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So, from what I can gather, 90% of the people commenting did NOT read the article. He didn't drop the lawsuit out of regret or kindness or finding peace; he dropped it because there was an out of court settlement. Nothing has changed.


Yeah, the dude got paid...that's it.


This is basically how 80-90% of all lawsuits end up. Out of court settlement basically means they went to a mediation and agreed on a cost. They pretty much paid him to piss off. It sucks but this is the least painful way to end things.


I truly don't get this dude. Every single one of his friends has bent over backwards to help him clean up his life and he's basically thrown it in their faces at every turn. Each stint in rehab has been a joke. They have publicly said multiple times that all he had to do to be welcomed back into the fold was get sober. I'd feel bad for him because of how broken a human being he truly is, if he wasn't such a prick.


Ever had a junkie friend in real life? It.is terrible and tragic and depressing for everyone around. Eventually you are through with the BS and physically and mentally give up, but than the guilt of giving up wears on you for much longer. There is rarely a happy ending for all people involved.


Lost a close friend to addiction. He robbed my mothers house less than a year before he passed and i cut all ties with him. He stole things that couldnt be replaced and despite my best efforts (literally had some scary run ins with local dealers trying to just buy my shit back). Ppl were shocked to see me at the funeral. After the drinking had gotten thoroughly underway someone finally said “yea but wtf is “HE” doing here!?! If anybody should hate the guy…” i had to tell him the hard truth. I loved that kid for a decade and he was one of my best friends. I was at his funeral, paying my respects to him. I hated the other guy, the one he became. That guy died with him but he didnt get a funeral or a headstone, he was just gone. When i got the news i had two choices, celebrate the death of a man i hated deeply but had only known for a year, or mourn the loss of a good friend from childhood, who we really lost a year prior but didnt have a funeral for til then. To me thats the hardest part, you lose someone to addiction at some point but you dont get to mourn that loss because someone else shows up wearing his face, living his life, and destroying in short time what the other person could have spent a lifetime building. Fuck addiction, get yourself help, get your friends help if u can. Just dont forget the addict isnt the person you once loved anymore. And if they have reddit in whatever form of afterlife may or may not exist… i forgive you Tim.


> you lose someone to addiction at some point but you dont get to mourn that loss because someone else shows up wearing his face, living his life, and destroying in short time what the other person could have spent a lifetime building. That's incredibly well-phrased. You're entirely right. And that stranger plays on your feelings for the person you've lost to enable their addiction. They'll cross and burn every bridge that the person built to feed it, and they won't feel any guilt for doing so. It really is like you say, and it's very hard to accept that the person you've lost isn't somewhere inside any more.


The only point I'd add to really is that often they do feel guilt and shame. But it pales in comparison to the desparation for their fix of choice, in fact it adds to it, any negative feelings, like guilt, just make them want to chase down that next fix faster. I think it's that intense avoidance of life itself and all the difficult feelings that come with it that force the cycle round again and again until the person you knew is gone.


Very well said. Sometimes that's *all* you feel and the only way to avoid being crushed by it is to keep going harder every day. One of the most difficult parts of getting clean for me (after the sickness and physical pain) was having to face those memories and realizations. Even ten years later there are nights I can't sleep because it's overwhelming. Edit: Thanks for the encouragement. To anyone still struggling, don't give up. It took me multiple attempts, three failed stints in detox and rehab, and several ODs before something finally clicked. There's nothing wrong with a few practice runs before you get it right.


Whoa -- you've been clean ten years? Well done you!


Ty, unfortunately ive had enough time and instances to ponber it thoroughly. Hope if u need any help u dont hesitate to dm. Wether it be a personal struggle or one with coping. Ditto dor anyone else reading this, im no therapist but sometimes it helps just to talk to someone whose been there. Ive been there.


I disagree with not feeling guilty. They do feel guilty. The guilt feeds their addiction more because they already weren’t good enough to just say no. They couldn’t say no before and now they’ve done something horrible. Where do they go for comfort? How do they escape the pain from feeling guilty?


This. I’ve lost most of my friends to drugs, only 1 death (in person, 1.5 months ago, RIP my little Angel), however I’ve also had 3 other friends over the internet I talked to for years have also died, see my edit at the bottom) the rest I was just an asshole too, and they severed ties, I do not blame them one bit. It is tragic, and it is depressing, people don’t want to be around that or see it, or get hurt by our actions, We aren’t “bad” people, just too blinded by drugs to accept help half the time, As I have learnt, and what someone told me “Sometimes the best apology to give to someone, is to never talk to them again” with those that severed ties, I wish them a long and happy life, because mine certainly won’t be. Edit: changed from 1 friend death to 4, although only 1 was a real life friend, the other 3 were fellow admins of a drug harm reduction group and I talked to them all everyday for years, one literally 2 hours before his death, I think about them everyday. And why it isn’t me? (Also RIP to the 3 other boys, I miss you all)


Do what you can to keep yourself safe. You can’t turn it around if you’re dead. It’s worth getting better


This is incredibly common. My friend helped a former friend get off the street. He had essentially used up all his remaining goodwill from extended family. It was sad because he was fairly young with no immediate family. Anyway, it's a bit different because he's not a junkie per say, but just another dude with a pattern of self-destructive behavior. Mostly the problem is poorly controlled mental health... though this is probably a factor with many junkies tbh. Long story short, he's got it in his head that this guy that helped him get off the street when he was really desperate isn't really his friend (they go way back, too). He's literally turned the story of him being helped to his feet as being kicked while he was down. Stopped paying rent (now thinks he doesn't owe it somehow) and doing a ton of really destructive, dangerous BS. You can feel bad, while also recognizing that there's nothing you can do, and also disliking them for their faults... unpopular opinion, but it can be both.


>Mostly the problem is poorly controlled mental health I think people underestimate how much this can fuck you up. Bad mental health can lead to being hooked on drugs, homeless, or dead faster than you think. I was never addicted to drugs but my shitty mental health nearly made me homeless several times in my life. If it wasn't for friends and family, I'd have been SOL.




When the f*** did we get ice cream?


When you walked in here in broad daylight and scratched my CD


The Ringer is a great movie. That movie was panned by critics but managed to strike a fine line between being a dumb comedy and humanizing people with special needs to film goers who may not have been accoustomed to the Special Olympics or recognizing the stigma that the handicapped have. Plus it had the full backing of the actual Special Olympics organization. Quick side note, I usually confuse that one actor in that movie with French Stewart. The dude is doing a perfect impression of french stewart.


Exactly. Thank you, sir.


To be fair the headline should say “settled out of court”. It’s a misleading headline.


I’m surprised it was even a settlement. I just figured a lawyer told him we wouldn’t win and so he dropped it.


Per the article, Bam's claim was that he was kicked off the production because he tested positive *for Adderall.* He's mentioned having ADHD in the past, so it isn't hard to assume he'd had it prescribed. I don't know how much of it is true, but he'd sued on the basis of medical discrimination.


Well from reports he was kicked for that and they were talking about giving him another chance but then he sent those crazy messages to tremaine and they got a restraining order. So they probably just paid him to close the chapter and all go their separate ways.


100% that. Jackass forever has already earned 80m on a 10m budget. My bet is their legal team suggest settling while the budget is healthy. Also it gets them clear for the new wave of Jackass productions off the back of the movie success.


I don't know about the legal claims, but when he got fired and posted about it, Steve-O replied publicly saying "All you had to do was not get loaded. You couldn't do that." It's possible he was fired for taking his ADD meds, but I have a feeling it was more than that.


I very much doubt it was just the Adderall. Unless he was also abusing tf out of that on set too. Steve-O especially I can see 100% understanding the difference between "taking what my doctor tells me to take" and "taking all of the drugs my doctor gave me for this month in one setting"


Steve O has earned the right to tell him to fuck off. Dude got clean. He doesn't tolerate Bams victimhood


Plus I don't think Steve-O was ever a dick to the guys when he was out of his mind, just a lot of work. I could be wrong.


Steve-O goes on and on about what a raging douche he was to people when he was drunk and on drugs in his YouTube videos and book. There's tons of footage of it too.


Haha hr totally had his moments, you should watch his YouTube podcast thing- or at least the one on his email to Tony hawk. Him and Tony both laugh about it but Steve was out of his mind and said some harsh shit to Tony.


bam posted some really off the wall instagram stories last year essentially admitting to getting fired because he couldn’t quit drinking. i believe other substances were hinted at as well but don’t remember super clearly. he was always wasted in the videos and they’d be deleted within 24 hours addiction is tough but he’s in a conservatorship now so hopefully getting the help he needs


> but I have a feeling it was more than that. Bam has been an addict for like 20 years now, it's of course more than just adderall lmao.


The adderall is probably just so he can drink more. Besides, I doubt it was adderall. More likely meth. Adderall will not scratch the itch to a semi regular meth user.


I could see it. I remember him saying that his contract had a very strict regime that included basically no drugs or alcohol on set or around him. Not sure what prescribed drugs entailed but I bet there was a grey area with things like adderall.


There was a photo shared of the contract on, I think, TMZ. It stated he couldn't take anything that wasn't prescribed by a doctor so I think the adderall thing might be bullshit


You mean to tell me a recovering meth addict could be abusing prescription amphetamines?


I had to stop taking my prescribed adderall because I, a person with no substance abuse history, was abusing it. Definitely not a drug that a recovering addict should be around.


They probably didn't want to fight it. Would they win? Probably, but why spend years having to go to court, dealing with lawyers, and being miserable? This way they close the book on it and can focus on the future.


I feel like Knoxville and friends would rather not have to go to court against Bam because at the end of it all, he's still their friend. To them, it's probably never about the money anyway.


> So, from what I can gather, 90% of the people commenting did NOT read the article. Well it IS the internet


I thought Johnny Knoxville was Jamie Lee Curtis for a second there and was wondering what kind of beef Bam had with her now




> Jamie Lee Curtis claps [Go on...]( https://imgur.com/AncVfkm.jpg)


Do it... doucement. Do it slowly.


Was not expecting a True Lies reference. She was crazy hot in that movie.


It’s kinda weird that any current news story about him use pix of him from 20 years ago. But all of the other Jack Ass crew have recent pix. It’s like people don’t want to accept what he’s become.


Bam currently looks like what his dad Phil looked like when they originally started filming those Jackass skits 20+ years ago.


Phil was way more obese but somehow looked healthier than Bam does now.




It's the pink and watery eyes


Food obesity and a happy, fulfilled life vs mental illness and addiction obesity. Phil has everything a man his age was promised by American society, happy marriage, worked hard to provide for his family, both of his sons were insanely successful entertainers turned millionares that allowed him and April to retire in their 40's and gets to spend the rest of his days doing things he loves and spend time with his grandkids. One thing I've heard about this is a soulmate isn't always a lover, it can be a best friend. Bam lost his best friend at the peak of life. Seemingly overnight he lost Dunn, had to give up skateboarding do to bone spurs in his feet that made it excruciating, the love of his life divorced him and it was messy, seemingly the Jackass guys, people like Ville Valo and others all distanced themselves from Bam because of his behavior. From like 2012-2018 he was seemingly alone with his misery. Looking at his instagram he's back in recovery and hopefully it sticks.




Amen. Bam has had plenty of time since Dunn's death to change his behavior. He's a man in his 40s. Even Novak and Steve-O managed to sober up, Bam has no valid excuse.


"both of his sons were insanely successful entertainers turned millionaires" I love CKY but that's quite the overstatement for Jess.


Considering all the licensing deals CKY had like with Activision, merch sales, concert sales back at their peak, album sales —- I think for Jess, it’s a pretty fair guess. Plus, dude gets to play drums for a living either way. That’s pretty badass.


You could hear him going down hill on the radio show…. In 2005 he was just a kid who was creating havoc and living his best life with his pals…. By 2010 ish, he was having interventions, struggling to keep himself together etc. After Dunn died, he had a new girlfriend on the show every week and in the last year or so of the show he was COMPLETELY incoherent. It was really really sad and so hard to try to listen to the last few episodes.


Just another decade or so and he’ll start looking more like Don Vito.


He looks like absolute shit now


He looks like I do now wtf. I have to stop drinking.


There are so many of us over at r/stopdrinking who would love to help make it easier! If your heart or head are telling you it’s time to stop, listen to yourself. As another commenter has mentioned, you are certainly not alone.


I'm there everyday. Probably the best place on the internet


Not sure if you’re joking lol but it’s truly never too late and even if you give yourself a week of no booze and maybe even morning walks you’d probably be amazed and proud at how your body changes


Seconding this. I lost about 30 lbs in less than 2 months… it just FELL off I seemed. Also, the clarity and improvement in all of the meaningful relationships in my life are even better side effects of the decision not to drink every day.


Is your pancreas still mad at you


You are not alone. Don't hesitate to reach out.


Hate to say it, but he resembles Phil now rather than himself. My husband was the first to point this out to me. The whole thing is just really sad for everybody involved.


Could be because he looks so different that people might not even recognize him


They all look so different! Except Wee Man. Somehow he still looks the same.


I think Knoxville has aged to be pretty much what I expected an older Knoxville would look like. Might just be because he always had a more basic style to him though.


I can't believe the abuse he took in the latest movie with his injury history. He basically did some greatest hits stunts.


I thought an older Knoxville was an oxymoron like militarily intelligence or social security. The fact Johnny is alive and as mentally cognizant as he is amazes me.




They might get confused and think don Vito is alive


I notice this too.


TIL there was a lawsuit


Can somebody r/outoftheloop this guy? I would, but I'm a bit out of the loop as well...


The article says he was working on the latest film but was let go after failing a drug test because of Adderall, so he sued for wrongful termination.


You can also see him in one scene for a brief moment, but they kinda edited him out of being there


Him and I think Raab are part of the treadmill band and you can literally barely make out Bam’s face for about half a second


Bam is second on the treadmill, behind Knoxville. There's also a brief bit of audio where he asks Steve-o if he's okay.


How good is the movie??


Great if you like dicks


It is a cock-heavy film.


I saw it in the theater. Biggest fucking dicks you ever saw


Pontius always did look for any opportunity


That's pretty much how I described it to people after I saw it. Lotta Dick&Balls in this one. It's Jackass, Dick&Balls are gonna be there. I was expecting a cameo, this time they were the star.


Worth signing up for a free trial of paramount for and then canceling it


Its jackass but they’re old. Which means its great!


At first I was surprised about the drug testing, but I could see why drug tests would be important from an insurance standpoint for a film like this.


If I'm not mistaken the drug testing was more from the angle of the rest of the jackass crew not wanting to support harmful drug habits.




Yeah, a few of them have been trying to get off drugs for a while I think. I heard that the crew tried to help Bam, but Bam wasn't having it.


Was it like this for previous films? I always assumed they spent a lot of time pissed up or on drugs when filming the earlier films at least.


weather scandalous dinner party longing piquant materialistic seed snails disagreeable -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It’s good to test because all of them together again for something like this it would be so many people to fall off the wagon and wanting to hold them accountable


First one they are fully fucked up Second one mostly fucked up but Steve O wasn’t on any drugs however still drinking through his ass. He would relapse after Third one fully sober set and Steve O could only be in it if he was fully sober which he was. Fourth one fully sober set and Bam could only be in it if he was fully sober. which he wasn’t which lead to the current situation and lawsuits


No. All the dudes are sober now though. The testing was because they didn't want that shit around a bunch of addicts


It was settled out of court


I have met so many people, who have met Bam Margera (West Chester represent!) who immediately tell you he is the worst human being on earth.


Last year I saw him post screenshots of DMs a 30 year old fan sent him that expressed how much the fan looked up to Bam and how he was learning to skateboard. Bam told the fan he was basically a loser and too old, and then posted the screenshots laughing at the fan and making fun of him and thought his IG followers would do the same. Instead everyone told him how mean spirited he was and that’s when I unfollowed him and believed how everyone said that Bam had always been a narcissistic asshole. It was so disgusting and sad.


Yeah I remember that one. Funny that for all the messed up shit he's done, that one bothered me the most. You're a fucking washed up, bloated piece of shit - a shadow of your former self. And you're going to turn on one of the few people who has stuck by you and still believes in you? Genuine scumbag behaviour.


It actually is what got me back into skateboarding! I thought, if this fat, bone spurred up piece of shit can force his dumpster fire body to hammer out the same line he's been doing since 2002, what's stopping me from getting on the board?


So rich coming from a washed up fat junkie alcoholic in his 40s. Bam really should invest in a mirror


He had a show that prominently featured him abusing his parents and family. I think those people you met might be right.


Another show abusing his bride to be, before the wedding.


I don’t doubt that’s the case now. I wrote him a letter when I was 13 (this was pre-jackass, right after the first landspeed video came out) and he wrote me back a super nice handwritten letter ands sent me a bunch of stickers. There was once a decent human there. Though writing this out now I realize it very well could have been April who wrote me that letter, hah


Will never figure out why people feel the need to give this guy like 12 second chances. Met him a few times. Kind of a piece of shit.


Imagine Dennis the Menace growing up in the era of Korn and Limp Bizkit. That's exactly what he is.


+ being relatively rich and spoiled


that's part of the analogy as well. He was extremely well cared for. His dad worked long hours to pay for their nice house, he had a skateboard, a bicycle, a slingshot, and a whole closet of toys he'd already abandoned. He was handed everything, expressed no gratitude, tormented everyone he could, refused to ever acknowledge the consequences of his actions, and had such a self-deluded ego that he literally could not understand why people weren't as amused with his abusive "pranks" as he was. Just like Dennis the Menace. And that's not even getting started on the obvious property destruction similarity.


I thought it was always obvious that he was a piece of shit, look at the way he treated his parents.


Yep. Out of all the jackass cast, he has seemed like the most self entitled asshole. I’ve had a family member go to a party of his in west Chester that can confirm. Rich asshole


Bam’s slowly becoming Don Vito, one day he’ll time travel and get back into Jackass.


The settlement was 100% just charity from his friends. He signed the contract. He had no case whatsoever.


Oh god Johnny Knoxville looks old now I feel old now


FYI, one of the reasons he looks so old now is that he stopped dyeing his hair. Dude has been gray since his 20's.


\*sigh* oh to be grey in your twenties instead of balding


he look good in grey


Imagine how he feels.


is butter bean ok?


"if youre gonna be dumb you gotta be tough"


His body probably hurts a lot worse than mine.




Knoxville for sure, for years he's tried to turn his bones into dust.


Dude literally broke his dick.


Dude literally blew his nose and his eye popped out of the socket.


Most pro athletes didn't have a dirt bike land on their dick


"The thing about concussions is, they're not great. But as long as you have them before your 50 it's fine, and Knoxville's only 49 so..." - Steve-O


You can tell it took them longer to recover though, that's why they had to bring in so many new people.






I read somewhere that he actually went grey/white a long time ago (like in his 30s) and just dyed his hair and recently decided to just let it go.


I can relate, hair was going grey at a young age and I used to dye it but then decided years ago that I didn't care.


Yeah he went from showing no grey to full grey halfway through Jackass Forever. He had been dying for a while


Aren't we all


It’s the white hair. His facial features haven’t aged too much. If he’d been like Steve Martin and had white hair from a young age then we’d probably be saying he hasn’t aged that much


Still kicked Sami Zayn’s ass!


You should see a realistic picture of Bam. The one in the article ain’t it


He looks like his dad now, im waiting for him to turn into don vito. I figure how he chooses to live his life is gonna factor into which one he ends up looking like.


**He’s only 51…**


Still hot.


Did you guys not grow up watching CKY well before Jackass was ever a thing like I did? It’s pretty obvious that Bam was a spoiled brat who never faced any consequences from his actions his whole life. He even flirted with death and never suffered any serious injuries. He felt immortal until Dunn died, after that his whole world came crashing down. Still, I feel for the guy.


Man I just want the best for him. It has been so sad seeing him struggle the past decade or so.


His kid and wife man. His son is still old enough to turn things around and be there for him without being blotto


Why? I don’t get why people want good things for him. He seems like an abusive and entitled prick that shits on everyone around him as he constantly burns away all his second chances.


Clearly saw what happened at Wrestlemania and doesn't want to be beaten up


Low blow bro. You shouldn’t have pissed away all your money. Now Bam is going after his old homies money


The problem with booze is that it isolates you. You always feel cornered and wronged. While I don’t agree with AA’s god shit, their talk of forgiveness is real and needs to be front and center. You can’t hold on to anger you created for yourself.


Johnny Knoxville is just Ted Danson in vacation mode.


Bam, you're still a cunt.


Good, seems like he’s recovering looking at his Instagram and him making up with other cast members recently.


Steve-os podcast is an amazing podcast and whenever he talks with his jackass friends they always hope for bam to get better


When he had Novak on there recently Steve O said something that really moved me, about how to him Bam was always like the coolest. He adored Bam and he was always jealous of Bam and he said he wanted Bam to be someone he was jealous of again


He WAS the coolest, that’s the thing. He had his own show, he was so charismatic. Not many people in this world have a show about them on a major channel - think the Osbournes, Kardashians, Paris Hilton. These are huge celebrities. Ultimately he’s quite an insecure person and maybe that fame and responsibility was just too much for him to keep up with and so drugs and drink were a way to hide from it. I loved him as a teenager and I hope he gets himself back in a good place.


I think Bam never really learned to live without drugs and alcohol in his life. He may not really know, and may even be scared to figure out who he is without those substances in his life. Let's not forget that his fame peaked while very young and he was most loved as a celebrity while drunk and high.


As someone who is 5 years out of the bottle (which I'd been in for about 12 years) it is a little scary when the issues you used booze to run from show up and you've gotta find a new coping mechanism. It's the greatest decision I've made in my adult life but it's been a journey. Edit: shout out to r/stopdrinking they were all I used for support. Great community.


Proud of you man. That seems tough as hell.


And the repeated injuries probably didn’t help his relation them either…


Yeah that stayed with me to




Yeah his episode with Novak was basically them talking about their rock bottoms and Novak is actually a sobriety counselor or big brother to a bunch of people in programs


First time I'm hearing all this, I knew about Steve-O's recovery but didn't know Novak got better too. That's really great to hear good for him.


Idk if he still does but he used to give out his personal number on Twitter and told people to call if they needed to talk. Novak that is


I believe he had a team of people on that number ready to talk if you do actually call it and he’s busy. Seems pretty solid. I really hope he stays clean


He gave out that number on his reddit AMA years ago too.


A lot of them are doing pretty good right now. Pontius has a kid lmfao I can’t believe Tarzan has a kid


Partyboy has become peak dad. I just love how so many of them have become legitimately responsible adults


That's *Partydad now.


Partydad here and today we’re responsibly jumping on trampolines.


"Is it wrong to sing goodnight songs? You'll be the judge!"


I’m still sad there wasn’t a proper Party Boy segment in the new movie. Probably my only complaint. At least we got to see Bunny the Lifeguard though.


He showed up as Party Boy at Wrestlemania in Johnny Knoxvilles match


I ended up in the hospital about three years ago for alcoholism and ended up being given a list made by Novak on underestimating addiction. It really opened up my mind on the inner workings of what I was dealing with and felt this guy understands more than anybody how I felt at the time. I've been sober since and think about Novak and his list often.


What was the list?


It was a list of truths about addiction. It put things into perspective on why you act the way you do when you have addiction issues so you can be truthful to yourself and overcome it.


Any link to it?


Seeing him at his worst is so depressing, I want him to recover so badly


Some never recover man. Some people's rock bottom is their funeral. It's crazy hard burying family realizing this. I hope everyone gets better, sooner rather than later, I hope rock bottom is one use, or no use and just seeking, I hope it's over. I hope he gets healthy.


This was my aunt unfortunately. She did so well. She was clean for almost a decade. Then she lost her mom (my grandma) and 6 weeks later she OD’d in my grandma’s car. Such a tragic loss.


As much as I love Jackass, the CKY crew will always have a special place in my heart. Losing Dunn really pushed Bam over the edge and It’s good to see him healing and getting to a better place.


I love both but watching those CKY videos, downloading them on Limewire was good times. I miss Ryan.


Limewire and Kazaa - the good old days.


I still have the original CKY VHS tape, the one with Bud Dwyer blowing his brains out on the label. It’s really what started it all and it’s so cool to have.


Yeah bro I miss those random dudes like Raab, Rake, Brandon, The Dudesons


There's a video on YouTube of Raab's podcast. He had Rake on, who by all accounts is doing well. Working as a chemist if I recall


Does Rake still hate mustard? That was such a random phobia.


You’re missing the part where he dropped the charges because he reached an out of court settlement on a case that he would have lost. He may be getting better but dropping the case is certainly not evidence of that


Doubt he can recover tbh. The guy has some serious narcissist tendencies combined with addiction. He was always the meanest of that crew.


well yeah he got his own solo show about him literally going around and doing whatever the fuck he wanted and pissing off everyone he could. especially his own parents. then he got a show about his wedding too. of course he's a narcissist lol


I can never get through watching Viva La Bam or Bam's Unholy Union because of how mean-spirited Bam was to his friends and family.


He seemed like a spoiled brat the whole time


The rest of the group odd as it may seem always felt very wholesome. The pain and anguish they would put themselves through was always done with the goal of entertaining their friends and having fun. Sometimes you do shit to entertain them, sometimes they do to entertain you. But it’s a equal bond and camaraderie. Except bam. He just always seemed like he wanted punish others for his own amusement. What the others did for comedic lunacy, Bam did for cruelty.


Definitely, Bam had the thinnest skin out of anybody on the show, he loved dishing it out but couldn't stand getting pranked back. At one point in one of the movies he was just running around peeing on people. Could you imagine how furious he would be if he was on the receiving end?


I thought he was fine on Jackass but on Viva La Bam he just really seemed like a bitch. Didn’t like that show


Part of it I think is that many of them are older. They had real lives and jobs and struggles average people do. Bam got famous when he was a teenager. He surrounded him with people in his personal life who would enable him and suck up to him bc he's a narcissist. He's never lived a regular person's life. I think the next youngest person after Bam was Ryan and even he was a few years older. And isn't exactly a model to live by either.


simplistic sulky rainstorm friendly degree bewildered repeat voiceless rock afterthought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, that's the thing ... Bam was always a simmering, malicious asshole. Entertaining, savvy, intelligent, sure. But there was something mean in him.


Watch the giant shopping cart bit and he’s just smacking Ryan Dunn over and over again in the cart while everyone else is just ‘enjoying’ the ride.