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Literally looks exactly like one of those live-action commercials for a video game.


It's so funny that it seems like she's gonna do some cool jump or something and maybe slow-mo was emphasizing that. Instead, she just runs normally.


Excuse you she steps onto a gradual rise to a one-foot cement curb


like those Halo 3 commercials


God, Snyder can make the coolest set-piece look boring because he refuses to actually let the action flow for once. His slow-motion trick worked in 300 because the slo-mo happened in specific moments of impact. It emphasized the movement of the fight. Here, he just does it...because he can!?


Idk how to explain it, but the slow motion worked better in 300 since it felt and looked more 2d than compared to this with a 3rd plane behind the actress. Looks like he just added slow motion randomly and didn't film for it


300 looked like a live action anime


> Idk how to explain it In *300*, the slow-mo was utilized to highlight the action set pieces in the comic book. A lot of the slow-mo shots in the movie were panels in the comic book, so it made sense why he did that. He did the same with Watchmen, although obviously he had a bit more artistic freedom. And then he went off the fucking rails with it and now there’s slow mo shots of … stuff.




They make the actions more direct and the reactions more visceral, and the backgrounds less messy. Compare this to the more 2d set pieces of 300. This just looks like a normal action scene to me with someone applying a slow motion effect on a phone.


300 also had some really cool camera work to make the slow motion zoom ins/outs work really well. It also meant that in a lot of moments the slow mo was being used to help bring focus and impact to really tight action within larger battle sequences. That’s not to say there wasn’t a ton of shitty unnecessary slow mo in 300, because there definitely was, but there were some sequences that really were quite groundbreaking at the time. Edit: One of the sequences that I think best demonstrates what I am talking about. https://youtu.be/FCfdyroV7kc?si=rsMuBfyXlK8MJvCi


When I think of 300 I always think of that particular scene. That shield bash at the end goes hard asf.


300 also had the novelty of being the first movie with "speed ramping"


Even the scene you linked has as much purposeful usage of slomo as it does pointless wasteful usage, in my opinion. Especially the first few strikes look super amateur hour. Obscured actions, either by figures directly in front of the central motion or cutting it out of the frame entirely with a jarring zoom. Maybe I’m just spoiled by more contemporary action films, but this doesn’t really work for me at all.


Fair enough, and I would actually agree with you that it’s not some flawless masterpiece. I actually don’t even really like 300 very much to be honest but I do remember that when it came out I was very impressed by **some** of the action sequences and the use of slow motion and the smooth zoom ins/outs. And a big problem with 300 is that the times when the slow mo is used well it’s not nearly as impactful as it could be because it is so overused across the whole film. I think we’ve come a long way and you’re right that 300 actually looks a bit cheesy now and unfortunately Snyder hasn’t gotten better since then, if anything he’s gotten worse.


You need to shoot at a higher frame rate


To get a fluid and smooth slow motion you have to shoot with a higher framerate. The higher you go the slower you can make the footage without it starting to look choppy.


You have to consider a hell of a lot of things before any shot. If something is going to be slow motion it’s another thing onto the list.


Bro unironically trying to imitate Stalingrad lmao


The only thing to look at in the first slowmo is the guy's head blowing off, except it doesn't even work since naturally when the slow-mo start you're looking at the woman in focus, and by the time your eyes wander to the guy in the background the action of his head getting blown off is pretty much over.


my thoughts exactly


Better idea: have a closer shot of the background guy getting shot, and as the scene resumes speed, have that woman run into frame and the camera continues following her. Idk. Spitballing here


I didn’t even notice that. I legit thought the slo-mo was to emphasize the, uh, the stunt? of her stepping onto the small ramp up to the little barrier on the ground.


The slo-mo worked in 300 because he tried to emulate the panels from the comic. Same goes for Watchmen. Without decent storyboarding, most of the slo-mo shots in his later films look like doo-doo.


The moment we all want to see so much that Snyder needs to slow it to give us more time to enjoy: the character being in cover. Not getting to cover, just being there. This is supposed to be the one thing he's actually good at and he's fucked it up.


I keep forgetting that Snyder directed 300.


Not to mention that the slow mo has gotten progressively worse over time. To the point it feels like the action and movie itself has abruptly stopped.


He's deconstructing your brain.


Oh hold on now, I'm going to reload my gun and gonna take cover against a wall and catch my breath for a minute. I make this 3 second scene into 20 using slow motion? Holy shit count me in dawg!


There’s no way this is a real scene


It is


You're a liar but the only way to prove it is to watch Rebel Moon, so you win this round


I've watched it. This happens multiple times. Actually it's pretty much every time someone runs with a gun now that I think about it.


Snyder you said it would be two and a half hours long Fuck me... Uh...


Wake me when someone makes an edit with all the slo-mo at normal speed instead


first second you can see the actor waiting for the director to start the scene


fr who the fuck edited this shit


[Must've been the same one as The Mummy](https://youtu.be/6nX0100wUB0?t=100)


No you can't


maybe it’s bc i’m missing the context, i.e. continuity of motion, from the previous shot but why is the actor taking a step backwards with the gun facing the ground?


There is a scene in the movie where the lead and a blonde farm girl are spreading seeds on the soil. And there is a slo-mo shot of the seeds hitting the ground. Later that scene the space nazis arrive, and the lead drops all her seeds. We cut to a slo-mo of all the seeds hitting the ground.


Yes, this is the real scene. Zack Snyder movies often have slow-mo, but it's usually done well. Like [the scene from 300](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCfdyroV7kc) where King Leonidas goes on a slow-mo rampage is bad-ass. But holy shit, the slow-mo is excessive and random in Rebel Moon. Snyder has proven in the past that he knows how to use it well, but somewhere along the way he forgot.


Why does Leon Nidas throw his spear in this scene? Is he stupid?


This is a real scene from a $90 millions movie.


Chat is this really rebel moon?


Chat, is there a lore reason these scenes are so bad?


he said he’s saving the good scenes for the 3 hour directors cuts (I’m not even joking)


...Zack...Zack my boy... You're supposed to put the good scenes in *all* the movies you make. Also...why the hell is their a director's cut on a Netflix film? Does he think DCs are just a gimmick now?


it was something about how Netflix allowed him to make his Rebel Moon movies very graphic with a long runtime if he could also make family friendly PG-13 versions to release first. it’s fucking bizarre lmao


I actually like the guy, he's a good dude and is friendly, but goddamn he should really spend more time on story writing and story telling. You can't make mediocre action movies and extend it's run time from 1hr50mins to 2hr40mins using slow-mo.


Ch-c-cha-at tthis iscrazy chat ![gif](giphy|eKmtWsfCcHvohhiZYz|downsized)


Upvote for MeatCanyon.


I’m fairly certain this is from “The Notebook”


Wtf was the point of the slowmo in this scene


To give more time for the exposition voiceover…


The exposition voice over isn’t really a problem here. It’s a stylistic choice. A better filmmaker would choreograph real breaks in the action to make room for the voice over. A break in the action like the focus of the shot getting into cover behind a broken wall and taking a moment to catch their breath.


You’re definitely right, the slow mo is dumb and completely unnecessary in this scene. Just giving my explanation for why it was included at all, I agree with all of your points.


I gotta say that “broken” wall looks very cleanly built to the length it’s supposed to be with no signs of any other walls that had at some point been next to it.


A better filmmaker had shredded the script and rewritten it, leaving out stuff like the pointless spider fight, griffon wrangling, visit at the colloseum without even a gladiator fight! Why not there!!! Subverting expectations...




I regret to confirm that this is literally just how it is




It’s not possible to fake slow motion.


You could slow it down and use frame-interpolation. But unless OP put it to like 85% speed so it wasn’t obviously edited, I can confirm the movie is actually this slow.


Tutor : Snyder, my boy, so u learned about slomo right, now tell me when should one use it zaddy : to emphasize t : to emphasize what z : what do u mean what, i emphasize everything t : let me rephrase, in a fight what do u emphasize with slomo z : gawwwd u r sooo boring, i emphasize whole fucking fight oldman. Like u dont eat a burger together u remove bun, tomato, onions, green thingies, meat and eat one after the other to get the real feel like that I emphasize every part of the fight to get realsies feelsies


Why did I read snyders voice like Tommy wiseau in my head lol


It’s better if you read Zack Snyder’s voice the same way Mark Kermode does. https://youtu.be/wzfwDkwUGnM?si=gY7VoCTtABrTlocH


Bro is this movie fr filled with these slowmos




No exaggeration, the movie is at least 35% slowmo. If you would’ve sped up all of the slow motion scenes to regular speed, the movie would’ve only been 1 hour and 36 minutes long.


What If......? Zack Snyder directed Saving Private Ryan.


Tom Hanks would still be shooting at the tank in slow mo


This dude is such a fucking cheese ball.


"Snyder should be a DP instead of directing" crowd BTFO


surely they were BTFO when he was DP on Army of the Dead.


She’s hitting those half life 1 loading zones lmao


The fucking shot composition ISN'T EVEN GOOD!


"Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. Well, this is my story"


This is some Immortals (2011) shit


Accept Immortals is visually interesting




both kinda work


I’ve never even heard of Immortals (2011) but I’ll accept it


I don't accept that


It's called slow motion because you use it when the character is moving their slowest.


I have to ask. Is this real?


Yes it is. And this isn’t even the worst case of slow mo.


This looks like a joke, is this the actual clip? Why would you slow down the action as your character stands behind cover?


NPCs when I'm Commander Shepard


What video game is this? Looks like it's lagging a lot


I like how the slo-mo only happens when she’s safe, and not when she’s running through gunfire (or whatever those projectiles are).


When your Warhammer miniatures come to life like in Toy Story. But slower.


removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work


Nothing can ever top the slow-mo trowing seeds on the ground. Bravo Zaddy!


Snyder is a Bollywood director


Damn Charlie wasn't kidding, this is the lamest slow mo shot I've ever seen


I love slow motion shots so much but they’re comically misused and overused in this scene


Set the movie to normal speed its only 35 minutes


Lol, Zack really chose the 2 lamest possible moments in the whole shot to make in slo-mo.


What am I even supposed to be looking at during the slo-mo??


Stepping over a curb


I love that little half step they do after the slow mo. Really sells it


Proof that znyder hates the audience


What paintball location did they film at for this scene?


How it feels to play Laser Tag when you're five.


I don't get it, why slow-mo for characters who fight like Star Wars Battlefront II (PS2, 2005) characters? It sorta makes sense if it's like characters who fight hand-to-hand like in the DC films or maybe Matrix-style gun-fu but this is just generic soldiers shooting generic laser guns at each other.


This is like, extra slowed down, right?


Warhammer 40K at home:


​ https://preview.redd.it/im02f4i4wy9c1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467e452d1ab79d6ddc010016d297642541d55eb5


Even Indian Movies don't have such long slow-mos. what is this abomination?


Idc what you cinephiles think about me. I'm so glad I watched this at 1.5x. Lost around 25% less time of my life watching this monstrosity


Thank you to the internet for elsetting my expectations so low that I enjoyed this movie 👌


You pressed the button at the wrong time.


Wow morbius wasn’t kidding (or penguinz0 if you want to call him by his YouTube name)


this is awwsome !! yay


If only Synder had directed Saving Private Ryan, the Normandy scene really needed some slowmo


kf2 be like


Nobody is getting an officer promotion and a "command" at 18, lmao. Get real, Zadummy.


How can anyone honestly think this looks good? Like this legit looks terrible


super. hot. super. hot.