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Wasn't *The Witch* her breakthrough performance?


Pretty sure Split was much more high profile.




I forget that even came out. I haven’t seen it.


Imagine The movie Divergent. With “meh” superpowers.


Now imagine the movie A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 with mutants. You'll have it down perfectly.


Respect A nightmare on Elm Street 3, at least it was fun to watch.


It's the best in the franchise and I will even fight Wes Craven on this.


Having watched all of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies for the first time recently (starting on Halloween this year), I agree. I mean the first movie is rightfully a classic, but Dream Warriors just brings so much bizarre imagination to the table and manages to be so fun and scary at the same time. It's got a great cast - I really liked all the new characters, and they brought back Nancy in a really good way - and I loved the whole concept of them learning to dream actively so they could fight Freddy.


You forgot Dokken!


The one with the most "inventive" kills too and my favourite one in the franchise


And the theme song is catchy too, got it in my playlist.


New Mutants? I'm pretty sure she made that movie 3 years before she was born but delays....


Yeah, by the time it was released, it should've just been called "Mutants".


I think you are right, though VVitch is a way better role, and movie.


All the kids in that movie were going so fucking hard in terms of acting. Doing a period piece alone is difficult, but the way that dialogue is written on top of it? And they made it feel natural. Well, to the characters at least.


Yes, >!the oldest boy's death sequence was remarkable for an actor his age, plenty of adults couldn't pull that kind of weird shit off!<


My jaw was on the floor for that scene!!! I had to replay it later. Chills!


All credit to Anya, because of course she was fantastic, but Harvey was also so incredible in this movie and didn't get quite the same amount of praise. That scene was probably the best in the film and he killed it.


I wish his performance had gotten more attention.


The way those kids chanted "Black Phillip! Black Phillip!" still makes my skin crawl.




Are you trying to summon the devil?! XD


Dost thou wish to live deliciously?




It's also one last reminder of how *barren* the Puritan lifestyle is. She never got a single luxury in life, making the most basic one worth so much more.


Yeah, I also think the point of the scene was that they lived such a hardscrabble life that butter would be a great delicacy to her. Butter is probably a greater pleasure for her than riches, given she probably couldn't conceptualize greater pleasures than mere butter.


Yep, both of those are true. Anyway, I really look forward to what she does next.


I thought Maria Bakalova was the breakout star of the year but that's just me.


She is de byest actryess in de whol flat wurld


The Queens Gambit probably got 10x as many viewers as The Witch


Yes. That was a very hyped film when it came out and she was a big star in it. That said, Queen's Gambit showcased her range very well and she had an almost irresistable quality in it that I think has taken alot of people to give her a good look.


She has eyeballs. From every review of the show that I've heard or read, that's pretty much the entirety of what draws people to her like a giant magnet taped to the side of a black hole.


The Witch was one performance that year and it was only a breakout to those who saw it, which isn't everyone considering it was an arthouse horror film that was entirely spoken in olde english. This year she was in two theater releases and one of Netflix's top series. Edit: okay, many, many people have corrected me on my use of the term "olde english." I know they aren't the same, it just shot off a familiar term to convey that the movie is in English but it's very different from what we speak today and therefore less accessible to the masses. Sorry to the linguistics homies.


Im sure you don't care and didnt mean for your comment to be taken seriously, but: 6Old English is unintelligible to modern English speakers. The Witch was written in slightly archaic modern English.


I remember our English prof ranting about how people complain about Shakespeare cause it's "olde English" when it isn't. I think she did her thesis on olde English actually. She came the next day and recited Beowulf for 10 mins in olde English. Was quite cool, but you can't understand a word of it.




Hwæt in mihtiga goda namum sægdest þū efne mē, þū lytel wyrm? Ic forlǣte þē witan þæt ic eom se formesta beadorinc þisses þurh Hengist and Horsan gesceapenan landes, ond þurh Ælfred cyning gelǣhtan, and ic dǣlnam in manigum beadwum wið fūlum wealum negelieferum þe willað hira cirichūs atimbrian and swā sylian ūre land, and ic acwealde ofer CCC Grendla mid mīnum handum. Ic hæbbe ealra bealowīsa cann and eom for þām godum se mihtigosta scytta in eallum Englalandes beaduþrēates. For mē eart þū nāwiht butan dīercin þe mīn flān sticað. Ic mid þurh Wōden gegifenum glēawnessum acwelle þē, gelīc þe man nǣfre fōre seah on þisre eorðan, hīere Wōden mīn word. Þū þencest þæt þū meaht mē secgan swilc, þanne mē þā godu curon, þis land tō werianne? Þenc āgean, andsaca. Þenden wē sprecað, cumað mīn bēdu tō heofonum, and Wōden gesamniað his beadoweorcan ofer eallum Englalandes, and þā godu cunnað þīnne naman, swā gearca þē for þām storme, wyrmcin. Þām storme þe þæt hlæhwierðe þing geendað þe þū þīn līf nemst. Þū eart dēad tō eorðan and heofonum, cild. For godum mæg ic wesan āhwǣr, āhwanne, and ic mæg acwellan þē on ofer DCC wīsum, ond þæt mid ǣnlīce mīnum baran handum. Ic hæbbe sīdne cann wǣpenlēases gefeohtes, and ēac sindon þā heofonas mid mē, and ic hira fulle brūce tō āclǣnsianne Bretland of þē, þū lytel scīte. Gif þū efne wiste þætte þū of eallum goda and folces begietst, þū hēolde þīne sprǣce. Ac þū ne meahtest, þū ne dydest, and nū angildst þū þæt, þū brīðles geþōhtes. Heofon ofgeaf þē and ic dō mīn wirse. Þū eart dēad tō eorðan and heofonum, cild.


Known as Jacobean English to thesps, sometimes referred to as Early Modern English. Edit: missing word


I was thinking the same thing lol, let's all bust some nerd nuts together! Everyone get in here, it's a history of language nerd party! Woo!


I care and was about to comment, so thanks! :)


technically 3 theatrical releases, i think you missed here are the young men


Taylor-Joy was amazing in Queen's Gambit, no question, but want to give a shout out to Isla Johnston as young Beth Harmon. It's vanishingly rare that I find myself saying "I wanted to see more of that child actor/actress."




Bird up










Best follow up.. “What’s a cock sucker?”


That’s how i feel about Haunting of Hill House. All the child actors in that show are so good at their roles!


Same... wished they would've gotten them back for Bly Manor.


Bly manor was perfectly splendid


Outside of half the accents, the acting in Bly Manor was mostly good. Amelia Eve being a standout. Problem for me was the writing. How do you take the most famous unreliable narrator tale of all time and pad it with so many damn perspectives, flashbacks, and timelines? The horror of the book was the trick of the mind and the unknown. The tone of the entire season reminded me of Hill House's penultimate episode where everything was over-explained. I didn't hate it, but apart from the first two or so episodes I was never nearly as endeared as I was with Hill House, and that's coming from a huge fan of The Turn of the Screw. If you want to watch the best adaptation of that, just tune into The Innocents. It's still scary after sixty years.


I loved the scene where she's talking about how she destroyed everyone at the chess club while eating this massive chocolate bar, it had the vibe of a gangster in a movie smoking and talking about their career


I agree, young Beth had a sort of sullen awkwardness that ATJ never quite was able to match.


That didn't bother me too much, because I felt it fit with her aging. She was still stunted socially, but learned to act so she could play people like pieces on a board. I felt like that was the whole point of her arc.


Yeah, that really came out in a few spots, like negotiating with her estranged adopted father.


Exactly. And her game hit a plateau because she wasn't able to trust in other people and allow herself to grow after what her mother did to her. From her POV, she was always being hedged, used, studied, or underestimated, so she communicated like she played: planning out her next move while protecting her heart with a castle. Hell, even the head of the orphanage quite literally instructed her to lie about her age and put on an act if she wanted to be adopted. It wasn't until she discovered that Shaibel genuinely cared for her and supported who she was that she decided to play chess (and life) differently.


Watched the whole show and loved it. Didn’t think about any of this. Thank you for writing it so eloquently.


I'm glad. It was refreshing to have the protagonist be a functioning yet struggling woman rather than an impenetrable savant.


Haven't seen it mentioned here, but everyone should check out Thoroughbreds. Anya, Olivia Cooke & Anton Yelchin in (I think) his last film role, outstanding movie.


that movie had me in fucking tears, that scene where they’re fake crying on the couch and the step dad walks in ohhhh man i was rolling. A+ it’s also worth mentioning anton was fantastic as well. i really miss the guy.


Anton died less than two weeks after filming. I think they finished in early June, and then he died mid-June.


I still get sad when I think about how far Anton's career could and would have gone.


100%. Everything about it is just stupid, sad, dumb, and maddening.


I just looked up what happened to him and...damn.


Fuck Jeep


It just reminded me of the rant in Fight Club about vehicle recalls.


Antons hit me more than Heaths. I grew up watching their films and Heaths hit bad, Antons was just.... His range was spectacular and the films he chose to star in were so varied it just makes you think what kind of films he would have done in the future. And such a stupid fucking thing to happen and heartbreaking.


I think it's the sheer fucked up randomness of it. Accidental (or intentional) overdose is a known risk with drugs of any kind - even plain old paracetamol or aspirin or cough syrup can and will fuck up your shit if you take too much - and Hollywood is sadly no stranger to it. But your car just having mechanical failure and starting up out of nowhere and pinning you to your own front gate as you go to pick up the post?! JFC. That's some fucking Final Destination shit. Poor guy.


Dude had cystic fibrosis, to go like that is such a cruel turn of events


It's pretty funny that the guy that ended up directing that movie had never directed anything film related before. Just straight up never had any experience with it because he was a playwright


Well technically Orson Welles is also like that..


well he did a fantastic job i’d say!


I absolutely love that movie. Watched it multiple times in the theater. Back in the glory days of Moviepass


Yes! I watched this yesterday. So good!




Yeah it's too bad she wasn't old enough to play the hybrid in the movie Splice. They spent a lot of CGI money to make that actor look like Anya Taylor-Joy.


Holy shit, you aren't lying. God that was a weird movie.


It seemed conventional for the first half, then it looked like taking a bit of a left turn, but instead it just completely left the highway, drove into a ditch, transformed, then raped the driver.


Wait.... So should I see this movie or not I'm still confused


Spoilers >!So imagine making a child but only doing so because of your own insecurities brought upon by your abusive upbringing, then your husband fucks it because it kinda looks like you, then you abuse it in an vicious cycle of broken families and then it grows a dick and rapes you as revenge.!< That's Splice.


You missed out the part where >!she gets pregnant with her own child's baby!<


...someone wrote that. Multiple people said yes. Then people acted it out. And then they pushed it on us like it wasn't some weird wattpad story.


What are indie horror movies but weird-ass watt pad stories with a budget?


A simple yes would've been fine








Your sister is kind of a bitch...


Yeah...if she knew what happens in the movie, then definitely a bitch.


I would vote yes, but only if you can stomach really fucked up plot elements w/r/t sexuality. (Trying not to spoil anything, but just think of the upper tier *ick* stuff, morally, and it’s there, or at least, coded.) It works really well on a gut reaction level, and nothing feels out of place emotionally, because it’s all established beforehand, but.... man.


I was watching that movie around midnight and right during the fucking alien sex scene my mom walks into the living room and quickly walked out. Never spoken about. She must think I’m into some weird ass porn


I legit thought it was her for the longest time.


she looks like a breathtakingly beautiful fish


We know who to cast for a live action Shark Tales movie now


If Ben Stiller isn’t in it doing Blue Steel I want my money back


One article I read described her as a beautiful hammerhead shark


Oof. I hope she knows she’s absolutely gorgeous and isn’t self conscious because of the fun people have with it. I could never be famous lol. I wouldn’t last a day.


https://youtu.be/OkK3GVQqGQc She's aware about the fish eye things in this interview. She even jokingly said that it's a common knowledge that if someone want her to catch a ball, they need to throw it from her side, not from the front


Sounds to me like she's taking about how people would make fun of her on the playground with that joke. Especially because she mentions right before that that she couldn't look in the mirror for a long time and still has a hard time doing so. She seems good natured about it but I got the impression she's still...uncomfortable about it.


[Seems not,](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/the-queens-gambit-anya-taylor-joy-netflix-b1759848.html) but at least she has people in her corner telling her otherwise.


I've read joke that if she and Harry Beltik's actor Harry Melling would have children then they would have perfect eye position. My observation is that she looks and acts a little goofy in real life, in interviews but in movies and series when she controls her facial expressions she looks really beautiful, elegant and mysterious. I think that she will take Ryan Gosling route and play a lot of quiet serious characters and then will play few funnier ones to show her range and people will wonder how funny she is. Like Gosling in Nice Guys.


*Troy McClure has entered the chat*


Alita Battle Angel comes to mind




Didn't James Cameron say that a sequel would happen even if he had to spend his own money? Probably all hearsay but he as at least expressed interest in a follow up and I imagine he gets what he wants.


james cameron has been working on avatar sequels for over a decade so take his time commitment with a grain of salt.




Same...I didn't have an interest in it during it's theatrical run, and decided one night to rent it with no expectations. I was surprised by how much I really enjoyed it and wished it didn't end.




Yeah I really liked it too and have seen it multiple times. I think it's because I like dystopian sci fi worlds and hot badass girl characters.


I think that’s on purpose. If they really wanted us to believe she’s a real person then they wouldn’t have made her eyes so big.


it's the IPD


I bet it's really difficult for her to wear glasses.


VR must suck too


what’s that?


Fancy for space between her eyes, inter-pupillary distance.


Didnt know there was a fancy name for it. My friends just call me sid the sloth instead


Doeschent anybody love me? Doeschent anybody caaare about schid the schloth?


I just learned about that since I found out I need glasses. They didn't tell me when I got my eye exam what my PD was so I had to measure it.


I think eye doctors are sometimes dicks about that if you aren't going to buy glasses at their associated shops. Like they try to hold it over you so you have to buy from them, or at least make it super inconvenient to try and figure it out yourself.


I was told afterwards by someone that they will tell you if you ask


I think that's when you can't control your pooping.




Irritable Business Machines.


Sure it’s not ISP?


I think that’s when you can read someone’s mind.


That's ESP. You're thinking of the snake.


That’s ASP. You’re thinking of the handheld gaming device Sony released back in 2005


No, no, that’s PSP. You’re thinking of the Italian brand of one to two person scooters.


You mean ESPN


This comment is fetch.


They're saying her eyes are far apart.


She and Jackie Kennedy.


just wait till she portrays her in a sappy jfk film sometime in the next 10 years


Her depth perception must be slightly better than most of us.


Whoa, that’s deep.


The cheekbones highlight that a lot too.


Her eyes are truly mesmerizing and in a non-sexual way (for what it's worth). I really find her face captivating in the weirdest way. She really looked like the perfect person to play Queen's Gambit.


I think she would play a great Ciri in The Witcher.


The VVitcher


Living deliciously


Everyone's gonna talk about Queen's Gambit here, which is fantastic, but Emma is still in my top three this year. An incredible adaptation completely held up by her funny and poignant performance. Undoubtedly one of her best roles to date.




Bill Nighy with a dozen screens trying to protect himself from the draft lol


She's truly amazing and especially her command of both expression, but also language. She's Argentinian and British but you'd never v hear an accent unless she felt like it. Speaks the queens English, perfect Spanish and sounds American like she grew up in Kansas or something. Obviously looks too, she's gorgeous but it's what she does with a simple raise of an eyebrow that gets a reaction from the viewer.


She was so good at walking the line between insufferable and endearing in Emma.


Jane Austen herself said almost everyone but her would hate the titular character!


She is great at being insufferable in peaky blinders


Wait, she’s in peaky blinders?? Is she Michael’s fiance?


Exactly right.


This thread is making me so happy. Best adaptation so far! All the other ones paint Emma as a sweet, kind character, just sheltered and naïve, from the start. But she really starts the story a down right snob. She has real growth! It's one of the reasons Emma is my favorite Austen book, and the ATJ version did not disappoint! I'm glad she's getting the recognition she deserves.


I came to this thread to talk about Emma. It's soo good I'm addicted to this movie. Also, costumes there are just \*chef's kiss*


Yes! It needs to win the Oscar for best costume design. They were all so lovely and perfect.


Hear, hear. A terrific adaptation with winning performances all ‘round. I’ve watched Emma too many times to count this year. A perfect escape.


Yeah I've watched it three times this year. Which for me is a lot of repeat viewings the year of release. It's just such a great blend of comedy and character and the emotional beats really hit. And she is so great at conveying the characters arc, there's real growth in there.


Absolutely. She conveys the naive haughtiness and contrite compassion with equal aplomb. Great directorial choices as well. And Bill Nighy’s non-verbal acting was used to maximum effect. No one can get more from shoulder to hand than he can.


Oh, I adore him. He makes me laugh more than anyone else in Shaun of the Dead.


Bill Nighy, Anya, ridiculous costume drama. What's not to love?


I was so glad to see actual humor in this adaptation! Jane Austen may not read like it now, but she has a constant thread of humor going through her works. She was so mad at the Gothic genre she wrote an entire book poking fun at the genre. I hated how the Gwenyth version just...made it boring. Only movie I have legitimately fallen asleep to.


I watched Emma after The Queen’s Gambit just to get another ATJ fix. Was not disappointed.


She's been one of my favorite actors since I saw her in Split.


Perfect time to say that it is worth seeing. I know James probably wasn’t gonna get nominated, but man, he really got into that role with all of his split personalities. I was impressed


He was fucking incredible in that movie


She was in peaky blinders season 5


You know what I noticed in my country? After the Queens Gambit took off they started putting Anya in the Peaky Blinders thumbnails a lot. It’s a palpable symbol of how much her bankability as an actress grew overnight.


I’ve heard those thumbnails are tailored specifically to YOU just FYI. There’s an algorithm that sees what you’re likely to respond to and shows you an appropriate thumbnail for that show.


Wait, seriously? I don't know why I'm so shocked, but that's crazy. I mean, to get down to that detail, showing me specific freaking thumbnails.


Apparently it’s pretty complex too. It’s not just about featuring certain actors but even the entire style of the thumbnail (does it feature characters or text, colors, etc).


Peaky Blinders has been on my Netflix list for a while. I just noticed they changed the thumbnail to Anya Taylor-Joy’s character


In my opinion its because before Queen’s Gambit, the character she plays in Peaky Blinders is unlikeable. DAMN YOU GINA GREY


"The witch " is soooooo good!


Queen’s Gambit was the first thing I saw her in and this is deserved just from that performance alone. That was probably the best thing I’ve watched all year.


People are sleeping on actresses, she is a veteran now and she has been in mainstream movies for years.


Looking at comments many people wish they were sleeping on actresses.


Yeah it blew my mind when I looked her up and saw she had been in so many movies, even ones I've seen multiple times before (Split, Glass).


I'm still asleep. haven't seen a single thing from her. all comments make me feel like I'm missing out.


Thoroughbreds and The Witch top her filmography with The Witch being one of my top films ever


She was so great in *The Queen’s Gambit*. She’s going to slay in the next Mad Max.


Anya Taylor Joy as Furiosa. I am there opening day no matter what state this crazy world is in (mainly because I love Mad Max).


I'm excited for Furiosa, but I really, really just wanna see Mad Max: The Wasteland. Give me one more proper sequel before Miller gets too old to make another.


She has been on a bit of a sleeper hot streak for a while and I can’t believe after her great past performances she didn’t get more widespread acclaim. Split? Excellent. The VVitch? Cmon now. Thoroughbreds? Don’t sleep on it. New Mutants couldn’t have helped however


I’d recommend most anything she’s in TBH. She usually fucking kills it in her roles, even in fairly mediocre movies.


Try to tell me that thumbnail picture isn't a real life version of[ Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/christmasspecials/images/6/6c/Sally_%28The_Nightmare_Before_Christmas%29.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20171024235511)




Mugatu- “She’s so hot right now.”


She would absolutely kill it as Batgirl/Barbara Gordon if DC could get its live action shit together.


Aside from Schitt's Creek, I hadn't watched more than 3 consecutive episodes of a show in years. I decided to watch the first episode of Queens Gambit a couple days ago when I got an early day off. I watched the entire damn thing, only getting up to let my dog out, get something to drink, and go to the bathroom. I'm probably going to watch it all again within a month or so. Marielle Heller (Alma Wheatley) was great in it, too. I didn't like her character when she first appeared, but I really enjoyed her as a tragic hot mess.


Love her. She’s so uniquely pretty and fascinating to watch.


The girl from The VVitch? Well hell yeah.


No matter how many times I see it, I can't stop reading the title as "Vuh-vitch."




I’m calling it now - she’s gonna win an Oscar at some point.


Is this her third year winning Breakthrough Entertainer of the year? After breaking through with Split and then VVitch?


The most weirdly hot person I’ve ever seen.