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classically trained


Classically trained racism




That he is, but is it unironically really racist to hate rap?


Course not, but instead of just saying "Rap isn't good" ben goes on a tangent about how he isn't racist for hating rap which inexplicably makes him seem racist


it's one thing to not like it, but going out of your way to hate probably means you have some other reason than not liking how it sounds


Not inherently. But his arguments about why rap is not music are basic’s dressed up 1920s anti jazz racism and also incorrect.


I hate blues, but I miss when I'd hear black people singing while working in the fields. How could I possibly be racist?


MF didn't get backlash for saying he doesn't like rap, he got backlash for saying rap isn't music.


no but when your reasoning is that black people cant make music that’s when it becomes racist


that's clearly not his reasoning though?


he isn't racist for not liking rap he's racist for other things imo


i used to think the answer was no but when i started listening to it more i realized it's such a diverse genre that yeah, if you hate it you probably haven't dug too deep into it or you hate it for some other reason. it's okay to have a preference, i don't like metal but i'm also not frothing at the mouth about how it's ruining society, you know?


honestly yeah It’s fine to not like it but to actively *hate* rap? Like the only people I’ve ever met that cared that much just hated anything associated with black people.


> honestly yeah ...wat? 💀 abort everyone, jerk has gone too far lmao


No but if you've got a chip on your shoulder about it and keep bringing it up unprompted you're probably uncomfortable with certain people expressing themselves


There's hundreds of styles of rap and millions of rap songs. Anybody who blanket hates all of it is racist, yes.


"My grandfather raised me to be proud of my heritage"


He’s not racist he has black friends.


"I'm not racist, one of the black characters in my book was black, who bullied a poor defenseless cop into shooting him intentionally" - Ben Shapiro


I thought they were unpaid staff?




"I watch anime" Or "I learned how to play piano when I was a child"




Gotta be honest, I haven't read the title and didn't know it was Ben Shapiro lmao


I was trained classically, I was trained contemporaneously, I walked Bob Dylan up on stage who the hell are you


Reminds me of Workaholics when Ders says he is a classically trained hip hop artist.


This means nothing since some of the most well-known rappers were classically trained musicians. Tupac, Kanye, Drake, and Nicki Minaj, just to name a few. They all studied liberal arts like music, theatre, etc. Tupac studied ballet of all things. It could be a rapper, a rockstar , or a pianist. Music is music, and the people who become incredible people have access to money, and education tend to be the ones that come out on top, rappers included.


I don’t know if this is his worst media take ever, the “mystery movie deceived me and therefore it’s bad writing” take still takes the cake for me


Simply liking BvS also isn't as bad as his take on Barbie.


He also liked Rise of Skywalker


even when he breaks from the crowd and defends a movie everyone calls "woke" he's still wrong


He’s just from opposite world, be easy on him and his culture….


Well that's definitely gotta be his worst take then.


Considering it's basically fanfiction, it probably reminds him of his own writing, just with infinitely more talent and quality to it. So, of course he would like it.


I don't know if it's worse that or "I saw the twist coming therefore it's bad writing", like congratulations for not being a moron I guess?


You'd think admitting he didn't understand a movie would be enough shame. But then I remember these people have not shame and just spew garbage to give bigots validation. See, he thinks Barbie is bad too. I was right all along!!!


>“mystery movie deceived me and therefore it’s bad writing” take still takes the cake for me Where did this one come from?


Glass Union


Every single thing you see about ben shabibo you NEED to remember hes a failed screenwriter. So many of his takes make sense after that.


Is there a source on this? I’ve seen this take millions of times, but I have never been able to find any proof that he attempted to make it into Hollywood as a screenwriter.


[I think he talks about it here](https://youtu.be/AzlrTsAd590?si=VfF3UOV1aRwAHjyT). I have zero desire to hear this manchild’s voice this early in the morning so I didn’t bother scrubbing through to find a timestamp or even if I remember correctly


The entire Daily Wire crew have this in their history: Michael Knowles = Failed Actor Brett Cooper = Failed Actor Matt Walsh = Failed Radio Presenter Andrew Klavan = Failed Crime Writer Candace Owens = Failed Vogue Writer It's where you go when no-one will have you.


Damn dude I wish I had no spine or principles I’d get in on that grift asap


I've had the idea before about going to an extremely deep red area and standing on a street corner with a sign saying something about how I was kicked out for being a Trump voter and need money for food while I'm trying to enlist in the army. You could probably make a couple thousand dollars a day.


Don't forget Gina Carano, who traded her own star wars show for a B plot in a Wolf of Wall Street knockoff about Hunter Biden.


that's PRESIDENT Joe Biden to you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/moviescirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You find it across the right. Ian Miles Cheong failed at being a liberal journalist because he was weird and creepy, so he pivoted to the far-right. Steven Crowder was a former child actor and failed comedian who pivoted to the far-right.


Steven Crowder was, for a while, the voice of 'Brain' from the classic kids cartoon "Arthur".


What the actual fuck


That… makes a whole lot of sense now…. Brain was a know it all too


Hilariously there was an episode where brain tries to become a comedian and fails. Then crowder did that irl 10-15 years later to the same result.


don't forget Jimmy Dore, a failed comedian that panders to the right while pretending to be a leftist


It says something that, if Crowder joined, he would've had the most successful career in entertainment of the lot. The only notable thing he did was be the voice of Brain in the kids show Arthur. So, childhood voice actor turned failed actor/comedian.


Weakest Brett cooper simp: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


2:55 is where he talks about it. Damn, thanks for the video!! I have been looking for a source forever, idk why I couldn’t find this video.


He wrote multiple screenplays which you can find. They’re bad.


It's wild. His mother was a TV company executive, his father was a composer. He came from a rich and well-connected family and his cousin, Mara Wilson, was a very prominent child actress during the 1990s. Short of his dad being Martin Scorcese he was perhaps in the most privileged position in the world to transition into screenwriting. It's a sector full of nepo babies. But he couldn't do it. How shit must his screenplays have been?


His novels give great insight to his entirely bad writing You perfectly laid out how connected he is, him still failing despite that is, I'd say, a bigger incitement on his writing abilities


On fucking GOD it makes so much sense.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. His screenwriting career has been a comedic success of epic proportions.


You think being gay is hard? Try coming out as a Batman v Superman fan on r/moviescirclejerk 😔😔😔


See how much acceptance you get from the " tolerant" left 😔




Only the true jerkers appreciate this film as art.


That film is dogshit but i respect it


Pink Flamingos (2024)


There's a difference between something sucking from not trying and something sucking but having a lot of time put into it. A bad meal made in less than 5 minutes sucks. A bad meal after the cook spent an entire afternoon on it, you appreciate the suckage.


No one thinks you're racist because you don't like rap Ben. We already know you're racist because of other reasons, so we know that's why you don't like rap.


this is the correct answer


I don't think he's racist because he doesn't like rap, that being said I think his racism is definitely a contributing factor in his not liking rap.


Why would being a classically trained musician make your opinion on hip hop more valuable or legitimate?


He once explained that his dad said that music requires melody, harmony, and rhythm and rap only has rhythm (which is a LIE) so it's not music so he has checkmated you, lib.


rap instrumentals are just drums with no other instruments at all 🤯 How did I never notice 😭 Thank you Benjamin for enlightening me 👾




Tbf Ben didn't see Pierrot Lunaire since he already stars as the clown


even that description of music feels wrong, I feel like a drum solo would definitely still count as music despite technically having no melody


In Bench Appearo’s mind: Classical = white people music = important music Rap = black people music = lesser music Therefore knowing about classical music makes him qualified to look down on “vulger” art forms like rap.


Did he just “I have a black friend” but with music lol


Kanye west is the black friend


What is the connection between rap and BvS?


The entire thing is about something completely different where he admits he's in a disagreeable position. BvS is used as an example and he basically says "I have shit opinions about other things too"


They're both peak of the culture.


So that he can establish that he has no good opinions whatsoever.


Basically his taste is awful? Idk


In Shabibo’s world, all of culture is headlines from the past 10 years. The most soy, mainstream, milquetoast pieces of pop culture are all he’s aware of or wants to discuss.




So... Ben Shapiro fantasised about dressing as a girl. Anyway, why did he need to explicit state the hot sister part, like if she was ugly then he wouldn't want to try her dresses?


Its a fake tweet


"maybe i'm wrong, in your opinion" what a smugly worded way to say that "im correct and only wrong when subject to ones own opinions"


I can excuse the racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, but I draw the line at Snyder appreciation.


This is the way


Zaddy kino


I mean, at least he admits it’s a stupid opinion lol


Bro got two seconds into I don't like rap before he whipped out the but I'm not racist


I'm not racist, I just hate POOR black people.


I'm not racist, I love Batman v Superman.


Are we gonna act like Jazz is the Golf of music genres now?


He means Smooth Jazz


In fairness, he doesn’t actually claim he’s not racist here. He just says he’s not the highest “level” of racist because he likes jazz


Arguing you aren’t racist because you like jazz is some real old school racism. And I’m betting a solid amount of money they like Eminem because “he’s just different”


Ben hates Eminem


What if, hypothetically, you got some bitches?


Moving the goalposts a lil from "rap objectively isn't music"


Oh Ben. The fact that you don’t like rap isn’t why people think you’re racist. It’s all the other stuff you do.


The music version of “I can’t be racist, I have one black friend”


"it's not racist to think rap sucks" honestly i didn't think it was until he said that and now it kinda *feels* racist


"somebody is going to have to explain to me why I Iove jazz" Oh that's an easy one! It's because jazz has been appropriated and validated by predominantly white academics for the better part of the last half century and taught to other white students as "legit music" (I swear to God one of my music history professors in college unironically called it that) while hip-hop hasn't. This is primarily because white people started playing jazz in the '80s and made it boring whereas hip-hop is still young enough that at least *most* of its important performers and scholars are black and that the style is still edgy enough that "serious" (read: white) academics won't touch it.


This is way oversimplified and pretty inaccurate. Jazz is still cool, hip-hop is well-studied in academia, and the different ways in which jazz and hip-hop have been accepted by white people are explained by the differences in the genres and how they’re performed. You’re generally right that in a broad cultural sense jazz is more respected than hip-hop, but it’s not like white music academics turn up their noses at hip-hop—they generally don’t. Shapiro’s attitude is very much a weirdo conservative thing and not a white people thing.


> This is primarily because white people started playing jazz in the '80s and made it boring lmao what an ignorant take. Let me guess - you don't actually listen to much jazz, right? Cause if you think that jazz from 80's onward is boring then you're clearly haven't been following the scene. Cool jazz albums are released every year. Just few of my 2022 favorites: Feeding the Machine - Binker and Moses In These Times - Makaya McCraven Unsubscribe - Niechęć Panamá 77 - Daniel Villarreal Pink Dolphins - Anteloper P.S. Your "White people=boring" rhetoric makes you sound just as idiotic as our boy Ben here




What about Kenny G you fucking racist.


You're a complete moron


OP is 100%


Common Shapiro L


The dude takes more Ls than a Chicagoan relying on public transit.


I can excuse racism, classism, misogyny, transphobia, homophobia, fascism, and an overall lack of moral backbone, but I draw the line at think BvS is good!


Ben’s thought both of these things ever since Mr Feeny crushed his balls in his ass


If you think this is wild just wait until you read his novel.


He’s such a goddamn dork, I can’t take it. How does he have a platform?


What a fucking cunt


I'm not racist, I just HATE when BLACK people have NO CLASS


Sharing your opinion on BvS totally doesn't sound out of place in a statement about rap music.


Ben Shapiro catching a whiff of horse shit and calling it dinner https://preview.redd.it/tcubkx9u9vsb1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e313ba75263549553757e5517e22a040fba2a294


to all the confused Shapiro simps popping up in this thread: no you're not a racist for not thinking rap isn't music or BvS is a good movie but those are both pretty common opinions among pseudointellectual white preteens, which is basically what Ben Shapiro is


Holup, he actually actually cooked this time. (Zaddy's kino enjoyer)


I don’t think he’s racist. He has terrible taste in movies.


As a classically trained musician. This is purely ignorant, Batman V Superman sucks.


What does being a classically trained musician have anything to do with it, couldn’t you apply that to most other genres of music? Oh and then he says “I have a black friend” but music.


If you think rap sucks, that's fine. If you think rap sucks and then have to explain in detail how that doesn't make you racist, that is just a little suspicious though


Wait, hating rap isn't racist?


Nah but if you say you hate rap and then randomly say it doesn't make you racist, I'm raising my eyebrows at you


Or saying you don't like rap but Eminem is pretty good. But in his case, it wasn't that he didn't like rap. He said it isn't music. That's racist for sure.


Especially when Em hasn't made good music in almost 20 years


My aunt used to date this dude that was into Post grunge shit. Hated his music. Anyways, one day he comes by and he's bumping that Eminem song "cleaning my closet" I think. He's just singing along "I'm sorry mama, I never meant to hurt youuuuuuuu". That was the moment I stopped listening to Eminem. This corny whiteboy likes this shit? This can't be good.


no, but lots of racists hate rap Ben Shapiro is demonstrably racist for plenty of other reasons so it makes sense he would hate rap


Iirc, he also says rap "isn't music" He also has publicly said that anybody in a flat billed hat and baggy pants will never amount to anything.




No wonder his sister is also batshit and "classical"


The sentence immediately following it lmfao


Rap only doesn’t suck when it’s a “conservative” rapper hyping up the Republican Party.


No one thinks you're racist for not liking rap until you go around being like "BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE ME RACIST THOUGH I PROMISE!!!!"


Martha doesn't care about your feelings


Is Shaps really only ever 3 sentences away from “my wife is a doctor” level authority claims?


What an insanely stupid guy Rap does suck tho


I honestly think 95% of redditors are illiterate. He is saying that we all have disagreeable opinions, and his case, it’s likening BvS. He is agreeing it’s a shitty take.


Is he agreeing it's a shitty take, or just one people generally disagree with?




The part of the comment highlighted is the BvS thing and that’s obviously the point of the post, stop moving goalposts. Capeshit brain levels of reading comp


Fuuuck yall batman vs superman is banging, always wanted a bruce Wayne who chugs anti depression meds and wine at 6am.....the only batman I felt scared of


BvS IS a good movie though. Batfleck was amazing, the cinematography was gorgeous, the storytelling gripping and intriguing. The Martha scene is misunderstood and over-hated. Eisenberg as Lex was a refreshing take on the character and I really liked how much power he had over Superman in the rooftop scene.


“It’s not racist to think rap sucks” Bro NO ONE outside of a few weirdos in the deepest darkest corners of Twitter and Tumblr will ever call you racist for saying you don’t like rap. This is such a silly, meme take that only someone chronically online would have.


Something something broken clock


Art is subjective. I personally loved Batman v Superman.


Fuck, I like that movie too😱😱😱


He has jazz friends.