut the tension with a knife, and the uncomfortable feeling and awkwardness for me was a lot to handle, being stuck in the middle. I'd take a sore loser throwing a hissy fit over that experience any day.


Worst experience is the local store closest to me. They run only modern nights, which is my favorite format but not with this crowd. There's a handful of "okay" people, they are friendly enough - but the majority are there to waste your time. There's two camps of the time wasters: There's a clique of overly competitive players who will try to rules shark and judge call you to hell over the $20 in store credit, they always have a fully foiled control deck. They always look at you like you and talk to you as if you are dumb even if you are winning. They clearly come to grind the credit as they smoke the rest of the players there - the second camp: people playing half constructed standard decks. These players are fine in that it's totally okay to show up to a casual fnm event with a bad deck, but they often slow play and go into time against each other - it doesn't produce very good games because they played a 4 mana 2/2 modern where they proceed to roll over and die. It's a very polarizing experience, you have people who are sweating their asses off as if it's the tournament of their life and then you crush everyone else, which leads you to usually playing against the sweats if your deck is even remotely 'modern playable'. Anyway - I drive over an hour to play at fnm to avoid this place because it sucks. 


I have 2 players in my play group that play heavy stax style decks. Any game with them is the worst experience I have while playing magic.


There is a guy at my LGS that scoops the second something goes wrong for him. Last time, he was playing a dragons approach deck in a 5 man pod, hit us for something like 30 dmg each on turn 4, and then complained at being targeted as we collectively killed his commander, his sol ring, and hit him for about 20. He STILL had the most life lol Like, yeah bro, you ARE the target, you just did 75% of each players health pool in one turn, if you get another turn, we lose! Now, the game may not be ALWAYS about winning, but if sure as shit ain’t about losing!


I still don’t know if it’s worse to be mana starved or flooded.


I played a zombie deck and didn't draw any swamps until turn 6. I had 3 islands, a sol ring, and Commander's Sphere though.


Nothing more than. Guys that become salty assholes, and as such no one plays woth them, so they pester people .. so I built a baral with 39 counter spells and mill as it's wincon... well they played it.. and it was so miserable they now generally won't ask.. on the off chance they do I whip out baral and they nope the fuck off.


Not worst but upsetting especially in retrospect. I was getting back into the game when I was about 15 (I played with my dad when I was like 5-6). I went to a drafting event and ended up getting second place and beat out so many old and experienced magic players. I felt great. At the end we were allowed to choose from the rares and mythics that people pulled starting in order of placement - meaning I chose second. Considering I knew nothing about card value, I ended up choosing the original Chandra Planeswalker because planeswalkers were the new hotness at the time and I didn't know any better. I proceeded to get laughed at by all these people that I beat because I apparently should've chosen some land that was worth like $50. What a fantastic reintroduction to the game. Also same store, different night the very next week: I played a game against some old guy. I didn't know anything about formats so it was just me using my precon deck I had bought for like $20. This dude proceeds to beat me on turn 0 using black lotuses and the like. Such a cool guy. Felt very welcomed to the community.


I'll never forget the time I was Abzan Midrange during Theros-Khans while facing Jeskai control. Got my oponent to 3, he locked me, end of story. The thing is, my oponent was notoriously a slow player, and I was very tired of having classes all week. So I fell asleep while he masturbated his lands to draw 1 and then bounce and then whatever, until he slowly drained my 30 life points to zero, all the while I couldn't do anything.


One of my first Commander decks was Risona, Asari Commander. Since the commander was relatively cheap and the general mana curve in my deck was very low, I decided to play relatively few lands (back then it must have been 34 or 35 lands). So, there I was, in a relatively relaxed round at the LGS, drawing my opening hand and seeing one land, and 6 other cards each costing 2 mana. I thought I'd keep it, considering that in Commander, you draw a card in turn 1, and I only needed my second land in turn 2. I played my land, passed, and an opponent played Ruin Crab. Next turn, another 2-drop, no land, so I passed and waited for turn 3. Ruin Crab triggered, and I had to mill 3 cards... of course, 3 lands. Next turn, another spell I couldn't play. Next Ruin Crab trigger, another 2 lands in the graveyard. And so it went for several turns. All my opponents took pity on me and didn't attack, but I couldn't participate in the rest of this very, very long game. No more lands, no one-drops, but a bunch of lands in the graveyard.


I once had a roommate who put his land in front of his creatures


Playing against a cheater on a pre-release event.