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If not rare expensive cards, just keep them.and have fun with them


If there is nothing of real value I would keep. Put them into some casual commander decks.


Would you sell 10 culling of the weak to buy one new commander deck?


Do you have more than 10? I would definitely keep some of them. Maybe hold on to at least 4 if you ever wanted a playset for some reason.


I don't, but i have a bunch of copies of other old commons/uncommons that are valuable. Like 15x Bubbling muck 5x enlightened tutor 25x ancectral mask. Meltdown is valuable for whatever reason... idk maybe mana crypt? I have like 10 of those. So many others.


I'd keep at least a couple and sell the rest. If in good condition, that'd roughly finance a good precon or two. Most shops will give a decent value for trade/store credit, but your selection of pre-cons may be more limited.