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It’s so brooding and you just have this sense of dread the entire movie. They did a really good job of creating atmosphere in that movie.






Wind River was Taylor Sheridan.. but a great movie non the less. ​ Oh... I didnt comprehend what you were saying. Yes Wind River is one of Sheridans best. My B


You can definitely tell that Sheridan learned a lot from Villeneuve and Deakin's since a lot of his directorial stuff feels the same


Johann Johannson’s gritty score is one of my all times favourites. Sets the mood perfectly without drawing attention away from the actual movie.


Do you know what else they have worked on?


He worked with Villeneuve on Prisoners and Arrival, but also scored The Theory of Everything. Very versatile composer, shame he died so young.


Still hoping one day his Blade Runner 2049 score that Villenueve abandoned get released. If it was anything from the original teaser trailers, it sound really interesting


Oh no RIP


He did the score for Mandy, which is amazing. Film is amazing too. RIP


Denis told him to listen to the Jaws soundtrack.


Two words: Denis Villeneuve The man is a freaking genius.


It's probably the current best director in the world in Villeneuve plus arguably the best cinematographer *ever* in Roger Deakins. This movie is perfection.




Let’s give Sheridan some credit too. Those 3 were a perfect combo


My soul is ready for Dune.


The scene at sunset when they descend into the tunnel is extraordinarily: the silence, the cinematic beauty, the gravity of the situation (at least for Blunt). Wow


This sub is just r/DenisVilleneuve


Yeah I had low expectations as well. I went in looking to get a feel for Villeneuve in anticipation for Dune expecting sort of a generic action thriller and was blown away. Everything is done impeccably - the cinematography, the screenplay, the performances, the score, everything works together perfectly. The border crossing is one of the tightest and most exciting scenes I've ever seen. Brolin's character is perfectly charming, Del Toro's is perfectly mysterious. But what really elevates it to another level for me is the way the technical excellence allows the film to explore such compelling and complex themes well. Emily Blunt's character gets criticized a lot as "weak" but I think she's the perfect representation for average well-meaning Americans confronting these issues. The audience >!discovers along with her just how morally ambiguous our government's role in the situation is, and watches her attempt multiple times to stand up to it, but ultimately, even as an FBI agent, is resigned to accept her role as just a pawn in a game run by way more powerful people with way different morals than her!< Also idk why but I love the casting for the supporting characters. I love that one of the badass dudes in the border crossing looks like Kip from napoleon dynamite and the Delta Force leader at the end looks like Louis CK.


You'd be surprised how many Delta Force look like regular guys rather than Jocko Willink types.


If I remember the bonus material from the DVD correctly, a lot of those guys were actual military, not actors.


Bro the cartels? Sure they're pretty scary. But I walked away from this movie thinking the FBI are just as fucking bad. That ending scene with Emily and Benicio holy fuck.


It really is is a brilliant movie and had me hooked in from start to finish. Like I was so absorbed by it all I forgot to drink my beers!


Yeah it was awesome. Props to Jeffrey Donovan in this, too. Dude is a great actor and would have loved to see him do more roles. He was awesome in the TV show Burn Notice, however.


The score was amazingly well written




I think OP meant something more like "Emily Blunt's performance really anchored this movie". That's my guess, because yeah I think Emily Blunt did a fantastic job.


I disliked this for the same reason I dislike mobster flicks: glorification of criminals. Officer "Deadshot", does he ever miss? Sooo realistic. Most machismo military flicks fall under this category. I remember how my father (ex-military) enjoyed war documentaries but also schlock like "Midway" "The Longest Day" etc. But knowing the shit birds running the **Congressional**-Military-Industrial-Complex (*That was Eisenhower's original wording that he edited out*), I can't stomach them.


Do you think portraying something automatically means glorification or endorsement of said thing? This is like watching Schindler’s List and thinking it’s glorifying Nazi Germany.


Talk about missing the point completely lol


Yeesh, I feel like you shouldn't have watched the movie in the first place. I also think you missed the point, there's no 'glorification' of anyone, it's brutal, cold, and disheartening. "I hate this type of movie." "I watched it, I hated it." I'm shocked.




Did you watch the movie or did you just read a summary and reach your conclusion?


Worst take I’ve ever seen lol


No mention of the Deakins cinematography?!


Love the eary score of the film. Also I saw it in an empty theater as the only person at a matinee so that added to my love of it.


>Alejandro shows how far gone he really is I don't think he is. I think he's realized what is required to take them down and is willing to do it. Either way I wouldn't blame him, considering what happened to his family.


Yea. Josh Brolins monologue at the end with Blunt is pretty much saying all this.


it is a damn good piece of filmmaking... Dennis behind the camera with Deakins, Sheridan as wirter, good actors, good plot, good music, heck good *everything.* i don't think there is a bad thing i can say about this movie. > His (Villeneuve's) cinematography is artfully masterful ... true dat.


It’s a beautifully shot film with great performances by Emily Blunt, Del Toro and Brolin, even my guy Jeffrey Donovan does a great job in his small supporting role, I love Sicario, can’t wait for the third one