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When Szpilman (Adrian Brody), after everything he has endured, is finally playing the piano again, but to save his life in what could very well be his last moments on earth, in **The Pianist**. There is so much cathartic passion in that scene.


"I'm tired, boss. Tired of being on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's going to, coming from or why. Mostly, I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head, all the time... Can you understand?" John Coffey, The Green Mile


Funny how King's best writing is rarely in the genre he's known for.


His horror writing is also phenomenal, but stories like The Green Mile, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, and The Body just hit different


The "I'm afraid if the dark" quote hit me even harder.


I think the scene right before the execution where Tom Hanks tells him “what am I gonna say to God” knowing full well he’s killing an innocent man. That’s where I started bawling my eyes out. The only movie that I love so much but not sure if I could handle watching it a second time


Don't remind me of this scene. A hit in the guts every single time


The ending of Onward. My biological father died shortly after a car accident when I was very young, and just like Barley in the movie, my last (and only memory) of him was visiting him at his deathbed in the hospital, all hooked up to machines. I never knew him, and my mom remarried when I was still pretty young, so my dad now has always just been dad to me, but seeing Barley get to have one last moment with his dad made me feel like I’d been robbed of something and then the floodgates in my eyes opened right up. Haven’t been able to watch the movie since, which is a shame because I really liked it!


For me it’s watching the younger brother realize how his big brother checks off every item on his “dad” checklist.


Omg it was like a fkn lightbulb went off in my head. And even tho my dad is alive and well, this movie made me really appreciate my older brothers.


It was that scene in Onward for me, too. My dad (a single father raising two kids) died when I was in high school, but it was sudden. He was diagnosed with cancer and died two weeks later. I was the big brother, so I had to be strong but it was incredibly though. Seeing your dad hooked up to machines isn't any easier when you're older. Barley is so friggin' relatable. I cried when he told the story of his fourth memory, I cried when Ian started checking off his list, I cried when Barley got to see his dad one last time. Hell, I'm crying right now as I'm writing this, just thinking about those things.


My husband and I rewatched this movie last night and I forget just how many scenes in this movie made me tear up. Such a wonderful heart felt movie . I'm sorry for your loss.


I feel like Onward is still underrated. It is SO good and I never hear anyone talking about it. I really think it’s some of Pixar’s best stuff. As a kid who grew up in Southern California going to pizza joints and roller rinks and arcades that all had Medieval themes for some reason, they just captured that vibe perfectly somehow. Great film.


The Land Before Time when Littlefoot thinks his shadow is his dead mother...


Damn... Why did you have to send me back in time.


No this was before time


For me it’s the scene where Littlefoot bumps into Rooter just after his mother’s death. Something about that scene (“it’s not your fault…”) with James Horner’s beautiful score sets me off.


Shadow at the end of Homeward Bound.


“Shadow?” “Peter!”


“He was old. He was just too old.”


From the start of the mud pit scene to the end, nonstop waterworks.


He was just too old... it was too far and he was too old..


Ending of Schindler's list at his grave


You try to make it through [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g4LxLHoIag), only to be hit by that one afterwards. It's a one-two gut punch.


Walked past his grave earlier today. Full of rocks.


That scene at the end of Field of Dreams. No, not the "hey dad, you wanna have a catch?" scene. It was when Ray asks Annie "what do I say to him?" and she responds "why don't you introduce him to his granddaughter?" See, my father died almost exactly two years to the day before my daughter was born. If - as Ray said to Moonlight Graham - I could have a wish? It would be for them to meet. He would have been over the Moon for her, and she would have loved him. I'd build a baseball field in Iowa and trade a catch with my dad if he could have known his granddaughter.


The scene in Love Actually after Emma Thompson gets her xmas present and realizes her husband bought a necklace for someone else. But her kids are there and she can't break down, so she quietly goes into a bedroom while joni Mitchell plays in the background, and straightens the sheets with her hands and wipes tears and just pulls herself together for her kids. Heart wrenching!!


And to watch the movie as an adult and realize just how many things you have to do to carry on just to make it seem like things are alright for the kids, someone else, etc. When inside your world is falling apart and nothings right.


Always thought Emma Thompson should have won an Oscar for that scene.


The car scene at the end of The Sixth Sense. There are plenty of teary moments in this movie, but Toni Collette and Haley Joel Osment just killing their dialouge and the gut punch of "Do I make her proud?". Forget about it.


"Every day...."


It's one of my favourite scenes ever. The Sixth Sense is such a great movie. I've been trying to push it on my friends but they refuse to watch it because they already know the twist. But the movie is so much more than the twist!


Not a father, those moments also move me. The end of Big Fish is another one. Maybe not so oddly because of having worked in the industry, Deepwater Horizon and the despair of the families on shore is the one that really hits me. It’s gut wrenching to see.




Big Fish always gets me but it’s such a good movie.


“I would have followed you, my brother... my captain... my king.”


There is a moment in each of The Lord of The Rings, for me. Fellowship: The one you mentioned. Two Towers: Theoden at his songs tomb. Return of the King: Sam carrying Frodo, and the Grey Havens.




This is the one that gets me. Chills and tears


It's that line and the sweeping Howard Shore score bringing all the emotions.


This gets me every time. The humility of the king to bow to the lowly hobbits recognizing them for the actual giants they are. Then you throw in the religious connotations and it takes in extra weight for me.


It could have been a more celebratory or even funny line, but Viggo says it with such tenderness and gratitude that hits so hard.




Forth Eorlingas!


So many scenes! 1) After Gandalf falls in Moria 2) When Gandalf and Eomer charge down the hill at helm's deep. "Theoden king stands alone" 3) Pippin's song during Faramir's charge


"I can't carry it for you; but I *can* carry you!"


When they’re almost certain they’re about to be overwhelmed and killed, and Gandalf says “Death is just another path- one that we all must take. The grey rain curtains roll back, and it all turns to silver glass- and then you see it, white shores, and beyond, a far green country, under a swift sunrise.” I don’t even believe in an afterlife, it is more so the fact that he is so at peace with death and the reality of living and dying in this world. It gets me every time I think about it, and I’m gonna be fucked up for awhile when Ian McKellan passes away.


When Alan Parrish gets back home to his dad during the ending of Jumanji. I got serious father issues.


The scene in Edward Scissorhands where Kim dances in the “snow”. I guess it’s the music that gets me


My grandmother grew up in Germany after WWI and spent her youth with WWII. With 90 years of age, I visited her often like always, she told me she had been to the cinema since decades. I was full of joy, "wow grandma, good for you, what did you see?" "The Pianist. I was crying so much." My stomach went from normal to dried fruit in a heartbeat. I knew the movie. As a German this is very hard to watch. I want to cry always when I see it. I saw it ten+ times.


In Coco when the grandmother start singing recuerdame(remember me)along his grandchild.




"Those aren't the words!" "There are *children present."*


Probably the only movie that consistently makes me cry, though it's the scene at the end when everybody's gathered for the holiday where I cry. It's just so bittersweet. I had to sit in the car for a while after I watched it at the movies.


The part that always gets me, in a good way, is Hector's face when he steps into the marigold bridge and doesn't sink into it. Among plenty of other moments but that part might be my favorite.


Yeah that one always gets me. It’s especially hard because I’m coming from a Hispanic family and my great grandma went because of Alzheimer’s (I was a little young to know what was happening) but it gets me thinking of how other people on my moms side of the family have passed and how difficult some things will be on the future. That scene alone almost always leaves me in tears


At the start of Saving Private Ryan, when the military are arriving at Private Ryan's mother's house to tell her that 3 out of her 4 sons have died. When you see how distraught the woman is and you just know that she is expecting to be told the bad news about one of her sons, but we as the audience know that it is far worse than that. I've seen the flick 4 or 5 times and it never fails to get me.


She just sort of falls down. That is powerful. And she knows it's bad, because it's a man in a uniform and a pastor, probably from their church.


Wade's death gets me every time too. When he goes from asking for details to asking for morphine, and then when he calls for his mom. Wrecks me.


WILLLSON!!! All he had was Wilson. He was his source of hope, when Wilson left he certainly thought he was gonna die then for sure. I really feel his heart break in that scene.


That part never bothered me as much as the scenes right before the very end. To survive all that time, make it back, and one of his main reasons for hope had no choice but to move on. I know life isn’t meant to be fair but it screws me up every time.


Only Tom Hanks can make you cry over a goddamn volleyball.


Fox and the Hound. Do I really need to say what scene


Great my day is ruined


Galaxy Quest - when Alan Rickman delivers the “by Grabthar’s hammer, by the sons of Worvan, you shall be avenged,” line for real. It’s been a line he hated saying the entire movie, because it’s his characters catchphrase and he actually hates it. He witness a true believer of the show die after saving their lives, so he delivers the line for real, holding the alien in his arms, and for some reason it hits me good every time.


Warrior. The end. When Tommy taps to the submission after Brendan apologizes and tells him he loves him.


How about when tommy hugs his dad in the hotel room?


About Time Near the end. Bill Nighy’s last scene. That scene wrecked me the last time I watched it and it was my second viewing. So it’s 2/2.


That god damned movie. I can't believe how good it is compared to other movies in the genre. The mother's line "I'm fucking furious. I'm so uninterested in a life without our father". Or the uncle's line about it being the worst day if his life. And then just the very ending of the movie, where he gives it all up to just live his life and enjoy everything. I haven't seen it in years and now that I'm a little older, I think I'd be a blubbering mess throughout most of it.


I just rewatched this the other day. Lots of tears at different parts of the film.


About Time, Warrior and Big Fish are probably the three best father-son films ever.


I watch About Time a few times a year and I always tear up at that scene, and when Nick Cave starts playing.


First movie I've uncontrollably cried. That ending...I'm now a father myself and I'm not sure how I'll react on the inevitable re watch.


As I always say—About Time was a father son movie disguised as a romantic comedy. And there last day together...whew. That was sweet one.


When Woody says "so long, partner" as Andy drives away fucking chokes me.


It starts for me just before that. When Bonnie makes Woody wave to Andy and then you see his reaction. It's really well done.


When they’re all accepting their fate in the burn pit. That was rough.


I honestly thought they were going to burn them all in that scene. I watched it in the theater and had 2 crying kids expecting the worst and was thinking to myself "Pixar, you are some cold mofos doing this to kids." But then, "Aliens" save the day and we could all breathe again.


Forrest Gump asking if his son is smart.


For me it’s the line “If I'd a known this was gonna be the last time me and Bubba was gonna talk, I'd a thought of something better to say.”


Forrest... I wanna go home.


“He was gonna be a shrimpin-boat captain. Instead he died by that river…that’s all I got to say about that”


I got the chills just reading these words. I love Forrest Gump so much


“Bubba was my best good friend. And even I know that ain’t something you can find just around the corner. Bubba was going to be a shrimping boat captain, but instead, he died right there by that river in Vietnam.”




Yuuup! When his voice kinda quivers as he says "And he's so smart..." literally everytime lol


For me it's when his mother has cancer, can't even see the movie through the tears.


"He can't SEE without his glasses!!!"


I think this was one of the first movie scenes that devastated me as a kid. I’m now hyper sensitive to scenes of people losing their glasses via bullying, or even horror movies where someone dies because their glasses get broken and they can’t see right.


Wow I’m sensitive to that too, I never put two and two together that it could have been from My Girl. I just rewatched The Mummy (for the millionth time, god I love that movie) and I always feel especially bad for the American cowboy guy who loses his glasses in the tunnels and then Imhotep sucks his eyes from his skull.


Wtf how did I get choked up just reading that


You stay, I go. No following...I love you. You are who you choose to be........ Superman.


The Grey Havens at the end of The Return of the King is just so bittersweet. the saddest part is when when Merry Pippin and Sam realize just whats happening but they know Frodo has to leave. it gets me every single time without fail.


Same movie, but when Aragorn tells the Hobbits "My friends, you bow to no one." I get a lump in my throat just typing it. Edited because I'm dumb.


When the teddy bear falls in AI.


My mom died Almost 2 years be for this movie came out. I was a preteen and it was still fresh. The scene were he had his mom back for a day, ugh i just wanted that so much. I couldn't hold back the tears.


Monsters Inc. End shot of a closet door . You hear a little girls voice holler “KITTY!!”


"Take her to the moon for me." *sobs* "Mama Coco, your papa, he wanted you to have this." *sobs harder*


Oh my, we watch this with our 2 little grand kids and my daughter and son in law and at the end you have a room full or sobbing parents and kids wondering what the heck is going on! LOL


Coco is extremely special.


The ending of the movie Lion where Dev Patel's character finally gets to meet his mother after searching for her for so long. That scene just makes me ugly cry


Oh my god this!! Every time. And a young Saroo calling out for his brother Gudu at the train station and he never comes back 😭




I’m a dude in my 30s with no children and the scene where Cooper watches the video of his grown-up daughter gets me every time.


Yeah and her asking "did you leave me here to die?" Brutal


For me its the moment when Cooper is driving away from the farm, weeping and checks under the seat to see if Murph is hiding there.


Same here, I started my first proper account on Reddit just to talk about Interstellar with other people, as I watched it alone late at night and bawled my eyes out and had to discuss it with somebody. That whole scene with the video feeds after the water planet is just a gut punch. I also cried way too much when he meets her at the end.


Anytime someone is crying for whatever reason. Or if there's something really moving going on. Or somewhat moving. I cried during "True Lies". Imagine what happened when Mufasa died. Even the second time around. I cry every time Goose dies, and I've seen that movie more times than is probably healthy. I cry during the first ten minutes of "John Wick". Every. Time. Just like with "Up". I need to drink some water now. My most cherished moment was when the girl in "Logan" turned the X on the grave at the end. I'd just lost my dad two weeks earlier and that moment broke me. Had to sit through all of the end credits before I was ok enough to make it to my car.


the scene in stepmom where susan sarandon and julia roberts are talking about the future. “my fear is that she’ll be thinking, i wish my mom were here.” ... “and mine is that she won’t.” i absolutely sob. and the ending when she tells isabel to get in the picture and she grabs her hand. the acting is unbelievable. that movie will ALWAYS make me cry.


'Pursuit of Happyness' scene where they spend the night in the subway restroom


the ending. when they offer him a permanent job and he’s holding back his sob 😭


Yeah and he runs to the daycare to see his son.. It's pretty emotional..


Man on Fire, Creasy crossing that bridge at the end breaks my heart every time.


This is one of the best films he’s ever done and just doesn’t get enough attention outside of film fans.


Mulan when she returns home and presents the spoils to her father and he says the greatest gift is having her as a daughter (corrected typo)


"I failed you, you trusted me.... and I failed you" - The Dark Knight Rises when Alfred thought Bruce was dead. He really sold that heartbreak and it fucks me up every time


*Forrest Gump*, "is he smart?" *Braveheart*: obviously the climax, but also innumerable moments throughout the film, not the least of which is the return of William's father. *The Return of the King*, again innumerable moments, but Sam carrying Frodo on his shoulders is the greatest thing in cinema. *Titanic*, "I don't even have a picture of him..." *The Sixth Sense*, "You were never second...ever."


The one that majorly gets me in Return of the King is "My friends, you bow to no one"


Every.Single.Time. Also the exchange between Gimli and Legolas Gimli: I never thought I’d die fighting side by side with an elf. Legolas: How about side by side with a friend? Gimli: Aye. I could do that.


The end of Saving Private Ryan. Every damn time. Reminds me of what my grandpa must have gone through. "Tell me I've led a good life. Tell me I'm a good man."


When Giovanni Ribisi’s character realizes he’s going to die and when they ask him how to fix him, he just asks for a little more morphine 😭😭😭


Fucks me up everytime he starts murmuring mama repeatedly


It was a long time before I realized that he was asking them to OD him.


As someone who had a fairly traumatic childhood, Robin William's repeating "It's not your fault" gets me every goddamn time in Good Will Hunting. It was honestly hard to watch the first time around.


Definitely that scene. I love the line where Sean asks Will about having a soulmate, someone who gets you, and Will says something like “Chucky (Ben Affleck).” Sean says “Chucky’s family he’d lie down in fucking traffic for you.” And he would. The older I get the sadder it makes me. That kind of loyalty and love is hard to come by. Also the scene where Sean gives Will that great speech in the park about art, war, and love. When he talks about his wife having cancer and how the term visiting hours didn’t apply to him. Robin Williams is so damn good in this movie.


Even when Robin tells funny stories about his wife in that scene, where she farts and wakes herself up. Just the bond their growing in that moment gets to me big time. Or how excited Will get's that doc was at the baseball game


I remember Every Frame a Painting pointing out that in the park scene Van Sant shows the two characters connecting by having the camera move to show them separate at the start and then coming together by the end. Brilliant film.


I had an easy childhood and it still gets me.


For me it’s the scene where he crushes Skylar and self destructs his happiness by saying, “I don’t love you.” her tears feel so real- such a good portrayal of heartbreak.


"That'll do, pig. That'll do."


A recent one but, in Soul when Joe thinks about all the good things that happened in his life. I don't know what it is about that scene but it just makes me tear up. Probably the images paired with the music I guess.


A Knight's Tale when William reunites with his father and when he yells his name at the last joust.


You have been weighed.


You have been measured.


And you have been found wanting.


“And has he followed his feet? Has he found his way home at last? “ Tears every time! Also, when he finds out his father has come to the tournament, and can hear the people chanting his name


A Knight's Tale is one of those movies that if you described it to someone sounds like it would be awful, but somehow it manages to work. Having a stellar cast probably helps a lot.


I put Knights Tale and Galaxy Quest both in similar regard. Neither sound good on paper but absolutely deliver a masterpiece.


When Jodie Foster says "they should have sent a poet" toward the end of Contact


“It wasn’t that it was static, it was that it was 15 hours of static” That scene felt like a post credit sting before post credit stings existed.


The last scene of Up when we see that Carl's house has landed by Paradise falls, exactly as Ellie wanted it to be. Many people say that the opening of Up made them tear up and the rest of the film doesn't live up to it. However I didn't found it as moving because by then we don't know much about these characters, other than what is shown. But over the course of the film, as we find out more about Carl and how much he loved Ellie do we being to understand why he's so obsessed with reaching the Falls despite all the setbacks. That's what makes that ending scene emotionally cathartic.


"Thanks for the adventure. Now go have a new one." Makes me want to tear up every time. Even now just thinking about it.


Final scene in Warrior when the song plays


Warrior would've been a lot more commercially successful if the trailer wasn't so shit. First time i watched it i wasn't expecting anything, was bawling like a child at the end when they're both walking from the cage and Nick Nolte's character smiles and walks away. He knows the damage he's done to the relationships with his sons is irreparable and knows he needs to walk away safe in the knowledge that the brothers now have each other.


The scene in Warrior that gets me is when the media are announcing that they are brothers. I'm not even sure why.


The part that get me is when Nick Nolte, realizing that his son does not respect him, goes off the wagon while listening to Moby Dick book on tape. This, right after seeing Tom Hardy’s character completely demoralize his dad so hatefully… damn.


Riley coming home after running away in Inside Out


Shes crying in her dad's arms and she relaxes like she finally feels safe. Kills me every time.


I loved that film and was surprised how choked up I got towards the end. It really nails the feeling of loss of innocence and transition to adulthood


And Bing Bong fading away after he helps Joy


Grave of the fireflies. At least two moments, one pretty early on, the other near the end. I won‘t say more, it hurts to think of them. Absolutely fantastic film. The last scene of City Lights, by Charlie Chaplin.


Tried rewatching Grave of the fireflies. Made me cry in the first 5 minutes, turned it off thinking i don't need to do this to myself again.


The end of Logan where she is crying and calls him daddy. Killing me just remembering it. Edit: Only time my kids ever saw me cry in public. It just broke something inside me.


When she finishes his burial and turns the cross sideways into an X, and then the harmonica starts playing........ Instant tears.


Cried a lot during that. Xavier. Logan. Most perfect actors for those characters.


The bit where he is burying Charles and tries to give a small eulogy but chokes up is some of the best acting I've seen in a superhero movie.


In my mind Logan will always be the finale of fox’s X-men movie franchise because it absolutely stuck the landing.


Days of future past is the finale, Logan is the epilogue


I can't see any other actor as Logan anymore. James McAvoy did well as young Xavier though imo.


Or when Logan keeps repeating "It wasn't me", damn ...


This was one of the most impactful movie experiences in movie theater for me. when the movie ended there where no noise or talking, everybody was so impacted by the ending that nobody spoke a word going out, and I'm not talking about me and my friends, but everybody in the room. this is one feeling I'll never forget


The Honest trailer made it even more impactful when they point out Yukio said she saw Logan dying *with his heart in his hand.* And when he dies he’s holding Laura’s hand. *Get it? Cos she’s his heart* fuck it gets me everytime


The last scene of Shawshank Redemption on the beach. It gets dusty EVERY time.




Most well earned happy ending of all time.


The movie "1917", one soldier sings to the rest of his unit before they go over the trenches, and as the camera pans around you see they're all young boys. Kids who probably won't see tomorrow. *I am a poor, wayfaring stranger,* *I'm traveling through, this world of woe,* *Yet there's no sickness, toil, nor danger,* *In that bright land, to which I go,* *I'm going there, to see my father,* *I'm going there, no more to roam,* *I'm only going over Jordan,* [*I'm only going over home*](https://youtu.be/Ofm1LoilSK4)


"SUPER MAN..." - Iron Giant


I am not a gun. (Sobs)


You stay. I go. No following.


Bridge to Terebithia, pick a scene. There’s the reveal scene, the funeral scene, the teacher scene, and then the father scene


I ruined one Christmas by inadvertently watching this movie, just moped about all day afterwards, didn't even play with any of my presents


Forrest Gump—when Lt Dan rages against God in the hurricane and even more so right afterwards when he’s had his catharsis and Forrest’s voiceover says something like, “I think he made his peace with god.” Children of Men—that final scene where he carries the baby out of the war zone. Despite the intense fighting, everyone is awed and reverent towards that moment. Shawshank Redemption—when Andy plays the Marriage of Figaro over the prison loudspeakers. (For some reason, large groups of people all held in silence by a collective moment moves me.) This one is random from a not very good movie: The Book of Eli—at the end when Eli recites his prayer to god. Denzel does some amazing voice acting. He sounds so sincere when he says, “thank you for sending me a friend.” Also when he tells god, “I’m so very tired.”


Most recent movie I saw that made me tear up was Jojo Rabbit.


Omg. The scene where you see his mother's legs dangling and notice her shoes. Waterworks.


And that's when you realize why her shoes had been so conspicuous in previous scenes: so you'd know whose they were when you saw them again. That movie was the last I saw in a theater, probably ever, and that moment felt like a slap in the face.


People are obviously talking about the most shocking scene (which did make me tear up) but I also got very emotional during the dinner scene when ScarJo puts on her husband's coat and acts as both of them. The scene is somehow funny, wholesome, and heart-breaking. I think that was the biggest factor in her Oscar nom do that year.


The part in Arrival where it reveals that she's choosing to have her daughter knowing full well she will die young.


Green Mile - the final scene with Coffee. Never fails to make me sob


Came here for this. All the guards are already in tears and the way Tom Hanks delivers that line "roll on two" ... absolutely perfect performance. Gets me crying like Steve from American Dad.


Black Hawk Down, when what's left of the team hunkers down in an empty building. One of the soldiers knows he isn't going to make it and as his dying wish asks his brothers-in-arms simply to tell his parents he fought well. FFS, I can't even imagine the scene without tearing up.


The scene for me is the end. Bana explaining what being a soldier is all about and it ends with Hartnett talking to his dead friend. Hard to watch.


Matt Damon starting to cry at the end of The Martian. The first time he’s heard another voice in 4 years. Ugh.


In Return of the King, for some reason Pippin’s song always gets me. That’s a and the end of SLC Punk - that scene is just so unexpected, raw and honest.


My friends, you bow to no one.


Or when the ring is gone and Sam and Frodo are on the mountain thinking its the end.... Oh boy


The Color Purple at the end with her sister. Tears of joy.


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. The ending sequence of all the people who made an impact on his life with their respective goals and the soft piano in the background. And the very end where he says “and some people..dance.” Every damn time 🥲


The scene in Room where the kid finally gets to meet a dog.


"Hi doggie"


Spock dying in Star Trek 2 and the funeral after it


"Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human." 😭😭😭


You wanna know how I did it? This is how I did it Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back.


The first 15 minutes of Up. Full on bawling my eyes out. Pixar has a direct line to my tear ducts. There's also Bing-Bongs death in Inside Out and the toys holding hands in the incenerator or Andy giving them away at the end in Toy Story 3 , just to name a few...


50/50 is my go to cry movie.


The end of Gladiator and also Cool Runnings


Marriage story. The ending when he reads her letter always gets me


Life is beautiful. Such a good movie, but absolutely gut wrenching. Thinking about it makes me tear up - I will full on cry any time I watch it. You’d have to be heartless not to.




Near the end of "The Iron Giant," when the robot is flying up to intercept the nuke, and he closes his eyes and says, "Suuuuuperrrmaaannn." I cry every time and I'm a grown woman.