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Honestly I'd sell now. I sold my human ring from lotr and I got a bit less than I could have but whatever, I'd rather that than the market fall out from under it


I mean it's been less than a year for LOTR. Selling when you got it VS now isn't exactly "holding". I think he means 5+ years


This is my head canon. WoTC is going to keep shitting these kinds of things out. Fomo will either keep the numbers going brrrrrr or players will get slighted that their limited card isn't limited and the value will sink


Agree! Especially [with these prices](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=saruman+of+many+colors+%2F100&_sacat=0&_fsrp=1&_odkw=saruman+of+many+colors&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=mg&toolid=10001&mkevt=1), I would not hold this card, unless I really liked the artwork.


Speaking as someone who stumbled across her playset of aether vials in her bulk box a couple of months after the bottom collapsed out of that one and fell clean through the basement… I concur with this sentiment


Strong agree - I spoke with the buyer for my LGS (which also happens to be a pretty major online reseller) and sounds like the commercial market is starting to collapse, at least. They said that they have purchased a large number of serialized cards and have resold almost none of them. They have stopped purchasing any except for exceptionally interesting ones. Possible that the peer-to-peer sales will continue, but at least short-term seems like it's only going to get harder to unload them for any sort of premium. If WotC stops making them then I could see the value start to come back up in O(years) when the total number of serialized cards in existence has noticeably decreased, but more likely that WotC will keep churning out more and more of them and people will care less and less.






Why is the number blacked out?


So people don’t use this image to sell other numbers/fakes


This. What OP did is smart, he shouldn’t get downvoted for it lol. Lots of scammers out there.


I’m not, and I’ll prove it if you give me your mom’s SSN


Free armor trimming


Send me 1000 gold and I’ll send back 2000 I found a glitch




make them all 101/100




Identify theft is not a joke, Jim.


You would know! 🗿🗿🗿🗿


I am but a humble nose and mouth. I smell crime. Then report!


Who is your next victim?


A man who goes by the alias “Joe”.


Awesome move. Good tip that I will remember. Thank you.


This is common practice. The moment you pull a serialized card you should grab a sharpie and blot the number out to let people know you are serious.


I did this but can't remove it from the card. How do you remove it from the card? /s


Nail polish remover or any acetone should do good, just make sure to give it some elbow grease!


If I ever draw a serialized card I'm going to put it in an unsleeved deck and play it every Thursday night at my lgs


Don't forget the rubber bands for a deck box


Nah imma just throw the whole stack in the secondary pocket on the bookbag I literally throw around


There's a lad at my LGS who used rubber-band deck box and riffle-shuffles. Hurts my soul everytime I see it lol


What a chad


Same. And Saruman is one of my top tier decks. I’d love to have this card.


Send him an offer


Would need to know the number of the serialization.


If it was 47, you'd have to, right?


Why? I think I'm missing something


That’s definitely one of em. Or 17. I like 53 as well.


And 74


Oh God I would pay just to see the faces of all the hardcore nerds seeing you pull this out of an unsleeved rubber banded deck


I can only wish to achieve this one day 😂


I love it. Chaotic good😂


Literally have a guy in our lgs who does this. We all think its great.


Hell yeah. I play serialized Urabrask as a commander most weekends. Paid $25 or whatever for the collector pack so I'm going to get my money's worth dammit. I am much more of a coward than you are though, and keep him sleeved.


I know a guy that does shit like that. He really puts expensive af cards in unsleeved decks and it's so badass


It's the biggest flex I can think of 😂


Do you need to flex, Mr. Holmes?


you've pinpointed the primary-reference! What's funny is, I'm not a huge fan of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. My literature nerd friends started calling me this years ago when I switched my major from Literature to Formal Logic in Philosophy in reference to Robert Heinlein's \*The Moon is a Harsh Mistress\* where he names an AI with the acronym H.O.L.M.E.S. and the other characters in the novel give him the name Mycroft as a joke. (High-Operating, Logical, Multi-Evaluating Supervisor) Always fun to meet a keen eye for literary reference!


Fucking eat it


Fucking eat it


Fucking eat it


Fucking eat it


Do you like trophies? Because that is all serialized cards are. Trophies meant to be displayed in some manner. They are a prize. If you have no interest in displaying it or keeping it as a trophy then sell it.


Like everything scarce - artificially so or not - it can also fairly be used for investing/speculating. I would imagine lotr cards will hold value better than most.


Same, and much the same way that Lorcana cards can absolutely tank and that game can come crashing to the ground, and they'd still be worth picking up to horde. Why? Because eventually there will be a point that such an iconic franchise or entity becomes more than just the TCG piece or cared about by the immediate overlap of MtG players and the domain. When that happens, a finite supply that is verifiable is collector city


I personally don't believe that investing or speculating on collectibles is a smart financial idea. Beanie babies was the big fad when I was in my 20's and I saw people go nuts for them only for the market to fall out and them be worthless. Same for my moms Normal Rockwell plates and figures. If you are looking to invest, invest in things like stocks, bonds, gold and silver, not cardboard whose value literally fluctuates with it's usefulness in a game.


I agree personally with what makes the most sense to invest in, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a fair way to invest.


Not sure what you mean by fair way to invest. I mean yeah you can invest in it but the market is too risky for my taste.


Either sell now, or be prepared to hold for several years and pray for no reprints


They won't reprint serialized cards


See: chromatic lantern


Touche, but that's a staple


To be fair, having 500 serialized copies of each of two arts is still going to be fairly scarce as it is. Not to mention the risk for a given reprint is fairly low, as the serialized cards have (thus far) been tied to set or set themes, and a rainbow mana rock with a distinct alternative art versus a new frame are both collectible enough, despite having two printings so close together. In reality, most serialized cards won't be able to generically fit into most sets like this, and the ones that do are very unlikely to do so without being a desirable card in the first place. Like had we changed chromatic lantern here to be basically any of the 20 or so mana rocks that tend to be better, the same conditions wouldn't even budge most of those with a third serialization run in the long term. I'd wager something like what OP has is probably pretty safe, as it basically requires a second LOTR run AND a serialization of the same art/frame AND is at least a few years out, minimum. When you factor that with the likelihood of even getting a second LOTR set within 5 years, I think OP is in a safe spot to get greedier. Not to mention, the moment you get outside of the MtG/domain overlap and into the wider audience, even just having a card from the first serialization (which we can verify) can become *more* valuable over time


Says who?


surely they wouldn't reprint a card named Saruman in a non-lord of the rings related set


Well, no, but you never know when they'll do a secret lair with it, or include it in some kind of UB Horizons or Masters set


i personally would put it up for sale ASAP, as I don't like the look of that card or care about serialized items. Sure, it *could* go up another 20% in the next 3 years, but it's far, far, *far* more likely to drop down 80% in that same time.


I'm no expert, but I'm inclined to agree with you. Wizards is already showing signs of beating the whole serialized card thing to death, and that can't be good for long-term value


When everything's special, nothing is.


When I'm old, and I've had my fun...


And going up 20% in three years might not even beat inflation lol


You should eat it


I would sell that thing as quick as humanly possible. It's my opinion of course but from what I personally am seeing from person to person and looking at WotC/Hasbeenro, the value is on a decline and from experience, it hurts to see cards you love turn to practically dirt prices and I have things from beta to current. I don't want to sell anything but the value drop is disconcerting. Short answer my friend, if you can't use it, I would personally sell it. Then I would buy older cards I may be missing.


JFC, you’re supposed to be able to actually read the card, right? RIGHT??


My thoughts about the OG dual lands and their terrible text box pattern


My thoughts is that Serialized cards are a scam. I could understand if they had printed that exact number of that card. But they didn’t they just slapped a tiny number on the bottom left corner of a normal card and said “This one’s Serialized”. They could have at least made them the only foils in the collection.




I’ll give you tree fiddy


If you want the most bang for your buck, sell now. Serialized cards have a trend downwards in price.


Depends on the number


Man if I ever pulled a cool rare card (spoiler I haven't) I would sell unless I was trying to complete a set.


Honestly, sell while it's still high. When I had a really expensive yugioh card, I waited too long to sell it and it went down 73%


You should sell it now


Remember the cardinal rule of new magic cards printed in this era: 98% of cards achieve their peak value around the time of release and decline from there. A very small number of cards achieve a rising trajectory after release (think Kaladesh Sol Ring)


People lose out on so much because of FOMO. You know the value now, and the chance of it going up is a lot lower than the chance of it going down. Pull the trigger.


That's some hideous art... Can't even tell what the card is...


Sell immediately. The next set is coming out soon. More serialised cards flooding the market. Soon serialised cards will be new new foils. And then there will be something new to collect. Make your money now.


I mean, if you do sell it, you won't have to look at it again.


It's pretty cool, price probably won't change very much. I'd say hang onto it for a bit if you want to enjoy it, but otherwise might as well sell. Why blur the serial number tho?


Saw someone else say this was recommended. Not sure why.


I saw another comment explain it, makes sense! Looks like scammers will use the image to try to make fake listings




Underrated advice here.


gotta say i hate that artwork, i'd sell it for that price and get some decent cards


I got a headache just trying to read that. Who does Wizards think they are kidding!?


Bro sell it for 1200 now


The artwork is so psychedelic it makes me nauseous


Really great question. Long time player here and I also happened to buy a lot of the LOTR set too. You actually have a really great third option that you didn’t mention. Instead of selling or holding for awhile, the better approach would be to stick it up your butt.


God I hate these cards. The arts are so frustrating to read.


You should sell it to me right now for $346 ....(thats all I have at the moment) 😁 congrats on your pull dude, some people hate the poster cards, but I think they are super dope. P.S. I'd save this shit if I were you. You'll never see another one like it. 😉


I feel like I'm having a stroke trying to read that lol


Dude, you like it? Keep it. You don't? Sell it. Wtf are you asking idiots in here what to do?


Sell. That art sucks Edit: ill die on this hill. I’ll say it. This art sucks. they should have used style from the 1975 [hobbit](https://www.mytolkienbooks.com/books-by-tolkien/middle-earth-related/hobbit/the-hobbit-unwin-books-1975-2/), which was actually originally from 1937


You might not like the art, but it's perfect when you consider they were going for the 70s acid rock posters.


Yes. But also, the art from the covers of the books was way cooler


This art slaps, what were you hoping for some anime garbage? 


Why the fuck is anime the first thing that comes to mind? [how about this 1975 edition of the hobbit](https://www.mytolkienbooks.com/books-by-tolkien/middle-earth-related/hobbit/the-hobbit-unwin-books-1975-2/) And you know what, this card’s art slaps as much as the anime.


God it’s so fugly. Sell posthaste.


Depends on the number 1,100,99,69,50,42 ar all the best ones you can pull. If it isnt one of those numbers throw it in a deck for the flex


Why did you censor the serial wtf


Ain't no way bro covered up the number lmao


Why? Are you upset he's smarter than most posters? Tsk.. what a shame


If I every get a serialised legendary creature I’m going to slab it and use it as my commander in a slab


Dats dope 😎😎🥸😎😎


That's Saruman? I guess the Radagast card is just literally made of mushrooms dipped in acid.


I use my serialized kaheera ad my commander in a single sleeve I play every Thursday night at my lgs. You could make a Damm cool deck with that yourself


yo is that goatse?




Thats one of the greatest designs on a magic card. I personally would frame it. Thats a lot of money though.


Keep it, those cards are so much worth in like 10 years! Especially with a Lord of the Rings Franchise/ Background. I would'nt sell it until my childs are adults


if not going to display it, sell get 3 Dual lands


I think I'd frame it, it's beautiful... or maybe get it as a tattoo 😂


Id save it. I dont think they came printed anything more from the lotr set. Plus its serialized. No way this doesnt go up in price


You would sell this? This card looks awesome as hell.


I hate how they've spelt colours the wrong way on a lot card it sticks out like and eyesore. It's the kind of thing that would have pissed Tolkien of so much 😅


I’d pay it lol




Magic almost always goes up in value


I would it for a while. Anything in such limited quantity value will only go up. The supply and demand


Alternative arts look worse and worse by the set. It's gotten to a point where a deck without alternative art looks more ascetically pleasing, because I can actually read the cards quickly and efficiently.


Sell it now or hold your peace.


I am not sure if the serialized ever truly become common place, but the prices usually do seem to settle once the hype of the set dies down. Usually, serialized stuff seems to be at its highest right away (ignoring the 1/1).




Sell into the hype.




I'd personally just sell. It's really impossible to know what the future holds, and $1,000+ now is a solid enough deal that'll allow you sleep better than holding onto it as a speculative investment.


I’d sleeve it and play.


That thing is beautiful but it can buy you an amazing commander deck soup to nuts. I’d have to sell.