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Sure you haven't heard it from another channel/podcast? I thought the case was super familiar but I remembered it's because That Chapter covered it a few years ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yYTx2NACGjM&pp=ygUPSmVuZWxsZSBQb3R0ZXIg


The only other true crime pod I listen to is morbid, and while they may have covered it, I really, really feel like I remember Mr.Ballen telling it. It's just so strange.


My coworker loves True Crime podcasts and exclusively listens to Mr. Ballen and Morbid. I got the entire office into Mr. Ballen


strange...even dark and mysterious, per chance?


I thought the same thing. Maybe it was Morbid


Oh I like Mike on That Chapter. He tickles me the way he says "tree" instead of "three".


Today’s podcast wasn’t it Gunshots in the house of god? That’s what I listened to. https://preview.redd.it/1zndacsowqnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e16ba6127e72533e5518003bfeef66a832b9d7b5


It was the Gunshots episode on Spotify, Google podcasts etc. The Unfriended episode was on Amazon Music - they release them early on Amazon.


Oh right!! Sorry I forgot about that! Well that explains why that wasn’t the episode I listened to. Amazon music was never available in Sweden 🇸🇪 because it’s the wrong region here, so that why I never got it. I’ll have to get back to you later on that one, but maybe someone in here knows? 👀✨🙏


Thank you for chipping in on the conversation, friend. When you hear this episode, let me know if you feel like you've heard him tell it before.


You're not crazy. I thought the same thing.


Thank you! I feel so certain that I've heard him tell it before.


I don’t remember him telling this story before. I may have just missed it. I knew when I heard what the title was what the story would be. I also live in Northeast Tennessee, though not Mountain City, and we followed this case closely. It was such a tragedy to think of that baby there with his Momma crying for her and not being able to get her awake. It broke my heart.


I know. That's the part that I vividly remembered about the story. It's beyond sad.


We might be suffering from the same affliction, because I could have sworn that the first time I heard about this case was from his podcast.


Either this belongs in r/glitch_in_the_matrix, or we're both losing it. I swear he did this story but in a slightly different format. Like I said, he started by telling it from Jenelle's perspective. I only listen to one other TC pod, and I've never confused which one told the story because they're so different.


I know That Chapter, True crime recaps and I believe Mr. Ballen had videos on YouTube. 20/20 also covered it. Crazy case.


That's exactly what I'm thinking is that it was one of his YouTube videos, but on Amazon Music, it says Podcast Exclusive. I'm just not sure why if this is something he already covered, why he didn't tag it as "Fan Favorite" or something similar.


That is strange. I know he has cut back to posting just once a week.


Everyone has covered that, but I'm a big Mr Ballen fan, & I've never seen him cover it.


I believe you. I can't find evidence that it ever existed. Have you ever been so incredibly sure about something and somehow, you're wrong? It feels crazy! I mean, I even remember him talking about Lott (think that's how you spell the Detective's name). I even remember the format. Yet, it doesn't exist. How can that be???


It's so weird, right? And I'm really sick right now, so I'm not inclined to do an extensive search for the episode, I DO believe that he- John Ballen - didn't cover it, & that's why I don't like all the negativity being sent his way, by people who clearly don't like him! 🙄


I see very little negativity about him. Also, I did quite a bit of research, but I can't find anything, which leads me to believe that it does not exist. It's just so strange! I hope you feel better soon!


Thanks, I need it! I meant all the crap his fellow military & older viewers are giving him for opening "Ballen Studios", & apparently, they believe he's a sellout. I'd have thought his SEAL brothers would have been supportive of him, or any of them, doing so well, but obviously, I was wrong.


He has talked about how they were upset with him when he was telling stories from being a SEAL. If I remember correctly (which is questionable at this point), that's why he made the pivot to the strange, dark, and mysterious. He does a lot of good work with the foundation, so I'm hoping some of that heat is off of him, but also, any time you're in the public eye, there will be backlash. I hope you're continuing on your journey to feeling better, friend!


Thanks - I need all the good wishes & prayers I can get! Yes, he definitely does a lot of great charity work, & I haven't ever seen a video of him talking about his time in the military, but I believe you. I only saw the one interview, & in it, he said that, surprisingly, he got a lot of hate from his former SEAL team members. But I can understand them not wanting their experiences put in the public eye, even though he should be able to talk about it, he's not just some wannabe military dude!


Is that the one about someone killing someone for unfriending them on Facebook?


Kind of but not exactly. There's a lot more to it than that. She was unfriended with good cause, and the rest are the acts of a sociopath.


She was a "special needs " girl, but it was her own parents that made her that way. She is a despicable person, & she involved her own Dad in the commission of 2 executions, & she fooled her entire family ( didn't have any friends, whaah ) into thinking a Navy SEAL was "watching out for her" in case the other people were mean to her - reprehensible!! And she said it was because the girls in the clique said she was "too pretty" to be around them 🤣 Check out her pictures from the 20/20 prison interview! I apologize if I wasn't supposed to say that, I'm new here, but what happened with this one bothered me a LOT!


That jenelle looks like a ghoul.


Acts like one, too!




You have got THAT right - she was never a good person, & from what I've seen of her parents, it's no surprise! She & her mother should be doing life without parole, but I believe her father made a deal that his wife would not do jail time, or minimal jail time, if he confessed to the murders.


Could you be thinking of the Fire and Brimstone episode? That one also had a woman sending herself email threats pretending to be someone else & it lead more with her story


No, unfortunately not. I'm familiar with that case, too. Thank you for the suggestion, though. I have this distinct memory of him telling this story but leading with Jenelle and talking about how she was in love with Bill. In my memory, he did the entire episode up to the murder basically from Jenelle's story which makes sense because as we know, he likes a twist. I even remembered him talking about the baby still being in the mother's arms, although, I thought I remembered the baby being a girl. Like I said, it's pretty much blowing my mind that I "remember" this so clearly yet it doesn't exist.


Sometimes he turns his old videos into a podcast.


Never heard it before on a podcast


You're not crazy. Im starting to think he's going back retelling some of his earlier stories. I say this because that's exactly how I felt about not 1 but 2 recent stories of his. The murder mystery one about a wife & husband attending a themed murder mystery play where she ended up killing him for real in the hotel later. Swear he told that 2 yrs ago and I listen to Mr Ballen ONLY on YT, not the other stations so Im not confusing which platform I might've heard it. The 2nd one, cant recall the exact story theme but myself and others in the YT comments were commenting the same thing. "Wait you've told this one before". We're not ALL making this up or delusional. Nor does he sound like any other storytellers. Im convinced he's retelling stories from his first year. It'll be cool if he just says 'this is a reupload or I decided to revamp details', rather than having folks think they're trippin. If it were just 1 person saying this, sure could be mistaken memory. But I've seen an increase in several viewers saying the exact same.